Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Yesterday's Church services at the Rehab center went well. There were fewer residents than the last one but that's possibly due to people coming and going as they heal and other reasons. Whatever the future holds we plan to keep soldiering on until instructed to do otherwise. 
Steve is not unhappy. He was simply caught unawares. We had a good time listening to the Gospel, singing a couple of old hymns, then praying together. There were even fewer Church members that could show up but those of us who could tried to keep the joy going and move through the participants to pray individually with anyone who wanted comfort or had a need before leaving. These photos were snapped by our Pastor's wife. She was playing with my new little yellow camera. I told her the photos looked like a filming of a Batman episode. Ms. Jackie is always such fun. [below] Look at that impish grin.  πŸ˜  Hopefully her rehab will end soon too and she will be back home. 

This is Bro. Bob giving the sermon and sitting is our piano player Kathy. 

In other news we heard something good concerning our not-too-distant neighbor Mr. Tommy (the one the Church gave the A/C to on Monday). Yesterday, in a scheduled phone call with the Government, he received the welcome news that he will receive the partial SSI funding with medical insurance he requested almost a year ago. Now he can find an eye surgeon so he can get in line for the much needed cataract replacement surgery. He wants so desperately to rejoin the workforce and also move to a more desirable neighborhood. Possibly even be able to drive again some day. Yippee! My heart is singing to our Lord in praise for His infinite kindness. God answers prayer y'all. Thank you Lord! We're all so very excited for him. Thank you everyone else who has been praying about this too. 

Today, it's mundane things: laundry, light yardwork, clean the house and other housewifey things. My Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed but I still can't grasp a clutch for more than a few seconds. I'll keep working on strengthening my grip so I can ride again. I certainly do not want an automatic. Might was well buy a sports car if it comes to that .... 
Hmmm ... now that's a thought ... πŸ˜‰

Have a lovely day folks. Thanks for stopping by. 


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heart To Heart

Our pastor had a heart transplant on Mother's Day. He healed so rapidly and has had no rejections! The hospital released him last Monday so he and wife high-tailed it home the next day. For today, we had planned a big welcome for them at the church. I took my new digital video camera and recorded some of the event.

Please excuse the poor picture quality at the start. I'm still new at this. :)

Pastor said his first sermon since the surgery will be the 3rd Sunday in July. We can't wait!

This is such a blessing for the recipent, of course, and such a tragedy too. We've been praying for the donor's family, that they be comforted and know the peace of believing in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Thank you all for your prayers too.

I hope y'all have a blessed Sunday! :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Church And Some Motorcycle News

Our Church

You've never seen our little church, have ya? A couple of weeks ago, one of the elders gave me the project of compiling a notebook featuring the history of the church, who the members were/are, etc. I've learned quite a bit about the church. It was organized in November of 1936 and had many more members back then. This brick building was not the original structure [go here to see the original]. It's tiny!

Our Pastor, Byron Scott, is still very ill. Pastor has been put at the top of the list of a heart transplant. We are humbly asking for prayers, if y'all would. Thank you so much. I'm sure if he could speak directly to you, Byron would say "heart felt thanks" for your prayers and concerns. :) We all miss him and his family very much.

Stained Glass Windows

There are 12 stained glass windows in this structure, donated by various families. I made sure to feature them, including the family data, in the notebook I made.

Honda CRF 230F

Today, my hubby took apart the carburetor on one of our "new" Honda CRF dirt bikes. This one had been running too rich, wouldn't idle properly and was spilling gas at every opportunity. He tore the whole thing down on our kitchen table and gently cleaned every little port. Then carefully put it back together again. Now the bike runs like a top! Yay! I'm so proud of him. He saved us about $100 doing this at home and we didn't have to buy a rebuild kit. I enjoy projects like this too. It reminds how we used to save money doing our own auto repairs when we were first married. We didn't have much money then, but those are fun, happy memories.

Well, I hope everyone else has had a good week in spite of the sad political news? I'm sure we're all praying our law makers will REPEAL THE BILL and take us back down the road to economic recovery instead of their attempt at fascism. Thankfully, whether "they" like it or not, God is still in control. :)