Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Great Editorial - Just Ban Democrats From Owning Guns #guncontrol

Here is an interesting editorial with an interesting solution.
Works for me.
(click image to enlarge in new window)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Senate rejects expanded gun background check #ObamaFAIL

Praise God! Our gun rights are safe for a few more days anyway.

'Course, asswipe O'Blamer had to go into total meltdown pout when he lost. Poor baby! [playing worlds smallest violin]

Obama chastises Senate over failed gun reform amendment

Who the heck does he think he is!!!??? Plain and simple, Obama is a tyrant. Also, if the law had passed, it would have created a whole new class of "criminals" of which many of us would now be. The law would have made it illegal to even gift a gun without it being registered. To anyone. It would have been a total, absolute nightmare and not solved any criminal problems.

We've really escaped the bullet on this one.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Two Things Our Government Fears

 Two things our government fears --
self-defense against tyranny
and knowledge from God our Saviour that it is tyranny

Obama thinks "clinging to guns and religion" is a bad thing. I say if we had more of both we'd be better off as a society and for eternal salvation. But I'm not a worthless bottomfeeding community organizer, so, what do I know?

"Fear the government that fears your guns" -- Thomas Jefferson

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." -- Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." -- Romans 10:9 (NIV)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Still Think Banning Something Makes The World Safer?

Then watch this video. It is AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH that the Libtards don't want to share. Banning firearms, or anything, only CAUSES MORE CRIME. Whaddya say, let's stop all these undeclared wars, including the one made up by the Fed's on "drugs", allow all law abiding citizens to arm themselves at all times, get the government out of our lives again and truly make the world safer.

Alternate link:

Ride Safe My Friends

Thursday, January 17, 2013

There's Someone More Dangerous Than Guns

And, continuing in the same vein of yesterdays post that more people have died from other types of violence not involving guns.

Drone Strikes Kill Maim And Traumatize Too Many Civilians, U.S. Study Says

Many of those killed have been innocent children and two of them where American citizens. Murdered without warning or a trial.

Obama is nothing less than a Seriel Killer. In a suit. With armed guards. And apparently there's no stopping him. The real assault weapon danger is our out-of-control 'president' and his henchmen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A God-given Right To Self-Defense

GRIZZWELLS® by Bill Schor

I've been waiting for inspiriation (and, yeah, a good cool down on my part) before commenting on the illegal Obama's continued attack on our Second Amendment Rights.

I am so sick of this administration and the brain dead idiots that voted for him. Obama has already pretty much destroyed the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech). So I knew eventually something would happen where he would try to remove the Second Amendment from our list of rights. He is now blaming inanimate objects (weapons) for real or imagined violence. This entire Administration is continuing to use the Constitution for toilet paper. Obama hates us, you know. He wants all American ideals dead and rebuilt in his hatefilled image.

First off, it's a fact that there are more people injured or killed by Energy Drinks than by gun violence. The statistics have doubled since 2007. In 2008 alone, there were 16,000 documented incidents.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A new government survey suggests the number of people seeking emergency treatment after consuming energy drinks has doubled nationwide during the past four years, the same period in which the supercharged drink industry has surged in popularity in convenience stores, bars and on college campuses.

From 2007 to 2011, the government estimates the number of emergency room visits involving the neon-labeled beverages shot up from about 10,000 to more than 20,000. Most of those cases involved teens or young adults, according to a survey of the nation’s hospitals released late last week by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Source: Waycross Journal-Herald, Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Continuing with that line of thinking, how about the fact that there is ALWAYS a death in an abortion clinic but since that's sancitioned by the government and one of the Left's sacred cows, that is never mentioned.

Also, there were more fatalities in auto accidents in 2010 (32,885 people) than by gun violence. Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

And the comparisions can go on and on and one. Some not-so-well-meaning people need to calm down about "the gun issue" and look at the facts before giving up the right to defend themselves.

