Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Stealing: From Pinterest


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Original questions here

1. Your favorite part of the day. Any time that revolves around food or coffee. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ That said, though, most y'all know we've gone Keto and are now eating almost completely carnivore. Our health is so improved! It's amazing. Anyway, Steve bought a package of Private Selection Jumbo Premium All-beef Hot Dogs ($4.49 a package of 4) a few weeks ago in Kroger on a lark to see if they are any good. I can happily share that they are scrumptious. Plump, juicy, low in salt, and very tasty. Just like eating a good cut of steak. We made a special trip to Kroger Friday to buy several more packages to keep in the big freezer. I don't think I could ever go back to the other brands of hot dogs except in desperation after tasting these.  

2. Something you know a lot about. Genealogy, Medieval History and finding "lost" information or people. Everyone leaves a paper trail wherever they go, even criminals. With the right resources, a little persistence, enough time and some times plain dumb luck, the truth usually eventually comes to light. 

3. An important person in your life. My husband, of course! 

4. Your favorite recipe.  This one is courtesy of my dearly departed step-mother, Myra. She was a wonderful cook. Our Church family claim to love them and always ask us to bring a batch at all our outings. 

Keto Slap 'Yo Mama Deviled Eggs
Dry Ingredients:
1 tablespoon Sweet Onions (Vidalia are best), minced 
1 teaspoon Dill Weed                                           
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder 
Salt and pepper to taste
Wet Ingredients:
1 tablespoon Sugar-free Pickle Relish
2 tablespoon real mayonnaise  
1 teaspoon mustard 
6 large eggs, soft boiled                                         
Paprika (Smoked is OK) 

Grind one(1) complete egg with all the above dry ingredients. Mix well. Add wet ingredients. Sprinkle completed eggs lightly with paprika. Chill over night for best flavor. Serves 6. 
5. An event that turned out differently than planned. April 1978 when I went on a SCUBA diving trip and met the man that would be my future husband in a year. Didn't see that comin'! πŸ’˜πŸ’‹

6. How do you procrastinate.  I'm not by nature a procrastinator. My husband, however, has made an art of it. πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

7. The best type of surprise. I don't know that I'd classify it as a surprise but I would have to say that when Jesus allows me to see the result of prayers for someone I feel might be lost (unsaved). I'm not privy to anyone's spiritual status and try not to go there but usually one can tell by the "fruits of the Spirit". Anyway, it's encouraging for me as well to hear such wonderful news. The Angels sing when someone Believes and I want to sing too! 🎡

8. Music that helps you relax.  Soft tunes from the 1930's and 1940's that I stream to the TV that are on YouTube. Old hymns I know by heart can be relaxing too. 

9. A thing your life has in excess.  Blessings more than I deserve. They manifest themselves in Christian love, joy, and peace from God's Holy Throne, for sure. 

10. A book you want to read.  Can't think of any. πŸ˜•

11. A person you're always happy to see. After my husband, that would be my BFF Vicki. Truthfully, though, I'm usually pleased as punch to see most everyone. We're all important in God's eyes, you know. We are all "fearfully and wonderfully made" with something important to accomplish for Him. I try now to view all of us as our Lord sees us. He is always happy to hear from us. πŸ˜‰ I learned that little gem when we attended First Baptist Church Blackshear. They were such a positive influence on me for which I am very grateful. 

12. What time do you go to sleep. We try to retire about 10. If I keep to a schedule I sleep sounder. 

13. A word to describe the past year.  I don't use that kind of language anymore. πŸ˜€πŸ€£πŸ€£

14.  Your favorite household chore. When it's done?  πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

15.  One thing you'd like to see. The Wisconsin Dells, the nature part, not the artificial entertainment part. I've heard they are lovely in the Summer. Or alternately the Finger Lakes area in New York. Steve traveled up that way in the 1970's to watch the racing. I would like to see all that.  

Deer Season is over for the year today but Steve doesn't hunt on Sunday's. Today is Church and relaxing. πŸ™ We already have two nice sized deer in the freezer anyway. It's been a good season for us. Also, it's warmed up considerably with it raining off and on here in Southeast Georgia. The Weather Channel was predicting freezing temp's using the usual fear tactics of "we're all gonna die" tones. Even the Schools closed down this week. It was nothing burger. Again. I'm so tired of the "news" over exaggerating everything now. And they wanna be the Global Climate Change cheerleaders for their pagan temples ... they can't even accurately predict tomorrow's weather. πŸ˜’ They make me laugh. It's tiresome.

I hope everyone has a pleasant, easy, fulfilling day. Thanks for stopping.

God bless,


  1. Ha, about the climate etc...yep is all I can manage to say. And yes, to the Finger Lakes, grin. Oh, and to answer your comment, yes, I am still working even with the bum foot, grin. I have to keep the husband in this lap of luxury, LOLOLOL. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. Your answer to #14 is the best answer I've ever heard and I whole heartedly agree. I visited the Wisconsin Dells many years ago, it was great. At the time we were living in Wisconsin, only for a short time. Once back home to Texas I never went again. But I have great memories. ☺♥

  3. I really enjoyed this on Sparky! So many good things you touched on today.
    I love that thought about seeing others as God sees them.
    I laughed at your weather reporters. The same thing happens here, but it's winter storms.
    However, right now we are in one, everythings been closed since Friday, and today all churches around are closed. And it keeps snowing! I wouldn't want to go out! Our high temp today is supposed to be 15.

  4. Rain here also and flooding. 1978 gave you a lovely surprise!! The eggs sound good but serves 6? No.. serves me!!

  5. You had me at "low sodium"! I suspect that's a big reason I don't go for hot dogs and the like. Seriously, I found your answers really heartwarming; #13 made me chuckle!

  6. I LOVE deviled eggs! I was in NYC this week and I had a Nathan's hot dog because I hadn't had a frankfurter since July 4. i know some about genealogy but I need to now MORE!

  7. Here, here to your #14 answer!! Someone brought deviled eggs to the potluck at church today and someone asked if I made them. I make deviled eggs often but today I made rice and black-eyed peas. I just got all beef hotdogs delivered from Kroger yesterday. I will have to put the ones you mentioned on my list for next time! Have a blessed week ahead!!

  8. Oh, those deviled eggs sound yummy! I won't make a batch, though, as my husband is a "purist" about his. He only wants mayo in them and a sprinkle of paprika on top (he doesn't know I slip a bit of mustard in there for flavor). The hotdogs sound good. I had been getting some big, all-beef ones at Sam's a couple of years ago, but they don't seem to carry them these days. Tim's really talking about carnivore dieting lately. I don't know if he'll give it a try or not since he really loves his carbs/sugars. #13...LOL! And yes, my favorite chore would also be the one that is done! Have a great week!

  9. Geneaology is something I am considering for a hobby when I retire.
    Not SCUBA diving though.



  10. Loved all of the above. Although I don't put relish in my deviled eggs, just mayo, mustard, and a little bit of vinegar and sprinkle with paprika. Now my sweet DIL has taken over that job for our gatherings, and she makes them the same way, so that's a happy thing! We usually eat Ball Park Beef hot dogs. We don't have a Kroger here, but they do deliver here! Go figure! I loved all your thoughts and answers. So happy you went scuba diving that day! God had it all planned out perfectly! If I had to go scuba diving to meet someone, they'd never get met. LOL. So I know you two were meant for each other! Chores...oh how I would love to hire a housekeeper! I'm so tired of sweeping and mopping and dusting...LOL. And cleaning bathrooms. It just never seems to end. As soon as I think it's all done, someone tracks in more dirt...not saying who. Okay, the end. Have a lovely day.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell