Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2014

Intruder Alert!

In case one hasn't noticed after spending more than five minutes on my blog, I'm a big fan of nature. I especially have a penchant for reptiles. (Must be the "goth" in me.) This weekend, whilst purging the exterior house windows of those pesky little green tree frogs that leave smear marks on the glass, I spotted a new visitor. Luckily, Sweetie had the camera on stand by and he grabbed a snap of this little guy over our front door.

What is it, you may well ask? Don't fret, we had to look it up too.

Mediterranean Gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus)

"Hold still for the camera and don't blink ..."
"I can't. I'm a Gecko."

He, or she, is a Gecko?! In Southeast Georgia!? This is not part of their normal range.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

Fear not, for they are harmless, and are actually beneficial little creatures. They eat bugs and that's just dandy in my book.

I only hope there are more of them. If I find more, for any fellow amateur herpetologists out there, I'll be sure to share.

And that was yet another exciting weekend in the country. *smile*

Ride Safe,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hay Fields And Pickerelweed

I am so bone weary from a sleepless night. Ever have nights like that? They're becoming a bit too frequent of late for my tastes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. There was no burden weighing on me. The storm that blasted through took it's liberties with our trees but other than a few limbs to pick up, everything seems just dandy. There was just an uneasiness I couldn't shake. A restlessness like I wanted to go out and howl at the moon. That merciful, life generating deep sleep was being an elusive, ethereal thing that one sometimes can not quite grasp.


I was going to go on a brief photo shoot today. So, Hubby very kindly snapped a few photos of our neighbors. My morning devotional from Two Minutes With The Bible (Berean Bible Society) by Pastor John Frederickson was about how we as Saints should be like Peppermint.
Among Paul’s praises of Philemon was that “the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee” (Phile. 7). This precious saint had chosen to be like a peppermint for all the believers with whom he came in contact. It’s wonderful to read about this kind of testimony and what made him so refreshing to others. He demonstrated a sense of “love and faith … toward all saints” (v. 5). When these characteristics are present and genuine, they manifest themselves in a warmth and interest in others that is unmistakable. It will also be obvious in the tone and content of every word that comes out of one’s mouth.
Boy, that hits home, doesn't it. Well, I hope this refreshes you too my friends. After lunch, I may crash again.

Lake Chapel Road
Appling County, Georgia

Lake Chapel Road
Appling County, Georgia

Pontederia (Pickerelweed)
Ride Safe,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mushrooms Are Such Fungi's

I think I enjoy nature as much as I enjoy riding.

Today, I found a few Cracked Bolete's growing in our woodsy yard. They're sprouting up everywhere! It must be all the rain and high humidity.

"You'd be a little 'cracked' too if you
had to be out in this humidity all the time!"

Bolete's are an interesting breed of fungi. Instead of gills they have spongey undersides. These are described as tubes in some books but they contain the reproductive bodies of the mushroom.

As I walk the woods in June, I can find lots of multi-color boletes. There are those that are bi-color, those that are red, blue, green, brown, etc. -- fungus come in all colors and in all seasons.  Personally, I call them Leopard Mushrooms, but that's just my title because I can't pronouce "Bolete".

If you want to learn about mushrooms please join a mushroom club. I also suggest a good field guide but DO NOT EAT wild mushrooms unless you are a trained professional or are with one. I understand that in the northern region of Georgia there is the Georgia Mushroom Club. It meets regularly and takes wonderful nature hikes. There are special interest groups for growing mushrooms, using mushrooms to dye fabric and to eat mushrooms. You can find them at

Then, further south, in Macon, Chris Matherley, at takes folks on walks to find all kinds of mushrooms. Probably every state in the union has a mushroom club which is a great way to discover these delights of the woods, the lawn, and the trees.

"Whatchya doin' Mommy?"

Jack had to "help", of course. *cough*

After a quick trip into The Big City, I plan to be back outside tomorrow in the heat, enjoying the woods, fields, and wild lands of my front yard. Mushrooms are such "fun guys", aren't they?

Ride Safe,

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ode To A Tiger Moth

Much to my chagrin, and the bird's delight, it's warmed up so quickly that the bugs are out in force. Jack (of Jack Russell Terrorist fame) found a Tiger Moth resting on a weed next to the carport in the early morning light. The picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. I used the wrong camera, so, I dressed it up with a "Picture Frame" in my Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 and thought I'd share. 


Adrift in the liberating, late light
of August, delicate, frivolous,
they make their way to my front porch
and flutter near the glassed-in bulb,
translucent as a thought suddenly
wondered aloud, illumining the air
that's thick with honeysuckle and dusk.
You and I are doing our best
at conversation, keeping it light, steering clear
of what we'd like to say.
You leave, and the night becomes
cluttered with moths, some tattered,
their dumbly curious filaments
startling against my cheek. How quickly,
instinctively, I brush them away.
Dazed, they cling to the outer darkness
like pale reminders of ourselves.
Others seem to want so desperately
to get inside. Months later, I'll find
the woolens, snug in their resting places,
full of missing pieces.

In spite of the seemingly endless bad news, the sad checkbook balances and the fear of living under an unchecked, lawless government, I still hope everyone has had a pleasant day.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Just For Fun ~ Our Day In Pictures

A Banded NetWing beetle
landed on the office window.
(Sorry, it's a little blurry.)

Hubby was greeted by a baby Hognose snake
in the workshop this morning.

And we enjoyed zucchini lasagna for supper. YUM!

~ Ride Safe ~

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Fascinating Fungus Amoung Us

We've been getting a lot of lovely rain this year. Along with the green grass and budding trees, our yard is full of so many interesting mushrooms! I've been on a real tear taking photos everywhere. (Hey, I'm a poet and don't know it! ha ha) I didn't try to learn all the names since mushrooms are very difficult to identify unless you're practically an expert. There are so many varieties! Below are a few of my favorites from around our property.

~Ride Safe~

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch For Comet PanSTARRS In The Twilight

I really enjoy sitting on the back porch and looking into the night sky. Living in the country the skies are inky black with little sparkley stars from one end to the other. [Ok, so I'm technically challenged ... ha ha] The 'heaven's' are truly a wonder to see. It's just part of God's miracle of creation. Tonight be sure to look in the Northern Hemisphere for the comet C/2011 L4. There's only a few nights (March 12th to 18th) it will be visible to the naked eye. Pretty cool.

More here or here.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Me, From A To Z

I've received a challenge to explain who I am from A to Z. So here's my vain attempt at such a task:

A - I love any food made with Apples. I even like the Aroma.

B - Wild Birdwatching is a much favored hobby.

Our little country road.
C - Living in the Country is the only place for me.

D - I love my Doggies. Ok, I just love doggies period. :)

E - Just had two Eye surgeries for cataracts.

F- I've got more Friends than I deserve.

G - I'm a Genealogy addict. And I like Guns.

New wheels!
H - Happy to be married to wonderful my Husband.

I - I dislike Injustice. Intensely.

J - Jesus is my Saviour.

K - I get my Kicks on two wheels.

L - Lilac colored flowers are in bloom everywhere right now.

M - I live, eat, dream, think, talk, breathe, function best around: Motorcycles.

N - I lean towards Neat freak but have my messy moments.

O - I am an Only child.

P - Love digital Photography!

Q - Been told I'm Quirky. Is that just a nice way of saying "weird"?

R - Did I mention I like Riding motorcycles?! :)

S - Snakes are cool.

T - One can never have Too many motorcycles.

U - For me, the Unknown is not to be feared but is to be explained.

V - Vtwins rock!

W - It's always two Wheels for me.

X - I dislike getting X-rays. For any reason.

Y - One of my favorite words is Yes, let's go for a ride.

Z - Would you believe there's a motorcycle called Zundapp?

Now, how cool is that?!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gopher Tortoise

A mature Gopher Tortoise come up into our yard today. Needlss to say, the dogs were not happy! After they voiced their loud opinions, I locked them inside and helped the tortoise to move on into the woods. They are a protected species.

Gosh, I just love living out here. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Christ Episcopal Church, St. Simons Island, Georgia

While the Senate diddles away our futures in Washington, we hopped on our iron horses and rode to the coastal town of St. Simon's Island, off shore from Brunswick.

Hubby worked in Brunswick for three years before his retirement from BellSouth, so, he got to know the area really well. Even though we've lived here for over 17 years, I've not taken any time to explore "The Island" (as the locals call it). He wanted me to tour an historical church and grounds. Christ Episcopal Church was founded February 1736. Many of the graves are very ancient. Some are enclosed by something similar to coquina rock. It sure reminds me of Florida with all the hanging moss and the way the buildings are constructed. I guess most all the southern coastal areas look alike.

Parked outside the cemetery

Historical Sign

Christ Episcopal Church (front)

Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery And Grounds

Unknown plant
Anyone know what this is?

It was definately worth the trip y'all! The weather is absolutely picture perfect for Southeast Georgia: blue sky, light breezes, and the smell of Spring in the air. Dreamy!! The fly in the ointment was the gnats and the sand gnats. Once the cool weather is over, they're baaaaaccckkk! Yuck!! But I'm still glad we went.

Thanks for visiting. :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cay Creek Wetlands Interpretive Center

Yesterday, we traveled to the Savannah Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina again. It was cold, windy and overcast with very few migratory birds yet. So, after making the 4 mile loop around the park, we headed south towards home.

There we discovered a new public nature walk that is now open. It's near the little community of Midway, Liberty County, GA. Cay Creek is located just west of I-95 off Highway 84.

The Cay Creek wetlands was set aside for the public in honor of Mayor, Willis Britten Hollingsworth (1998-2001).

Since I'm related to many Hollingsworth, I thought I'd check out his lineage. I couldn't find a connection to my bunch (not yet, anyway) but for those interested, I found some of his genealogy here:

Hollingsworth, Willis Britten (1930 - 2001) - male
b. 24 JAN 1930 in Tifton Co., Georgia, USA
d. 22 APR 2001 in Midway, Liberty Co, Georgia
s/o Willis Britten Hollingsworth, Sr. and Minnie Hazel Cook
Source: Bissett/Cook Family

I also found this about Mayor Hollingsworth on-line:

Willis Hollingsworth, Jr. (DVM 1955) of Savannah, mayor of Midway for the past nine years, died April 22. With a deep interest in nature, he made the Cay Creek Wetland Interpretive Center a major project of his for the past five years.
Source: Class Notes, Grad Notes, and Obituaries; December 2001: Vol. 81, No. 1

Turns out, even in the face of adversity, he was quite a 'do-er'. He lost his first wife in a tragic auto accident but still he persevered and made a good life for himself.

The free open access walkway winds it's way through the woodlands leading down to the salt marshes of Cay Creek. Like all wetlands, it has abundant wildlife and native plants to view. Even though it was a ugly overcast day we still enjoyed the stroll through old Georgia. Then we hopped back in the car and had a hearty meal at Captain Joe's Seafood on US Hwy 17 before heading home.

Cay Creek Sign

Best to begin at the begin

Cay Creek Elevated Walkway

Observation Tower

Can you tell I DON'T like heights!

Now that's a good lookin' guy there! :)

Too bad the picnic area was flooded.
It would be lovely to have lunch here some day.

Holly Tree
Anyone know the species and name?

I'm glad we went now. This trip was definately worth the effort.

All photos are here for those interested.

Hope you enjoyed the trip too! ;)