Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Just Briefly: Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season

Howdy y'all! 

Hurricane / Tropical Storm Debby is still upon us as I pen these words. Her 'skirt' (the backside of the storm) is still dumping on us right now. Our rain gauge registers 7 inches at this moment with more comin' down. It hasn't stopped. Pierce, which is our county here in Georgia, is totally flooded. So is Ware, Brantley, Appling and all the other surrounding counties. The roads, dirt and paved, are slowly collapsing or are a soupy, slippery mess. There are wrecks being reported all over. For safety reasons we've had to cancel the Ministry at the Rehab tomorrow, plus all the other appointments we were to keep. I am so grateful we never lost power, are safe and dry, no trees have fallen, and have lots of groceries on hand. Giving God the glory. Thank you everyone for asking and praying. Sending prayers for everyone else especially up in Savannah and beyond. They're catching it today and it's lower there since they are on the ocean. 

We're good. I know God is in control and it will all go according to His perfect plan.

Y'all be safe. I'll be visiting blogs as I can and will be on FaceBook when it's working. 🤪

 💙🙏 💙🙏 💙

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Good morning friends!

Today is starting out blustery and overcast. Southeast Georgia is bracing for a big cold front that's expected to pass through possibly by mid-day. Right now it's giving Alabama what-for. There's been such a brouhaha about the storm that the local Governments shut down all the Schools. Usually these things play out before they reach the Georgia coast. I'm getting tired of all the fuss over weather. It seems like every time the wind blows or it rains or some natural occurring weather event is anticipated, the news tries to ensue wide spread panic. Cheese and crackers people what a big fuss over something we have no control over. Good grief. Well, whatever happens, praying for a hedge of protection around all of us. At least our property is fairly well sheltered. When we were first clearing the acreage in 1993 I had them leave a majority of mature trees. I did it mostly for protection from sun but also from wind. The heavily forested areas encourage wildlife and offer us much welcome shade in the sweltering Summer heat. The temperatures do get brutal here from about July to mid-September. 

My heart is breaking today about losing another friend. Yesterday I learned that I lost a dear internet friend of almost 25 years last Thanksgiving and didn't even know it. I wondered why she hadn't wished me Merry Christmas nor Happy New Year. Like usual, I lost track of the time. Jan and I have been "pen pals" since the early days of internet in the late 90s. Even though we never met face-to-face we were still good friends. Jan was really sweet, intelligent, funny gal (note the T-shirt ... what a hoot!) who loved the Lord. Jan originally hailed from Texas. She was a true Southern Lady in every respect. Thanks to her kindness I learned a lot about website design back when all this computer stuff was still new. I felt so muddled all the time with the strange language these things spawned. 

When we first met Jan lived in Washington State. Sadly, her husband of many years became very ill and passed away in 2010. The winters and other factors became too much for her so she and her family sold everything and moved to a resort town in Barra de Navidad, Mexico. They lived on a sailboat! How exciting, right?! She's so brave. I could never do that as I get really sea sick. I'm a poor sailor. Give me flat, stable land anytime! 

I'll miss our on-line chats about web design, our faith, family and life in general. Jan was so much more clever about these things than I am. At least I know one day soon we'll all be rejoicing at the feet of Jesus together forever and will never have to say Goodbye again. ❤ 

Oh, Glorious Day.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Weather Update: SNOW!

It's snowing in Southeast Georgia! No photos as they're only flurries but it's definitely the white stuff.

Thank goodness we don't have to go out or do anything outside today.

I'm messing about on the computer, hunting for more family genealogy information, and in between, working on the inevitable taxes that come due in April.

I hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Day

We've had a lot of this ...

Which made a lot of these ...

It's possible that at least one of these mushrooms are in the Armillaria mellea family but don't hold me to it. *grin*

Even though I do appreciate the rain, after three days of it, I think it's time for a little sunshine and cooler temp's. It's been too warm even for Southeast Georgia.

My medical appointment to discuss the hormone issues is tomorrow afternoon. I'll be sure to let you know what the Physician Assistant thinks about my ideas on this subject. Hopefully she is well versed in this field and together we can come up with a clear plan to get my health in ship shape order. I'm anxious to get back in the saddle again.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rain Is Approaching

Rain is approaching! Hurray! We need it so desperately.

I can't believe it's November already. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holiday's. It's centered around family and friends. No cards, gifts or any of the other commercial trappings.

No Sunday lesson today. Still not feeling 100%. Not ill just unsettled. But, we're happy and well otherwise. Sitting here watching Downton Abbey reruns and sipping hot tea. Everything is lovely. Hope your day is too.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Do Do Do, Lookin' Out My Back Door #sunset

Our sunset this evening.

The photo doesn't really do it justice. It was quite stunning.

Today was especially lovely for a February.

It graced us with cool, gentle breezes,
bright sunshine and soft puffy clouds.

I made it a day of outside work.

Have a happy weekend folks.

And ...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

For My Friends Up North #PolarVortex

I hear there's more polar blast predicted for the Northeast.

 [hee hee hee]

But, seriously, stay safe up there folks.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Did You Snow?

“Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the Lord. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." [Isaiah 1:18] KJV

I’ve been sitting here in my toasty warm southern abode, smelling the scrumptious aromas wafting from the kitchen. What's in the pot? We're cooking a revised version of Mrs. Garcia’s Black Bean Soup. It's simmering on the stove for our evening repast (served with crispy Italian Bread, of course). I‘ve been wondering how my bloggy friends are holding out further north with that scary snow storm pounding the Northeast like a fist. Our area has warmed slightly and it’s dried out. No hope of snow here, I should think.

Being a "deep south" girl, snow is an almost magical phenomena to me. I didn’t grow up with it nor have I ever really experienced real snowfall. I have been in what is commonly called “a flurry“. Big woof, right? [lol] Reader’s Digest Special Humor Issue this month has an article about snow called The White Stuff.

Here are a couple of snow facts from the article:
Q: Do you know why we see snow as white?

A: It is all to do with how the sides of the snowflakes reflect light. All the colors in the spectrum scatter out from the snow in roughly equal proportions, which we perceive as whiteness. Very deep snow can appear blue.

Q: Is it true that no two snowflakes are alike?

A: Yes. Every snowflake has a basic six-sided structure, but because of its spiraling descent it sculpts each in a unique way. Air temperature and moisture make the difference.
Then there’s snowflakes and snow crystals. And on and on. There’s more such interesting facts on snow available on the internet.

I'll be so thankful when we can ride again but I know up North that's not a possibly for many more weeks. The weather is simply not cooperating. Or, is that an understatement? [smile] And I just wanted to say I am praying for everyone to stay warm and safe this weekend.

~ Ride Safe ~

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Weather Or Not Winter Is Here

First the temperatures dropped. Then since early New Year's Eve, it has rained, and rained, and rained. Usually, I like the rain, but, golly, I'm ready for it to be gone!

This was at mid-day. I am so tired of the gloomy skies!

This was "taken" a few moments ago. Can you see how we are socked in with clouds? I know, it's nothing compared to the brutal weather y'all are having up north. Believe me, I do feel for ya.

It's suppose to be snowing not far from us in South Carolina, so, we might get light flurries ourselves. That would be cool. Been watching Fox News and reading everyone's blogs and I see that snow is expected at record heights in Yankeeland with record cold temperatures. And it's expected to intensify through tomorrow.

I say let's start taking up a fund to go here ...

... wouldn't that be a welcome change?! *smile*

Y'all stay safe up there in Snow Country. I'm praying for you all.

~ Ride Safe ~

Sunday, March 24, 2013

And The Rain Came Tumbling Down

It started raining late last night and didn't let up until midday. It's rained so much I keep humming the kids song "... and the rain came a'tumblin' down." Our area has been suffering from a miniature drought since about 1993. Even though it's a lot at one time and now the dirt roads are messy, the rain is very welcome. Maybe we can ride in a day or two ... or three.

The rain gauge is not exactly accurate. I estimate we actually received a little over 5 inches.


I gotta go check all the ditches too. We have needed more rain so badly!

I hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday too.

"and the rain came down, and the streams came, and the winds blew and fell upon that house, and it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock."  [Matthew 7:25]

"then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil." [Deuteronomy 11:14]

Monday, February 25, 2013

Rainy Night In Georgia

The Southeast has been [clearing throat] enjoying a great deal of rain since yesterday. We have had so much rain ... I know "How much rain have you had?!" Well that guy down the road is building a boat. Silly man. We've had so much rain, that even the bugs are complaining and want to come inside.

Ewww! [ha ha]

I'd much rather be riding! But since weather does not permit such frivolity, Sweetie and I are staying inside, cleaning the humble abode, and watching Fox News as the Republicans slowly cave to our newly appointed self-professed monarchy with his phony The World Is Coming To An End sequester mess. It's not enough cuts in my never-to-be-humble opinion. I say let all the Federal programs take cuts including the military. We are giving them way too much funding if we can afford to invade any country that we care to vilify at the moment. If we would bring them all home, including from Europe, the Philippians and Japan, look how much more money we'd have, how much lower our taxes would be and how much safer our borders would be. But nooooooo! That makes too much sense. So, onward we go towards financial destruction, real or imagined. [fingers in ears and humming]

Anyway, we are cleaning our own dirty stables. I try to clean the house well enough so that if Better Homes Than Yours shows up, it's an instant photo shoot.

What are all my bloggy friends up to today?

Friday, November 16, 2012

More Obamacare Victims Bite The Dust

The photo was taken at mid-day! Yuck. My goodness what a gloomy week this has been! I know it's Fall and all, but when that cold front rolled in the sun just disappeared. It's been four days now since we've seen it's smiling face. I do enjoy seasonal weather but wish I could see a blue sky for a bit.

And to add to the gloom, I learn that Hostess is going out of business because of Obamacare. Also Denny's is cutting staff and adding a 5% surcharge for the customers to pay for the "free" healthcare. And on and on and on ... The Atlas Shrugs have begun. Think the Obama zombies will notice? Probably not. Not until they run out of power for their iPods or whatever and have to actually pay attention.

The good news just keeps coming, doesn't it.

We're hiding inside, drinking hot tea and eating pumpkin pie. Very soothing. Right now we're watching the film Brazil (1985). It's almost prophetic in what the future looks like but I don't recommend it for gloomy days.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

All laughing aside, we're sending all our thoughts and prayersto the folks dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Hope y'all recover quickly and can ride again soon.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Heat Wave

It's hot, hot, hot! It's days like this that I wonder how I survived Florida before air conditioning. I honestly think AC is the best invention ever. Bar none.

How are we dealing with the heat? Inside with the window shades drawn, frozen adult drinks in our hands, the AC set as low as possible without it running continuously and the ceiling fans going.

Oh yeah, we're cool baby!

We need one of those Penguins on the door that say "It's Kool Inside". When I was a young'in, these where on most of our local grocery store front doors. I remember the worst part of it was leaving the store in our un-air conditioned car and schlepping through our un-air conditioned house. I sure don't miss that.

Is it hot where you are? How are you handling the heatwave?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh Hail

Our countryside had some pretty good size hail last night! The noise woke me up at 1:35 AM and continued on for a good ten minutes or so. It sure made a mess. The wild birds seemed to fair well also. I haven't found any little remains around the yard so far. Thank goodness.

Hubby and I recently repainted and fixed up our old wooden back decks. I bought inexpensive yellow chairs from Lowe's, repainted the table yellow and white, and hung new windchimes. It feels like our own personal Paradise! So we have been enjoying our "new" back decks in the evenings. It's pleasant turning off the news for awhile. My thoughtful sister-in-law gave me the fancy wine glass for my birthday this weekend. I think it makes the wine taste better. At least, the pretty glass makes me look better ... or maybe that's just the wine. *giggle*

I hope everyone is having a happy week.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We're Having A Heatwave, A Tropical Heatwave

It is sooooo hot ... I know "how hot is it?"

Well, it is so hot, I'll bet I could fry an egg on the sidewalk! During daylight hours the heat index has been hovering right about 116 degrees.

Day, after day, after day, after day, after frickin' day ... [lol]


So, how about some humor, to, eh, lighten the situation.

What is the Mexican weather report?
Chili today and hot tamale.

If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?

Jack was living in Arizona during a heat wave. As he got out of the shower he said to his wife: "It's just too hot to wear clothes today honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"

"Probably that I married you for your money."

Ok, ok, I won't make you suffer with any more lame jokes. Have a great day y'all and try to stay cool. Happy summer soltice. :o)

I just know that after receiving our electric bill, I'm gonna look like that too ...[groan]

Friday, September 5, 2008

Trash Day Country Style And Another Tropical Storm

Country Style Litter PickupIt was so beautiful this morning in SE Georgia. The temperature is about 68 degrees, with a light breeze ... could be the approaching TS Hannah? It's off the Orlando, FL coast right now, heading Nawth. Anyway, I try to make it a point to pickup the litter that our neighbors leave by the roadside at least once a month. (I know who you people are, 'k, and we are not amused.) If I don't, it starts to build up and look really bad. I don't understand this lack of enjoyment for nature but they are trailer trash and have no appreciation for beauty. The fall wildflowers are just starting to bloom and they look so lovely. There should be more wild flowers in the coming weeks. Steve was able to ride with me on my one mile sojourn this time (I take the golf cart because the bags get so heavy). He is doing so much better since his shoulder surgery. He even walked for a little ways without hurting his knee. Good show my love!

Wild Daisies
Our little hummingbird friends are starting to leave for the season. It's always so sad when they go. I know they have to winter over in South American though. It gets too cold here for the little guys. We call them Flying Jewels. It's such fun to sit on the front porch with our beer and listen to them twitter and fuss around the feeders. They raised up quite a brood this year. I'll bet we had at least 30 birds, maybe more. Well, I will leave all three feeders up until October for any stragglers heading south. Fly safe little guys.
Tropical Storm Hannah

Looks like the North Carolina coastline will be getting all the fun this time. :o) Wonder where Ike and Josephine will end up?! There'll be more to post later about the storms it appears .....
♥ ∞

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay "Aftermath"

We're in day three of several inches of rain. Our rain gauge registered 5.5 inches as of last night, and that's only one day of measuring! Wow! It's rained off and on today too, but I haven't checked the gauge yet to see how much we've received. When I drove out to get the Sunday paper this morning the two miles of dirt road to the paved road is almost completely destroyed. I wish that worthless County Commissioner would get on the stick and have our road paved! I still think there's something fishy going on with the way our county is being run.

Here's Sammy hiding behind my recliner during one of the rain onslaughts. He shakes like a leaf and hides. I still can't figure out why he hates rain so much. The other two do just fine. Maxie looks at Sammy like she's thinking "What's your problem silly? Mommy's right here. Relax." He's getting over a mild eye infection. Good thing I had the medicine right here. I didn't have to go out and get that in this wet mess.

This is a view from my office window during one of the many torrents that day. That's my dog Maxie in the shadows. Thankfully, there's been very little wind. We only lost power once for about 45 minutes. The lights flickered real bad once, but they stayed on. Ever since the Satilla REMC had Asplunda tree service cut down and back all those trees near powerlines, we very seldom do without power. Good work guys! We sure appreciate ya! :o) My Dad did that kind of work. He retired with 33 years of faithful service with Florida Power & Light in Titusville, FL. He was called out in many a bad storm.

This pic is taken from our master bedroom out into the bad yard. That's about has hard as the rain got. We live on a small sand ridge, so, rain just perculates down into the soil really fast. Our yard seldom floods, and when it does it runs off really quickly. One thing for sure, we sure have some happy plants! I'll bet if they could they'd be jumping up and down that this drought is over. We lost so many trees and plants because of the adverse dry conditions. It lasted for about 7 or 8 years in our area. Enough is enough! Thank you God for the rain.

We're just sitting around today, having coffee, listening to rock music on XM radio, watching Independance Day and planning more mini-vacations. Cranked the bikes for awhile to keep the on-board computers all energized. I wish we could ride. [sigh] Nothing else to do.

Oh, and Steve is still getting better: he's fussy as ever. [lol]

TTFN ~ Sparky ♥ ∞

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More About Tropical Storm Fay

Seems that after all the hoopla, most of the fun will stay south of us. Check out the projections now. Oh well. At least we've got plenty of beer and food. [smile] Check out the joke below. Hubby and I laughed so hard I just had to share it. The joke was e-mailed to me this afternoon by a friend down in Florida.

Also, Hubby is improving every day. His shoulder and under his armpit is still all purple and yellow but the actual surgery cut is healing nicely. He's still quite sore and is completely immobile on his left side. I know he's anxious to get back on 2 wheels again, as I am also. I keep going out in the carport and cranking the bikes. His Triumph needs to be run every so many days to keep the battery from running down because of it's on-board computer. It draws a lot of current and can be difficult to crank. You ought to hear that thing power down: whirl, pop, wheeze, ping, boop, pop. [lol] It's really humourous. The bike makes sounds like one of those 1980's Sci-Fi robots. Mine is quiet as a japanese mouse.

TTFN ~ Sparky ♥ ∞