Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Joke And A Prayer Request

Tomorrow, the Iowa Caucasus begins casting votes, or they start, anyway. Thus, the political joke: Trump VS Trump. I know I don't have to ask for prayers concerning this serious event. There's so much riding on these elections. Many of our God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may be lost forever if the wrong people keep getting elected. May the LORD Jesus guide and protect us.

And a prayer request. I've injured my right hip again and the pain is pretty intense. I can barely walk, and riding is definitely a no-no. Prayers for relief will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

I hope everyone has a very happy, safe, blessed week.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris Attacks

This evening as I was preparing a post about a much longed for ride on Veterans Day, world events where suddenly thrust to the forefront of my mind. These words of comfort needed to take precedence to my joy as others are suffering. I want to offer my heartfelt prayers for the people tortured, dying and living in fear in Paris this evening. I'll refrain from the "I told you so" moment for I'm sure they are also thinking these thoughts. We must remain armed and ready for what is also approaching our very shores ... or may already be here. And I will add that, no matter what the future brings, even if it brings war, torture, and prosecution, as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Stay safe out there, my friends, and remain vigilant. Muslim hordes will soon be coming to a town near you.

Paris Terrorist Attacks

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Throw Back Thursday: Constitution Day

Today we Americans celebrate, even if only in our hearts, the 228th Constitution Day.

Remember how the government was once divided into three branches in order to ensure a more perfect union? That was back when there was liberty for all free thinking people's at our shores. Sure, it wasn't perfect. No man made thing is. But at least we had the ability to achieve freedom is so desired. Apparently though, after 100 plus years of chopping at the tree, it does not exist anymore. Our country has gone black and it may never go back.

We The People need to be especially careful about who the next President will be. Pray, and seek His guidance I humbly implore.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Obama Air Force Nominee Is Non-Pilot Female

Unbelievable! In yet another obvious attempt to further weaken the US military, Øblasphemer has picked a female non-pilot to head the US Air Force in the Pacific:

A non-pilot heading the Air Force? That will do wonders for morale, I am sure. What’s next? Perhaps a person who has never been on a boat leading the Navy and a person who has never shot a gun leading the Army? He's already stuffing the military with Muslims, deviants, and other non-American's.

I am very worried. 

Ride Safe,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Obama Worst President EVER #EpicFAIL #ImpeachObama

No Throw Back Thursday today. It's more like Throw UP Thursday with this creature still in office. As we all but Barry the Chum Lord prepare to celebrate our nation's history tomorrow, here's an interesting fact:

I think it's pretty self-explanatory why he's the most hated, reviled, disgusting leader we had since that time. I won't elaborate here. Too busy trying to make ends meet.

Also, another good read on how he's trying to kill American culture:

Totally agree. He HATES America and trying to kill us.


Ride Safe,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Funny Friday ~ Ray Stevens " Come To The USA"

A little humor before the rant.

h/t Bruce B.

I know this is Funny Friday but I have to voice an opinion on what's happening at our borders.

Mexicans are sending their unattended illegal migrant children on buses to America for us to care for and our government then gives them immediate health care, security, food, shelter, lawyers, education, etc. Yet our Veterans, who willingly sacrificed for God and Country, are being dissed, abandoned and deliberately killed by ignoring by the alleged medical personnel sent to help them!? I am outraged! All this while the man who calls himself Obama, yet again, does nothing.

Iraq is falling apart again. There's endless scandals surround Barry like flies on poo. He continually bad mouth's our country then deliberately aids and abets the very criminals who wants us all dead, the enemy. And on, and on, and on.

Please, this Beast must be impeached and then kicked out of our country.

The continued wickedness of the Obama Administration is so reprehensible, further words fail me.

Your thoughts?

Ride Safe,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Life's A Ditch And Then You Die

In 2011, Forbes Magazine Staff writer Rich Karlgaard wrote an article on our ever shrinking economy.
"It’s one thing to fall into a ditch. Quite another to paint and decorate the ditch and call it home. When you hear the U.S. economy has entered a “new normal” period of 2% growth and 9% unemployment, you’re listening to ditch decorators. The economy can do much better. Technology is advancing. Most people want to better themselves. There’s no reason to stay in this rut." Source
For the past two years, I've been explaining to anyone that will listen, we are not in a recession. We are in, or close to, another Great Depression. Today I learn that the Commerce Department has acknowledged that our economy is "... contracting at a 0.5 percent rate." (Source)

Albeit, they're blaming the weather, which of course, is a lie. It's the unconstitutional regulations by unelected government officials. Contributing factors are the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). The willy nilly printing of money. The low interest rates which are only enriching bankers. The rampant inflation. The leaving of major corporations to offshore headquarters because of the aforementioned. The ever increasing taxes. The glaring incompetence displayed by elected leaders. The lack of morals by the majority. And on and on. It's an enormous economic, immorally driven snowball heading straight for financial hell. It's unsustainable. It's a comedy of errors contributing to a high rate of small businesses and family farms closing their doors forever. Small town America is disappearing before our very eyes which is leading to more and more urban decay and despair.

Even our pets are not immune. Ever increasingly, I'm seeing animals abandoned on the side of the road. It's a sad state of affairs!

The biggest obstacle of all is the man who calls himself Obama. He is the unmentionable 'leavings' stuck in the sewer pipe of America, clogging up commerce and denying Americans access to liberties. He and his kind call what is good evil and what is evil good. He is truly a type of anti-Christ.

Elected officials have become ditch decorators. They've chosen to do nothing to stop the madness. They are apparently hoping we will live in that painted, heavily mortgaged, boring concrete grey ditch while they live in palaces stolen from the Middle Class.

I wish paint was still cheap.

Ride Safe,

Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse. It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way. A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD. Wealth brings many friends, but a poor man's friend deserts him. A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free.
[Proverbs 19: 1-5]

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted On 11 Counts Of Fraud

Somehow we all missed this one. So far, I haven't heard this on Fox News yet.
‘Chickens Come Home to Roost’ – Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted on 11 Counts of FraudPosted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 8, 2014, 7:54 PMJeri Wright and Rev. Jeremiah Wright 
In September Jeri Wright, daughter of Reverend “G** D*** America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy. 
More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack Obama. 
On Friday Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s daughter was found guilty of eleven counts that included money laundering and lying to federal agents. 
Breitbart reported: On Friday, a federal jury took less than two hours to convict the daughter of President Barack Obama’s controversial former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of fraud. 
Jeri Wright was found guilty of a fraud scheme that siphoned thousands of taxpayer dollars intended for a not-for-profit work and education program known as We Are Our Brother’s Keeper.
Prosecutor Timothy Bass said Jeri Wright lied “over and over” and went on a “spending spree” that included traveling to Las Vegas, buying vehicles, and remodeling her basement with cash from the money laundering scheme. She was found guilty on all counts. 
“If you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held accountable in a court of law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, Jim Lewis.
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? And the corruption with this bogus administration and their friends just goes on and on! I wish we didn't have two years of "transparency" left. At least history will not be kind to these people nor to the idjits that voted for them or followed them.

Jeri Wright is scheduled to be sentenced July 7th, 2014. Dibs on she'll get 3 hours of community service working at a Food Bank and a slap on the wrist!

Source: NBC News

Monday, April 28, 2014

How Obama Is Slowly Ruining America #coal #energy #healthcare

I remember warning everyone that would listen about Obama in 2009. He absolutely HATES America. Hands down. He wants all Americans, especially whites and Jews, dead and in hell with all the other 'infidels'. He's an evil, vile man. Please share this video with others. And pray for a 'velvet revolution' that will return us to our Christian values.

Thank you.

h/t Geeeeez!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Los Angeles Times Quote Of The Day

Source: Wikipedia
I'm so fed up with the Moonbat Democrats that keep getting re-elected to Congress and the obviously out-of-touch populace that keep voting for them. However, I am starting to smell blood in the water concerning these very same re-elections.

        Quote of the day by Dianne Feinstein
Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms."
Yep, she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right.
Kurt Nimmo: "Senator Feinstein insults all U.S. Veterans as she flays about in a vain attempt to save her anti-firearms bill."
Quote of the Day from the Los Angeles Times:
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."
Columnist Burt Prelutsky,
Los Angeles Times

This really made my day. It's looking very encouraging for a clean sweep in the Senate next November.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

American Thinker: Obama's Other Big Lie

The following article is brilliantly researched and written concerning Obama's Hawaiian birth certificiate. Quite enlightening, as well. I pasted the whole article here in case "someone" ever tries to have it deleted.

Not. That. That. Would. Ever. [cough] Happen.

By the way, did you know that Health Director Loretta Fuddy, the only person who witnessed the pre-amended birth certificate of Barry Soetoro (who now magically without benefit of those fussy things called legal documents, goes by the name Barack Hussein Obama) and issued the forgery given to the press, died in a plane crash recently? She was the only one to die out of all the many passengers on board. Makes one think, doesn't it ...

This is why I know that every piece of legislation or executive fiat that this man has signed is bogus. All such signatures should be made null and void. Everything about him is illegal, immoral, and deeply troubling. Just like any tin horn dictator, past, present or future, he's a cancer on the backside of the world.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

American Thinker
January 3, 2014 
Obama's Other Big Lie 
By Nick Chase

"We will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period." (Barack Obama, June 15, 2009, with variants repeated many times since). 

Today, any American who isn't willfully blind knows this "promise" is a very big lie. A lie which was deliberately told by fundamentally-dishonest pushers of Obamacare, because if the truth were widely known at that time the Affordable Care Act would never have become law.

It's a lie that is so egregious, even the dinosaur media can't ignore it or cover it up. In fact, the dinosaurs are increasingly upset that they're being continually abused be "the most transparent administration in history" and they now seem to be more willing to shed light not just on this lie, but also on some of Obama's other lies.
Do you suppose we could get them to take another look at the big lie of April 27, 2011? The lie that is central to Barack Obama's identity? The lie the dinosaurs not only glossed over, but for which they excommunicated from the human race anybody who dared to point out it was a lie?

I refer, of course, to the long-form "birth certificate" forgery for Barack Obama released by the White House to the world as a digital image on April 27, 2011.

Before you say, "Oh no, here we go again -- the guys with the tinfoil hats are on the loose", let's dispense with the easy part. Here is the irrefutable proof that the Obama long-form "birth certificate" is a forgery.
Shown in Figure OFS (below), side by side, are two images, each measuring 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches high (in their life size), against a black background. On the right is the digital scan of Obama's genuine short-form birth certificate, as released by the Obama presidential campaign in 2008. On the left is the long-form "birth certificate" forgery released in April 2011. I call it the "green thing".

Genuine Hawaii birth certificates are printed on borderless green basketweave security paper, as you can see on the genuine short-form certificate image. They do not have the white border that you see in the "green thing" on the left. That white border is like a picture frame for a (borderless) photograph that you hang on the wall. It masks (covers) part of the security-paper pattern at its outer edges.

So it is immediately obvious to the naked eye that the "green thing" is not a simple scan of a genuine, borderless paper birth certificate. It is a computer-generated fake -- a forgery.

Figure OFS.  Obama PDF forgery (with white border) and genuine short-form birth certificate, side by side, each measuring 8.5 by 11 inches.

The White House released two versions of this fake: The "green thing", and a much clearer (higher-resolution) black-and-white paper copy with no security-paper background, which was passed out to reporters on the morning of April 27, 2011. This paper copy was digitized (photographed) by The Associated Press, and that image is shown in Figure MP1, which follows.

The second irrefutable proof of forgery was developed by Christopher Monckton (Viscount Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, an Englishman), who has done a thorough analysis of the forgery's pitch -- that is, the spacing of the supposedly-typed monospace text -- by drawing a uniform grid on the AP-digitized image of the forgery (red lines in Figure MP1).

Figure MP1.  Monckton's "typewriter pitch" grid superimposed on the high-resolution Associated Press photo.

Enlarged, look at the "typed" line of text on Lord Monckton's grid, as shown in Figure MP2. We see that "August 4" is actually shifted slightly left of true pitch, and ", 1961 7:24 P."  is shifted about a third of a character to the right of true pitch.

