Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Just Briefly: Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season

Howdy y'all! 

Hurricane / Tropical Storm Debby is still upon us as I pen these words. Her 'skirt' (the backside of the storm) is still dumping on us right now. Our rain gauge registers 7 inches at this moment with more comin' down. It hasn't stopped. Pierce, which is our county here in Georgia, is totally flooded. So is Ware, Brantley, Appling and all the other surrounding counties. The roads, dirt and paved, are slowly collapsing or are a soupy, slippery mess. There are wrecks being reported all over. For safety reasons we've had to cancel the Ministry at the Rehab tomorrow, plus all the other appointments we were to keep. I am so grateful we never lost power, are safe and dry, no trees have fallen, and have lots of groceries on hand. Giving God the glory. Thank you everyone for asking and praying. Sending prayers for everyone else especially up in Savannah and beyond. They're catching it today and it's lower there since they are on the ocean. 

We're good. I know God is in control and it will all go according to His perfect plan.

Y'all be safe. I'll be visiting blogs as I can and will be on FaceBook when it's working. πŸ€ͺ

 πŸ’™πŸ™ πŸ’™πŸ™ πŸ’™


  1. I'm glad to hear from you! That is a whole lot of rain! We got hit with a monsoon this morning, ended up getting 1 1/4 inches. So that doesn't begin to compare with yours.
    I'm thankful you are ok and have power.

    1. Thank you for the prayers Mari. And I'm glad y'all are OK too. You do have some doozy storms in the winter. Hopefully this year will be easy on y'all. πŸ’™

  2. I'm glad to hear that you are managing the flooding well so far. It's heartbreaking to see people displaced from their homes because of the flooding. The whole-house generator must be a lifesaver in this situation. Definately

    1. I will continue—it's definitely worth every penny. Yes, I would imagine that some things will have to be rescheduled or cancelled just out of safety. Thank you for checking in. God Bless.

    2. Thanks for stopping by Debby. Bet y'all wish the rain would visit your part of Cally with all the fires. Anyway, with all the hub-bub I forgot to go looking for your new blog home. Glad it's all working and settled for ya. Following now. πŸ’™

  3. So glad to hear from you!!! 'Not saying the two of you aren't made of sterner stuff than the average joe, but still....
    I need to remember while my life feels like it's hydroplaning, to just let go and let God.

  4. I've not seen this much water dumped since I moved here in 1989. Lived through a bunch of hurricanes, but they moved faster than Debby. There is water standing in every ditch and low field/yard. Good golly!!

    1. I know! And this Hurricane / Tropical Storm was really small. It had the most rain of all, I think. I'm truly amazed how damaging it's been. πŸ’™

  5. we were blessed also, our county and three counties that touch us have so many homes underwater. all we have is lots of little limbs down that need to be picked up. and a dry place to live. I have the local news running now and there are some still traped behind water, the county dam that gives is our water, had to be dumped because the 12 inches of rain in one day the damn was about to burst, the people living close had 30 minutes warning and now everyone for miles is under water. so glad you are safe, so far all my blogger friends are safe. I am waiting to call my Savannah cousin to see how they are doing. the cousin that lives close to you I have not checked with

    1. Hope your cousin is OK?! Savannah really got slammed. So is Charleston, SC, I think. Prayers for all in it's path. πŸ’™

  6. You know I was so busy thinking about Florida but of course you were hit too. I wondered where you were. We didn't get a drop here. Water is so important and such a good thing until it is not - it can sure do a lot of damage - thank God you are safe - I am sorry for the ones who lost everything.

    1. Thank you for the prayers. This storm was small but very damaging. What a shock.
      We live in SE Georgia: 2 hours north of Jacksonville, Florida, which is where we moved from in 1993. One of the best moves we've ever made. I could never go back. πŸ’™

  7. So glad for this update, Sparky, and thrilled to know you are both safe. Yes, we've been in prayer for all y'all!

    1. Thanks so much Martha. God bless to y'all too. πŸ’™

  8. I'm so glad you are safe but boy, that's a lot of water falling from the sky. Poor people in the lowlands. Stay safe.

  9. I hadn't heard from you lately or seen a post - hope you are doing well.

  10. Hopefully the rain has subsided and the waters have retreated. I'm so sorry for the mess Debby brought to your area! Hurricanes bring so much destruction with them, wherever they go! Prayers for all of you that are suffering, continue!

  11. So sorry that you had to deal with Hurricane Debby. So much devastation. ((HUGS)) Take care and God bless.

  12. Thank you for all of your kind comments on my last few posts. We have been blessed and even though we don't see these people any longer, the memories are rich and they are still prayed for.

  13. Hey friend! I thought I must be missing your posts, but now I see you haven't been writing any lately! Hope you are okay. I see you on the other side of things and on FB, so I know you are still alive and kicking. Sometimes we just need a little break from here. Anyway, just wanted you to know I miss you here in blogland. Your voice is very special and meaningful to all of us.

  14. The Hurricane news always reminds us that we cannot control the storm, but we can seek the Storm Maker, The Mighty Lord. I am over from Debby . I will come back.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell