Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama Is The Bump In The Road To Prosperity

Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco
h/t Legal Insurrection

The article below was found at: The Jawa Report with [my comments] included.

Please send this to all of your Obama supporting friends and acquaintances. The graph represents the labor participation rate for the past 10 years. As you can see, when Obama took office 65.7% of adults were working. Today, that number has decreased to 63.5%
Put another way, about 4 million fewer people are working today than when Obama took office. [PS, With no hope in sight if he is not kicked out of office!] And as you can also see, since Obama's "recovery" began there are even fewer people working then in the worst of the recession he inherited. [Admittedly, George W. Bush was a lousy President, but not this bad, and at least he doesn't hate America like Barry.]

The unemployment rate is defined as people looking for work divided by the number of people actually working. The one and only reason unemployment has "dropped" from the recession high is that far fewer people are looking for work today. [AND, a lot of people are underemployed.]

Obama inherited a bad economy. No one is arguing that he didn't.

But Obama's policies have made it worse. Fewer people have jobs, incomes are down, government has grown unchecked, the debt has skyrocketed, the economy is growing at the speed of a crawl, and the US is less prestigious in the world. [Add: the "peace loving" Islam degenerates are out of control, murdering and torturing even more innocent people ... etc. etc.]

He (Obama) is an utter failure. Empirically the worst President in modern history by all fair and objective measurements.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please remember the 40 Days of Prayer and pray that this godless atheist is soon kicked out of the White House.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Ride In The Country

A few short days ago, Sweetie installed the dog bones (lowering links), so, we took our steeds out for a spin to test all our new gear.

The 2012 Suzuki V-Strom 650 handles like a dream. This bike is much improved over my 2005 V-Strom. The gears are smoother so it shifts better (no false neutrals on this one). The bike is lighter and thinner. Plus the comfort in the seat has been improved.

Final Conclusion? I absolutely LOVE my new "Wee Strom"!

Now I wanna go somewhere farther than a few hours away. It will probably be awhile before we travel anywhere far enough to stay overnight. Got too many irons in the fire. One thing is my 13+ year old miniature schnauzer, Maxie, is steadily going downhill. Her bad days are starting to out weight the good days. I really don't know if she'll make it to Christmas (I pray she proves me wrong). Bless her little fuzzy heart. I don't want to board her anymore if I can help it. The weather must cool off a bit more. Mid-80's is still too warm. I'm also concerned that if crapweasel is not kicked out of office, there will be no money at all. For anyone. I think it more prudent to hang onto what we have at the moment.

That aside, I wanna ride! Wanna come with? Grab your gear and let's get motoring!

Yeah, that's me grinning inside that helmet. This bike is GREAT!!

My Sweetie and his 2006 Moto Guzzi Breva 1100

Funny Friday ~ Ya Can't Make This Stuff Up Folks

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Right Stuff: A Call To 40 Days Of Prayer

40 Days Of Prayer

Calling all believers in Jesus Christ! Someone has organized a "40 Days Of Prayer" for our nation. Please, everyone, pray for our Nation, that unbelievers will hear the Word rightly divided and give their hearts to Jesus Christ to be saved from the wrath to come, and equally important about the upcoming election. Pray quietly in our hearts all day, if necessary. God loves to hear from us. Prayers doesn't have to be "formal" or in a special place or use special words. The Holy Spirit makes intersection for us anyway.

I really appreciate the good folks behind the organizing of the 40 Days Of Prayer. I know most who believe pray anyway. And as we all know, HE always answers prayer. Perhaps more will be convicted in their hearts to do the right thing so that we can turn our Nation back from the brink of destruction.

The well-being of our country depends on good people like you.

Oh, also, if you're feeling discouraged about the elections, I suggest reading this very well done post by Legal Insurrection here.

Thank you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Obama Lies, Our Country Dies

Briefly, my thoughts exactly on the Middle East:

Obama & Hillary Clinton have deliberately blamed a poorly made “anti-Islam” video (yes, I watched it) for his failed foreign policies and Clinton’s inept representation of our country. These apology tours, the bad mouthing our country, the bowing to foreign dignitaries, have brought us to the brink of yet another World War. The video did not start the riots and subsequent murders of 4 Americans in Libya, etc. The so designated “Main Stream Media“ (which in fact is no longer main stream and now a part of the Dark Side) gave out the information that his video existed. The Muslims didn’t even know about this video until Obama and Clinton apologized and that self-same news latched onto it. Now I see that Obama sent his goons out and had that same anti-Islam video producer arrested and questioned. This was a clear abuse of this man’s rights! Under this “President”, our 1st Amendment Rights are dead!

I am so out-raged about this.

You don’t think this can happen to you or your loved ones? Think it doesn’t affect you? How naive. Well, just wait my friend. It’s coming when being a Christian witnessing for Jesus will be considered “hate speech” too and we’ll be arrested and detained for questioning. Or if we do anything else this fascist government considers “inappropriate” or “hateful”.

More damning evidence has been brought to light that Obama and the State Department knew about the planned attacks at least 48 hours before the hits. There was no warning given to our Embassies. No lock downs ordered. No extra help sent. The riots in the Middle East where planned way in advance by the mongers of true hate speech al-queda to coincide with the 9-11 anniversary. The demonstrations did not start until after the bombing on the Embassies. We are being lied to (again) by Obama, his sycophants in the press and the entirety of his Administration. Mark my words, Obama has innocent blood on his hands.

Thank goodness, Google didn’t give into the Obama goons and take the video off-line.

Obama lies, our country dies. A little more each day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

2012 Suzuki V-Strom DL650

2012 Suzuki V-Strom DL650

Ain't she a beut!?

This week I traded the brand new 2012 Triumph Bonneville SE for another "Wee Strom". Even after many adjustments to the "Bonney" (Hagon Classic Shocks, a more comfortable Sargent seat, handlebar risers, etc.), I couldn't get comfortable. That last ride I took on the Bonney my neck was in so much pain that it took over a week to get off the muscle relaxers and pain killers again. That's plain silly! I'm too old for this. So, we began the negotiating process, again, for another motorcycle.

You know, my husband is so thoughtful. He never even made a fuss about my not being able to ride the Bonney. Truthfully, he couldn't ride it comfortably either. He said his hip hurt after a short spin too. I guess we're just Adventure Bike people at heart.

By the way, he's still loving his used Moto Guzzi Breva 1100. But after bringing home my new bike this week, he now says that a Wee Strom may be in his future. This is one cool guy! :)

Now, I get the fun part of tweaking my new ride. I have to install "dog bones" (to lower it). I'll need hand guards, new luggage, etc. etc. Hey, I'm just doing my small part to keep the economy rolling. *giggle*

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Democrat Platform: In God We (Don't) Trust

Four words that speak volumes about America's values, yet Democrats attending their convention in Charlotte, N.C., booed, shouted 'no', and shook their heads when His name was restored to the Democratic party platform.

The baby killing Secular Humanists, the Jew haters, God haters have taken over the Democratic Party.

Convention floor erupts as Dems restore references to God, Jerusalem in platform

And it was NOT 2/3rds that OKed putting God back in their platform, as one pundant stated. It was much less than that. I actually watched that event on Fox News.