Figure MP2.  The column containing the comma is where there is a right-shift of about a third of a character in pitch for the rightmost third of the forgery.

If you look back at Figure MP1, you will see that the column containing the comma is where the forger "lost" horizontal pitch.  While the leftmost two-thirds of the forgery (mostly) has one typewriter pitch, the right one-third (mostly) has a different pitch, with the column containing the comma being (about) an extra third of a character too wide.  This pitch-shift is very abrupt and cannot be accounted for by lens distortion in the AP photographer's camera, nor by any conceivable behavior by a real typist at a real typewriter.  A true, and obvious, forger's mistake.

In Figure MP1 Lord Monckton also drew baselines for the "typewritten" text.  (The baselines are for double-spaced lines on a typewriter, when the typist pulls the carriage-return lever twice after typing a line.) You can see that some lines of "typewritten" text are on the baseline, some are close, and others are off, with no consistency from line to line.  While the forger tried to maintain consistent pitch horizontally, vertical pitch was lost.

Courtesy of Lord Monckton, shown in Figure MP3 is a very-beaten-up genuine Hawaiian birth certificate for the summer of Obama's birth, on which Monckton has superimposed a pitch-grid (blue lines) showing that a genuine typewritten Hawaiian birth certificate of that era maintains horizontal and vertical pitch on a form designed to accommodate double-spaced typewritten lines (as one would expect.) (The items "Waihee", "Negro", "Porter Service" and "6-13-61" are later modifications made with a different typewriter.)

Figure MP3.  A genuine Hawaiian birth certificate from 1961 which maintains perfect horizontal and vertical typewriter pitch.

To summarize:
If Obama's long-form "birth certificate" were genuine, then the White House would have released a simple, borderless digital image resulting from the scan of a genuine paper document, in a widely-used graphical format. (The 2008 certificate image was released as a JPEG.)

But because the "birth certificate" is a forgery, what we wound up with is a mess. Paper black-and-white copies of the forgery, with the basketweave security pattern digitally "turned off" before printing, were passed out to the White House press corps. Then a much-poorer-quality color image, inexplicably masked with a white border, was deliberately digitally damaged by the forger to confuse Internet sleuths before it was released to the public in PDF format (generally used for documents, not stand-alone pictures) as the "green thing".

If you would like more detailed evidence of forgery than is contained in this brief summary, I urge you to download and read my complete research report, Barry Soetoro's Birth Secret, available at:

This is a "public domain" document (uncopyrighted, except for "fair use" of certain graphics), so feel free to pass it around among your friends.

For the two years that I have been analyzing and writing about Obama's long-form "birth certificate", I have not done any of this research to score political points. (I think Obama is a terrible president, but that is irrelevant to my research efforts.) I have only been trying for my own satisfaction to solve the maddening, real-life mystery of Obama's origins and of what's being hidden that's on his real birth certificate.

In "Secrets Revealed" (American Thinker, June 15, 2012) I compared the short-form birth certificate, the forgery, and the "Verification of Birth" sent by the Hawaii Department of Health to Arizona secretary of state Ken Bennett -- line by line -- and concluded that all of the information on the short-form birth certificate and on the long-form forgery that was released to the public is true, but the genuine long-form image cannot be shown because the certificate in Hawaii's possession "looks different" or contains more information than what was released to the public.

At this point we progress from known fact -- the "birth certificate" is fake -- to theory: If all the information shown is true, why was the fake, instead of the genuine birth certificate, released?

For me, there is only one likely possibility: Adoption.  Specifically, Barry was legally adopted by Obama's mother's second husband, Lolo Soetoro, in a way that caused the Hawaii birth record to be visually altered.
Is there any evidence that Lolo Soetoro legally adopted Obama after he and Ann Dunham (Obama) were married in Hawaii on March 24, 1965?

Yes, there is, though it is sketchy.  (Adopted children don't usually go around telling people they were adopted, nor do parents typically advertise that their children are adopted, though it may be obvious where the child's race differs from the parents'.)

There is a Facebook posting made in 2011 by Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, in response to a critic where she wrote in part, "You mentioned the adoption laws of Indonesia that you saw as related to my brother's legitimacy (you were suggesting that because my father, his stepfather, had adopted him, that my brother was no longer American) and I said that I had no idea about Indonesian adoption law and what you were saying didn't make any sense to me but that the law that mattered was the law of this country [that is, U.S. law] and the fact that he was born in the United States." (Italics are mine.) It would seem that Maya thinks that Barry was adopted, believing it to be an Indonesian adoption.

Figure SFA.  1968 Indonesian school registration for Barry Soetoro.  (Associated Press photo by Tatan Syuflana.)

Also relevant is young Barry's registration for the school term beginning in 1968 at Santo Fransiskus Asisi (St. Francis of Assisi Catholic) school in Indonesia, as shown in Figure SFA.
The translations for some of the line items are:
1.  Name of the student - Barry Soetoro
2.  Place and date of birth - Honolulu 4-8-61 [August 4, 1961, date in European format]
3.  Nation:       a, citizenship - Indonesia
                        b, foreign descent - (left blank)
                        c, race - (left blank)
4.  Religion - Islam
5.  Student's address - Ment[eng] Dalam R007/R1003
7a.  School term beginning date - 1-1-1968
7b.  Placed in class - 2
8a.  Parents' names:    Father - L.  Soetoro M.  A.
                                    Mother - (left blank)
Indonesian citizenship (which comes through the father under Indonesian law) would be conferred to Barry by legal adoption.

Chapter 2 of ghostwriter Bill Ayers' eloquent composite biography of Obama, Dreams From My Father, covers Obama's time spent in Indonesia. 

On Page 38 we read,
"So it was to Lolo that I turned for guidance and instructions.  He didn't talk much, but he was easy to be with.  With his family and friends he introduced me as his son, but he never pressed things beyond matter-of-fact advice or pretended that our relationship was more than it was.  I appreciated this distance; it implied a manly trust." (Italics are mine.)
And on Page 41 we find,
"My mother watched us from inside the house... She really was grateful for Lolo's solicitude toward me.  He wouldn't have treated his own son very differently.  She knew that she was lucky for Lolo's basic kindness." (Again, italics are mine.)
Dreams From My Father is revealing not just in what it says, but in what it omits.  Nowhere in Chapter 2 is there a reference to Lolo Soetoro as "father", "stepfather", "adopted father" or any reference at all to his formal/legal relationship to young Barry.  He appears as just "Lolo", with an apparent unwillingness on Barry's part to shed the Kenyan figment of a father in favor of a man who clearly was reaching out to be a real father to him.

Finally, we have Stanley Ann Soetoro's 1968 application to extend her 1965 passport (now destroyed) for an additional two years, as shown in Figure PPA.

On the second page of the application, Ann moved to exclude her son Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) from her passport, but the item has been crossed out -- perhaps on the advice of the consulate in Jakarta, as this would have left seven-year-old Barry passportless -- so it didn't happen.

The appendage "(Soebarkah)" has never been satisfactorily explained by anyone, and I certainly don't know what "Soebarkah" means, but it does seem to indicate a name change or change in citizenship status for the boy.
Figure PPA.  Ann Soetoro's 1968 application to extend her 1965 passport.

If, as I think is likely, Barry was legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro, was the adoption in Indonesia or Hawaii?  Most observers (like half-sister Maya) have assumed that it would have been in Indonesia, but if we look at the timelines and circumstances of the Soetoro family's piecemeal return/emigration to Indonesia, we see that a timely Indonesian adoption would be very unlikely, while there was ample time for the parents to put in place a Hawaiian adoption before settling in Indonesia.

Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama and Lolo Soetoro were married in Molokai on March 24, 1965, while they were both still graduate students at the University of Hawaii.  Lolo was in the U.S. on a student visa scheduled to expire in June 1965.  But because Indonesia was in turmoil following a failed military coup in September 1965 which resulted in the purging and killing of communists in 1965-66, Lolo stayed in Hawaii for as long as he could, until the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service forced his return to Indonesia in July 1966.  On his return to Indonesia Lolo worked for the government, mapping western New Guinea.
Finally, in 1967 it was safe for Americans to go to Indonesia, so Ann Soetoro emigrated there in October 1967, with Barry in tow, to join her husband Lolo, where they lived in a district of south Jakarta.  Barry was enrolled as an Indonesian citizen for school beginning in 1968, as we have seen; Indonesian citizenship was a requirement for students attending Indonesian state-supported schools.

Under Indonesian law of the time, if Lolo adopted Barry before he turned age 5 (that is, before August 4, 1966), Barry would automatically become an Indonesian citizen, subject to the approval of the Pengadilan Negeri (district court) for the district of the father's residence.  A Hawaiian adoption of a U.S.-citizen child by a foreign-nationality father would pose no U.S. legal problems, and it would be recognized in Indonesia under international treaty.  (Under U.S. law, Barry would hold triple citizenship -- U.S., Indonesian, and Kenyan.) And since the parents knew they would eventually be living in Indonesia, it would make sense for Lolo to adopt Barry in Hawaii, and take advantage of the automatic Indonesian citizenship for the child, as part of the preparations for emigration and Barry's schooling there.

If Lolo had adopted Barry in Indonesia, he would then be adopting a six-year-old foreign-born child under Indonesian law, in less than four months' time, so Barry could go to school at the beginning of January 1968.  Unlikely.

In 1965 and 1966 the only kind of Hawaiian adoption available for young children was a sealed adoption, where the pre-adoption birth certificate of the adopted child is sealed under court order, and a new birth certificate is issued showing the adopting parent(s) as the birth parent(s). When a Hawaiian birth certificate is thus amended, a document file containing the sealed record of the original document and supporting documentation that authorized a change to the information contained in the original document is created. The amended certificate is "distinctly marked" alerting to the fact it was altered. (Today, most adoptions can be "unsealed" and the pre-adoptive birth information restored to the vital records, but this does not "undo" an adoption -- nor a change of surname, if there was one.)

Whatever that "distinctly marked" alteration to Obama's birth certificate is, it must be obvious enough that, if shown to the public, people would see that Barry had been adopted. 
Do we have any concrete evidence that Lolo adopted Barry in Hawaii?
Yes, we do.
First is the forgery itself -- it was released in lieu of a genuine long-form birth certificate so the public would not know that Lolo Soetoro had adopted Obama (as would be evidenced by the amending of his hospital-generated birth information).
Second, we have a myriad collection of official statements by various Hawaii officials.
In the English language there are (at least) two different meanings of the word "original" when referring to documents.  It can mean "master", rather than a copy or facsimile; or it can mean "first version," rather than revised or subsequent versions.
The section of Hawaiian state law (578-14) which covers birth certificates being issued as part of the adoption process refers to the pre-adoption birth certificate as "original" and the post-adoption birth certificate as "new."  So when bureaucrats who are following the law refer to an "original" birth certificate, they most certainly mean the master, but they could also be using the legal meaning, the certificate generated at time of birth, before it was amended by adoption of the child.
In this light let's take another look at some of those carefully-worded statements by Hawaii state officials:
Former Hawaii Department of Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino on October 31, 2008:
"I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai'i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen.  Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
Again, on July 27, 2009: Fukino indicated she had "seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American."  (One can disagree on legal grounds with the additional qualifier of natural-born, but her statement does identify Obama as native-born.)

On April 11, 2011, following a telephone interview with Dr. Fukino, NBC News reporter Michael Isikoff wrote, "the original so-called 'long form' birth certificate -- described by Hawaiian officials as a 'record of live birth' -- absolutely exists, located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health.  Fukino said she has personally inspected it -- twice.  The first time was in late October 2008 -- taking with her the state official in charge of vital records.  She found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files.  She then put out a public statement asserting to the document's validity.  She later put out another public statement in July 2009 - after reviewing the original birth record a second time."
On April 22, 2011, President Obama wrote to then-Director of the Hawaii Department of Health Loretta J. Fuddy, "I am writing to request two certified copies of my original certificate of live birth."

