Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Musings & Another Birthday

Good morning folks! What a weekend huh? 

First of all I want to thank everyone who prayed for me concerning my sour attitude. Things feel a whole lot brighter. I know it's because y'all are Prayer Warriors plus Church was really fulfilling yesterday. I felt lighter inside after the uplifting service. God answers prayer and I'm super blessed that there are others who pray too with loving hearts. God bless you!  
Now on to the sad news, there was an assignation attempt on President Donald J. Trump Saturday the 13th. Those of us who are keenly attuned to what is right and wrong according to God's Holy Word have been expecting an attempt what with all the hateful rants that spew from the hellish Leftist media and our Government. We're all aware that the ranting, raving, lies and threats was meant to enrage some looney tune to make such an attempt. Sadly, one innocent bystander was murdered, others wounded and many traumatized. Their lives are forever changed because of the evil hearts of those in 'power' and in the propaganda machine. But we know that God is bigger than all our silly doings. The Left mean it for evil but HE who is our God and King means it for good. [Genesis 5:20] I'm sure we're all praying for the victims families, for President Trump and his staff and family. My question is, how did the shooter get within 130 yards of our President on a rooftop and in plain view? Some in attendance even pointed the shooter out to authorities before the terrible event! Hmmm ... This kind of reminds me of how the CIA murdered President John F. Kennedy, his brother Bobby, and the men who did the dirty deed. I hope someone will follow the money trail on this one. 

On to something more pleasant.
Today, our two Jack Russell Terriers brothers, Sam (left) and Jack, are 11 years old.  Where did the time go? I remember those first few weeks after bringing them home. As puppies they were so rambunctious and destructive! I thought I was going to go completely crackers before they finally calmed down. I even threatened to take them back to the breeder at some point. Glad I didn't now. Now that we're feeding them "real" food from the table (cooked eggs, chicken gizzards, etc.) and not the store bought kind in a bag, their health has improved greatly. That's saving us major bucks too. It's so much cheaper to be healthy. 

Why does the font suddenly change here on Blogger like that? Strange ... πŸ€”

This week will be busy. There are the usual errands of groceries and the like but one very important errand will be Steve taking our friend Tommy to his first eye appointment on Wednesday to start the ball rolling on the cataracts removal. Poor man is nearly blind now but good news is his life is improving as each month progresses. Things are looking up for him and that makes us all so happy! Thanking the Lord for answered prayer. And thank YOU for praying for him. Maybe soon Tommy can return to work too. He's really excited about that, I can tell. 

Thank you for stopping by, your prayers, and kindly words. Remember you are prayed for too. I hope the rest of your day is happy and bright. Keep looking up! Jesus may be taking us out of the way of what is to come very soon. God bless.
~ Sparky ~

Saturday, June 15, 2024

My 16th Blogoversary And A Birthday

πŸŽ‰ June 15th, 2008, I made my first blog post. πŸŽ‰ What a greenhorn I was! I had no clue as to what to write about or who would care. I had no audience or contacts yet. Off I went blissfully ignorant of all these things and more, dipping my toes into the warm writing pool along with everyone else hoping someone would notice. Eventually others did (thank you!) and it went from there. Back in those days Blogger had a "Next Blog" button on the upper right hand side where we could proceed from wherever we were to the next blog of like minds. Remember that? I miss that feature because I made lots of contacts who became friends that way. It was fun to go exploring other blogs. Most of the time lately it's been a "friends of friends" type of contact where I'll leave a comment somewhere and some kind person will click my link to see what's up and maybe 'follow'. That's fine too. I've done that lots of times. As long as we get to talk to one another, share ideas, opinions, recipes, photos, life events or simply polish our writing skills, it's all good. Writing keeps me sharp that's for sure. Sadly, some of my original blogging friends have passed into Glory, others have fallen by the wayside or moved on for whatever reason, but I appreciate you all πŸ™Œ whether an old friend or a new one and the time we all spend together. I do miss the ones that have passed or are no longer blogging. Lord willin' I hope to keep blogging for many more years unless the Rapture happens or God calls me Home some other way.

Also, today, is what we believe to be our Maggie's 5th birthday. πŸ₯³πŸŽˆ When we rescued her as a puppy, it was her, her brother and one other possible sibling that got away. That was almost five years ago when we found them abandoned, starving, and obviously living in neglect, on our nearby country road that cold October morning. I had no idea how much our lives would change for the better that day. We were heading for a Day Trip but immediately canceled that plan after the puppies were in the truck. Took the poor little mites home, named them, bathed them, pampered them, took them to the Vet for a check-up and shots the next day and eventually bought personalized collars for the new crew. The Vet estimated that June 15th, 2019, was their day of birth. I had every intention of keeping them both, but, after awhile the Boys (our Jack Russell Terriers Jack and Sam) did not like the male. They liked Maggie just fine. What to do? I owed the Boys first, of course, thus we sold Sport to a local fella so his mother, who had just lost her dog of many years, would not be lonely. I think about her brother Sport from time to time. The guy who bought Sport kindly sent photos of him after being groomed and his new home with that fellas mother. I'll bet he's matured into a good dog too. 
As y'all can see Maggie is my little buddy. She even 'helps' me with everything even blogging. I call her Brat but she really is a sweetie. She's the smartest, friendliest, most fun dog we've ever owned. God knew what I needed even before I knew I needed her! He's always looking out for us, isn't He!? πŸ’— 

Let me end with a heartfelt thanks for joining me in this journey of virtual journaling. I know y'all are praying too but please keep petitioning the Lord concerning our Country. I know God hears and answers all prayers according to His will and may His will be done but the criminals running this Country really need to be gone. 😟 So many people are hurting terribly especially children. Thanks. 

Love to you all. Have a wonderful day!❀️‍πŸ”₯

Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Musings


Our weekend was really quiet. Now that my Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed, except for some lingering stiffness, I can get some planned projects done. It's been unseasonably cool this June in Southeast Georgia which is really nice. That should help with me getting a little more yardwork completed before it gets blazing hot if I can get up out of this chair. πŸ˜‰

We received a little unsettling news Sunday. Our Pastor's wife is not doing well at all. Ms. Jackie is such a wonderful person. She was released from the Rehab Center last week. It breaks our hearts that she's struggling so much physically. Anyway, Bro. Bob is having to chose between caregiving for his dear wife or continuing on with our small congregation (there were only 17 or so of us this Sunday). There are going to have to be some hard decisions made concerning his time with us, like, should we find another Pastor or perhaps try to hire a part-time one or perhaps shutter the Church or ... well, who knows. 😟 Seems the Wednesday Rehab ministry may come to a close as well. I know this saddens him greatly. Such a fine man and he loves the Lord Jesus. We're all praying for guidance. I know I don't want to be Church shopping again. I love everyone in this congregation. I don't want us all split up and cast to the winds. πŸ₯Ί So, there's that. 

Also, because of our ages and other factors we've decided to sell our motorbikes. I know, right?!! Sparky without wheels!!?? πŸοΈ One 'sad news' on top of another. Well, there comes a time to move on. We were talking about riding risks last week and even I can see that I don't want any more injuries. Funny thing, I've been riding since knee high to a grasshopper, SCUBA diving, racing on 4 wheels, doing other risky hobbies, and never been badly hurt. The only injuries I've ever received were when walking around. But if I, or he, were to go down in a highspeed ride at our ages, it could be devastating. It might be time to move on to another less risky hobby. It was a tough decision but this weekend Steve put both motorbikes For Sale in the local shopper. When they're gone it's gonna feel like I've lost an arm or something. (I know, Drama Queen. 😏) I love motorbiking! It's my life. I'm really having to give this to God and pray for His peace and guidance. Thanks for joining me in this prayer. πŸ’“

Ok, good news, awhile back I mention that one of our Jack Russell Terriers, Jack, was ailing. His digestive tract has always been dodgy. The other two are healthy no matter what they eat, it seems. Well, Steve decided to start feeding all three dogs more home cooked plain meals (chicken gizzards, cheap hamburger, eggs, etc.). We've been doing just that for a few weeks now and Jack's health has improved! Praise the Lord. The little guy no longer has tummy pains, he's lost weight (he was continuously bloated), his breath smells better, and he's more energetic. Also, home cooked is much cheaper than any store bought dog food. Win-win!

That's it. Time to get out of the recliner and actually get some work done. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks for praying for me. I know you do because I pray for you too. Y'all are the best.


Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Fotos


Welcome to Friday Fotos!
Thank you everyone for the kind words yesterday. Y'all are the best.
I took a stroll around the property. I have a new FujiFilm XP camera (water proof & shock proof) I had to try out. It's supposedly just like the other yellow one I accidentally dropped in the woods when the land clearing was going on. The chipper chewed it to itsy bitsy bits. So, these are the images that stood out the most. Enjoy!

First attempt. Maggie moved. She was looking so cute too, all curled up and snuggly. Little stinker.

Of course, I had to snap a pic of our "pretend" veg garden. Yeah, ok, it's 90% flowers. I admit it. The veg's are on the corners. We're mostly carnivore's anyway. That's how we've both lost 45 pounds. I'm down to 160 from 205 now! Woot woot! πŸ₯³πŸ’ƒ
The Windmill
Down by the road (above)
Royal Purple Petunias (below)

Yellow Petunia's (above)
White Petunia's next to my old chair (below)

Petunia's in an old repainted wheelbarrow (above)
Petunia's next to the gate keypad (below)

The Catalpa tree bloomed this year. (above)
Confederate Jasmine (below)
And, last but not least:
Steve is changing the oil and filter then performing general maintenance on his motorbike (2018 Honda NC750X). I think his is prettier than mine. πŸ˜Ž
Then, lastly, my nearly constant companions. Maggie in the foreground, Sam next to her (white) and Jack next to the junk pile. I circled him because in the bright sunlight he nearly disappeared! I didn't notice that at the time.

I hope y'all enjoyed the tour. We've got places to go and people to annoy. 🀭 Prayers that the rest of your day is pleasant, profitable, edifying and full of the joy we receive from the Holy Spirit. Every day is a gift from God. I hope I always remember to enjoy it. πŸ˜‡πŸ™
Ride Safe, 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Welcome May And Catching Up


That was nice to take a little breather from many social media's. After awhile they begin to "own" you body and soul if one isn't careful. 

It's been so terribly busy here at Red Bird Acres: planting, gardening, yardwork, clearing more land, and so forth. You'd think we owned 20 acres the way I've found so much to do! (There's "only" 6 1/2 acres.) 😁 This is my hobby for now, until the health can no longer support the desire. God is good to have blessed us with a pleasant, quiet, tranquil, safe area to live in. Oh, it has it's non-plus's too but I try not to go there, like, the warmer weather brings out the biting bugs. πŸ˜₯ One simply wears the appropriate cover ups and carries on. And I could definitely do without whomever the neighbor(s) is that keeps littering our beautiful countryside. 

There's lots of birds either migrating through or here to stay for the Season. This year, we have at least one nesting pair of Summer Tanager on our property! (below) When the resident Mockingbird allows, they are scarfing up the Mulberry fruit. The tree is huge this year. It's gorgeous. I'm going to try to find another Mulberry to plant near this one. That spot must be just dandy for fruit trees. 

Summer Tanager (male)
Summer Tanager (female)

Our View Off The Back Deck

There are only a few Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at the moment but I expect more will arrive soon. They do love all the Red and Purple Salvia's that are planted along the back deck and in pots. The veg's are taking their own sweet time but we did get to harvest one Zucchini. I'll be glad when they all ripen so we can have them all through the Summer. 

Maggie and Sam
Jack in better days
All three of the brats (dogs) are still with us. Jack is not doing well, though. He's always had poor health. His digestive system is messed up or something. It seems to be catching up with him. Now the frequent vomiting and poor eating habits seems to be affecting his mind. I watch him walking down the hallway to get to one of his beds but now he stops mid-stride and acts confused. Earlier today he was digging at the basket of toys I have for them. He was acting as if his mind was vacant and troubled. I guess he's in pain somewhere. Poor dear. The Vet is mystified too. Could be simply old age. I'll keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. All my fur-babies are so precious to me.

That's it for today. We're off to the Big City to get our weekly sugar-free frozen frappe's. Thanks for stopping by. I hope everyone has a lovely remainder of the day. Keep looking up because The Rapture gets closer every day! 

