Hubby thinks he was born to ride the Multristrada. I told him may have been born to ride one but he wasn't born to buy one. The Multristrada's price is $14,995 MSRP, adding the optional ABS systems will raise the cost to $16,495.
Ducati is so classy. They were handing out free expresso for all event attendees. "Hey Sweetie, ya sure you just don't like lookin' at the pretty Ducati models??" [giggle] He kept going back for more coffee and I caught him in the act.
Now I was born to ride the Bonneville ... and it has to be in green and cream. I have yet to ride one though. We are going to try and attend the event in Daytona Beach, Florida this coming March. I'll probably regret riding the Bonneville because then I'll have to buy one. [sigh] The MSRP on the 2010 Bonneville is $8,799. Not bad. Wish we didn't have to replace the roof on the house ... maybe it can go another 3 or so years? Nahhh ....
Hey, Pappy, they even had a cop motorcycle if you should chose to return to active duty! I would suggest keeping it under 30 mph, though. [lol] This one was used at a mental hospital. Hmmm ....
Well, I'm still weary from the journey. That's enough for now. Thanks for stopping by! I hope y'all have a great day!
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