Showing posts with label sunday stealing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunday stealing. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Crafting

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. ๐Ÿ’™

๐Ÿงต 1. What (if anything) are you doing to celebrate St Patrick's Day?  Steve and I try to celebrate every year as this is our self-designated "anniversary". On March 17th of 1979 we went on our first date and have been together ever since. So, St. Patty's is our First Date Anniversary. Then we officially married in August of that year. I'm not sure what we'll do this year. Haven't really discussed it yet as it will be our 45th.  

๐Ÿงต 2. What is your least favorite color (to wear, to craft with or to decorate with)?  I'll have to think about that for a moment because I like almost all colours. Um, I guess my least favorite would be the blue that Toyota picked to paint some of their auto's with. It's too purple for my tastes. I believe it's called Blue Crush Metallic. Not a fan. 

๐Ÿงต 3. At a yellow light - do you speed up or slow down??  Usually slow down to stop. Don't want to run a red light but it depends on the traffic situation and if there is proper time to do so safely. I try not to ever do things to scare or endanger others but I also do not want to be rear-ended especially on my motorbike. There's too many distracted or doped drivers these days. 

๐Ÿงต 4. How many pairs of scissors are in your craft room?  About 5, last count. One of these is Steve's old telephone repair snips he always carried at work. He's a retired Southern Bell employee. He wore those, or ones similar, on his tool belt for 41 years. 

๐Ÿงต 5. What are the first three items you have 'saved for later' on Amazon?  None at the moment. I do have some mulling around in my squishy brain though ... 

๐Ÿงต 6. Did you plant any springs bulbs in your garden and if so, have any of them come up yet?  Bulbs won't grow in our sandy, porous soil here in Southeast Georgia. We live in a forest of piney woods and scrub oak. When we lived in Jax (Jacksonville, Florida) I grew Amaryllis because the soil was a rich loam. They are lovely in the Spring. 

๐Ÿงต 7. What book, if any, are you reading right now?  Finished "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore! Yay. Finally. What a life changing read that's been. Steve's starting on it now, so, I'm betwixt and between at the moment. Got some books on order though. 

๐Ÿงต 8. Do you prefer ball point pens, gel pens, or thin tip markers to write with? Gel pens. I don't have to press down so hard to make it visible. 

๐Ÿงต 9. What is your favorite crafting item - the craft item thing you use the most or can't live without? (Exclude basic items like scissors and glue)  It used to be craft paint. I really enjoyed drawing, painting, making things and being creative. I was really into stenciling on walls, doors, outside poles, anything that didn't move. There's too much tremor and arthritis to do that now. 

๐Ÿงต 10. What are the first 3 items on your grocery list and what is your favorite grocery store?  Our weekly needs of Jumbo eggs, Half and Half, and Amish Butter. Because we live way out in the country and the closest grocery stores are in a small town, we have to shop at all of them to get all we need and want. 

๐Ÿงต 11. What unfinished craft projects are you working on (or not:) at the moment?  There are none at the moment. 

๐Ÿงต 12. What was the last item you pinned on Pinterest? Or hearted on Instagram?  I don't use either of them. 

๐Ÿงต 13. What is the biggest tourist attraction where you live?  The Okefenokee Swamp near Waycross. 

๐Ÿงต 14. What color is your favorite sweater?  A dark creamy brown with little sparkles in it. 

๐Ÿงต 15. How does your family react when you get a big pile of mail?  That's kind of an odd question. What can we do but deal with it?! Most end up in the round file anyway. ๐Ÿšฎ

๐Ÿงต My thoughts: 

We had a lovely time at County Farm Plant Company on Friday. We and all the ladies probably bought way too many plants. I have my job set for next week. If it keeps raining (fingers crossed) there should be a profusion of color in the back yard by April. I want to attract lots of wildlife. God's creation is much more entertaining than TV.  

After all the plant shopping we all stopped by El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant in Patterson to continue the smiles, laughter and funny stories. 

It was a great time all around. More sweet memories have been made and we made sure to thank Jesus for blessing us so!

Have a lovely Sunday. Keep looking up! Jesus is going to gather all of us who believe in Him to His Home soon.  โœ๏ธ


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Swap-bot


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Feel free to join in! Original post here.

1. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?  Yes, when I was about 16 or 17 (about 1973-ish). Got tired of it, plus it was expensive even then, so, I quit soon after.

2. What do you think of hot dogs?  I like the All Beef ones but my favorites are now the Private Selection All Beef Hot Dogs from Kroger. They're so yummy. 

3. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?  New England Breakfast Blend coffee. Lots of Splenda and Half And Half please!  

4. What's your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?  My wedding band. Also, always wear an emerald ring. The gold is from the wedding band that was cut from my mother's hand when she passed in 1966. Over 42 years ago, Steve had a local jeweler remake it into a ring with the special emerald he chose. I've worn it nearly every day ever since. 

5. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Ice water from our deep well, Orange ice tea called Citrus Sunrise by Celestial Seasonings, and coffee. 

6. Like to travel?  I used to. Not so much anymore. It costs too much. Also, I like where I live. Really don't care to go anywhere else anymore.  

7. What should you be doing right now?  Since these questions are being completed on Friday, I'm doing it: resting. It's been a busy week. I needed to rest the old bones for a bit before continuing on. 

8, Your phone rings. Who do you want it to be?  Anyone but one of those scammers. I have blocked so many of them! There aren't as many calls as we once had but they still manage to get through every now and again.

9. Do you like to ride horses?  Once Upon A Time I lived to ride but not anymore. I still like horses it's just too much jolting for my neck and shoulders. I much prefer the steel ones now.

10. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?  I like listening to others, to hear their ideas and opinions. When I'm with Steve or my BFF, though, it's a back and forth kind of exchange. 

11. What's in your pocket right now?  Because it's pollen season here in the South, a hanky and a small tube of Vaseline Lip Gloss. ๐Ÿคง I'm using both frequently lately. 

12. Last thing that made you laugh?  Probably one of those YouTube TicTok videos.

13. How many TVs do you have in your house? Two but mostly use only the one in the Living Room. 

14. Who's your loudest friend?  Oh, golly, a very dear cousin and friend. I love him but he really needs to come with a volume control. 

15. Favorite sports team? (If you don't have one, just state that ...)  Not a fan of team anything nor stick and ball sports. I do still enjoy MotoGP, American Superbike and Rally Car Racing. To each his own though, right?!  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

My thoughts:
 Big Business-Pharma-Government is deliberately covering up or lying about their shenanigans again. Did y'all watch that news report on YouTube about the dangerous chemicals in a box of cereal that was published recently? I'm glad I gave that mess up 5 years ago! For me it was about the high sugar / carb's content because I'm not a cow and don't eat oats. I only eat the cow. ๐Ÿ˜‰ From this report now I hear ya gotta be aware of all the chemicals 'approved' by the FDA that's in our food (which are actually being paid off by big bribes from Big Business-Pharma, etc.) Yipes! So the FDA are as useful as breasts on a boar hog. They need to be defunded that's for sure.

Southeast Georgia is still growing in leaps and bounds. First, there is a Buc-ee's scheduled to be built in or near Brunswick soon. Now I read that there are two new WaWa stores being built not too far from our county. One in Jesup and one in Brunswick. There's also a Dunham's Sports at Hatcher Point Mall in Waycross. Oh, and I also read that Remington Firearms has, or is soon to be, moved to Savannah. Well, well. Guess everyone's getting tired of those places they've created in the NorthEast. I hope it doesn't end up like that here. ๐Ÿ˜Œ 

On that happy note ... I do hope y'all have a blessed Sunday. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon and I'm so grateful. 


``He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock, in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you." Deuteronomy 7:13

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Music


 Stolen from PinInterest (Original here)

Name a song that ...

๐ŸŽผ 1. You enjoy, in another language.  "Eres Tu" by Mocedades

"Eres Tu" means "You Are". Below are the Lyrics in English: 

Like a promise, you are, you are...
like a summer morning.
Like a smile, you are, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are like my hope, you are, you are... [to me]
like a fresh rain in my hands.
Like a strong breeze, you are, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are the water of my fountain
You are the warmth in my home
You are ...
You are something like, ohhhh
Like the fire in my fireplace (something like the fire from my fireplace)
You are ...
(You are something like, ohhhh)
The wheat in my bread
My love, you are something like that
Like my poem, you are, you are [to me]
Like a guitar in the night,
you are all my horizon, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are the source of my water
You are the warmth in my home
You are (You are something like, ohhhh)
Like the fire in my fireplace (something like the fire from my fireplace)
You are (You are something like, ohhhh)
The wheat of my bread (my love, you are something like that).
You are...

๐ŸŽผ 2. Recently introduced you to a new singer.  There is no modern music I care for, that I can think of. They were playing some kind of crap music in Ace Hardware the other day. I had to leave it was so awful. 

๐ŸŽผ 3. You listen to to energize.  Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) or New World Symphony (Dvorak)

๐ŸŽผ 4. Is your favorite song from a musical.  "On The Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady. 

๐ŸŽผ 5. Reminds you of an old love.  "(They Long To Be) Close To You" by Karen Carpenter

๐ŸŽผ 6. Make you think of one of your children.  Never been blessed in that respect. ๐Ÿ˜Š

๐ŸŽผ 7. Makes you smile when you hear it.  "Moon River". It reminds me of when I tried to learn the guitar because it was one of the lessons I was given to learn. I didn't do well so gave up. My talents followed other paths. 

๐ŸŽผ 8. You love but is quite unknown.  "I Only Have Eyes For You" by Art Garfunkel. For me, his version is the absolute best. His voice is as sweet as honey.  

๐ŸŽผ 9. That annoys you.  "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Ugh. Can not stand that song.  ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

๐ŸŽผ 10. That your parents used to listen to.  My step-mom, Myra, liked listening to Polka, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, Roy Clark (the best guitar player ever), those types of genre. I 'inherited' my love for good tunes from her. Myra's favorite song was "Last Dance" by Floyd Cramer. Every time I hear it now I tear up. I do miss her terribly. She's the only Mother I remember.  ๐Ÿ’Œ

๐ŸŽผ 11. From your early years of childhood. ๐Ÿ’“ (see #7 and #10)

๐ŸŽผ 12. That has a color in the title.  "Blue Clear Sky" by George Strait. 

๐ŸŽผ 13. That needs to be played loud.  "Drivin' My Life Away" by Eddie Rabbitt (1980). I still like his tunes. It's a shame he passed away so young. 

๐ŸŽผ 14. That is perfect for a road trip.  That depends on what mood I'm in: might be soft rock, or Classical, or Old Hymns or 70s-80s Country or Rock-A-Billy. If I'm with my husband there's no music because we talk. 

๐ŸŽผ 15. That reminds you of yourself.  "Sister Golden Hair" by America also "Running On Empty" by Jackson Browne. We're about the same age. Gotta go now because I wanna hop on my motorbike and pop some rooster tails down our old dirt road ... bet I still can.  ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ๏ธ

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your Sunday is lovely. ๐Ÿ’“

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Original post here

1. What are your plans for February? There are a couple of Doctor appointments to keep. Mostly follow-ups. Nothing serious. Other than the usual day-to-day things that must be dealt with, that's about it for plans.    

2. Did you ever have or go to sleepovers as a kid? No, can't say that I did. No one wanted to be around my Old Man, so, no one came over or spent time at our house. Even I tried not to be home much.   

3. Which books would you pick for a book binge?  Agatha Christie's works. Hands down. 

4. What features do you love most about your home? That's it's paid for, easy to clean, comfortable and we have no close neighbors.

5. How often do you try something new?  Only when I have to. ๐Ÿคฃ

6. What type of sushi is your favorite?  Sushi is a hard no. Not a fan. My husband likes it though. 

7. Do you prefer to relax or go on adventures during vacation?  No vacations forthcoming but when we did we were the adventurous types.   

8. Which colors look best on you? With my skin color: blues, tans, soft pastels. 

9. Do you like brunch?  ๐Ÿ˜… Even though I only eat a complete meal once a day four times a week now I wouldn't turn down wholesome food! Doesn't matter when it's served.  

10. Do you get stage fright? Not usually. I'm a bit of a clown anyway. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคน

11. Which podcasts do you like at the moment?  None. I do miss listening to Talk Radio on the FM radio. The signals won't reach out where we are.

12. One thing that immediately makes your day better.  Lots of things: a pretty day, learning that someone has given their heart to Jesus, watching the dogs play, bird watching, taking photos, being with my husband, and on and on.

13. Which family members are you closest to?  My husband's adult niece Deborah and her family. She's a great gal. 

14. Something you practice often? Shooting. ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿค  We have our own range. One can never be too good at that. Our 'neighbors' also practice a lot. 

