Showing posts with label hubby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hubby. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Not Easy Being Greasy

My 2005 Jeep Liberty recently began experiencing winder window problems. Rolling it up and down it would rumple and thump. Okkkkk, I knew something was going wrong. After a short internet search, I found a forum on what the problem was: the electric window regulator was going bad. A little more research revealed that when one electric window winder breaks, be assured that the other three will soon follow suit. I also learned from other Jeep owners that this was not a cheap fix! Yipes. So, did a little more searching and I found a PDF file on-line on how to fix this problem ourselves. The instructions are fairly precise and it looks like an 'easy' fix plus it would save us well over $700. One thing other owners stressed was do not go to a Jeep dealer and have this repaired. They replace the broken offender with the same el cheapo plastic part. Steiger Performance sells a better version of the product than Jeep. The ones we bought are made from heavy metal and not cheap plastic.

I could just have easily named this post "Regulator Nation", huh?! *lol*

So, here's our afternoon in pictures.

Before the teardown.
There are only two screws,
within easy reach, that hold
the plastic cover on the door.

Pulling the door apart is slow but easy.

Now, we disconnected the speaker,
the electric mirror, electric door locks and
the electric window winder.

The moisture barrier.
Pull this off gently, perserving the
gooey stuff for reuse between the barrier
and the metal door.

You're committed now!
Or should be ... ha ha
You're down to the metal
and everything is revealed.

With the regulator and other
devices removed, you have to make sure the
window stays in place. Tape works.
I recommend overdoing this part.
Don't want busted glass on
top of everything else!
Then it would get expensive.

Don't do what we did, though,
and work in the back of the Jeep.
Next time I'll put a table with
a strong light next too the truck
to work on. This is hubby attaching
the new part. There's a lot of
little piddly stuff to go through
to do this but it's not hard,
just time consuming.

The offending part! Grrr!
The replacement part is metal.
Do everything in reverse
to put it back together
and you're good to go.

Ta da! The window works fine! I'm tired but happy and still have that $700 in my pocket.

Now, only three more windows to go *sigh* ... I think we'll save that for another afternoon. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Little Chickadee

Yesterday was momentous, to say the least, wasn't it folks!? We are elated to say the least. Remember, there's more about that here if you're looking for the politics.

Another happy event is the little birdie's have taken over our yard this year. Our large Southern Cedars produced so many berries that we have more than enough for the migrating Cedar Waxwings and Robins.

The year-round resident Chickadees are having a feast too. They had been sharing the thistle seeds we put out with the Gold Finches but now they are dining on the Sycamore tree seeds. One Chickadee got carried away and flew into our 6' x 6' plane glass windows. Hubby and I rushed outside and began reviving the little guy.

Come on little fellow,
you can make it!

Isn't he pretty?

After a few moments of cradling and gentle caressing (and me whispering a prayer), he flew off into the Confederate Jasmine along the front walk. That made me feel so good to see the little guy make it. I love our big picture windows but they are deadly for the birds.

Cleared For Take Off!

Hummingbird Nest

Oh, and a few days ago, while strolling around the property, I found my first Hummingbird nest! This one is nestled almost at the very top in the other Sycramore down by the gate. I have a habit of looking up into the trees each day to see who's visiting, and lo and behold there was an abandoned nest. I was so thrilled! The hummingbird's we have here every year are Ruby Throated Hummingbirds.

I hope y'all have an exciting and happy day too! Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Musings

We had a very good day at church. Pastor continued his lesson on Second Samuel that we've been enjoying for a couple of Sundays. This time the lesson was about when the The Ark of the Lord Comes to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19). An outline of his lesson is here: LINK.

The Ark of the Covenant (symbolic of our blessed Lord Jesus), which housed the clay tablets written on by God, is carried to the permanent tabernacle in the city of David in today's lesson.

Every place that housed the Ark was blessed.

Every place that did not house the Ark, did not prosper.