On April 25, 2011, Fuddy wrote to the president, "Enclosed, please find two copies of your original Certificate of Live Birth.  I have witnessed the copying of the certificate and attest to the authenticity of these copies."

Finally, we have State Registrar Alvin T. Onaka's (rubber-stamped) Verification of Birth letter to Ken Bennett of May 22, 2012 in which Onaka writes, "Additionally, I verify that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request [that is, a printout of the "green thing"] matches the original record in our files."

(Italicized emphasis of the word "original" in all of these statements is mine.)

So you see, these folks have been telling the truth all along.  Moreover, they are adhering to state law by not indicating that an adoption had taken place, because they are not authorized to release that information.
Was there anybody else telling the truth?  Oh, yes -- President Obama on the morning of April 27, 2011, before the release of the "green thing: "As many of you have been briefed, we provided additional information today about the site of my birth.  Now, this issue has been going on for two, two and a half years now.  I think it started during the campaign.  And I have to say that over the last two and a half years I have watched with bemusement, I've been puzzled at the degree to which this thing just kept on going.  We've had every official in Hawaii, Democrat and Republican, every news outlet that has investigated this, confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii, August 4, 1961, in Kapiolani Hospital.  We've posted the certification [short-form birth certificate] that is given by the state of Hawaii on the Internet for everybody to see.  People have provided affidavits that they, in fact, have seen this birth certificate.  And yet this thing just keeps on going." (The rest of his comments were political talking points.)

"We provided additional information today about the site of my birth" -- yes, he did.  The information is truthful -- though incomplete -- but it was revealed via a forged document.

Just when Barry reverted from using the surname Soetoro back to the surname Obama is not clear.  It was sometime after his return to Hawaii in the summer or fall of 1971, alone as a ten-year-old boy with his own U.S. passport.  And we know that he graduated from Punahou School in 1979 as "Barry Obama."
Does Barack Obama still legally carry the surname Soetoro? Perhaps somebody should ask him that question.

We can now say beyond all doubt that Barack Obama (Soetoro) was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961, and is a native-born U.S. citizen.  All "official" evidence prior to the release of the long-form "birth certificate" forgery told us this -- his short-form birth certificate, statements by Hawaii officials, the contemporaneous birth announcements in the Hawaii newspapers, his (birth) father's correspondence and dealings with the Immigration and Naturalization service, Obama/Soetoro's registration form for Fransiskus Asisi school.  Now we have the "birth certificate" forgery itself to seal the deal, because by knowing what was being hidden with the release of the forgery -- his legal adoption -- we know what was not being hidden -- his place and date of birth.

About the author: Nick Chase is a retired but still very active technical writer, technical editor, computer programmer and stock market newsletter writer.  During his career he has produced documentation on computers, typewriters, typesetters, headline-makers and other pieces of equipment most people never heard of, and he has programmed typesetting equipment.  You can read more of his work on the American Thinker website and at

The theory that Barry was adopted in Hawaii is not a new idea, nor is it original with me. In Suborned in the USA (National Review Online, July 30, 2009) NRO editor Andrew C. McCarthy wrote:
"Obama and the media worked in tireless harmony to refute any indication that he had ever been a Muslim. It's now apparent, however, not only that he was raised as a Muslim while living for four years in the world's most populous Islamic country, but that he very likely became a naturalized citizen of Indonesia.
"Shortly after divorcing Barack Obama Sr., Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married an Indonesian Muslim, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, whom she met - just as she had met Barack Sr. - when both were students at the University of Hawaii. At some point, Soetoro almost certainly adopted the youngster, who became known as "Barry Soetoro." Obama's lengthy, deeply introspective autobiographies do not address whether he was adopted by the stepfather whose surname he shared for many years, but in all likelihood that did happen in Hawaii, before the family moved to Jakarta.
"Under Indonesian law, adoption before the age of six [Correct age is five - Nick] by an Indonesian male qualified a child for citizenship. According to Dreams from My Father, Obama was four when he met Lolo Soetoro; his mother married Soetoro shortly thereafter; and Obama was already registered for school when he and his mother relocated to Jakarta, where Soetoro was an oil-company executive and liaison to the Suharto government.
"That was in 1966 [Correct year is 1967 - Nick], when Obama was five [Six - Nick]. Obama attended Indonesian elementary schools, which, in Suharto's police state, were generally reserved for citizens (and students were required to carry identity cards that matched student registration information). The records of the Catholic school Obama/Soetoro attended for three years identify him as a citizen of Indonesia. Thus Obama probably obtained Indonesian citizenship through his adoption by Soetoro in Hawaii. That inference is bolstered by the 1980 divorce submission of Ann Dunham and Lolo Soetoro, filed in Hawaii state court. It said "the parties" (Ann and Lolo) had a child (name not given) who was no longer a minor (Obama was 19 at the time). If Soetoro had not adopted Obama, there would have been no basis for the couple to refer to Obama as their child - he'd have been only Ann Dunham's child."
When McCarthy wrote this, Obama was not under intense political pressure to release his (genuine) long-form birth certificate, and at that time it probably did not occur to anybody that he would be unable to do so without also revealing that Lolo Soetoro had adopted him in Hawaii.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The New 12 Days of Christmas #ObamasTwelveDaysOfChristmas

This was inspired by the #ObamasTwelveDaysOfChristmas hashtag game on Twitter. Special h/t to Jon McNaughton for the image used at #10. See more of his amazing art at
Also a h/t to Patriot Post for the image at #9.
I found this at fellow TEA party patiot's blog Fuzzy Slippers.

Bonus "joke", It's A Wonderful Lie

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me Blue Shield #ObamaCare

Anyone else losing their health care? Even if not yet, it's comin'. Obama's goal is for everyone in America to lose health care insurance, and then be completely dependent on his false god of Government.

Obama is pure, unadulterated evil. I feel so sad every time his mug is on TV (which is way too often for that much hot air). I can find no redeeming value about this man. And the people who voted for him are useful fools or equally evil with their own hate filled agenda. If a person so much as criticizes him, they get audited by his strong arm thugs the I.R.S. If people protest when he's near, they get arrested. All these actions are illegal and immoral. I guess even I take a chance by pointing out the self-appointed emperor has no clothes.

He's definitely a legend in his own mind. Actually, he is a Legion in a minefield but he doesn't know it. And that Legion will be the one's that carry him straight to eternal damnation if he doesn't get saved. I keep praying that he'll give his heart to Jesus Christ but, apparently, just as the Pharaoh of old when Moses wanted to lead the Israelites out of bondage to freedom, Obama keeps hardening his heart too. [read Exodus for the whole story] His goal is to add more bondage to our lives. I just hope we won't have 40 years of wandering in the desert after this vile America hater is gone. We have enough desert to wander through now with the likes of 'Helicopter Ben' Bernanke keeping the interest rates low and inflation high. (Planned and deliberate by the wealthy Left like George Soros, by the way.) All of which punishes savers and the elderly. The next scheduled Fed chief, Janet Yellen, is reported to be even more of an economy wrecker! She's of the mind that there's not enough inflation. [Forbes Magazine]

Lord save us!

Right now I have to figure out how to make our meager earnings go yet another 30 days. I keep running out of days before I run out of money.

~ Ride Safe ~

Friday, November 15, 2013

Funny Friday ~ The Affordable Boat Act

This is an excellent comparison of the "Healthcare" power grab debacle hoisted on US by the current communist wanna be regime.

The U.S. Government has just passed a new law called:
"The Affordable Boat Act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000 - $155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.

This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats.
This new law ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.

In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the
costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who can't afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can use their parents boats to party on until they turn 27; then they must purchase their own boat.

If you already have a boat, you can keep yours. Period. (Just kidding. No you can't). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or can't afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment.

Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; ghettos; inner cities or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire are not acceptable excuses for not buying your boat.

A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride in your boat and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has out lived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories, (like a $500 compass) or a newer and more expensive boat.

Those that can afford yachts will be required to do so it’s only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations (read: kickbacks, bribes) are also exempt.

If the government can force you to buy health care, they can force you to buy a boat ... or ANYTHING else.
This whole thing makes ya kinda SEA SICK, huh? 

~ Ride Safe ~
