Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday Stealing: My Favorite


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves. Wanna join in? The original post is here.

1. Favorite food?  I think I would have to narrow my huge collection of tasty fav's to Medium-rare Rib Eye steaks pan fried in gobs of butter, sprinkled with Montreal Steak Seasoning. It's so delicious, healthy and fulfilling to eat keto. I get to eat all the made-up "forbidden fruit" of high fat, cholesterol laden, high in sodium goodies. It was a real awakening to learn that all we've been taught about eating is a untrue. The Food Pyramid is another Government lie put out by Big Business and Special Interests to keep everyone fat, sick, medicated and going to Doctors because of the sin of greed. [Jere. 6:13, Jere. 8:10, 1 Timothy 3:8, Luke 12:15] 

Pearls Before Swine

2. Favorite color? That depends. For clothes it depends on the mood and the weather. For the house exterior, we went with a Peach color with Hunter Green trim. Inside it's anybody's guess. πŸ˜• For a motorcycle I think my fav would be a French Racing Blue with White trim. Right now the Honda is shiny black. How dull! Honda is boring now. Well, I can't afford a respray at the moment, but, oh yeah. I can dream, can't I .... 😏

3. Favorite animal?  Dogs. Absolutely. We have three of them at the moment. 

4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day?  Once it was going for a ride. Haven't done much of that this year, so, my fav activity must be sitting and playing on the computer. Hello Old Age, right?!  πŸ˜‰πŸ˜… 

5. Favorite vacation spot?  Northern Georgia, Western South Carolina in those lovely, twisty foothills in the Fall or Spring and the Texas Hill Country. All these at any time except in the Summer. I still don't tolerate extreme heat well. 

Texas Hill Country Trip (2011)

6. Favorite TV show? That too varies according my mood but I can safely say it's almost anything British, of a "period" nature and doesn't have vulgarity or overt nudity. My favorite genres are history, drama, mystery and psychological thrillers. 

7. Favorite mythical creature? An honest politician. πŸ˜‚ Ok ok, but seriously, can't think of one but my favorite mythical character is Sherlock Holmes. πŸ”

8. Favorite fairy tale?  When I was a teenager I read a lot of Chinese myths and legends. I didn't think they were real or anything but the morals taught were quite good. They do have an interesting culture. It's incredibly ancient. 

9. Favorite thing to draw?  Don't draw or paint much anymore. I did do some very basic looking landscapes with mountains and a pond in the foreground. Sometimes I would sketch a crude outline of a Quarter Horse. I'm sure if Annie in NJ could see my lame attempts at art she'd have to restrain from giggling. (That's OK. I giggle too.) They're really amateurish compared to a real artist. 

10. Favorite scent? Baked apple or baked pumpkin. Yum. Since I don't eat sugary desserts anymore I use these scents in our Scentsy wax burners. 

11. Favorite mode of transportation? Um, anything with 2 wheels!? Duh, right?! 😁😎 

12. Favorite vegetable? Brussel Sprouts, split open, then pan fried with bacon grease, butter, and other flavors. Oh my gosh that's slap 'yo mama good. 

13. Favorite candy? Almost anything from the Russell Stover Sugar-free collection. My go to for a sweet tooth is the Sugar Free Mint Patties. Careful there, though, they can cause a mild case of flatulence if one overindulgences. Not Moi!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

14. Favorite sport? MotoGP and American Superbike. 

15. Favorite weather?  Not really that picky. I try to thank God every day for whatever the weather is. HE is in charge of all things. Can't control any of it. No point in complainin'. Amen?!

It's been a quiet week, thus the no blog posts for a couple of days. No news is good news. But, speaking of that, our Church did hear some good news. Our Pastor's family has been enduring a horrible trial for over 3 years that we have all been praying reverently about. The Pastor's son, daughter-in-law, grandson and grandson's girlfriend where in a devasting auto accident on Thanksgiving 3 years ago. A drunk driver deliberately crashed into them head on. He said he wanted to die and take someone out with him. The crash killed the daughter-in-law outright and put the grandson into a coma. The one's that weren't injured were the one's wearing their seatbelts. (Don't make me get out my soapbox on this subject y'all.) Anyway, grandson has been in a coma on life-support via Hospice for this entire time hovering between life and death. Recently, grandson began to show slight signs of "waking up"! So, this week grandson was transported to Savannah for lots of additional testing to see if Insurance will qualify him for better care which could lead to improving his chances for a normal life. (Hope I said that correctly.) After the test they received good news that he is improving! Praise God! There's still more tests for grandson to be put through but we all feel that this is a step in the right direction. God answers prayer according to His will! πŸ’“ He is so awesome. πŸ’“ Jesus not only heals hearts, minds, finances, etc. but He also heals lives. Wow. It's wonderful to watch a miracle as it's unfolding. Such good news most certainly lightens our hearts and also those of our fellow Saints in Christ, I'm sure.

Thanks for putting the kickstand down. Ride safe folks. πŸ’•πŸ˜ŽπŸ


  1. I enjoyed your answers today and the Pearls before Swine comic.
    I'm looking at a winter wonderland here this morning which is so pretty, but I won't be thrilled to be out in it when we leave for church!
    We love British tv too. I just found a list of British detective shows to watch, so we'll be checking some of those out.
    Such a tragic accident! Glad to hear some good news on the grandson!

  2. Keeping your pastor's family in prayer. I like British tv too... I hope you all have a beautiful day my friend.

    1. Thanks Linda. I hope your week is better and that you heal up too. Sending prayers dear friend. xx

  3. Nope would never giggle at anyone's art work! They now know that people in comas are healing and it is a healing state they've entered into for the brain to heal. Hope he continues on his healing journey. Terrible trial to endure. Will be praying for them.
    I forgot about British TV when I did these questions.

  4. First and foremost, I'm praising God for your Pastor's grandson's healing!

    ... Giggling and nodding like a bobblehead at your #7. So much good stuff. The thought of a medium-rare rib-eye at LongHorn (favorite) is making my mouth water like crazy. No, I've never tried pan-frying; Tom always does ours on the grill. Do you use a cast-iron skillet?
    Okay, I've never tasted a brusselspout(s?) that didn't make me want to spit it out (TMI?), but your description is making me think I should reconsider. Bring on the butter!

    1. We use an IKEA pan of some kind. The two cast iron skillets we have Steve painted pretty pictures on it. He's a real artist!

  5. God is incredible! In HIS time He will heal. I pray the grandson continues to heal and comes out of it all to live a good fulfilling life.

  6. Your answer to #7 is brilliant! Made me laugh out loud!! Wonderful news about your Pastor's grandson. Do please keep us posted as it all unfolds! Have a week ahead full of blessings, Pamela!

  7. Your favorite food sounds perfect to me.

    I guess you like Downton Abbey?




    1. Yes, I do. There are some episodes that I don't find entertaining but that happens with all shows, I think. My husband and I also enjoy most of the "older" detective shows like Morse, Inspector Lewis, Endeavor, and Vera. We have all but Vera on DVD. BritBox has all these but Endeavor as well. Blessings.

  8. You can get on a soapbox about seatbelts anytime!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell