This 4th of July, as many prepare to celebrate the birth of our Nation, the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Parties are taking place all across our wonderful country. These are our non-violent way of protesting the gangster government. If you're tired of them constantly finding ways of raising taxes and infringing on our God given freedoms, join in the protests.
I fear that we're heading for such a major civil unrest in our country. I keep praying for sanity to prevail. If
ObamaCare passes and the Cap and Trade bill passes there will be higher taxes, less freedom, massive unemployment and homelessness.
By the way, did you know that the Cap and Trade bill gives the EPA unprecedented power AND THEY WILL BE ARMED NOW!! The EPA can then come in your home any time unannounced with no warrants or due cause. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. (
read here) Gosh, these are such dangerous times.
This insanity has to stop.Our 'local' TEA Party will be in Saint Simon's Island (Brunswick) at the Gascoigne Park from 11am - 3pm. The
Gascoigne Park party is hosted by
The Golden Isles TEA Party Patriots. Y'all can find your
TEA Party here.

Well, I really hate being hot and I do not seek out crowds. I usually hide all summer until about September or so in the A/C or in water somewhere but I'll suffer for a bit for my country.
I keep reminding myself that our forefathers suffered even
worse while fighting the British and in other wars. I can take a little 100 degree heat [sigh] and the press of human flesh for a few hours.
So, hope to see you 'there'! Have a wonderful weekend fellow Patriots!