Ok, so I didn't cool down all the way. But, why should I?! And why should you?! This issue is extremely important. Passion for truth and justice is needed by good people to stop the tsunami of communism in our country. Here in the South, where we are still relatively free, gun and ammo sales are through the roof. Even we have taken steps to beef up our "stash". I hope everyone else is doing the same. It may be one of many important steps to insure that we preserve our God-given right to self defense. Everyone has the right to not be molested any bad guys, even elected bad guys. It is a God-given right to employ lethal force if necessary to protect the life of yourself and others.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Good Crisis Not Wasted

My heart was greatly grieved by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, with 20 children and 6 adults being ruthlessly gunned down. But I knew that the Left would try to politicize this heart wrenching tragedy. It's not quite as tragic as an abortion clinic (there’s always a death there but that is considered legal and “Ok“) or the Administration's & MSM sweeping under the rug the tragedy in Benghazi but that's another post.

Obama took time out from his $4 million dollar Hawaiian vacation to capitize on the tragedy. Never mind the looming Fiscal Cliff he and his cronies created. He thinks it's more important to ban something so he'll temporarily look good, then he can go back to swilling Pina Colada's and bad mouthing our country.
Obama on Wednesday directed Vice President Joe Biden to produce recommendations on new gun laws and pledged to push for them without delay.

Along with asking Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban, Obama asked lawmakers to pass legislation that would close the gun show “loophole,” which allows people to purchase firearms from private dealers without a background check. Obama also said he wanted Congress to pursue the possibility of limiting high-capacity ammunition clips.


The 1994 ban outlawed specific weapons, including the Colt AR-15, UZI and TEC-9, and high-capacity magazines and clips that held more than 10 bullets. But the law didn’t outlaw the caliber — the approximate internal diameter of the barrel—of any of the high powered weapons used in the most recent mass killings.


“I am also betting that the majority, the vast majority, of responsible, law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war,” Obama said.
Too late! The government already has too many guns and that's our biggest danger.

So, thanks to one mad man, there will be a loss of even more God-given freedoms. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” as Obama’s devout communist hero Rahm Emanuel always says. But don’t worry folks. That which God gives us is sure to be stolen by those in power.

Consider this: no matter how many laws are passed the world will still be a dangerous place. Banning anything only makes it more dangerous or desirable. I think we should arm everyone, especially teachers, like in Israel. That way no school is a target rich environment. Just think how that tragedy wouldn’t have even gone that far if at least one teacher or administrator was packin’ heat.

My Version Of

Monday, April 27, 2009

H.R. 45 Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing

This is very important. People need to be aware of yet another lie from Mr. Obama's administration. In the House, Rep. Bobby Rush [Democrat, IL-1] has introduced a new bill called the "HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009".

Apparently, even gun shop owners didn't know about this new bill because it is flying under the radar.

Basically, this bill would make it illegal to own a firearm, any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:
. It is registered.
. You are fingerprinted.
. You supply a current Driver's License.
. You supply your Social Security Number.
. You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing.
. Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25.
. Failure to comply with any of these Hitler like tactics and you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
. There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.

The Government would have the right to come into your home and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke, click on the website link and take your pick of many options to read it in total: http://www.opencong .

It is lengthy, but more and more people are becoming aware of this. Please pass the word along.

Doesn't all this sound like pre-1776?? When the English would just waltz into American homes and expect to be treated to their room and board? Our ancestors went to war over this very thing. So, FAILURE TO ACT ON STOPPING THIS BILL IS AT YOUR PERIL! This is one 'bill' in which whether you own a gun or not, it effects everyone. If they try to take our guns away from us, this is a hill we will die on. Period.

The best way to fight this encroachment into our lives and preserve our FREEDOM is to spread the news and "spring into action". Call, write, e-mail, camp out at representative's offices.

I would also suggest joining a pro-gun group like any hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the National Rifle Association. Hubby and I are members of the NRA. They are the big guns and can actively lobby to help prevent such loss of liberties.

This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense. Their goal is to chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.

Remember, the Second Amendment is America's original homeland security.

Thank you so much for listening and taking an active part in preserving America. This kinda reminds of a t-shirt I saw at the last Tea Party "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."