I also learned today something new about the stone tablets with the commandments that Moses brought down from the mountain. Let's see if I can phrase this properly: Pastor said that after the hand of God wrote on the tablets, they became very light and easy to carry. When Moses descended the mountain and witnessed the crowd worshipping the golden idol, the tablets were too heavy to hold and were broken.

So, my take on this piece of Holy Scripture is this: When trusting God, He wipes away our sin and makes our lives lighter. When we give in to sin, our lives become too heavy and become broken.

Wow, that's profound!

I always feel so refreshed after going to our services. I've never felt that way about attending church before.

I used to hate it.

What changed?

I don't know, either I did or I've found my niche. Maybe both? :o) Who knows but I'm enjoying myself immensely.

Anyway, after service and a nice light lunch, hubby hung a gourd birdhouse for me down by the road. He painted this plain plastic gourd at my request some time ago but with all the medical this and that, we've been too distracted to have any projects of any consequence.

Hubby installing the
birdhouse and flags

Dragonfly side

Ladybug side

Ta Da! All finished.

Well, I hope that y'all had a good Sunday too. What did you do today?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fun Time At The Hospital

WELL! I don't know about you, but I am so glad that yesterday 'is in the can', as I've heard them say in the film industry.

Gosh, what a day. It wasn't bad, just long and tedious. Our hospital rents the machine that does the kidney stone pounding (can't remember the name of the machine).

First, the truck hauling it broke down enroute. The hospital called us at home, "don't show up until 10:30 am". No problem. We arrived at the appointed time. Hubby gets prepped with needles in his arms so he can't move on the gurney. Then, we learn that the machine itself is 'broke' or malfuntioning in some way. We had to wait until 2:00 pm for Fed Ex to rush a part from somewhere. Then the doctor is so backed up with work that he can't get to Steve until about 5:30 pm.

With all this going on, we didn't return home until 9:30 pm! We were gone about 12 hours. The house was dark, doggies were worried and both of us were so tired. Steve had terrible nausea this time for some reason. He *never* throws up but did so twice last night. Poor guy. And I felt sorry for the hospital staff. They were tired too and couldn't go home for quite awhile. I thanked them all profusely, they kept apologizing and I said "it's not y'alls fault". We all had to smile and laugh at the comedy of errors. The staff were exceedingly kind. I got to talk about the love of Christ to quite a few people too. To me, that's a good day.

Our pastor and wife were able to visit with us that afternoon in the hospital and he looked tired (he's had heart trouble). I didn't know that he also has kidney stones but they can't be removed because of the pacemaker and he may bleed to death! Please continue to remember Pastor Byron Scott in prayer? Thanks y'all. Anyway, I made sure to keep the visit short so he wouldn't feel bad about having to leave and get some rest. Pastor said he's napping twice a day now. I hope that's a good thing. We all prayed together, then they could go home and relax. Their stopping by meant a lot to us. At least they live right there in town and only had to travel a couple of miles to get home. We live over 30 minutes from the hospital. That's not bad out here as it's "country minutes". All country driving, not much traffic. :o)

Short story long [giggle] all my husband's kidney stones have been pounded with sonic waves and a stint put in the right side to ease passage. The stint is scheduled to be removed in the Doc's office next Tuesday. Now the remains of the stones should pass as grains of sand and small pebbles as time progresses. Poor fellow is so sore and achy but at least now he can heal and, after about a week or so, get back to his normal activities.

Thanks so much for all the kind thoughts. I will certainly convey y'alls warm wishes his way.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Like, He's So Stoned, Man

Sweetie in Dahlonega, GA

My husband is scheduled to have minor surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) at a local hospital, time unknown at the present. The surgery goes by the wordy title of "Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)". That's a mouthful, ain't it? He is pre-registering for the procedure this afternoon.

Put simply, he has kidney stones on both sides and they will be "pounded" with shock waves, then two stints left in for one week to allow the stone remains to flush safely. Poor guy. This is the second time he's had to have this done.

In his case, the stones are caused by consuming too many 'dark fluids' (i.e. coke, coffee, etc.). Some stones are caused by eating too much red meat. I think that's how it works. Anyway, this last motorcycle trip jarred the stones lose and upon our return he had terrible back pain on both sides. The real clue was when he started passing a little blood. OK, time to see a doctor! He was fortunate that the Urologist could see him so quickly. After the proper CT scan and exam, Doc said "Yep, you've got stones again." So, there we are.

I'll be sure to let y'all know when he's back home and resting comfortably. And I'm throwing out all the cola NOW! :o)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Hubby

61 years ago, you were giving your mother a little trouble by being born backwards. Bet she didn't know that Heavens angels are born that way?!

I do. I know.

Because to the world, you may be one person. But to me, you are the world.

Hubby as a newborn

Isn't he a cutie? (1949)

And always remember, it is not being in love that makes me happy but it is being in love with YOU that makes me happy.

So Great Big Happy Birthday Wishes my dearest and sweetest, not a day goes by when you're not in my thoughts and how empty my life would be if you were not here.

Now, let's go eat some of that carrot cake reposing in the 'frig. :o)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pre Birthday Celebrations

Tomorrow is Hubby's birthday.

This morning, I asked him what he would like to do today. His response? "Ride the bikes to the Buccaneer Club Restaurant and have my favorite meal." Hubby loves seafood! He's really a sailor at heart.

So, we hopped on the faithful steeds and took off for coastal Darien, Georgia. First we journeyed to that flea speck town of Ludowici again, then down Highway 57 to the town of Cresent. Doggone, if the restaurant wasn't closed! Oh well. No problem. We headed south on Highway 99 to just inside the Glynn County line (north of Brunswick) and had lunch at Mudcat Charley's.

I'm all ready for my tea party now. I'm even drinking iced tea!

Still cute after all these years.

You can't tell it from these photos but the restaurant was packed! The table of bikers behind Hubby had just left when I snapped this. It's hard to tell there's an economic downturn in our area. Everywhere we go, places are full of people, which, of course, is a good thing. It's always so sad to hear of a business failing and people losing their jobs.

I try to always check the bike over before hopping back on it.

There was a pack of Harley riders there when we arrived. They were "newbies", we could tell because they were snooty and had all their H-D regalia on that loudly proclaims "Look at me, I ride". Yeah, like, I'm so impressed.

As if!

Half way home, we stopped in Popwellville for a rest. We were getting really fatigued and decided to book it on home. All in all we rode about 150 miles today. It was a great day!

Now it's time for coffee and cake. I bought hubby his favorite, carrot cake. I'll just munch on my dark chocolate, thank you. [lol]

Oh, and I read this on the Triumph Tiger 1050 forum and thought y'all would enjoy it.

Things Hard To Say When Drunk

1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon

1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate

1. No thanks, I'm married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry,but you're not really my type.
4. Taco Bell? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening officer. Isn't it a lovely night?
6. Oh I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool!
9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road!
10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Has Sprung And I'm Undone

We had a really productive day today. The weather is so pleasant that we just had to 'play' outside. :o)

Here's hubby burning debris that has gathered all around the property. The ashes can then be spread on various areas. Our soil is so acidic from the pines that using wood ashes 'sweetens' the soil. Flowers and centipede grass grow like crazy after spreading this around. And contrary to what some say, burning is good, for too many reasons to list here.

Maxie stopped to have a drink from the bird's little watering hole before I started ...

"Let's go Mommy! Make this thing move please."

... while Sam Jr. looked on ... riding in the golf cart is his favorite place when I'm working in the yard. Lucy, the boxer, is off somewhere chasing rabbits, real or imagined.

"It's Shake And Bake, and I heped!"

Remember that silly old commercial for Shake and Bake and the kid with the fake southern accent? That's what Maxie looks like she's saying. Yeah, she helped alright. Helped getting in the way! :o) Good thing she's so cute.

Now I'm tired from all that work. But, it's a good tired from achieving something and being productive.

Oh, and an FYI for anyone living in the SE Georgia / NE Florida area. There is a new classic country music station now and it is superb! The location on the dial is Country Legends 100.7 FM. I listen to it all the time. It's fun to listen to a song with a good Texas swing.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Fencing Project And More

The projects down by the gate are finally completed! Well, almost, that is. The only thing left is to do is hire those nice strong fence guys again and have them complete the black creosote fence all the way down the front of our property (about 100 feet, give or take).

But, for the most part, our work is done!

"YAY! Party! Party!" [lol]

So, here's a few photos of the project.

In the beginning, the fence guys arrived and put up the start of the creosote fence. I had them keep the field fencing behind the new fence to keep our doggies IN and neighbor doggies OUT.

Doesn't that look lovely now? Wait until the fence runs down the entire front of our country property. I'm just waiting for the checkbook to catch up with my gardening ambitions. [smile]

Here's Sweetie laying down the first landscaping timbers to hold the top soil and mulch in place. There will be two of planters, one for each side of the gate.

There ... now you see what I'm talkin' about! Now to just fill them with top soil, plants and mulch ... in that order.

And one for the other side ...

I told Sweetie, "Quick, take a picture, I'm working!" Now there's proof. :^P

Ta da! All done. This side has lavender Lantana and one Bottle Brush plant (red).

Looks better, doesn't it? This side has yellow Lantana with one Bottle Brush (red). These should offer dramatic visual effects when blooming.

One of the really important things I've learned in flower gardening is to cluster the same colors together for a more dramatic effect. It draws the eye to one area at a time. It makes more of an impression that way (if that's what one is aiming for).

Now to call the fencing company and order the remainder of that fence ... oh, dang ... WAIT ... it's Sunday. I'll have to wait a couple of days.

Did I just hear the checkbook heave a big sigh of relief ... ???

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Stimulus Package In My Husband's Words

Hubby with his father
after boot camp in the Army National Reserves
Signal School, Fort Gordon, Georgia
August 1966

My darling husband wrote something the other day at one of the on-line motorcycle forums we belong to (MyGreatRides.Com). The subject of the phony stimulus package came up in one of their General Posts. I wanted to share this with y'all today:


If you closely examine where most of this 'stimulus' money is going, that by the way we are borrowing from foreign countries, it's easy to see that it's mostly payoff money for the votes that were delivered by Democrat special interest groups. Both main political parties have become so corrupt in their quest for power that they trample on the Constitution as if it were a doormat.

The 10th amendment disallows most federal law that has been passed over the last 50 years. The 10th amendment states; "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

This is a simple statement to understand. Only the powers specifically stated in the Constitution are given to the federal government and all other powers are reserved for the individual states and the people. The federal government has become an overbearing monster that swallows up our personal treasure, involves us in illegal conflicts and erodes away our personal God- given liberties in the name of fairness. We the people have allowed this to happen because of our indifference to the rule of law and our sudden embracing of democracy, also known as mob rule. We are a republic, where all are supposed to be treated equally under the law, regardless of our social status. We are now becoming a democracy where the rule of the majority can quickly strip us of our fortunes, our rights and our dignity.

This is why we now vote Libertarian.


... and you probably thought I only married Hubby because of the uniform ... HA!! :o)


For The Funny Bone:

Japanese banks have been hit almost as hard as American banks:
The Origami Bank has folded, and we hear the Sumo Bank has gone belly-up too. Bonsai Bank plans to cut some of its branches. Karoke Bank is for sale and is going for a song. Meanwhile, staff at Karate Bank got the chop, and analysts report there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank, where workers fear they may get a raw deal.
Readers Digest (March 2009, page 80), Submitted by Barbara Padwell

♥ ∞