Showing posts with label motorcycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motorcycles. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Musings


Our weekend was really quiet. Now that my Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed, except for some lingering stiffness, I can get some planned projects done. It's been unseasonably cool this June in Southeast Georgia which is really nice. That should help with me getting a little more yardwork completed before it gets blazing hot if I can get up out of this chair. πŸ˜‰

We received a little unsettling news Sunday. Our Pastor's wife is not doing well at all. Ms. Jackie is such a wonderful person. She was released from the Rehab Center last week. It breaks our hearts that she's struggling so much physically. Anyway, Bro. Bob is having to chose between caregiving for his dear wife or continuing on with our small congregation (there were only 17 or so of us this Sunday). There are going to have to be some hard decisions made concerning his time with us, like, should we find another Pastor or perhaps try to hire a part-time one or perhaps shutter the Church or ... well, who knows. 😟 Seems the Wednesday Rehab ministry may come to a close as well. I know this saddens him greatly. Such a fine man and he loves the Lord Jesus. We're all praying for guidance. I know I don't want to be Church shopping again. I love everyone in this congregation. I don't want us all split up and cast to the winds. πŸ₯Ί So, there's that. 

Also, because of our ages and other factors we've decided to sell our motorbikes. I know, right?!! Sparky without wheels!!?? πŸοΈ One 'sad news' on top of another. Well, there comes a time to move on. We were talking about riding risks last week and even I can see that I don't want any more injuries. Funny thing, I've been riding since knee high to a grasshopper, SCUBA diving, racing on 4 wheels, doing other risky hobbies, and never been badly hurt. The only injuries I've ever received were when walking around. But if I, or he, were to go down in a highspeed ride at our ages, it could be devastating. It might be time to move on to another less risky hobby. It was a tough decision but this weekend Steve put both motorbikes For Sale in the local shopper. When they're gone it's gonna feel like I've lost an arm or something. (I know, Drama Queen. 😏) I love motorbiking! It's my life. I'm really having to give this to God and pray for His peace and guidance. Thanks for joining me in this prayer. πŸ’“

Ok, good news, awhile back I mention that one of our Jack Russell Terriers, Jack, was ailing. His digestive tract has always been dodgy. The other two are healthy no matter what they eat, it seems. Well, Steve decided to start feeding all three dogs more home cooked plain meals (chicken gizzards, cheap hamburger, eggs, etc.). We've been doing just that for a few weeks now and Jack's health has improved! Praise the Lord. The little guy no longer has tummy pains, he's lost weight (he was continuously bloated), his breath smells better, and he's more energetic. Also, home cooked is much cheaper than any store bought dog food. Win-win!

That's it. Time to get out of the recliner and actually get some work done. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks for praying for me. I know you do because I pray for you too. Y'all are the best.


Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Fotos


Welcome to Friday Fotos!
Thank you everyone for the kind words yesterday. Y'all are the best.
I took a stroll around the property. I have a new FujiFilm XP camera (water proof & shock proof) I had to try out. It's supposedly just like the other yellow one I accidentally dropped in the woods when the land clearing was going on. The chipper chewed it to itsy bitsy bits. So, these are the images that stood out the most. Enjoy!

First attempt. Maggie moved. She was looking so cute too, all curled up and snuggly. Little stinker.

Of course, I had to snap a pic of our "pretend" veg garden. Yeah, ok, it's 90% flowers. I admit it. The veg's are on the corners. We're mostly carnivore's anyway. That's how we've both lost 45 pounds. I'm down to 160 from 205 now! Woot woot! πŸ₯³πŸ’ƒ
The Windmill
Down by the road (above)
Royal Purple Petunias (below)

Yellow Petunia's (above)
White Petunia's next to my old chair (below)

Petunia's in an old repainted wheelbarrow (above)
Petunia's next to the gate keypad (below)

The Catalpa tree bloomed this year. (above)
Confederate Jasmine (below)
And, last but not least:
Steve is changing the oil and filter then performing general maintenance on his motorbike (2018 Honda NC750X). I think his is prettier than mine. πŸ˜Ž
Then, lastly, my nearly constant companions. Maggie in the foreground, Sam next to her (white) and Jack next to the junk pile. I circled him because in the bright sunlight he nearly disappeared! I didn't notice that at the time.

I hope y'all enjoyed the tour. We've got places to go and people to annoy. 🀭 Prayers that the rest of your day is pleasant, profitable, edifying and full of the joy we receive from the Holy Spirit. Every day is a gift from God. I hope I always remember to enjoy it. πŸ˜‡πŸ™
Ride Safe, 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday Thoughts


I'm sure that almost everyone who follows or reads my blog is a praying Christian. I can tell. Thank you for being a Prayer Warrior. We need to suit up, have courage, and keep our lamps trimmed. The days are growing darker and we're closer to when Jesus will take His Church outta the way then all h*ll will break loose. Literally. I pray for those that will be left behind. As our Pastor once so rightly said, there will be no good people left. You think it's dangerous now ... 

The temperature was still pleasant earlier today, so, I took my ride out for a spin. Steve needed the engine warmed up to do an oil change. I was happy to oblige! Our dirt road was already getting dangerously sandy. Plus someone had decided that the little dirt intersection between us and the pavement would make a good spot to spin donuts with their 4 wheeler. 😑 (Don't get me started on how I feel about 4 wheelers ... it's not fit to print.) We need rain again to pack it all down.
She's getting all purdied up. πŸ˜‰
Now I'm ready for more riding. Steve's pretty red & silver NC750X is to the right. 

Whilst Steve was being a good little Do Bee, 🐝 I went to the barber shop to get a haircut. Yeah, our local barber does ladies cuts too. How cool is that!? She does a good job. 

I finished reading "Lily's Promise" by Lily Ebert, a Jewish Holocaust survivor. I think I enjoyed "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom more because she is a Christian. Anyone have any suggestions about what to read next? I like history, British history & mysteries, and almost anything that doesn't have vulgarity. Also, Christian publications can be good. Beth Moore has a couple that I enjoyed. 

I think that'll be it for me for the day. We may laz around on the back deck πŸŒΊ to enjoy the flowers and watch the bird's again, if it's not too humid with scads of biting bugs. 🦟 I do have a fan there but it's so noisy with it running I can't hear the bird's! Kinda defeats the purpose.

Whatchy'all doin' today? Hope it's something pleasant and edifying. πŸ€— Remember, Jesus loves you. I'm so thankful for your friendship.

Thanks for stopping by.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

From Pain To Gain


Something wonderful has happened. The crippling pain in my hands, and subsequently my wrists, seems to be subsiding. But let me back up a bit. Last  April 22nd, I dutifully visited the Orthopedic doctor to address this problem. He listened to the ailments. Then after many more questions, and hmmm’s and uh huh’s, Doc diagnosed the pain as β€œLesion of left ulnar nerve with trigger finger”. Fancy words, huh? This resulted in two very freakin' painful cortisone shots in the palm of said left hand though! Which resulted in me whimpering quietly out of the office with both wrists encased in large black braces, trying to act like an adult and therefore keep what’s left of my dignity intact. Also, on the advice of a former blogging colleague who is a retired Nurse, I’ve also began taking an over-the-counter vitamin called Turmeric (i.e. Saffron pills). Well, it’s taken several weeks of rest but I think there’s a breakthrough. I’m actually typing this missive without having to stop and hold the left wrist in agony. And that includes using this goofy laptop with the broken β€œs” key that slows me down to a crawl. Who knew so many words have an β€œs” in them?! Oy.

Hey, look, there's a cute elf weeding
in the garden so I don't have to!

