Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Currently ~ ~

The Weather ~ It is hotter than a Georgia Firecracker right now but that's normal for July. Any outside work is done very early, or at least we try to.
Yesterday a dead or dying Oak fell against the back fence which needed to be dealt with. Why do these things always seem to happen when it's miserable out? The chainsaw wouldn't start, so, I fetched the giant clippers and Hubby used the gas powered pole saw. By the time we were finished we felt rode hard and put away wet. We could hardly move out of our comfy recliners. It's rough getting old. I thanked the Lord anyway that it did get done, put on the firepit for later and we survived. 

Watching ~ Back to back MST3K on YouTube. Some of the quips an one-liners are so hilarious I can't even drink my ice tea. We don't watch any major network news anymore. Makes life a lot sweeter staying away from the propaganda machines. It's all lies anyway no matter what channel one watches. Can I get an Amen? πŸ˜‰

Feeling ~ A bit deflated lately. This started right after the May 8th event (Dislocated Finger) and daily now it seems to hang on in ever increasing volumes. This traumatic event seems to have knocked the ever lovin' stuffing outta me. Or maybe it's because I need to give up riding which was going to happen anyway? Who knows?! But lately small things are getting on my nerves. I feel like I was 'short' with someone at the Rehab Center! Bad girl! This is very unusual. I'm usually so upbeat, calm and friendly. Really, I'm quite joyful (because of Jesus). I love people and helping. I'm just not happy for some reason. Gotta shake this off! I do hope these feelings are only temporary. I don't like acting sad or being grumpy.

Looking Forward To ~ Having thick cut Rib Eyes tonight. I know this may sound odd but we pan fry ours with lots of salted Amish butter or rendered tallow (beef fat) and yummy spices. The Rib Eyes are so good cooked this way. Never dry or overcooked. 

Thinking ~ How I need to stroll down in the blazing heat and biting bugs to the mailbox. Being debt free we seldom receive mail anymore but have some today. I only know there's mail because we're using that USPS Informed Delivery. That feature rocks!

Making Me Laugh ~ 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope y'all have beautiful remainder of the day. Keep looking up because the stench of what's going on worldwide has to be reaching His nose. I really do think Jesus will be taking us outta the way soon. May we all keep being kind, loving others, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ until we're rejoicing at His feet forever.
~ Sparky ~

Wednesday, February 21, 2024



🌞 Greetings from beautiful sunny Georgia! The weather lately has been picture perfect for which I'm very grateful. This year I'm weary of winter. β„️Steve and I have been busy preparing the property for our Spring flower planting. 🌻 With all the overgrown trees, heavy leaf fall, and weeds everywhere it's quite an undertaking to clean up when there's over 6 acres involved. Thankfully, I'm not trying to clear all the acreage anymore. I'm letting most of it go feral these days, but there's enough still open to keep us in aches and pains for awhile. πŸ˜‚

🌞 Reading ... still reading "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. I'm a slow reader plus I want to savor every paragraph she's sharing. It's really good. When I want light reading I've started on "The Thirteen Problems" by Agatha Christie again. I have all her books and have read them all so often they're all dogeared and worn. She's one of my favorite Authors. 

🌞 Watching ... casting from the internet various snippets off YouTube. We stream everything. Cancelled that overpriced DirecTV ages ago. Streaming is the only way to fly. I wish I'd done that sooner. 

🌞 Thinking ... not about much. Too busy watching video's and playing computer games. My favorites are JigSaw PuzzlesMahjong and the card games Solitaire and Free Cell I had added to this laptop.

🌞 Feeling ... content for me and mine but concerned about a friend and sister in Christ. Our Pastor's wife is very ill. She is in hospital with pneumonia, again. πŸ’” Jackie is so special, very talented, fun to talk to, and so very loved. We're all concerned for her with extra prayers for her to be well. Thank you if you whispered one too. πŸ’“

🌞 Grateful ... for the love of Jesus Christ in my life, for all my wonderful friends and dear husband, that we are healthy, that I live some place where I feel safe, and, at the moment, nothing hurts. πŸ˜‰ That's a biggy at my age.

🌞 Looking forward to ... a luncheon date with our best friends Vicki & Lewis. Such great folks. Vicki is recovering from wrist, arm, elbow surgery. Bless her heart she's had a time with her health ever since getting the Fauci juice. It's been one thing after two others. Anyway, getting together with these good friends is always uplifting.

🌞 Giggling at ... 

🌞 On that note, I'll leave y'all to enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for stopping by. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon! 
❀️‍πŸ”₯πŸ˜‡ πŸ’“

Ride Safe,