15. Are you a light sleeper or a deep sleeper?  ๐Ÿ˜ด Deep sleeper, usually, but there are times when sleep is evasive. 

Speaking of stealing. The devil wants to steal more of our joy in Jesus Christ. Got something weighing on my heart that wants to be shared. I hope it's "nothing" and this post will seem silly when I look at it a year from now but as all Children of God know we are in a spiritual war. [Ephesians 6] There is something wicked in the wind being planned by the Uber rich possibly in February. Whether it comes to fruition or not, time will tell. I've been reading where many of the High Tech Billionaires and other uber rich are heading for their underground bunkers that month. Hmmm ... they are said to have cattle, chickens, supplies, medicine, etc. already for whatever it is "they" are planning? The WEF (headed by the gonorrhea infected pedophile Klaus Schwab) is planning to release another disease. It's called Disease X at the moment. Their plan is to kill humans and animals this time. Personally, I don't believe it's going to be that deadly because the C19 certainly wasn't. Only the "treatments" were deadly. They also already have a "vaccine" for this disease guaranteed to kill and ruin lives just like the last is. The devil is getting desperate for more victims.  

There's also a rumour they will throw in fear about a World War III for good measure concerning possibly Russia. The British Government is already doing this per Neil Oliver, a Scottish resident on YouTube. Personally, I don't think Russia is so insane to want a nuclear war with us or anyone because it would annihilate them as well. The Dem's, RINO's and the Military Complex war machine will probably try to enact the Draft again in order to kill yet more innocent people to make more money and to justify their worthless existence. Now, as I pen these words, it's comin' to a show down between Americans and the Puppet clown show currently in office. It just got real. Just my 2 cents plus tax. 

There. I said it. I may be a canary in the cave or I may be getting nutty(er). ๐Ÿ˜ I hope all this is only internet rumour, for what's it worth. That nothing earth shattering will happen. That's my prayer. "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Keep prayed up dear ones. Stock up on essentials. Keep your powder dry and buy lots of ammo. Sending love and prayers for us all that fear will not prevail. If you're like me, you only want to live your life and be left alone. But, it is what it is, right?! Thanks for listening. 

Back to our regularly scheduled program.  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ’“ Ride safe. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Stealing: From Pinterest


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Original questions here

1. Your favorite part of the day. Any time that revolves around food or coffee. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜ That said, though, most y'all know we've gone Keto and are now eating almost completely carnivore. Our health is so improved! It's amazing. Anyway, Steve bought a package of Private Selection Jumbo Premium All-beef Hot Dogs ($4.49 a package of 4) a few weeks ago in Kroger on a lark to see if they are any good. I can happily share that they are scrumptious. Plump, juicy, low in salt, and very tasty. Just like eating a good cut of steak. We made a special trip to Kroger Friday to buy several more packages to keep in the big freezer. I don't think I could ever go back to the other brands of hot dogs except in desperation after tasting these.  

2. Something you know a lot about. Genealogy, Medieval History and finding "lost" information or people. Everyone leaves a paper trail wherever they go, even criminals. With the right resources, a little persistence, enough time and some times plain dumb luck, the truth usually eventually comes to light. 

3. An important person in your life. My husband, of course! 

4. Your favorite recipe.  This one is courtesy of my dearly departed step-mother, Myra. She was a wonderful cook. Our Church family claim to love them and always ask us to bring a batch at all our outings. 

Keto Slap 'Yo Mama Deviled Eggs
Dry Ingredients:
1 tablespoon Sweet Onions (Vidalia are best), minced 
1 teaspoon Dill Weed                                           
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder 
Salt and pepper to taste
Wet Ingredients:
1 tablespoon Sugar-free Pickle Relish
2 tablespoon real mayonnaise  
1 teaspoon mustard 
6 large eggs, soft boiled                                         
Paprika (Smoked is OK) 

Grind one(1) complete egg with all the above dry ingredients. Mix well. Add wet ingredients. Sprinkle completed eggs lightly with paprika. Chill over night for best flavor. Serves 6. 
5. An event that turned out differently than planned. April 1978 when I went on a SCUBA diving trip and met the man that would be my future husband in a year. Didn't see that comin'! ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’‹

6. How do you procrastinate.  I'm not by nature a procrastinator. My husband, however, has made an art of it. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…

7. The best type of surprise. I don't know that I'd classify it as a surprise but I would have to say that when Jesus allows me to see the result of prayers for someone I feel might be lost (unsaved). I'm not privy to anyone's spiritual status and try not to go there but usually one can tell by the "fruits of the Spirit". Anyway, it's encouraging for me as well to hear such wonderful news. The Angels sing when someone Believes and I want to sing too! ๐ŸŽต

8. Music that helps you relax.  Soft tunes from the 1930's and 1940's that I stream to the TV that are on YouTube. Old hymns I know by heart can be relaxing too. 

9. A thing your life has in excess.  Blessings more than I deserve. They manifest themselves in Christian love, joy, and peace from God's Holy Throne, for sure. 

10. A book you want to read.  Can't think of any. ๐Ÿ˜•

11. A person you're always happy to see. After my husband, that would be my BFF Vicki. Truthfully, though, I'm usually pleased as punch to see most everyone. We're all important in God's eyes, you know. We are all "fearfully and wonderfully made" with something important to accomplish for Him. I try now to view all of us as our Lord sees us. He is always happy to hear from us. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I learned that little gem when we attended First Baptist Church Blackshear. They were such a positive influence on me for which I am very grateful. 

12. What time do you go to sleep. We try to retire about 10. If I keep to a schedule I sleep sounder. 

13. A word to describe the past year.  I don't use that kind of language anymore. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

14.  Your favorite household chore. When it's done?  ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

15.  One thing you'd like to see. The Wisconsin Dells, the nature part, not the artificial entertainment part. I've heard they are lovely in the Summer. Or alternately the Finger Lakes area in New York. Steve traveled up that way in the 1970's to watch the racing. I would like to see all that.  

Deer Season is over for the year today but Steve doesn't hunt on Sunday's. Today is Church and relaxing. ๐Ÿ™ We already have two nice sized deer in the freezer anyway. It's been a good season for us. Also, it's warmed up considerably with it raining off and on here in Southeast Georgia. The Weather Channel was predicting freezing temp's using the usual fear tactics of "we're all gonna die" tones. Even the Schools closed down this week. It was nothing burger. Again. I'm so tired of the "news" over exaggerating everything now. And they wanna be the Global Climate Change cheerleaders for their pagan temples ... they can't even accurately predict tomorrow's weather. ๐Ÿ˜’ They make me laugh. It's tiresome.

I hope everyone has a pleasant, easy, fulfilling day. Thanks for stopping.

God bless,

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday Stealing: My Favorite


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Wanna join in? The original post is here.

1. Favorite food?  I think I would have to narrow my huge collection of tasty fav's to Medium-rare Rib Eye steaks pan fried in gobs of butter, sprinkled with Montreal Steak Seasoning. It's so delicious, healthy and fulfilling to eat keto. I get to eat all the made-up "forbidden fruit" of high fat, cholesterol laden, high in sodium goodies. It was a real awakening to learn that all we've been taught about eating is a untrue. The Food Pyramid is another Government lie put out by Big Business and Special Interests to keep everyone fat, sick, medicated and going to Doctors because of the sin of greed. [Jere. 6:13, Jere. 8:10, 1 Timothy 3:8, Luke 12:15] 

Pearls Before Swine

2. Favorite color? That depends. For clothes it depends on the mood and the weather. For the house exterior, we went with a Peach color with Hunter Green trim. Inside it's anybody's guess. ๐Ÿ˜• For a motorcycle I think my fav would be a French Racing Blue with White trim. Right now the Honda is shiny black. How dull! Honda is boring now. Well, I can't afford a respray at the moment, but, oh yeah. I can dream, can't I .... ๐Ÿ˜

3. Favorite animal?  Dogs. Absolutely. We have three of them at the moment. 

4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day?  Once it was going for a ride. Haven't done much of that this year, so, my fav activity must be sitting and playing on the computer. Hello Old Age, right?!  ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜… 

5. Favorite vacation spot?  Northern Georgia, Western South Carolina in those lovely, twisty foothills in the Fall or Spring and the Texas Hill Country. All these at any time except in the Summer. I still don't tolerate extreme heat well. 

Texas Hill Country Trip (2011)

6. Favorite TV show? That too varies according my mood but I can safely say it's almost anything British, of a "period" nature and doesn't have vulgarity or overt nudity. My favorite genres are history, drama, mystery and psychological thrillers. 

7. Favorite mythical creature? An honest politician. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ok ok, but seriously, can't think of one but my favorite mythical character is Sherlock Holmes. ๐Ÿ”

8. Favorite fairy tale?  When I was a teenager I read a lot of Chinese myths and legends. I didn't think they were real or anything but the morals taught were quite good. They do have an interesting culture. It's incredibly ancient. 

9. Favorite thing to draw?  Don't draw or paint much anymore. I did do some very basic looking landscapes with mountains and a pond in the foreground. Sometimes I would sketch a crude outline of a Quarter Horse. I'm sure if Annie in NJ could see my lame attempts at art she'd have to restrain from giggling. (That's OK. I giggle too.) They're really amateurish compared to a real artist. 

10. Favorite scent? Baked apple or baked pumpkin. Yum. Since I don't eat sugary desserts anymore I use these scents in our Scentsy wax burners. 

11. Favorite mode of transportation? Um, anything with 2 wheels!? Duh, right?! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž 

12. Favorite vegetable? Brussel Sprouts, split open, then pan fried with bacon grease, butter, and other flavors. Oh my gosh that's slap 'yo mama good. 

13. Favorite candy? Almost anything from the Russell Stover Sugar-free collection. My go to for a sweet tooth is the Sugar Free Mint Patties. Careful there, though, they can cause a mild case of flatulence if one overindulgences. Not Moi!  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

14. Favorite sport? MotoGP and American Superbike. 

15. Favorite weather?  Not really that picky. I try to thank God every day for whatever the weather is. HE is in charge of all things. Can't control any of it. No point in complainin'. Amen?!

It's been a quiet week, thus the no blog posts for a couple of days. No news is good news. But, speaking of that, our Church did hear some good news. Our Pastor's family has been enduring a horrible trial for over 3 years that we have all been praying reverently about. The Pastor's son, daughter-in-law, grandson and grandson's girlfriend where in a devasting auto accident on Thanksgiving 3 years ago. A drunk driver deliberately crashed into them head on. He said he wanted to die and take someone out with him. The crash killed the daughter-in-law outright and put the grandson into a coma. The one's that weren't injured were the one's wearing their seatbelts. (Don't make me get out my soapbox on this subject y'all.) Anyway, grandson has been in a coma on life-support via Hospice for this entire time hovering between life and death. Recently, grandson began to show slight signs of "waking up"! So, this week grandson was transported to Savannah for lots of additional testing to see if Insurance will qualify him for better care which could lead to improving his chances for a normal life. (Hope I said that correctly.) After the test they received good news that he is improving! Praise God! There's still more tests for grandson to be put through but we all feel that this is a step in the right direction. God answers prayer according to His will! ๐Ÿ’“ He is so awesome. ๐Ÿ’“ Jesus not only heals hearts, minds, finances, etc. but He also heals lives. Wow. It's wonderful to watch a miracle as it's unfolding. Such good news most certainly lightens our hearts and also those of our fellow Saints in Christ, I'm sure.

Thanks for putting the kickstand down. Ride safe folks. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Stealing: 2023

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Original post here

1. What did you do this year that you had not done before?  Nothing really springs to mind. When motorcycling was still in vogue here in America Steve and I used to travel around to different towns to test drive new models. It's hard to find any motorcycle related businesses anymore. Sad, that.  

2. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions/goals for the year and will you make/set more for next year?  What are they? What are your new ones?  I don't make New Year's Resolutions or set goals. 

3. Did anyone you know give birth? Or get pregnant? I'm old. Most all my friends are old. There are no Sarai's (Abraham's Sarah) amoungst us. So, that's a "No". 

4. Did anyone you know die? Or have a serious illness?  It seems we've lost a lot of friends this year. There was one that succumbed to the devasting illness of pancreatic cancer last January. His passing still hurts. I think of his kindness often. I'll miss his phone calls about photography, birding, traveling and of the world events in general. He was a great guy. A true friend.

5. What places did you visit?  Mostly grocery shopping, doctors, Church events, and other miscellaneous errands these days. There's no extra funds for anything else of consequence at the moment. Some of the homebody contentment is age related, I'm sure. There's a sereneness about not being on the "go" all the time. We generally hang around the house performing necessary chores, reading and enjoying each other's company.

6. What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year (doesn't have to be a physical thing)?  A real President and a real Vice President would be nice. I'm praying the next one will defund all these illegal alphabet agencies as well. We are being governed by unelected citizens. Thugs running the Government is no laughing matter folks.

7. What date from this year will remain etched in your memory and why?  November 25th stands out. I was walking the perimenter of the property, praying in the Spirit about many troubling matters, especially what many innocent children are having to endure, when this happened ... 

Looks ordinary in a photo, doesn't it? It wasn't at the moment! That mid-morning I had been looking down, watching my step, deep in prayer like I said, then suddenly I felt compelled to look up because I felt Someone near. First I was struck by the beauty of the moment. I quit moving. Well, I couldn't move. It was like my knees were buggling. Then I heard inside me the Lord speaking gently through His Spirit, "Be of good cheer, I'm coming back soon." Then, the moment passed but I could still feel His presence. I snapped this photo to remember the moment of encouragment. It's my memorial stone. [kinda like in Joshua 4] I do feel encouraged! So, apparently my marching orders are to keep sharing His Gospel (the Good News) in the effort to reach as many as possible that will heed His Word. I don't want to fail in this task. For us Saints it's clear we are to not give up hope, keep sharing, witnessing, helping others and praying because when the time is right He will be removing us from the Big Trouble that's coming soon. For the lost this bespokes to get saved now because you do NOT want to be left behind! The window is rapidly closing on this Age of Grace [read a letter from Rev. Billy Graham]. Like our Pastor once said in a sermon, there won't be any nice people left behind after the Rapture. It's going to be really, really, REALLY awful here. I won't put into words what's going to happen.  Besides, eternity is but a breath away. Don't leave Earth without Him.  

8. What was your biggest achievement this year? Really, nothing earth shattering comes to mind. Oh, wait, check that, I did learn of a stretching exercise I could do at home to ease the neck/shoulder pain I've had for years that was caused by Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. There's a link to it here on YouTube. The exercises really worked for me. The pain, the constant crackling, the discomfort seems to be all gone. [knock on wood] I sleep better and can now work painfree. To God be the glory! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™ 

9. Did you get sick or injured? Anyone you know? No, I seldom get sick anymore since giving up sugar/carb's. I no longer suffer from the non-ending bi-annual infections (UTI's, Vaginitis, sore throats, etc.). I also don't seem to be suspectible to head colds, coronaviruses, etc. because I've been exposed often from friends and from shopping and, so far, no illness. Must be related? Steve is enjoying the same benefits since going Keto. Even the Plantar fasciitis is healed. I'm glad of that. I do love to walk. 

10. What was the best thing you bought?  Can't think of anything specifically. 

11. Where did most of your disposable income go (money leftover after you pay for food, transporation and shelter)?  Disposable? What's that, right?! Bidenomics (really Nazism because our Government is actually Big Business running everything behind the scenes) is killin' the Poor and Middle Class so they can control us, which, of course, is their goal. I never knew the film The Matrix was actually a warning about Big Government.

12.  What song will always remind you of this year?  I don't know about "always" but this one seems fitting for our current situation: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Like everyone else that is trusting in the blood of Jesus for salvation, I'm also hanging onto the hem of His garment! I think we'd all go crackers if it wasn't for Him. Jesus is our only Hope. ๐Ÿ’ž

13.  What do you wish you could have done more of?  Travel on my motorbike, of course. ๐Ÿ I miss being able to travel long distances. Steve and I have had a lot of interesting journey's on two wheels. 

14. What do you wish you would have done less of?  Sitting. Because of arthritis in my hands and wrist (can't seem to shake that affirmity) I've had to give up a lot of treasured crafts. My heart yearns to go back to painting, sewing, weaving, making plastic canvas items and so forth. It hurts too much which lead to me surfing the 'net also which caused a medical condition called "Tailor''s Bottom". (Yeah, I giggled too.) It's a type of hip burstis. Well, my new Doc ordered a hyrdocordisone shot. It worked! That pain is now eased. Thank you Lord. If it returns, he recommended another one. Surgery is too dangerous in that area.

15. What was your favorite new TV program? Movie? Album/Songs? Or if you didn't pick up any new ones, what are you still watching/listening to? Not much has changed except we've been buying a lot of DVD's of old films. We stream everything else. I'm really into movies that center around India during the Victorian Age. India does have a fascinating history. It's really ancient. It's a shame they're so trapped in the worship of demons. They're also killin' Christians when they should be heeding their warnings and follow Jesus. Their lives would be so much better.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day! Ride safe. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Changes


1. Who did you spend time with this year?  Lots of people. I do get out, ๐Ÿ˜’ occasionally, you know. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2. Anything change with the pets in your life?

