Thursday, July 9, 2009

Meinhardt Vineyards and Winery

Today, we traveled from our country home to the lovely small town of Statesboro, Georgia about hour and a half north of us. Statesboro is a great town located in Bulloch county is rich in history that goes back as far as 1758.

This trip we took an as yet untraveled backroad, by us, and found a nice winery called Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery. So we stopped and participated a wine tasting. I thought I'd share our photos with y'all tonight.

Hubby tasting his red wine

Eagle Run (white)
I brought 2 bottles of this home.

Meinhardt also sells jellies and syrups

There is a lovely wine tasting area
under a large pergola on the grounds
for large or small groups.

Ah, you caught us leaving
with all our loot! [hic]

Hope you enjoying the tour too. We're gonna make it a point to visit this winery again. They also have an outlet in Savannah, GA, for anyone who may be in the area. That branch is located at 306 West St. Julian Street.

Now I'm sleepy. [yawn]

'Night y'all!

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery
305 Kennedy Pond Road
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 839-2458 Telephone
(912) 839-4017 Fax

Tue, Wed & Thu 11am to 8pm
Friday & Saturday 11am to 10pm


  1. Sounds like a fun place to visit - glad you enjoyed your day!

  2. My parents used to take me to winery tours all the time when I was a little kid. I was always stuck with grape juice and bitter about it:) Looks like such a nice place! So glad to see that everybody is healthy now!

  3. "...times are so rough I just ain't got enough to buy me a bottle o' wine." Sounds like a great trip. Good to see the old man up and able to take nourishment. Pappy

  4. Love wine tastings, Sparky! Thank you for the tour and info!

    Sparky, I noticed your comment on Janeen's post about you having gout! My mother frequently got it. Since her last stay in the hospital, the doctor and I talked about her intake of soda, esp. coke which is her drink of choice, and how bad it is. She literally stopped drinking coke since her last stay in the hospital and it has not come back. It's been nearly two months. Plus, she takes cherry tablets 4x/day. It's been proven cherry helps keep gout in check!

    Good luck, Sparky, and be well! :))

  5. I love these winery tours ... [hic] Pappy, if y'all come up this way on your trip out, we'll have to take y'all to this one ... if you wanna & have time.

    Glad you could pop by Petra. I haven't had any sody pop (that's what I call it) of any consequence for a long time but I will remember that next time I'm tempted. Doc said mine is probably from rich meats (i.e. red meat). RATS! I love bacon, steaks, etc. Yum yum.

    Thanks y'all for dropping by. Have a great weekend! :o)

  6. Love to visit wineries. I have always wanted to visit Savannah GA. I have a thing for the south don't know why except as being a northern maybe I feel deprived... haha

  7. Nice blog. BEing a wine lover I really enjoyed your post. Keep it up the good work. Beth


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell