Hey, look, there's a cute elf weeding
in the garden so I don't have to!
Thanks to seasonal rains, the vegetable garden and the flower areas are prospering. So far we’ve already enjoyed many meals of Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Bell Peppers and Red Potatoes. The Tomatoes are a disappointment, but, I can live with it. Oh, and we now have a herb garden consisting of Basil, Cilantro, Dill, and Rosemary. I didn't realize that fresh herbs truly are a tasty accompaniment to a meal. We’re not financially rich but, doggone it, we sure eat good.
(Doesn't this little guy look like our Sam III?)
There’s a lot of birthdays in our small circle of friends and family in May. Today is my 60th. Our plans this year are to stay home and have a cookout. Hubby plans to grill juicy Rib Eyes from the local IGA topped with cooked buttered mushrooms. We will also dine on baked Idaho potatoes (gotta smother them in butter and sour cream, don’t ya know) and eat more of those scrumptious fresh squash. He’s also baking a homemade apple pie. *picture me dreamy eyed and drooling* Oh yeah … that’s one of my favorite sweets! I’ll share the loot gifts next post.
Speaking of dogs, the Boys, the Jack Russell Terriorists Jack and Sam III, are both healthy. They’re still actively ‘protecting’ the property from those nefarious bushy tailed intruders. I feel so safe now. *giggle* That first year I thought I'd got run away from home trying to discipline those two cuties but now they've finally turned into two really fine dogs.
For Wrent
Hubby has started making Blue Bird houses. He’s given some away to fellow Sunday School attendees. The nest boxes have become so popular, he’s having a hard time keeping up with requests. I think he’s on a one man quest to reestablish this lovely bird back into our area. Works for me. (As long as he doesn't start tilting at windmills, I won't worry.) They’re one of my favorite local winged creatures, alongside the Carolina Wren (their song sounds so sweet to me). We have several nesting on the property every year. I see God in nature, don’t you?
Preparing for the 200 mile ride to
Valdosta and back.
God is indeed good to honor me with so much answered prayer. He answers ALL prayers, of course, but being able to ride and type again is especially sweet. Anyway, even if the pain returns making surgery necessary, I know He loves me and cares. All He wants in return is our FAITH. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
I’m truly blessed all around. It is indeed good to be back on-line! Whole hearted thank yous for the prayers, kind words, and patiently waiting for my return. May the LORD bless and keep you too.
Mount up! LET'S RIDE!