Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Musings

We had a very good day at church. Pastor continued his lesson on Second Samuel that we've been enjoying for a couple of Sundays. This time the lesson was about when the The Ark of the Lord Comes to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19). An outline of his lesson is here: LINK.

The Ark of the Covenant (symbolic of our blessed Lord Jesus), which housed the clay tablets written on by God, is carried to the permanent tabernacle in the city of David in today's lesson.

Every place that housed the Ark was blessed.

Every place that did not house the Ark, did not prosper.

I also learned today something new about the stone tablets with the commandments that Moses brought down from the mountain. Let's see if I can phrase this properly: Pastor said that after the hand of God wrote on the tablets, they became very light and easy to carry. When Moses descended the mountain and witnessed the crowd worshipping the golden idol, the tablets were too heavy to hold and were broken.

So, my take on this piece of Holy Scripture is this: When trusting God, He wipes away our sin and makes our lives lighter. When we give in to sin, our lives become too heavy and become broken.

Wow, that's profound!

I always feel so refreshed after going to our services. I've never felt that way about attending church before.

I used to hate it.

What changed?

I don't know, either I did or I've found my niche. Maybe both? :o) Who knows but I'm enjoying myself immensely.

Anyway, after service and a nice light lunch, hubby hung a gourd birdhouse for me down by the road. He painted this plain plastic gourd at my request some time ago but with all the medical this and that, we've been too distracted to have any projects of any consequence.

Hubby installing the
birdhouse and flags

Dragonfly side

Ladybug side

Ta Da! All finished.

Well, I hope that y'all had a good Sunday too. What did you do today?


  1. Hi Sparky, Glad you have had an uplifting day. I hope your husband is feeling like his old self now. That is a really cute gourd birdhouse. Love the dragonfly especially! It sure has been hot today - and I guess you are slightly warmer than we are. Stay cool and enjoy the week. We are hoping to get some rain.

  2. I didn't do much. Visited some. Should have washed all my clothes.

  3. Good sermon message and tie in to the Ark. That gourd is a masterpiece and I'm sure the birds will reside there with pride.

  4. What a refreshing message!

    If memory service, you new-found attitude concerning church happened just recently, did it not? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else...but I don't think so.

    I'm glad you've found a church that fills your cup with the Truth.

  5. SERVES...not service.



⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell