Showing posts with label miscellaneous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miscellaneous. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Breaking Free


Today was grocery shopping day. First stop was at the neighboring Dollar General to buy a preferred soap product that's too pricey from the grocery store. Then on to the Big City to shop at Kroger. Usually, we only go there only for specialty items that are not available in our little 'hood here in the country. This time we thought we'd buy the bulk of the groceries there instead of running hither and yon to get everything needed. That was a mistake, though, as the prices for ordinary products were excessive (eggs were $3.59 a dozen and they're only $1++ something here at The Pig!). Plus, Kroger didn't carry most of the everyday items we like to get or need every week. Well, we shant be shopping there again except for the odd ball items! Lesson learned. πŸ˜‰

I enjoy talking to everybody. It's fun to meet new people. While in line at the Kroger to checkout I got into conversation with a nicely dressed elderly lady in front of us. She commensed to share how she once raised her own chickens, turkey's, and pigs "because of what's comin' in the future". She shared her thoughts on how the stockmarket is going to crash, that our money will be worthless, we're all going to starve and so forth. It sure will after the Rapture. The Holy Scriptures warn us about what's coming, I agree. What with the open worship of Baal, the celebrating of sin and immorality, the steady destruction of our European Christian culture, the murder of untold innocents, and many other heinous things I don't like to say in mixed company, it's obvious the whole world is circling the drain. It made Jesus very sad when He shared this prophecy with His disciples. [Matthew 24] I proceeded to share how wonderful it is that those of us who trust in Jesus don't need to be so concerned. Prepare, yes, but don't be afraid. He is our strength and guidance and that He will remove all Believers from the total destruction when it's time. He promises in His Holy Word that is so. [Thessalonians] She said, "Oh, no, we're all of us are going to have to go through this." "Um, no, He promises He will remove those who follow Him in faith before the Man of Perdition (Anti-Christ) is revealed." I don't think she believed me but at least I tried to comfort her. For now, the praying Church are in the way of their "fun" (sin). The Holy Spirit has His hand on us. Evil keeps losing in the Courts and everywhere else. I didn't ask what news she's watching (or not watching) nor what denomination this dear lady belonged to but she shared it anyway. Someone's not giving her the whole story! πŸ˜“ This poor woman is living in terror of the future and that's not necessary for those of us who put our faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. ☝πŸ’“✟ Living in fear is not from God. 

After putting the groceries away I started reading a new book by Beth Moore titled "Breaking Free". I'm only in Chapter 1 but am very impressed with the lesson thus far! She starts out expounding on Gideon. [Judges 6:11] On how God called him a mighty warrior as he cowered in the winepress. 🀯 That must have been startling for Gideon, right?! God still used Gideon just as he was and to His glory. Then Ms. Moore goes on to how Isaiah 61 also applies to our lives. I had to keep stopping and praying that God would show me how to live this kind of life for Him too. Yes, I'm finding this book profound. I'm getting so much instruction on how all these Scriptures apply to my life. It's good to understand and read God's word "rightly divided" [2 Timothy] but since I wasn't raised in a Christian home or environment I have to look to other ladies to share their years of well earned wisdom, especially concerning the Old Testament. Studying the Old Testament has been a real learning curve but I love it! I'm so grateful God put it in my heart to give the entire Church one of Breaking Free books for Christmas. Thanks to His Holy Spirit I have learned to love all my fellow Believers and pray they get as much from it as I do. I want to Break Free from fear and indecision too. 

Now I'm hungry. My tummy's just a growlin'. Time to start making noises in the kitchen and getting supper warmed up. Yeah, it's still leftovers from yesterday. That's OK. It's still a blessing from God. By the way, ever wonder what our dogs or cats think when we come home with so much delicious smelling food every week?! They must think we're the world's greatest hunters. πŸ˜‚ 

On that note I pray everyone has a glorious rest of the evening. Thanks for stopping by and for your always welcome comments. Let's keep looking up!  πŸ’“ 


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Birthday Loot

One of the main reasons we still celebrate birthdays after the age of 39, is all the loot, am I right folks? Or as Brother Bill (our pastor) would say, "Can I hear an Amen?" This birthday was no exception.

First gift was from a fellow genealogist and good friend, Jerry. He gifted me an entire set of "Pioneers Of Wiregrass Georgia"!!
I have been pining for this collection since I first learned about it, oh, like, a million years ago! *lol* Nah, just feels like that long. Contrary to popular belief, I was not present during the time of the dinosaurs. What a sweet guy, huh? Volume 4 is on my desk and being carefully studied. I grew up in Central Florida in an adopted family with sparse familial connections. I married, moved to Jacksonville, Florida. Then we moved one last time to this area. Shortly after moving here to Southeast Georgia in 1993, I started researching my known birth-family names. That's when I learned that I'm related to at least half of the folks that call themselves residents. "Pioneers Of Wiregrass Georgia" profiles most of my birth-family. It's such a thrill to learn about all my "new" cousins, to meet many of them and share these findings on-line.

Next gift was from my nearest, dearest friend, Vicki, who also blessed me with a now much treasured book by Max Lucado, "He Chose The Nails".
I dare any Bible believing Christian to read his writings without crying through the entire book. It's wonderfully edifying and I am praying it will help me in witnessing to others to also bring them to Christ so they may be saved. It's His love that brings us to salvation, you know. Oh, sure, God is wrath but Jesus is much, much more than that and we need to mirror His love so that others will want to know Him more. May it be so LORD.

Of course, my dear loving Hubby fed me three spectacular meals yesterday. Breakfast was fried eggs on English muffins with a side of thick sliced bacon. Lunch was his mouthwatering homemade cornbread topped with melted butter and fresh decaf coffee. Supper was grilled Rib Eye steaks, baked potatoes lathered in butter and sour cream, and grilled fresh squash and zucchini from the garden, topped off with homemade apple pie. Then we and the dogs piled into the pickup and went to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard. (Our local DQ gives tiny vanilla low sugar treats in cups for pets with every Blizzard purchase. Jack especially l-o-v-e-s these things!) Oh my word! What a feast it all was. I can hardly move today from all the treats. But, you know, just being with Hubby made it a special day. I'm so blessed to be married to a man that puts God first and is also kindhearted, resourceful, and loving.

Ok, mushy time over.

And as an extra little treat, even Google got into the act for my birthday. I clicked on the Google search screen this morning to search for something, and this little number appeared.
When I put the cursor over the birthday cake images, it says "Happy Birthday Sparky". Clicking on the link took me to my Google+ profile. Cute ... cute ... but now I'm a little creeped out ... and I thought the black helicopters where something to worry about .... *grin*

Thank you for visiting and for the birthday wishes. Hope your day is also blessed my friends. Go with God.

Friday, May 20, 2016

From Pain To Gain


Something wonderful has happened. The crippling pain in my hands, and subsequently my wrists, seems to be subsiding. But let me back up a bit. Last  April 22nd, I dutifully visited the Orthopedic doctor to address this problem. He listened to the ailments. Then after many more questions, and hmmm’s and uh huh’s, Doc diagnosed the pain as “Lesion of left ulnar nerve with trigger finger”. Fancy words, huh? This resulted in two very freakin' painful cortisone shots in the palm of said left hand though! Which resulted in me whimpering quietly out of the office with both wrists encased in large black braces, trying to act like an adult and therefore keep what’s left of my dignity intact. Also, on the advice of a former blogging colleague who is a retired Nurse, I’ve also began taking an over-the-counter vitamin called Turmeric (i.e. Saffron pills). Well, it’s taken several weeks of rest but I think there’s a breakthrough. I’m actually typing this missive without having to stop and hold the left wrist in agony. And that includes using this goofy laptop with the broken “s” key that slows me down to a crawl. Who knew so many words have an “s” in them?! Oy.

Hey, look, there's a cute elf weeding
in the garden so I don't have to!

Thanks to seasonal rains, the vegetable garden and the flower areas are prospering. So far we’ve already enjoyed many meals of Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Bell Peppers and Red Potatoes. The Tomatoes are a disappointment, but, I can live with it. Oh, and we now have a herb garden consisting of Basil, Cilantro, Dill, and Rosemary. I didn't realize that fresh herbs truly are a tasty accompaniment to a meal. We’re not financially rich but, doggone it, we sure eat good.
(Doesn't this little guy look like our Sam III?)

