Showing posts with label tuesday tidbits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tuesday tidbits. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

Thank you for the birthday greetings and well wishes! Yesterday was really nice. First we stopped by our watering hole Southern Sippin' for a cuppa their specialty coffee. Then we took off shopping in Waycross for a couple of hours. I'd venture to say that I have hung at least 40 wind chimes all over the property, in the garden, on the porches, and inside the house. I've been wanting a new wind chime (like, I don't have enough all ready!). Steve understand my "addiction" and took me to Tractor Supply to pick out another one.
I had a really difficult time deciding which one to bring home! They all looked so pretty. This one the butterflies twirl in the middle and has the loveliest mellow jingle underneath. My dear friend Vicki gifted specialty coffee called "Jamacia Me Crazy" and a pair of 4th of July earrings. She's always so sweet.

Today it's back to normal operating procedures. I'm washing clothes, cleaning the house, watering the flowers, picking up limbs (gently) in the yard, and so forth. Oh, and posting here, of course. I want to mow but Steve said, "Um, that's a big negatory!" 😁 He's more worried about me reinjuring the finger than I am. 

Our Church's new ministry is scheduled to start tomorrow. Many of us had been praying for a more active participation in the community to lead the lost to Christ and edify our neighbors. God laid it on our Pastor's heart to show up at the Rehab Center where his wife is currently residing to sing Hymns, witness, break bread with, pray with and give comfort to those that possibly have no one to care or anyone local to visit. I do so worry that some may not feel needed or loved. That's a terrible emotional state to be in. So a few of us have agreed to meet there around 10 am for a couple of hours a week. It's quite a distance for some in the Church, so, I am praying we can all afford the fuel to get there and back. I feel confident, though, that the good Lord God of all will provide according to His will. He always does. May it bring Him glory and more crowns to cast at Jesus' feet on that Glorious Day.

I'll leave y'all with this. Let's pray for boldness to keep witnessing for Christ, being generous & kind, and looking up for Him, and that we may be removed out of the way soon of the wrath to come. The Age of Grace clock must be swiftly running out. This in His Holy Word came to me this morning during devotional. God bless y'all. Thanks for stopping by.  πŸ’“

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Hi y'all! Just briefly because the trauma to my finger is making me weary with all errands and housekeeping that still must be performed.

It has been raining like gangbusters for the past 12 to 18 hours. Our poorly maintained country dirt road is a bloody sloppy mess. Yesterday the battery in our 4 year old Nissan Frontier pickup died. These new jell batteries give one zero warning when they are about to quit. God is good. At least it's up under the carport and we do have other transportation. So, that must be dealt with today. In the pouring rain. 

The Ortho Doc's office called in a new antibiotic for me. It's Sulfameth/Trimeth 400-80mg. Had my first pill with breakfast. So far, so good. No tummy upset or nausea or the other end. πŸ₯Ή

Our Church has decided to take on a new ministry which has me very excited! I'll share more later.

Amen?!? Well, we still need groceries. Guess we'd better get to it. 

Thanks for asking, praying and hanging on with me through all this. Y'all are the best!! At least with all this time on my hands (pun intended) I've been praying for all of us and you more. May your day be blessed.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Gosh, it's gotten hot all of a sudden. This morning was cool but it's creeping up to 90*+ as the day progresses. 
I watered everything early when it was at it's coolest (about 62*). The air felt very nice. This is what I look like whenever I'm out in the yard now that the biting flies have hatched. Southeast Georgia has Deer Flies, Yellow Flies, Horseflies, Mosquitoes, and on and on. Then there's the non-biting ones like gnats. They simply drive one mad what with getting in our eyes, ears, noses, etc. So I'm covered up! I wish there was a hat or net for doggies so they wouldn't have to walk around snapping at these pests the whole time. They really suffer but always endure, for awhile, so as to be close to me. They have their own pet door so as to pop back inside (or out) whenever the mood moves them. Ok, I spoil 'em. I admit it. I would want to be treated the same way. 

Thank you for the kind words about Tommy yesterday and his situations. The air conditioner can not be repaired. Oh well. Time to take another tack. Not concerned as God's got this. At least Tommy has lots of fans and he says he can take it. He's tougher than me! I would have been whining to high Heaven about the heat already. Just ask my husband. He's had endure a moment when on a blazing, hot 4th of July ours quit working. Yeah. I'll bet they heard me fussing in the next county! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I cooked more dog treats this morning. We've been feeding our three fresh cooked, locally raised chicken gizzards for treats. It's so much cheaper and safer than anything the Chinese conglomerates churn out plus it has no grains or artificial chemicals or additives. We're saving boo coo bucks and helping them be healthy too eating the same way we do. Win-win! All three of them stay in the kitchen with me, salivating, watching my every move. They are so cute.
I also cooked my specialty Keto no-sugar added Chocolate Treats for us. It's something I fix on the stove. It usually takes only about 8 to 10 minutes tops. Those are all the ingredients and utensils above: Amish Butter and Lily's Dark Chocolate Baking Chips (no-sugar added). First, I gently melt about 1/2 the stick of butter. Be careful not to burn the butter. Then slowly add one overflowing cup (1 cup) of Lily's Dark Chocolate Chips. Stir well until completely melted. I add it to an ice cube tray with a long metal spoon so I won't burn myself. Refrigerate. Do not freeze. *boom* You've got a low-sugar treat! For the ice cube tray I bought these silicone ones on Amazon. They're only $9.99 for 4 of them or they may be available locally for y'all. We live way out in the boonies. None of our stores carry these but keeping these trays around is very practical. They are good for ice cubes too.  πŸ˜‰ 

Well, mail's in. Guess I'll go see if anyone has sent us a Million Bucks. πŸ˜ First I have to suit up again with the net, hat, long sleeves ... πŸ˜¬ the fun never ends. πŸ™„πŸ€£ 
Isn't wonderful that He always is! πŸ’“ Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed remainder of the day my friends. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

Drabble by Kevin Fagan

πŸ˜‡ It really is like that! Maggie the rescue dog follows me down the hallway to that room almost every time lately. I don't know what's up with that. It's like she doesn't want me out of her sight for one moment. Funny, really, but it is cute and very touching. Maggie is my almost constant companion. I'm OK with that. 

πŸ˜‡ The temperatures of the evening have been in the mid-20s with the wind howling here in Southeast Georgia. The heater never quits running at night. πŸ‚ That's cold for us but not all that unusual. The only draw back is the severe weather has put a cramp in my morning walks. I like to walk a circle around the whole 6 acres when possible concentrating on prayer. Gives me time to focus on God and His goodness. The news is so dark these days that I try to hold onto the hem of His garment as much as possible. He is my only comfort. 

πŸ˜‡ We took time to watch the Trump Rally in New Hampshire this weekend on YouTube. Anyone else watch it? I thought the speech was very encouraging, don't you? He's gonna hit the ground running when back in office. I make sure to pray for him, his family and his sponsors every day. Sometimes more than once a day. He's going to need it. 

πŸ˜‡ Today our brother-in-law (husband to Steve's sister) has an important appointment with the Veterans Administration concerning possible compensation for his long-term exposure to Agent Orange in Viet Nam. Please pray for him to be treated fairly? If he can receive proper compensation for all the health problems caused by his time in service, he and family should be able to move up here even faster! Wouldn't that be an extra special blessing?! We'll be on pins and needles until we receive word one way or another. It's appalling how terrible our Vet's are being treated. It's shameful. 

πŸ˜‡ Also today is my 6 week follow-up with the Orthopedics doctor concerning my "Weaver's Bottom" (Ischial Bursitis) situation. (Cute name for a pain in the butt.) πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ That first super hydrocortisone shot worked for the right side but now I can feel it worsening on my left side. 😐 Guess I need another one. It is not a pleasant prospect. It is what it is. 

πŸ˜‡ After the doctor's, if I can walk after the shot, my plans are to stop at the Hobby Lobby. The new sofa slip covers look super! They're so light and cheerful. But now the original dark green plaid felt pillows I made ages ago look out of place. So, now I want to recover them. Again. 😁 Steve just laughed. Well, it keeps me off the streets. πŸ˜‚

πŸ˜‡ Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is blessed with lots of sunshine, happy thoughts and good memories. Keep looking up! 

Ride Safe,

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Good morning friends!

Today is starting out blustery and overcast. Southeast Georgia is bracing for a big cold front that's expected to pass through possibly by mid-day. Right now it's giving Alabama what-for. There's been such a brouhaha about the storm that the local Governments shut down all the Schools. Usually these things play out before they reach the Georgia coast. I'm getting tired of all the fuss over weather. It seems like every time the wind blows or it rains or some natural occurring weather event is anticipated, the news tries to ensue wide spread panic. Cheese and crackers people what a big fuss over something we have no control over. Good grief. Well, whatever happens, praying for a hedge of protection around all of us. At least our property is fairly well sheltered. When we were first clearing the acreage in 1993 I had them leave a majority of mature trees. I did it mostly for protection from sun but also from wind. The heavily forested areas encourage wildlife and offer us much welcome shade in the sweltering Summer heat. The temperatures do get brutal here from about July to mid-September. 

My heart is breaking today about losing another friend. Yesterday I learned that I lost a dear internet friend of almost 25 years last Thanksgiving and didn't even know it. I wondered why she hadn't wished me Merry Christmas nor Happy New Year. Like usual, I lost track of the time. Jan and I have been "pen pals" since the early days of internet in the late 90s. Even though we never met face-to-face we were still good friends. Jan was really sweet, intelligent, funny gal (note the T-shirt ... what a hoot!) who loved the Lord. Jan originally hailed from Texas. She was a true Southern Lady in every respect. Thanks to her kindness I learned a lot about website design back when all this computer stuff was still new. I felt so muddled all the time with the strange language these things spawned. 

When we first met Jan lived in Washington State. Sadly, her husband of many years became very ill and passed away in 2010. The winters and other factors became too much for her so she and her family sold everything and moved to a resort town in Barra de Navidad, Mexico. They lived on a sailboat! How exciting, right?! She's so brave. I could never do that as I get really sea sick. I'm a poor sailor. Give me flat, stable land anytime! 

I'll miss our on-line chats about web design, our faith, family and life in general. Jan was so much more clever about these things than I am. At least I know one day soon we'll all be rejoicing at the feet of Jesus together forever and will never have to say Goodbye again. β€ 

Oh, Glorious Day.