We're in day three of several inches of rain. Our rain gauge registered 5.5 inches as of last night, and that's only one day of measuring! Wow! It's rained off and on today too, but I haven't checked the gauge yet to see how much we've received. When I drove out to get the Sunday paper this morning the two miles of dirt road to the paved road is almost completely destroyed. I wish that worthless County Commissioner would get on the stick and have our road paved! I still think there's something fishy going on with the way our county is being run.
Here's Sammy hiding behind my recliner during one of the rain onslaughts. He shakes like a leaf and hides. I still can't figure out why he hates rain so much. The other two do just fine. Maxie looks at Sammy like she's thinking "What's your problem silly? Mommy's right here. Relax." He's getting over a mild eye infection. Good thing I had the medicine right here. I didn't have to go out and get that in this wet mess.

This is a view from my office window during one of the many torrents that day. That's my dog Maxie in the shadows. Thankfully, there's been very little wind. We only lost power once for about 45 minutes. The lights flickered real bad once, but they stayed on. Ever since the Satilla REMC had Asplunda tree service cut down and back all those trees near powerlines, we very seldom do without power. Good work guys! We sure appreciate ya! :o) My Dad did that kind of work. He retired with 33 years of faithful service with Florida Power & Light in Titusville, FL. He was called out in many a bad storm.

This pic is taken from our master bedroom out into the bad yard. That's about has hard as the rain got. We live on a small sand ridge, so, rain just perculates down into the soil really fast. Our yard seldom floods, and when it does it runs off really quickly. One thing for sure, we sure have some happy plants! I'll bet if they could they'd be jumping up and down that this drought is over. We lost so many trees and plants because of the adverse dry conditions. It lasted for about 7 or 8 years in our area. Enough is enough! Thank you God for the rain.
We're just sitting around today, having coffee, listening to rock music on XM radio, watching Independance Day and planning more mini-vacations. Cranked the bikes for awhile to keep the on-board computers all energized. I wish we could ride. [sigh] Nothing else to do.
Oh, and Steve is still getting better: he's fussy as ever. [lol]
TTFN ~ Sparky ♥ ∞