Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thankful Thursday: The Adventure Begins

The garden area is gradually being transformed into an area of plenty and beauty. Hubby planted Tomatoes, Red Potatoes, and Bell Peppers. Next will be the Straight-necked Yellow Squash, Zucchini, and Green Bush Beans. Around one end of the humble 20 x 20 plot is also planted Giant Sunflower seeds.

In the bare spot next to my office, that I've dubbed Butterfly Haven, there will be Giant Sunflowers, California Poppy, and Cosmos. Already in residence is the Shrimp plant and Butterfly Bush. Oh, yeah, and lots of wind chimes. I take great delight in hearing them tinkle in the breeze. *giggle*

I ran out of steam about 10 am but hope tomorrow to plant the remainder of the seeds: Shasta Daisy, English Daisy, Johnny Jump-up, and Bachelor Button.

There should also a "mystery plant" in Butterfly Haven that Hubby and I found growing along Wall's Siding Road here in our county. Last year we collected seeds from it. These seeds have joined in with the domestic's above. At maturity the mystery plant is taller than me with long white flowers. I've tried and tried to identify it to no avail. Anyway, in about 8 weeks, if all goes well, there should be a profusion of color. All these flowers are dandy attractants for the Butterflies, Hummingbirds and other of God's creatures that I so enjoy.

There's a lot to be thankful for today and every day, one of which is it seems I can garden almost as well as I could before the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome symptoms and surgery. There's no pain, lightheartedness, vision loss or nausea. Thank you LORD Jesus for your mercy. Being out of pain is like being released from years of imprisonment. I don't know why but it reminds me of how all of us who trust and believe in salvation by the innocent shed blood of our LORD are being transformed inside into a thing of beauty for Him. These small reminders of His majesty are all around us if we'll only look.

There is 'joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart' today! I pray your day is joyful too. Share what you're thankful for.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Day In A Country Life

There hasn't been much going on in our neck of the woods worthy of note. However, today we had a friend drop by and help remove a 30 foot Red Cedar that was too close to the carport.
Notching the tree in preparation of a fall.

Thar she blows!

Now the fun begins ... disposing of all the limbs and debris.

And a pleasant surprise. An early Christmas gift from Santa.

I know, OMGoodness! It's a 'bling'! The necklace is made from Sterling Silver. The stones blue Tiger Eye. I nearly suffered whiplash during the last visit to the Tractor Supply Store and my husband noticed. He's such a sweetie. Now if I can just find a way the earrings wear it under my helmet ... (ouch) *lol*

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Day

We've had a lot of this ...

Which made a lot of these ...

It's possible that at least one of these mushrooms are in the Armillaria mellea family but don't hold me to it. *grin*

Even though I do appreciate the rain, after three days of it, I think it's time for a little sunshine and cooler temp's. It's been too warm even for Southeast Georgia.

My medical appointment to discuss the hormone issues is tomorrow afternoon. I'll be sure to let you know what the Physician Assistant thinks about my ideas on this subject. Hopefully she is well versed in this field and together we can come up with a clear plan to get my health in ship shape order. I'm anxious to get back in the saddle again.

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Walk Around The Property Making Plans

An evening walk around our property yesterday revealed this in the distance.
One of the first trees to 'change' for Fall in SE Georgia is the Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera). On the left is our pet cemetery of past furry friends. Notice the forest of leaves on the ground? Time for moi' to get busy with the mulch mower.
The Tallow, up close and personal. They are lovely this time of year. Too bad they're considered invasive in this neck of the woods. This one is not a threat for getting out of hand as it's on the driest part of the property. Nothing seems to want to propagate in this soil.

It should be a quiet week. Only three items that must be taken care of. 

First and foremost is one of my dearest friends is having cataract eye surgery this afternoon. She is scheduled for the first of two lens replacements that I had years ago. I will rejoice with her when she can throw away those coke bottle bottom glasses forever. Please pray for her that all will go well. Thank you so much.

Second is it's time for a monthly B-12 shot. At the same time, I must corral the real Doctor (not the P.A. that usually administers medical care) and start discussing alternative hormone replacement therapy. Seems that after 23 years of Premarin, I may be on the wrong medication. Some adverse symptoms have arisen. I can thank my wonderful husband for acquiring the answer to this problem. When it comes to discussing medicine, I am definitely Medically Challenged. Accounting is my forte. He read a recent article in Motorcycle Classics (yeah, motorcycles ... to the rescue as always ...) that addressed these symptoms and said, "Honey, I know what's wrong!" So, now I have a starting point with which to fix the ailments.

Third is preparations are underway for the Halloween party on Friday evening. I am so juiced. Hubby still has not revealed what he has planned for his costume. Guess we'll have to learn that together, won't we Dear Readers. *grin*

And that's my life this week. What's on your agenda?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Outside My Window

Tiger Swallowtail (male) on Butterfly Bush

Silver-Spot Skipper visiting Mexican Petunia

Not identified mushroom
(They're bright yellow if anyone knows what they are.)
Jackie Boy 'helped'.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Observations ~ What's On Your Desk Top

It’s June. I’m weary of hearing about politics and watching the stock market crash. Money is such a fleeting thing. Thanks to the government, it has no real value anymore. Thus the "I have a hankerin’ to post silly observations". June in Southeast Georgia is such a boring month. Besides, my hands ache more and more from arthritis. Some days it’s almost unbearable. My greatest fear is that one day it will curtail my riding a manual motorcycle. There are automatics available but, oh, please, that’s blasphemy! *lol* At the moment, the tingling pain and swelling can be temporarily abated with soaking the hands in warm water, Aleve and then wearing a wrist brace when typing or gardening.

I think I want my next big writing project to be rewriting the My Faith section here (I've evolved there and need to express it).

So, this is today’s observation.

Up until yesterday I had a nice summer photo of our heavily shaded dirt road viewed through the V-Strom’s windscreen. I bored with that and this weekend changed it to a brilliant orange canna lily my husband snapped on one of his solitary rides. This one was growing wild against a Stop sign.

By the way, on our rides, we carry the portable Samsung 45-22.5 mm 1:25-63 25 mm HD camera. It’s lightweight, inexpensive to replace, and takes sharp photos when needed.

What's on your Desk Top?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Just Some Fun On A Monday Afternoon

... and because I'm too lazy to write a proper post. Here's some purdy pictures (as we say here in the Sawth). :) Enjoy!

... with sincerest apologies to William Shakespeare.

... at least it's not monkey's (too messy). *lol*

... and lots of green money.

And on that happy note, I'll take my leaf ... uh, leave.

Have a pleasant evening folks!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

There is a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher nesting in our yard! So far, I've spotted a Summer Tanager, Orchard Oriole, Blue Grosbeak, and several other unusual sightings. I can't get over what a variety of wildbirds are hanging around this year. As we used to say in the '80s, "Totally Awesome". *lol*

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on nest photo 20150421_62_zpsj47xszlz.jpg

[click photo to enlarge & view at PhotoBucket]

If time be sure to check out the other photos while at Photobucket. Hubby snapped several of Hummingbirds too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood-less Moon

There was a male Tom caterwallin' somewhere close by and it woke us up at 5 am. We had planned to get up early anyway to watch the "Blood Moon" lunar eclipse. This just put us to an earlier than anticipated start.

Not too bad a photo for our
handheld point and shoot, ey?

This is the first such lunar eclipse for both of us. It was pretty, in person, but there was nothing "bloody" about it nor was it very spectacular but I'm still glad we made the effort.

Did anyone else witness the eclipse?

Ride Safe,

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Plume Grass And Such In Southeast Georgia

After a delightful evening repast of baked chicken thighs with 40 Garlic Gravy, well cooked Fordhook Limas lathered in Amish butter and a chilled glass of Sutter Home Zinfandel, we took a short jaunt in the neighborhood to capture some of the beauty of the season. The Fall colors are only starting here in Southeast Georgia. First the Plume Grass graces the countryside with their shimmering canes in the sunshine. We're anxiously awaiting the oranges and yellows will start in earnest. I'm sure there will be more photos to follow in the days to come.

Here's a preview:

I gathered up Jack (front) and Sam.
They "helped" us look for color in the countryside
from their safe position in the back seat.

Our first stop in the search for color where the
high power lines on Scenic Drive near our home.
After the neighbors cleared the planted pine,
the Plume Grass took over in Mill Creek.

Plume Grass
shimmering in the sunset.

I asked my husband to drive by the Aspinwall Cemetery
which was formerly called Old Mill Creek Church Cemetery.
I hadn't seen this old family burial site since the massive clearing.
Sadly it seems that this cemetery is going to disappear
from the lack of care.

Sometimes I almost forget how pretty it is here. The soft cool breezes, cloudless skies and tilted sun makes the days much more pleasant. I hope your day has been as good as ours.

Ride Safe,