Thankfully, no. Got the same three doggies I've had for 4 years: Maggie (tan), Sam and Jack. As you can see, they're terribly neglected ... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚ 

3. What was your job like this year? What do you do? Did any roles or assignments change? If you arenโ€™t employed, base this question on your work at home or volunteering. Nope, no jobs. I'm still retired. Yes, I'm rubbing it in.  ๐Ÿ˜

4. What was the best book you read this year? How many did you read?  I read so many books, I really couldn't chose. I've enjoyed them all. 

5. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently?  We drove over to Darien, Georgia on the coast for fresh fried shrimp and all the trimmings. I did feel a little older this year. Tired, mostly, but it could be because of aging bones. One does get terribly tired. 

6. What political or social issue stirred you the most?  A better question might be what didn't "stir" my ire the most!? Until I watched the film Sound Of Freedom and started listening to those on the front lines, I didn't know that s*x slavery was so prevalent. Our Government is evil folks. Top to bottom. The borders are being left open to keep trading in human flesh (especially innocent children) and also to bring in the sleeper cells of Muslims and anarchy to terrorize us when the time is right. I'm glad I live in a part of America that we still conceal carry 24/7, pray daily and protect our neighbors. The forces of darkness are in for a big surprise if they try that business here. 

7. Who was the most interesting new person you met?  I think everyone is interesting. For real. We all have something to offer, don't ya think?  ๐Ÿ˜

8. What changed in your home?  The Dust Bunnies got moved around. ๐Ÿ˜‚ That's about it.  

9. What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)  Can be a new skill or a life lesson.  I've had several epiphany's after studying God's Word. When we ask to have something in His word to be revealed, He shares His wisdom for our benefit and instruction. I'm so grateful for that because I have a lot to learn. 

10. What was your favourite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather?  What do you wear when you dress up? Any new clothes or accessories you really love?  I wear whatever's appropriate for the season and my modesty. I'm old but I am into comfort. Mustn't show too much skin.  ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ Don't wanna gross anyone out.  ๐Ÿ˜…

11. Did you make or give up on any efforts to be healthier? Diet, water, exercise etc?  My husband Steve and I have been eating Keto (no sugar/low carbs) since late 2019. Every day is a healthy day for us now. No need for all that fad stuff that doesn't work anyway. I was a sugar addict. It's a deadly drug, you know. It's so nice not to have blood sugar "crashes" with all the infections, colds nor 'flu, plantar fasciitis, gray skin, etc. anymore. I sleep better from losing so much weight, clothes feel better, and many other benefits. 

12. Fave meals, snacks, desserts, restaurants etc? Eat out or eat in?  We eat at home 99.9% of the time for financial reasons and also because our food just tastes better than what most restaurants can make. Also, this way we have more control of what goes into our bodies. None of the meat we buy has the Fauci/Gates bioweapon in it. And we defintely will not "eat ze bugs". All our purchases are from local farmers who are just as concerned about that as we are. I like eating at home. 

13. Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favourite thing you made?  Because of advancing arthritis I can't work my crafts anymore. I do miss that terribly. At least I can still be a keyboard jockey.  ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

14. What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance) 

Geez, you're making me think *lol* ... I wouldn't mind traveling to western South Carolina in the Fall again and touring the Revolutionary War sites. That was fun. It is so pretty there. 

15. What was the best new/new-to-you thing you a) bought b) made c) acquired in some other way?  Buying new clothes because I've lost so much weight! Steve has to as well. I've gone from a size 2X to a size 14 and I'm still losing. Salvation Army has benefited from us losing with all our contributions. 

Well, as y'all can see, I'm back on Blogger. Now I gotta figure out how to change things here again. ๐Ÿ˜‰ So, that's a Change, right? My reason for leaving Wordpress is I had so few "followers" there it became discouraging to even post. I like it when the folks that stop by leave a comment. Please do drop a line if you don't mind? If I'm not already I will follow back on your blog. Thanks.  ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’•

Love & Hugs and ...

Pamela (your blog host) ๐Ÿ˜Ž & Steve