SourceGladewater street scene, circa 1913
Apparently, it snowed there that year and it was very unusual. I just hope they don't expect me to shovel any of it as I've done enough yardwork this week. :o)
"Gladewater is the antique capital of East Texas, a Texas Main Street and a National Main Street city as well as a favorite tourism spot, where visitors can enjoy a bit of past while browsing through the quaint old buildings. You will find over 200 antique and crafter's in over 30 antique malls and individual shops, bed and breakfast inns, restaurants, bakeries and down home entertainment. World famous PRCA rodeo, massive East Texas Gusher Days, Arts & Crafts Festival, opry, lake recreations and the infamous July 4th Fireworks at Lake Gladewater.
Located on U.S. Highway 80 and State Highway 271, Gladewater is 105 miles east of Dallas. With welcome you to come and visit us as we treasure the past while embracing the future."
Gladewater appears to be a lovely, little town. Here's a link to their
Chamber of Commerce, for anyone interested. We might want to visit the town next time we breeze through enroute to the Texas Hill Country.

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