Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Real Love Story


The first real love story. Amen? Thank you Jesus for saving us from the "wrath to come". By His grace we are saved.

Right now I'm comfortably ensconced in my recliner with a belly full of New England Breakfast Blend coffee and the heater humming peacefully along because it's 33* outside. I am anxious to get out there to begin preparing for Spring planting. Yesterday, I spotted this design in a magazine. It's made from grape vines. One of our plans is to have as big a Butterfly garden as possible off one of our back decks. We live on a fairly good size amount of acreage surrounded by woods. Therefore there is an abundant supply of free muscadine grape vines trailing off the pines and scrub oaks. I plan (note 'plan', doesn't mean I will 'do') to chop some down and while the vine is green and pliable, make this design myself. I used to do things like that Way Back When. $30 to $40 for a premade one is just silly when there's ample free vines all around. With these plans in mind I have ordered a small string of solar fairy lights off Amazon to dress it up with. Stay tuned to see if I actually follow through. "The best made plans ..." etc. etc. 😅😏

"Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
  That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
  Was blind, but now I see."

I hope your day is blessed with the true love that flows from His throne to our hearts. 💓

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bounty From The Garden

Oh. My. Goodness. Look at what Hubby picked in the garden this morning.

Looks like we're going to be eating a lot of squash, zucchini and green beans this summer. Anybody wanna share some recipes? Quick! *lol*

Friday, May 20, 2016

From Pain To Gain


Something wonderful has happened. The crippling pain in my hands, and subsequently my wrists, seems to be subsiding. But let me back up a bit. Last  April 22nd, I dutifully visited the Orthopedic doctor to address this problem. He listened to the ailments. Then after many more questions, and hmmm’s and uh huh’s, Doc diagnosed the pain as “Lesion of left ulnar nerve with trigger finger”. Fancy words, huh? This resulted in two very freakin' painful cortisone shots in the palm of said left hand though! Which resulted in me whimpering quietly out of the office with both wrists encased in large black braces, trying to act like an adult and therefore keep what’s left of my dignity intact. Also, on the advice of a former blogging colleague who is a retired Nurse, I’ve also began taking an over-the-counter vitamin called Turmeric (i.e. Saffron pills). Well, it’s taken several weeks of rest but I think there’s a breakthrough. I’m actually typing this missive without having to stop and hold the left wrist in agony. And that includes using this goofy laptop with the broken “s” key that slows me down to a crawl. Who knew so many words have an “s” in them?! Oy.

Hey, look, there's a cute elf weeding
in the garden so I don't have to!

Thanks to seasonal rains, the vegetable garden and the flower areas are prospering. So far we’ve already enjoyed many meals of Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Bell Peppers and Red Potatoes. The Tomatoes are a disappointment, but, I can live with it. Oh, and we now have a herb garden consisting of Basil, Cilantro, Dill, and Rosemary. I didn't realize that fresh herbs truly are a tasty accompaniment to a meal. We’re not financially rich but, doggone it, we sure eat good.
(Doesn't this little guy look like our Sam III?)

There’s a lot of birthdays in our small circle of friends and family in May. Today is my 60th. Our plans this year are to stay home and have a cookout. Hubby plans to grill juicy Rib Eyes from the local IGA topped with cooked buttered mushrooms. We will also dine on baked Idaho potatoes (gotta smother them in butter and sour cream, don’t ya know) and eat more of those scrumptious fresh squash. He’s also baking a homemade apple pie. *picture me dreamy eyed and drooling* Oh yeah … that’s one of my favorite sweets! I’ll share the loot gifts next post.

Speaking of dogs, the Boys, the Jack Russell Terriorists Jack and Sam III, are both healthy. They’re still actively ‘protecting’ the property from those nefarious bushy tailed intruders. I feel so safe now. *giggle* That first year I thought I'd got run away from home trying to discipline those two cuties but now they've finally turned into two really fine dogs.

For Wrent

Hubby has started making Blue Bird houses. He’s given some away to fellow Sunday School attendees. The nest boxes have become so popular, he’s having a hard time keeping up with requests. I think he’s on a one man quest to reestablish this lovely bird back into our area. Works for me. (As long as he doesn't start tilting at windmills, I won't worry.) They’re one of my favorite local winged creatures, alongside the Carolina Wren (their song sounds so sweet to me). We have several nesting on the property every year. I see God in nature, don’t you?

Preparing for the 200 mile ride to
Valdosta and back.

Now that my wrists have improved, I’m even back to riding more often. The F.A.I.T.H. Riders sponsored a local ride over to the Smoke ‘N Pig again. Their BBQ is worth the trip folks. Afterwards, I was so physically drained, that the whole next day all I wanted to do was rest, but, gosh, it felt good to be back in the saddle.

God is indeed good to honor me with so much answered prayer. He answers ALL prayers, of course, but being able to ride and type again is especially sweet. Anyway, even if the pain returns making surgery necessary, I know He loves me and cares. All He wants in return is our FAITH. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

I’m truly blessed all around. It is indeed good to be back on-line! Whole hearted thank yous for the prayers, kind words, and patiently waiting for my return. May the LORD bless and keep you too.

Mount up! LET'S RIDE!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thankful Thursday: The Adventure Begins

The garden area is gradually being transformed into an area of plenty and beauty. Hubby planted Tomatoes, Red Potatoes, and Bell Peppers. Next will be the Straight-necked Yellow Squash, Zucchini, and Green Bush Beans. Around one end of the humble 20 x 20 plot is also planted Giant Sunflower seeds.

In the bare spot next to my office, that I've dubbed Butterfly Haven, there will be Giant Sunflowers, California Poppy, and Cosmos. Already in residence is the Shrimp plant and Butterfly Bush. Oh, yeah, and lots of wind chimes. I take great delight in hearing them tinkle in the breeze. *giggle*

I ran out of steam about 10 am but hope tomorrow to plant the remainder of the seeds: Shasta Daisy, English Daisy, Johnny Jump-up, and Bachelor Button.

There should also a "mystery plant" in Butterfly Haven that Hubby and I found growing along Wall's Siding Road here in our county. Last year we collected seeds from it. These seeds have joined in with the domestic's above. At maturity the mystery plant is taller than me with long white flowers. I've tried and tried to identify it to no avail. Anyway, in about 8 weeks, if all goes well, there should be a profusion of color. All these flowers are dandy attractants for the Butterflies, Hummingbirds and other of God's creatures that I so enjoy.

There's a lot to be thankful for today and every day, one of which is it seems I can garden almost as well as I could before the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome symptoms and surgery. There's no pain, lightheartedness, vision loss or nausea. Thank you LORD Jesus for your mercy. Being out of pain is like being released from years of imprisonment. I don't know why but it reminds me of how all of us who trust and believe in salvation by the innocent shed blood of our LORD are being transformed inside into a thing of beauty for Him. These small reminders of His majesty are all around us if we'll only look.

There is 'joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart' today! I pray your day is joyful too. Share what you're thankful for.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Tidbits

I've been so distraught over how our government has been given fallen into Marxist hands, plus a minor family "problem", that I decided to venture outside. Yard work solves everything .... right?! *grin* Well, it makes me feel better anyway. Or, will render me unconscious, which is pretty much the same thing.

Whilst puttering around Hubby very kindly repainted (to my specifications, of course) the formerly green squirrel proof feeder near Tranquility Base. After enduring several years of brutal Southeast Georgia heat, the feeder was looking quite ragged, rusty, dirty, yuck, pooey!
For those of you new to my blog, we live way, way out in the country on almost 7 acres. There's tons of room for gardening creativity, as long as whatever it is can endure the intermittent droughts and severe summer heat. In 2013 I landscaped a small area where our very old Blue Jack Oak lives. It's in the front of our country acreage that I dubbed thusly. It was thusly named since, when the weather and the gnats cooperate, I like to swing and read any of my cherished Agatha Christie or medieval history books. I went with bright, vibrant colors because they are so cheery.

I hope everyone is having a safe, secure and relaxing Saturday. I'm going to have a brewsky and watch the MotoGP race. It's still too hot to ride after 10am.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Bounty From Our First Harvest This Season

 Green Beans

Yellow Crooked Neck Squash

Served with fried boneless pork chops. Yes, it was all delicious. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Post

Pretty bird, isn't it. My husband said it's not a local species, so, I'm stumped as to what it is.

Anyway ...

right to left: zucchini, cucumbers, green beans,
ford hook lima beans, yellow crookneck squash,
bell peppers, and better boy tomatoes.
[click to enlarge]

We've been happily busy of late, completing a myriad of household fixes. The garden is growing in a spectacular fashion for the first time ever. I have learned a secret to the "success" for lush veggies on our property. I'll try to remember to share more in another post. Physical labor is why I haven't felt much like pondering life's questions this week. Or maybe it's an overall feeling of contentment that's put lead in my writing britches.

Irregardless of whatever lame excuse I can muster for the mental laziness, I do pray that everyone has a blessed Sunday.

Monday, April 13, 2015

From Death Comes Life

Winter has released its icy grip. Migratory birds in new plumage pass through heading North. There are a multitude of ravenous raptors bringing joy on their wings at the feeders. Their enthusiasm can only breed encouragement to those who will observe. Rain replaces ice. Trees bud. Flowers bloom.

The vegetable garden flourishes in the warm sunshine. Color replaces stark, barren branches.

As the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection subsides, I too feel a simultaneous renewing of spirit. Past love’s fade into cherished memories but, if allowed, I am reminded that with tender care new love can flourish.

From death comes life. Spring has arrived. Not only on the calendar, but also in my heart.

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”  1 Thessalonians 4:14

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Garden Is Healing

As all my regular readers will well remember, I had an "incident" with the garden awhile back. I'm calling it an incident so as to protect the guilty. *cough* After determining which plants weren't going to make it, I put them on the compost so nothing goes to waste. Then very tediously on hands and knees, I diligently picked as much of the fertilizer off the soil as I could before I felt like the heat and humidity was going to cause heat stroke. Running the sprinklers until the soil looked a little safer was a good measure too. Waited a few days, then replanted, using the top soil and composed cow manure bags that MonkeyWrangler so kindly suggested.

Something really grand has emerged from my mistake. We plan to leave the top soil and cow manure to amend it even further for the fall garden. If finances allow, we'll add even more. Hubby and I have been discussing making the garden even better next to round. There's plans for a permanent fence, a possible greenhouse and other amenities. This has been such fun, I really want to get serious about growing vegetables again.

Lo and behold, some of the plants survived the onslaught! The tomatoes have lots of large ones waiting to turn red and juicy.

Most of the Yellow Crookneck Squash on one side are doing pretty well also. I noticed today that one even has a flower. I forgot how long it takes to go from flower to squash but I've got my mouth all set for that little banquet. I love, love, love squash!

And since today is so such bright sunshine and the sky so blue, I took a couple of snaps around the house.
Confederate Jasmine
There is a swing that Hubby built under there ...
somewhere ...

Trumpet Creeper

Remember "Tranquility Base"
and how I fixed it up last year?
Only need to trim the Blue Jack of a few dead limbs,
but otherwise it's lookin' real good.

Mostly I'm staying inside, though, because of the heat, humidity and biting bugs. Outside activities are just not very enjoyable right now, as I'm sure Simply Linda can remember. Lucky Dawg doesn't have to put up with such nonsense anymore. *grin*

Thanks for putting the kickstand down.

Ride Safe,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Great Vegetable Massacre

Caution! This post is not for the faint of heart. Or the humorless. *smile*

I have done something so epically stupid, so incredibly dumb, that it should go down in the annuals of DUMBNESS. What I did is so historically legendary brainless that it should be passed down by oral or written tradition as something one should not do. Moi deserves a picture in Websters next to the word DUMB.

"a dumb question"
synonyms: stupid, unintelligen, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, slow, dull, simple, empty-headed, stunned, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, half-baked, imbecilic, bovine; see Sparky

What have a done to warrant such self deprecating abuse? Well, you may ask.

Our first attempt at home gardening in eight or nine years had been progressing very nicely. The little seeds so lovingly planted, prayed for, watched daily, and monitored unceasingly where flourishing with all the gentle care. They had even survived the over watering from the Spring rains. But oh Bright One Wannabe here, noticed the plants needed a little fertilizer. All they needed was a little boost. A little artificial nourishment lovingly administered by it's hungry caregivers. It was also determined that our lush centipede grass needs attention. The grass has been assaulted by an odious little weed called Spurge. A nasty small weed that's slowly choking out the grass. So, after a trip to the local Ace, and purchasing the proper fertilizers for each necessity, Hubby and I set about taking care of the beloved plants. He carefully weeded between all the rows in the Springtime swelter, fighting off the bugs and the dizziness­­ from lack of exercise. I carefully set about laying the fertilizer beside each plant, making sure to not touch the stems or leaves. It was tedious, nauseating, fatiguing work which my body is loudly rebelling against. I'm not accustomed to forced labor anymore. But, I wasn't complaining as my mouth was anxiously awaiting the yummy food yet to come.

This afternoon, my husband went out and checked the plants. He came rushing in with his face all ashen white. I ask, what's wrong??! He replied, "They're dieing!" WHAT!? Horrors of horrors, he's right. The vegetables are all wilted and burnt! What happened?!

I did a little investigating of the packages and guess who picked up the wrong fertilizer and proceeded to destroy the vegetables? Yep. Me. The epically DUMB blond woman. I am hanging my head in shame. Now all the beautiful little seedlings are withering away in a slow and premature death.

I am dutifully ashamed.

I think I even heard their little voices whispering last night.

"Why did they DO this to US!!??"

"I don't feel so good ..."

"They seemed so nice too ..."

"Don't they LOVE us?!"

[That had to be the Green Beans. I've never trusted something with strings in it anyway. *lol*]

Kinda creepy when the plants trash talk. But I've betrayed them.

I'm such a coward that I can't even bring myself to go out there and look the little guys in the face. I am so ashamed!

This is not ending well. *sigh* And not only is spreading the wrong fertilizer killing the existing seedlings, it's pretty much salted the earth for the rest of the season. Unless, that is, I want to get out there in the heat and bugs and scrape the ground free of said debauchery.

Hubby said that possibly we can replant in a couple of weeks but I feel discouraged. After all that hard work. Ruined! The weeks of waiting and loving care. We no longer can look forward to enjoying the homegrown fare. No more looking forward to our own mouthwatering Ford Hook Limas, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Zucchini, or Yellow Squash. I think the Tomatoes survived the massacre but only because Hubby fertilized them with the CORRECT package marked "Tomatoes And Vegetables". Everything else seems to be a wash out.

So, while every one else is enjoying their homegrown vegetables this summer, I will still be humbly skulking through the produce section at Kroger. I just hope I don't have to hide in humiliation by wearing a paper bag over my head. Even though I deserve it. *lol*

Ride Safe,

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Follow Me ...

Too bad butlers don't have "follow" buttons.

I don't know what I've done (I'm sure it was me) but I've lost my "Follower" button on Blogger and can't seem to get it back. Even clicking on the Add A Gadget button in the Layout section doesn't help. It's not even listed as an option.


Aw well. Onward and upward. I hope other bloggers can still follow me, but, like Scarlett, I'll worry about that later.

How do you like my new blogger header? Hubby snapped that of me while we where walking home on our country dirt road today. The building in the distance is the Mill Creek Primitive Baptist Church. I thought it looked almost, well, prophetic. I'm walking home and looking Home. *smile* Huh? Get it? Guess ya had to be there ... *giggle*

Our little vegetable garden is coming along nicely.

The above photo is from March 30th.

And below is the one from today:

"Give my creation LIIIIIFE!"

I can't wait to be munching down on fresh Zucchini, Yellow Squash Ford Hook Limas and the like. Even the Giant Zinnia's are doing well. I'm so pleased.

One of the joys of country living is one has to be pretty self sufficient. If something goes wrong, you have to deal with it. I don't mind this but sometimes it's a bit of a bother. Today the points on the well pump decided that this would be a good day to no longer function. GREAT! (not) *lol* Thankfully, it's no big problem. Our Go-To-Guy for the well repairs saved our bacon in no time.

A few dollars spent later, we're back in business. Hubby did try to repair it himself (he's so smart) but well pumps use special parts and we still would have needed our rescuer. Thank you Lord for people with these special skills.

And this was an absolutely lovely Spring day. And what could be wrong with that!? *smile*

"This is the day the LORD has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
NLT [Psalm 118:24]

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Grazin' In The Grass Is A Gas And Diggin' In The Soil Is A Toil

It's still a little chilly in SE Georgia for March almost April, but this is what we did today.

Started the vegetable garden!

Hubby planted Blue Lake Green Beans, Fordhook Lima Beans, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Straight Neck Yellow Squash and 6 Beef Stake Tomato plants. The garden should produce more this year because we spent more time preparing the soil with fertilizer and composed cow manure.

I also planted Giant Zinnia's next to the water hose, seeds left over from last year. So not only will there be food, there will be color.

Oh, and furry kids helped.

Sam (8 1/2 months)
"Throw it Mommy!? Huh? Would ya?!"

Jack (left) and Sam taking a breather from the
exhausting work of supervising a garden! *lol*

While Lucy, the one good dog, looks on ...

I'm also learning how to use my new Windows 8.1 HP Desktop computer. I finally gave up trying to "save" everything to an external hard drive. Starting over is just so much less drama.

I hope everyone had a lovely, happy Sunday. What did you do today?