Ride Safe, SparkyπŸ’™

Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Musings


Reality Check by Dave Whamond

I know, right?! My husband really struggles with those bags. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Bless his heart. Tomorrow is our day to forage for food but today Steve took an ailing neighbor to our local grocery store because he can't drive. He rides his bicycle nearly everywhere but the journey from Offerman to Blackshear, then back again on that busy Highway 84 is just too scary and lengthy for someone with dim vision. No way would we let him ride there when we can take an hour out of our day to help. Happy to do it. God always supplies what we all need when we need it. To Him be the glory. 

While Steve was performing said errand I noticed a HUGE limb had broke lose on the ancient Water Oak near the pump house. In my futile mind it was still dangling precariously when returned home. People get killed by those things every year! I informed him that I was going to get the old pickup with lots of rope to yank it down before it squished me or one of the dogs. He walked over and pulled on it one time ✨✨CRASH✨✨ went the limb! Nobody died but it did shake the ground a little bit. He kinda looked at me, like, "So, what's the problem?" πŸ˜ I laughed at my silliness because I am terrified of loose limbs or dead trees. Ok. Well, now that has to be chopped up and disposed of. 

Sunday after Church most of our Sunday School class met at El Vaquero's in Patterson for a noon repast. We had such a great time. What a lovely bunch of folks these are. β£οΈ We've prayed together, cried together, rejoiced together, ate together, and learned together. Because of Jesus and His Holy Spirit I have come to love all these dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ more than anything. They are good for me and to me. I hope I am the same for them.

I finished "Breaking Free". Now I'm halfway through "All My Knotted Up Life" by Beth Moore. On page 2 when Ms. Moore says, "Several of these knots I've kept clenched in a sweaty fist all my life" I nearly dropped the book!! That's me! I was stuck on Age 10, cowering in the corner ready for any fight or defense from an abusive parent. I had realized this flaw in my character well over a year ago. God had revealed that. Thank you Lord! I was treating my dear Holy Father who truly loves me, like he was the earthly broken one I got stuck with. What an eye opener Ms. Moore's book is already proving to be. πŸ’•πŸ˜ I give Him permission to continue to reveal my flaws, sins, and errors that need correcting. May His will be done. 

The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have arrived! The males have started rolling in at our property yesterday. I'm so excited. Love it when they're in residence. That means that the Great-crested Flycatchers can't be far behind. One of the best things about Spring and Summer is all the birds that nest here. 

Well, I've got laundry to finish up, yardwork to do, limbs to cut up, flowers that should be watered, a house that needs attention and Maggie 🐢 is staring at me like I'm some oracle of wisdom. πŸ€” She must think I have food. Brat. That's life in the Country. 

Thanks for putting the kickstand down and staying awhile. Remember, Jesus loves you and wants you with Him forever. "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey." Keep witnessing to this lost and dying world and looking up. He'll be comin' to get His Bride soon! πŸ’’

❣️ 🏍️ Ride Safe πŸοΈ ❣️

Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Fotos

πŸ“Έ Welcome to Friday Fotos. Not too many this week. Just a few from around the yard because the weather has been so odd for January:  hot, humid, and rainy. The unusual warmth is causing the wildflowers to pop open and the buds to set. Not a good thing as when we do get another freeze, and we will, the bud's will be nipped off and there will be fewer flowers by the time we have a real Spring. Anyway, this week we've mostly only run errands for groceries, met with our financial advisor (it's not as impressive as that seems), attended Church, etc. Nothing earth shattering. 

πŸ“Έ Enjoy the tour around our Estate. 

Heavy dew hanging off the Red Cedar branches.
I wish there was sound with this too as the birds are singing to beat the band. I'm wondering if they're already pairing up? Kinda early but it can happen.

My almost constant companion. Little darlin'.

Mill Creek Primitive Baptist Church & Cemetery
More rain approaching. This is where our bones will rest one day if the Rapture doesn't come by then or something else happen. Steve's Mom is already there.

Mushrooms are popping up from all the moisture.

Carolina Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens)
A native to Southeast Georgia. They usually only bloom starting in late February. Their flowers will dot the roadsides and the sweet aroma wafts through the air. This lovely wildflower is one of our harbingers of Spring.

πŸ“Έ  I'm doing laundry, cleaning house, straightening the homestead today. After lunch we may go into the Big City. I still haven't gone to Hobby Lobby to buy felt to make the pillow covers for the new sofa slip covers. I need a project that doesn't involve work or errands. 

πŸ“Έ  May y'all have a gloriously wonderful day. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.