There’s a lot of birthdays in our small circle of friends and family in May. Today is my 60th. Our plans this year are to stay home and have a cookout. Hubby plans to grill juicy Rib Eyes from the local IGA topped with cooked buttered mushrooms. We will also dine on baked Idaho potatoes (gotta smother them in butter and sour cream, don’t ya know) and eat more of those scrumptious fresh squash. He’s also baking a homemade apple pie. *picture me dreamy eyed and drooling* Oh yeah … that’s one of my favorite sweets! I’ll share the loot gifts next post.

Speaking of dogs, the Boys, the Jack Russell Terriorists Jack and Sam III, are both healthy. They’re still actively ‘protecting’ the property from those nefarious bushy tailed intruders. I feel so safe now. *giggle* That first year I thought I'd got run away from home trying to discipline those two cuties but now they've finally turned into two really fine dogs.

For Wrent

Hubby has started making Blue Bird houses. He’s given some away to fellow Sunday School attendees. The nest boxes have become so popular, he’s having a hard time keeping up with requests. I think he’s on a one man quest to reestablish this lovely bird back into our area. Works for me. (As long as he doesn't start tilting at windmills, I won't worry.) They’re one of my favorite local winged creatures, alongside the Carolina Wren (their song sounds so sweet to me). We have several nesting on the property every year. I see God in nature, don’t you?

Preparing for the 200 mile ride to
Valdosta and back.

Now that my wrists have improved, I’m even back to riding more often. The F.A.I.T.H. Riders sponsored a local ride over to the Smoke ‘N Pig again. Their BBQ is worth the trip folks. Afterwards, I was so physically drained, that the whole next day all I wanted to do was rest, but, gosh, it felt good to be back in the saddle.

God is indeed good to honor me with so much answered prayer. He answers ALL prayers, of course, but being able to ride and type again is especially sweet. Anyway, even if the pain returns making surgery necessary, I know He loves me and cares. All He wants in return is our FAITH. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

I’m truly blessed all around. It is indeed good to be back on-line! Whole hearted thank yous for the prayers, kind words, and patiently waiting for my return. May the LORD bless and keep you too.

Mount up! LET'S RIDE!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Just Briefly ..

As most of y'all know, I've been suffering from almost crippling hand and wrist pain for months. I now have an appointment for a hand specialist to address this issue on April 22nd.

And in spite of it taking so long to see the doctor, and the ongoing great discomfort, I still feel ...

How can one not be joyful when we know that Christ Jesus loves us more than anything else in the world and because of Him we are saved for all eternity?! Such joy is like being surrounded by cute puppies all the time. Now that's One Giant Warm Fuzzy.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Skinny

Some things that happened during my convalescence:

It's been profitable to rest the arthritic wrists, as they seem to be improving a bit, but I've been giving the body a good workout every morning. The "new" NordicTrack was a real bargain. It was a purchase from a local auction for a fraction of it's original cost. Hubby and I have been using it diligently. Already I've dropped an inch, increased my stamina, my legs have quit aching and my sleeping has improved. This may prove to be my best purchase to-date.

For ill or nill I voted early last week. The pundits say that my candidate won't win, but at least I got to voice my opinion.

An Aunt of a dear friend passed into glory last week. She was elderly and her medication, that was suppose to improve her life, actually took it. I missed the funeral due to a minor illness, but the wake was enjoyable. Yeah, enjoyable. People where laughing, respectfully, of course, sharing happy memories and photos. You know dear reader, when a believer passes it's a time to be joyful. They are with the LORD, we are the sad ones because we're left behind. I don't know how unbelievers get through a day. I would live in constant fear of dying if it wasn't for the promise of life ever lasting with my blessed LORD Jesus Christ.

Hubby and I are enjoying attending the First Baptist Church. These Baptists sure like to eat. (Not complaining) *grin* The motorcycle group that's part of the church, F.A.I.T.H. Riders, seems to feature an event of some sort just about every weekend. It's been wonderful to hang out with other like minded Christians and not feel like a freak because I ride. They are always eager to share the message of Jesus Christ, which is what we're suppose to do. I've learned to love and trust these dear saints very much. I am so very blessed. They have really made both of us feel at home.

The weather has been perfectly lovely. I think our Spring garden is going to be fruitful this year. We're trying a new technique which I will try to share later.

And with that ...

I will go rest my wrists again. I hope your days have been blessed. I know I am because God loves us so very much and you are my friends. Thank you for popping by.

Ride Safe,

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Downton Abbey Season 6

*** Nothing specific is revealed but there are mild spoiler alerts below. ***

The new, and final, DVD for Downton Abbey I had pre-ordered arrived two days ago.

Apologies for the blurry photo.

We stopped nearly everything, and made time to watch all the episodes of Season 6. Thankfully, it's been raining cats and dogs, so, going outside was not recommended anyway. Let me just say, I am absolutely thrilled at this season's events.

Jack (left) and Sam 'watched' with us but where mostly unconcerned.

These final episodes are truly delightful. I kept a box of kleenex on hand which really came in handy. Almost everyone ends up married. Even Thomas Barrow ends up happy, of sorts. Rose and her new hubby (I forget his name) show up on New Year's Eve. My fav are the Bates' and their heartwarming addition. Such a cute couple. It's just loads of fun with lots of twists and turns.

Now I can't wait for you all to see it so we can talk about the nitty gritty events as they unfold! You're guaranteed to be gobsmacked too.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

An Update

I feel like the above photo captures my recent diet efforts. It seems as though as soon as I get serious about losing weight, a flat tire puts me on the side lines leaving me with carrying all those extra "tires" a little longer. *sigh* I don't know why I keep gaining weight. I'm don't eat "anything".

(excuse me ... dropped my candy bar ...)

Oh, the hip pain has improved but if I walk more than I should BLAM the burning pain returns.

So ... here I sit on the comfy sofa with an ice pack under the posterior (TMI?!), moping around, hoping that Victor, or anyone, will saunter by and regale me with a few jokes. Laughing out loud burns calories ... riiiigggght?!

The weather has been unseasonably warm and humid but very pleasant. If my body cooperates, I'd like to get started on the Spring garden. Time ta plant 'dem 'taters, as we are want to say here in the South.

By the way, Blogger is messing with my head again. I send a post out into cyber space and it may take up to a full day to show up in some feeds. Stupid Google programmers. Give me someone to fire! *lol*

Have a blessed day.

Monday, December 21, 2015

A Monday Hodgepodge

It just dawned on me, that it has been days since I visited blogs or posted here. Y'all must have thought I fell off the face of the earth.

The cartoon above reminds me of our family. It will just be the two of us this year (their choice, not ours). What are your plans?

First some news, I think we have finally found a church in which to feel comfortable in. Sundays usually find us in the First Baptist Church. Being a "grace believer" I will not be "joining" (i.e. submitting to water baptism) but it's a pleasant diversion every Sunday morning. I spoke to the Pastor briefly about it, and he said it's not a problem. Without "joining" one just can not hold office or vote in the business part of their church. Thankfully, I'm not interested in any of that anyway. But the natives are friendly and there is a motorcycle club called F.A.I.T.H. Riders in which we are members. That should pacify even my persnickety side.
We have started on, hopefully, the final remodeling project in our 23+ year old stick built home. It's taken over a year to accomplish all the necessary interior projects but it's been well worth the financial and physical pain. The current project is the guest bedroom. It still has 23+ year old carpeting. First Hubby removed the smelly carpeting in the closet and placed nice easy to clean floor tiles. Today, we've removed everything from the bedroom except the ceiling tall bookcase out into the hallway. The bookcase needs another coat of white paint before moving on. Then we'll started pulling up carpeting and replacing it with the floating Pergo flooring.

And something else good came from all this work.

Experience is a wonderful teacher. For most who know me they know that one of my absolute favorite hobbies is genealogy / family research. I've been following people's migrations and habits for years. It's become second nature to figure out why an ancestor moved or did whatever they did during their lives. I also study a lot of old photos. This leads me to I keep all our photo albums in this closet that's being renovated. This week, whilst everything was in a disarray, I began thumbing through an old homemade photo album that belonged to my adopted mother, Helen, who had died in 1966 when I was 10 years old.  I have few memories of my mother. The reason being that like a monkey in a cage, my father was good at flinging obscenities or threats in my direction whenever I even so much as spoke to him, so, I quit asking him anything at a young age. Anyway, I happened on a couple of old Polaroid photos in the album that I'm sure I must have looked at a million times two and wondered "Who are these people?" since there was no writing on the photos. Well, I was sitting on the bed casually looking through the album and I had one photo of Mom in one hand, and this one below in the other, and I finally realized, this is my Mom at a very early age! She always had that serious look on her face. My Mom and her brother, Richard, where the only children of Richard Darrell Koethe, I, and Edna Margaretta Strain. This has to be her in that very treasured photo album. That was such a very joyful moment to discover a photo of my Mom for the 'first' time. It's a nice Christmas gift.

And I'm still enjoying, and learning about, my new Smartphone. I feel so modern. *lol*

If I don't get to post again before the Holiday, I hope everyone has a very happy, prosperous and safe CHRISTmas season.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Guess who finally joined the 21st Century? And this was after I swore up and down that I would never, not ever, no way, cross my heart and hope to die, nuh uh, ever have a Smartphone and be able to text! So much for swearing.

Crow sure is tasty. *lol*

My husband has one too. So this afternoon we camped out on the couch (as if we have nothing else to do ... NOT!), he in his corner and me in mine, and we proceeded to learn how to use the newly purchased toys. Even though Technically Challenged, I still managed to download two very cool ring tones: Stairway To Heaven and Santa Baby.

Anyone in the market for two well used flip phones? *grin*

And, happy news, it's raining! Finally. Thank you LORD for your mercy. It has been dangerously dry in SE Georgia. Now that our one mile of shifting sand road will be ride able again, I picture a ride in our very near future, with the new smartphone to show us the route.

Now, how cool is that.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Double Heaping Of Blessings Hodpodge

The giblets are simmering.

This year, we get to have two Thanksgivings. The 'free' turkey won at the local IGA has already thawed, so, husband said, "Better cook it now." Works for me! I never turn down those kinds of lovely smells. The Jack Russell Terrorists, especially Jack, haven't left the throw rug sitting near the stove all morning. He's such a moocher. There will be  the traditional cornbread stuffing, homemade turkey gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, and mashed sweetened yams for dessert. There's probably more but I've drooled on the keyboard and have to stop to clean it up. *grin* Yum yum!

For the official day, we've been invited to our local dear friend's home for another happy repast. By the end of this week my belly will look like an overfed turkey. Guess I'd better steer clear of the woods. *lol*
El Cheapo Telephone Stand

Last Friday, my husband bought an antique telephone stand for only $19 at a local auction. This little number is solid wood, very well made. He's been refinishing and repairing the table as the weather permits all weekend. There's really plenty of furniture for our tiny living room but I wanted a small table next to the love seat. Fits nicely, don't ya think?

And it's finally cooled off in our neck of the woods. The sky is a deep blue, the air fresh and crisp. It's so pretty today. I think I'll start raking all the Long Leaf Pine needles that the wind left us this weekend. They would add a nice touch around the roses bed.

I hope everyone is having a good day and will be able to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Thank you for visiting with me today.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Day

We've had a lot of this ...

Which made a lot of these ...

It's possible that at least one of these mushrooms are in the Armillaria mellea family but don't hold me to it. *grin*

Even though I do appreciate the rain, after three days of it, I think it's time for a little sunshine and cooler temp's. It's been too warm even for Southeast Georgia.

My medical appointment to discuss the hormone issues is tomorrow afternoon. I'll be sure to let you know what the Physician Assistant thinks about my ideas on this subject. Hopefully she is well versed in this field and together we can come up with a clear plan to get my health in ship shape order. I'm anxious to get back in the saddle again.

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Walk Around The Property Making Plans

An evening walk around our property yesterday revealed this in the distance.
One of the first trees to 'change' for Fall in SE Georgia is the Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera). On the left is our pet cemetery of past furry friends. Notice the forest of leaves on the ground? Time for moi' to get busy with the mulch mower.
The Tallow, up close and personal. They are lovely this time of year. Too bad they're considered invasive in this neck of the woods. This one is not a threat for getting out of hand as it's on the driest part of the property. Nothing seems to want to propagate in this soil.

It should be a quiet week. Only three items that must be taken care of. 

First and foremost is one of my dearest friends is having cataract eye surgery this afternoon. She is scheduled for the first of two lens replacements that I had years ago. I will rejoice with her when she can throw away those coke bottle bottom glasses forever. Please pray for her that all will go well. Thank you so much.

Second is it's time for a monthly B-12 shot. At the same time, I must corral the real Doctor (not the P.A. that usually administers medical care) and start discussing alternative hormone replacement therapy. Seems that after 23 years of Premarin, I may be on the wrong medication. Some adverse symptoms have arisen. I can thank my wonderful husband for acquiring the answer to this problem. When it comes to discussing medicine, I am definitely Medically Challenged. Accounting is my forte. He read a recent article in Motorcycle Classics (yeah, motorcycles ... to the rescue as always ...) that addressed these symptoms and said, "Honey, I know what's wrong!" So, now I have a starting point with which to fix the ailments.

Third is preparations are underway for the Halloween party on Friday evening. I am so juiced. Hubby still has not revealed what he has planned for his costume. Guess we'll have to learn that together, won't we Dear Readers. *grin*

And that's my life this week. What's on your agenda?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Rambling Post

What can I say? Alcohol consumption is not the problem. It could be the B-12 deficiency. But, truly, there is no defense for the blog laziness of late.

The weather has turned crisp and inviting. I see from Simply Linda's post today that it's snowing in western New York. Our air temp was about 54* upon arising. Quickly, I busied myself with the morning routine so that I may go outside and "play". For me, that's playing in the dirt. Time to plant the Fall vegetable garden in Southeast Georgia. Whilst engaged in this activity, it came to my attention that no longer does the grass need mowing but the fallen oak leaves must be mulched. Also, I see that the Lantana and other flowering annuals must be trimmed ... and so forth. The fun never ends. But, you know, I wouldn't trade any of this for life in the Big City again, especially back in Florida (or, as I refer to it, Hades). As this Br'er Rabbit would say, I'd sooner live in this briar patch, all things considered. *grin*

Speaking of Hades, Hubby made a two-wheeled trip to that far off land to visit his ailing, elderly father. We don't share a good rapport, so, I kept the home fires burning. Hubby's report is that our once former home is much worse than when we left in 1993. Fascism is rampant (you know, Do This, Don't Do That, Can't You Read The Sign ... ?!). Ugh. There's much more liberty in our woods. I know, liberty, is such a dirty word to the politically correct these days. Thankfully, there are still vestigials of it hiding out if one looks.

The Boys (Jack and Sam) are all well. The are such easy dogs to care for, only requiring a weekly bath ... usually. However, I cleaned them up yesterday, and it lasted, oh, about 5 minutes. First thing they rolled in the powder dry grey soil beneath the nearest Red Cedar Tree. Their once white coats have a tint of grey. I should have named them Pig Pen 1 and Pig Pen 2. I give up on that score.

Both of us are full of piss and vinegar, as my mother would have quoted. In other words, feeling happy and full of energy. I miss my Mom. She passed in 1966. That was such a long time ago.

There have been rides but nothing of note that inspired flowery words to be penned.

But, I'm rambling.

That's about it. Very quiet, tranquil, clean cool breezes and seasonably pleasant here. Lookin' towards Halloween and the planned party with friends. I pray that your week will be blessed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

PBS Home Fires

Home Fires Cast
(from the PBS Website)

Most American television is so awful. We've quit watching anything but 'reality shows' and HGTV. Anyone else hooked on PBS Masterpiece Theatre? One of the new ones, Home Fires, has really peaked my interest. There are two episodes that have aired so far and, I must say, it has been consistently entertaining. Very top drawer acting, directing, story, etc. October 18th at 8:00 pm EST Episode 3 is supposed to air. For all my fellow Downton Abbey fans, you'll recognize many of the British actors in the line up.

Synopsis of the story line from their website:
At the heart of a rural English village on the verge of the Second World War, a diverse group of women with personal struggles, conflicting views and a shared mission forge a community that will inspire their finest hour. Samantha Bond (Downton Abbey) and Francesca Annis (RecklessCranford) head an ensemble cast in the moving wartime drama, Home Fires. 
In August 1939, war with Germany is all but certain. While citizens of the isolated village of Great Paxford each face the prospect of war in their own way, all agree that they must do everything they can to hold their village—and their nation—together. But when the value of the largely social group, The Women's Institute, is called into question, forward-thinking Frances Barden (Samantha Bond) and snobbish Joyce Cameron (Francesca Annis) clash over the fate of the Institute and the roles its members can play, far from the front. 
Based on Jambusters, Julie Summers’ history of Britain’s Women’s Institute, Home Fires airs in six inspiring episodes on MASTERPIECE, Sundays, October 4 – November 8, 2015, at the special time of 8/7c on PBS.
I would definitely recommend this show.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Dull: Uninteresting, Boring, Tedious, Monotonous, Unrelieved, Unvaried, Unimaginative, Uneventful

“I sometimes feel I have nothing to say, and I want to communicate this.”
-- Damien Hirst

You're been warned. *grin*

That pretty much sums up my feelings for this post. After the carport renovations, it’s been dull as dishwater in this neck of the woods.

Riding has been unattainable lately. Seems I’ve twisted my right knee. It’s developed this lovely popping, burning and hurting act. I appreciate the man that created Aleve. (What a life safer!) My husband is in the same pitiful situation. I suspect this is a result of the four or so days of standing on solid concrete floors, climbing ladders, swinging the paint roller around, moving the new cabinets into place, and so forth. Our situation has put any motorcycling activities on temporary hold.

All work -- No play -- makes Sparky --something-- --something--.


Ok, it’s not that bad. *lol* At least it's finally Fall. My favorite time of the year. More than likely I'll be up and cruising in a few days. And I’m only being lazy by not penning any correspondence. I suffer from these temporary episodes of brain freeze in the blogging department. I am enjoying everyone else's writings though.

Anyway, that’s my situation at the moment.

If you're still awake, hope your evening is blessed.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm A Pickin' And I'm A Grinnin'

After our Saturday chores, Hubby and I took the cage and did some pickin'. It's just too difficult to carry fragile items on two wheels.

This is my favorite, the Cardinal Clock. I wish the photograph would show how vibrant the colors are. It's quite lovely. The bird tiles, Hubby found. I thought they where a nice compliment to the clock.

Decorative cups. They appear to be hand painted, but I wouldn't swear to it on a stack of Bibles. *grin*

Cardinal Music Box. I don't recognize the tune. It's a nice addition to the dining room table.

All these items where only $1.00 each!

Now you know why I'm A Grinnin'.

(Deepest apologies to the good folks at Hee Haw for the pun ... *lol*)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Day Trip To The Big City

Isn't life just like this. I set off to do one thing, and end up doing another.

Yesterday, to lighten the mood, Hubby and I drove to neighboring big city of Brunswick to buy a Halloween costume for me (I love Halloween ... just a big kid really), and ended up toting home something entirely unrelated.

This bedspread is called the "Cassandra" from JC Penney. They where having a Big Sale and I couldn't say No. It looks quite nice in the room, don't ya think? These colors and pattern compliment the new carpeting, in my opinion.

So, I'm a little bit poorer but still must find, or come up with, some kind of costume that does not entail any masks for our Second Annual Halloween Party. Any suggestions? Which holidays do you enjoy the most?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Week Of Vicissitudes

This week has been a roller coaster ride for me personally and financially for the country. The Dow Jones fell almost 1,000 points. Since I do watch the markets pretty closely, and listen to the real experts, this was not unexpected, but startling nonetheless. Thank Heavens we’re not in the market anymore. However, I am aware that whether by accident or design many millions of ordinary citizens have their 401K’s tied to the market. My heart-felt prayers are with them all. Oil is almost $40 a gallon. A plus for the Average Joe but it’s devastating for the American Oil Industry. This is not a good thing as there are many, many jobs tied to the oil industry. It’s kind of a Catch 22 situation for the world in general.

In personal matters this was a week of high’s and low’s. High because I'm excited about finally finishing the house remodel started last year. And low because this part of the remodel has gone from simple to complex. I’ve learned to never, ever, in-no-way use our local Lowe’s for installations. This is the third attempt at using them for various installations and each time the subcontractors have either been inept, scary or unreliable. I cancelled the whole deal. Then on the return trip from Waycross, we stopped at a carpet installation store in Blackshear and contracted with them. The new carpeting should arrive in about a week or so. The only down side is before they can install it, we have to remove all the furniture, old carpeting, padding and clean the floor. That’s going to be a job! I pray my body and patience holds out.

And I pray your week has been a happy one.

*h/t to Cormus at the CB 1100 Forum for the $64 word this week. :)