Thanks to seasonal rains, the vegetable garden and the flower areas are prospering. So far we’ve already enjoyed many meals of Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Bell Peppers and Red Potatoes. The Tomatoes are a disappointment, but, I can live with it. Oh, and we now have a herb garden consisting of Basil, Cilantro, Dill, and Rosemary. I didn't realize that fresh herbs truly are a tasty accompaniment to a meal. We’re not financially rich but, doggone it, we sure eat good.
(Doesn't this little guy look like our Sam III?)

There’s a lot of birthdays in our small circle of friends and family in May. Today is my 60th. Our plans this year are to stay home and have a cookout. Hubby plans to grill juicy Rib Eyes from the local IGA topped with cooked buttered mushrooms. We will also dine on baked Idaho potatoes (gotta smother them in butter and sour cream, don’t ya know) and eat more of those scrumptious fresh squash. He’s also baking a homemade apple pie. *picture me dreamy eyed and drooling* Oh yeah … that’s one of my favorite sweets! I’ll share the loot gifts next post.

Speaking of dogs, the Boys, the Jack Russell Terriorists Jack and Sam III, are both healthy. They’re still actively β€˜protecting’ the property from those nefarious bushy tailed intruders. I feel so safe now. *giggle* That first year I thought I'd got run away from home trying to discipline those two cuties but now they've finally turned into two really fine dogs.

For Wrent

Hubby has started making Blue Bird houses. He’s given some away to fellow Sunday School attendees. The nest boxes have become so popular, he’s having a hard time keeping up with requests. I think he’s on a one man quest to reestablish this lovely bird back into our area. Works for me. (As long as he doesn't start tilting at windmills, I won't worry.) They’re one of my favorite local winged creatures, alongside the Carolina Wren (their song sounds so sweet to me). We have several nesting on the property every year. I see God in nature, don’t you?

Preparing for the 200 mile ride to
Valdosta and back.

Now that my wrists have improved, I’m even back to riding more often. The F.A.I.T.H. Riders sponsored a local ride over to the Smoke β€˜N Pig again. Their BBQ is worth the trip folks. Afterwards, I was so physically drained, that the whole next day all I wanted to do was rest, but, gosh, it felt good to be back in the saddle.

God is indeed good to honor me with so much answered prayer. He answers ALL prayers, of course, but being able to ride and type again is especially sweet. Anyway, even if the pain returns making surgery necessary, I know He loves me and cares. All He wants in return is our FAITH. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

I’m truly blessed all around. It is indeed good to be back on-line! Whole hearted thank yous for the prayers, kind words, and patiently waiting for my return. May the LORD bless and keep you too.

Mount up! LET'S RIDE!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Delta Breeze Was My Need

The day started gray, cold and still. After a near sleepless night, fraught with worry about real or imagined medical concerns*, the sky fit my frame of mind.

Irregardless of the physical circumstances, it was time to feel Delta wind on my knees. After a quick rundown of all the mechanical essentials to ensure safety the metal steed was ready.

We had made arrangements to meet up with a new friend 'Nemo' for a lunch feast from the Honda CB1100 Forum that my husband participates in. 
Redbirds (Hubby) and Nemo

Of course, the first words out of my mouth at the restaurant parking lot was "Did I find Nemo?" Being the great guy he is, Nemo chuckled warmly and, on that happy note, we all enjoyed a scrumptious hot meal at the Steffens Restaurant in Kingsland, Georgia.
Satilla River
near Folkston, Georgia

After the noon repast, induced by a picture perfect sky my state of being improved.
Yours Truly with my
2012 Suzuki V-Strom DL 650

After 150 miles of twisty piney flats, abandoned farm houses, flowing rivers and swamp overlooks, I was beginning to show signs of fatigue. I parted ways with my companions and headed back to the stable to enjoy hot tea and snacks.

By the end of the day, we had an orange tinged sunset with thin streaks of gray set against a stunning azure blue sky. What a magical way to close the day.
*By the by, I am happy to note that the Duavee is working splendidly!
Thank you everyone for your prayers, concern and encouragement.
You are appreciated more than words can express. xx

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Baptist Village Event

Today, Hubby, I and several other motorcyclists from local Christian biker clubs, donned riding gear and sloshed our way in the pouring Autumn rain to Baptist Village in Waycross, Georgia. The event was a miniature Bike Show for the elderly that reside there. They lined up inside a pavilion while we rode by to the hail of cheers and applause. Afterwards, the residents that could brave the rain, came out and looked at the various wheels represented there.

This was a rare moment of sunshine. I am chatting with a new "biker" Brenda. She did really well for being on a cruiser.

That's my set of wheels on the left in a sea of Hardly-Goes-At-Alls. *grin*

I had so much fun adding a little sunshine to someone else's day. I hope we can do this more often.

And, just in passing, my husband snapped the above photo on Wednesday. One of our farm neighbors decorated their field for Halloween with a Minion from the cartoon "Despicable Me". Isn't that adorable? Now I want one. Guess it's time to get out the scarecrow's, pumpkins, and Fall wreath's. We're having homemade chicken chili sprinkled with cheese for lunch, then homemade pizza for supper. I love this time of year!

Hope your day is blessed too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mid-August Musing

The day started out cool and clear for mid-August Southeast Georgia. After the blessing of seasonal rains, it rendered the once terrifying one mile of sandy lane ride able. 

The road beckoned. 

Mindful of the approaching heat, I hurriedly donned summer riding gear. The sleeping motor roared to life, then I eased the purring β€œVee” down the grassy driveway.

β€œI wonder what the peasants are doing today?”, I jest to myself. For I truly feel like Royalty sometimes, one of the fortunate few who love where they live and can still do what is enjoyable. I will try to always treasure that privilege as the daylight lasts so that when God calls me to the Big Garage in the sky, I can say again β€œThank you”. Not only for the eternal salvation He so graciously offers to all mankind, but thank you for allowing me to be happy while still inhabiting this earthly cage.

God truly is good.

Monday, June 1, 2015

My Tail Is Dragon

Hallelujah, we both have our laptop computers back and they seem in tiptop order. It was so unusual to have both our computers crash at the same time. Thankfully, I didn't miss the internet too much until it was time to pay the bills. Then it became a bit of a bother. It seems our Computer Guy did a bang up job, as always.

I have finally returned from the four day excursion to that foreign land known as western North Carolina. Not being a mountain person I get homesick real quick. My preference is to enjoy them from a distance. That said, though, the enjoyment level was high this time. We stayed at the San Ran Motel in Robbinsville, NC. The photos make it look cleaner than it is. [cough] It must have been built in the 1950s. Upon closer inspection it's obvious the owners never spent a dime on renovations or extensive cleaning. The town has bupkis by way of entertainment or eating establishments and Graham county is "dry". Next time we'll stay in Franklin or perhaps Cherokee where all the grownups are. Much more to do there.

My husband is a member of an on-line forum for CB-1100 owners. One day, these fine specimens of human kind all decided it would be grand to meet at The Dragon and hang out together for a few days. That's what brought us to the area.

Yep, that's me in the forefront! On May 28th I rode the Tail Of The Dragon At Deals Gap and lived to talk about it. My 2012 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 carried me many treacherous, nail-biting, butt puckerin' miles last week. Steve, of course, was on his red 2013 Honda CB-1100. The photo on the left shows Steve (yellow helmet) keeping an eye on my performance. After the grueling 11 miles which turned into 30 minutes or so traversing repeated switchbacks, blind curves and slow Harley's, our group stopped at a now forgotten rest area to compare notes. Steve stated that I rode like a champ. Thankfully, he didn't see the hard save I did about 10 minutes into the journey where I came perilously close to going over the edge with a sheer drop. The Dragon almost claimed another victim! I'm just thankful I wear clean underwear after that little "moment".

The link to all the vacation photos above have just been uploaded. It may take me several days to label them all. But for now, enjoy! I'll be around to visit everyone's blogs soon.

I hope you have a fantastic week.