Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Breaking Free


Today was grocery shopping day. First stop was at the neighboring Dollar General to buy a preferred soap product that's too pricey from the grocery store. Then on to the Big City to shop at Kroger. Usually, we only go there only for specialty items that are not available in our little 'hood here in the country. This time we thought we'd buy the bulk of the groceries there instead of running hither and yon to get everything needed. That was a mistake, though, as the prices for ordinary products were excessive (eggs were $3.59 a dozen and they're only $1++ something here at The Pig!). Plus, Kroger didn't carry most of the everyday items we like to get or need every week. Well, we shant be shopping there again except for the odd ball items! Lesson learned. πŸ˜‰

I enjoy talking to everybody. It's fun to meet new people. While in line at the Kroger to checkout I got into conversation with a nicely dressed elderly lady in front of us. She commensed to share how she once raised her own chickens, turkey's, and pigs "because of what's comin' in the future". She shared her thoughts on how the stockmarket is going to crash, that our money will be worthless, we're all going to starve and so forth. It sure will after the Rapture. The Holy Scriptures warn us about what's coming, I agree. What with the open worship of Baal, the celebrating of sin and immorality, the steady destruction of our European Christian culture, the murder of untold innocents, and many other heinous things I don't like to say in mixed company, it's obvious the whole world is circling the drain. It made Jesus very sad when He shared this prophecy with His disciples. [Matthew 24] I proceeded to share how wonderful it is that those of us who trust in Jesus don't need to be so concerned. Prepare, yes, but don't be afraid. He is our strength and guidance and that He will remove all Believers from the total destruction when it's time. He promises in His Holy Word that is so. [Thessalonians] She said, "Oh, no, we're all of us are going to have to go through this." "Um, no, He promises He will remove those who follow Him in faith before the Man of Perdition (Anti-Christ) is revealed." I don't think she believed me but at least I tried to comfort her. For now, the praying Church are in the way of their "fun" (sin). The Holy Spirit has His hand on us. Evil keeps losing in the Courts and everywhere else. I didn't ask what news she's watching (or not watching) nor what denomination this dear lady belonged to but she shared it anyway. Someone's not giving her the whole story! πŸ˜“ This poor woman is living in terror of the future and that's not necessary for those of us who put our faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. ☝πŸ’“✟ Living in fear is not from God. 

After putting the groceries away I started reading a new book by Beth Moore titled "Breaking Free". I'm only in Chapter 1 but am very impressed with the lesson thus far! She starts out expounding on Gideon. [Judges 6:11] On how God called him a mighty warrior as he cowered in the winepress. 🀯 That must have been startling for Gideon, right?! God still used Gideon just as he was and to His glory. Then Ms. Moore goes on to how Isaiah 61 also applies to our lives. I had to keep stopping and praying that God would show me how to live this kind of life for Him too. Yes, I'm finding this book profound. I'm getting so much instruction on how all these Scriptures apply to my life. It's good to understand and read God's word "rightly divided" [2 Timothy] but since I wasn't raised in a Christian home or environment I have to look to other ladies to share their years of well earned wisdom, especially concerning the Old Testament. Studying the Old Testament has been a real learning curve but I love it! I'm so grateful God put it in my heart to give the entire Church one of Breaking Free books for Christmas. Thanks to His Holy Spirit I have learned to love all my fellow Believers and pray they get as much from it as I do. I want to Break Free from fear and indecision too. 

Now I'm hungry. My tummy's just a growlin'. Time to start making noises in the kitchen and getting supper warmed up. Yeah, it's still leftovers from yesterday. That's OK. It's still a blessing from God. By the way, ever wonder what our dogs or cats think when we come home with so much delicious smelling food every week?! They must think we're the world's greatest hunters. πŸ˜‚ 

On that note I pray everyone has a glorious rest of the evening. Thanks for stopping by and for your always welcome comments. Let's keep looking up!  πŸ’“ 



  1. So glad you are getting so much from this book. It would be good as a Sunday school instruction guide.

  2. Sounds like God had you in the right place at the right time kind of day. Praying for that dear woman to find her peace in Jesus Christ, and then she won't have to worry. Yes, we need to be ready to meet Jesus at any moment. We may endure some hardships, as we already are with the way things are in the world today, but the really really bad stuff is not meant for the believers in Christ. I do pray He is coming soon, but still there are those who need to believe and be ready before He comes. They need to hurry, because I believe the door is starting to close on this age... I enjoyed your post and love it that you are posting more often now! thank you!! You have something good to say and we need to hear it! God bless you dear friend. Have a lovely rest of the year!!

  3. What a heartwarming post, Sparky! I'm so glad you let us know how to find your new blog address.

    That poor lady! She may not have expressed it, but I believe your words were a blessing she won't forget. Our world is a scary place right now; so many are sleepwalking their way to H***. And few are recognizing it.

    Prayers for the New Year!

  4. I have a Christian friend who tends to live in fear of everything. I must admit she does have phobias so that might be the cause of it. Really, it's a lack of faith and I hate to say that because it sounds like I am being mean. But isn't fear, a lack of faith when Jesus tells us not to fear? It's a problem I have seen with many Christian women around here - they have a hard time. And I know they must get annoyed with me when I lovingly TRY to tell them. But the old saying, "You Can Lead a Horse To Water, But You Can’t Make It Drink" comes to my mind. Prayers for all those who live in FEAR.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell