Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Musings


Our weekend was really quiet. Now that my Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed, except for some lingering stiffness, I can get some planned projects done. It's been unseasonably cool this June in Southeast Georgia which is really nice. That should help with me getting a little more yardwork completed before it gets blazing hot if I can get up out of this chair. πŸ˜‰

We received a little unsettling news Sunday. Our Pastor's wife is not doing well at all. Ms. Jackie is such a wonderful person. She was released from the Rehab Center last week. It breaks our hearts that she's struggling so much physically. Anyway, Bro. Bob is having to chose between caregiving for his dear wife or continuing on with our small congregation (there were only 17 or so of us this Sunday). There are going to have to be some hard decisions made concerning his time with us, like, should we find another Pastor or perhaps try to hire a part-time one or perhaps shutter the Church or ... well, who knows. 😟 Seems the Wednesday Rehab ministry may come to a close as well. I know this saddens him greatly. Such a fine man and he loves the Lord Jesus. We're all praying for guidance. I know I don't want to be Church shopping again. I love everyone in this congregation. I don't want us all split up and cast to the winds. πŸ₯Ί So, there's that. 

Also, because of our ages and other factors we've decided to sell our motorbikes. I know, right?!! Sparky without wheels!!?? πŸ️ One 'sad news' on top of another. Well, there comes a time to move on. We were talking about riding risks last week and even I can see that I don't want any more injuries. Funny thing, I've been riding since knee high to a grasshopper, SCUBA diving, racing on 4 wheels, doing other risky hobbies, and never been badly hurt. The only injuries I've ever received were when walking around. But if I, or he, were to go down in a highspeed ride at our ages, it could be devastating. It might be time to move on to another less risky hobby. It was a tough decision but this weekend Steve put both motorbikes For Sale in the local shopper. When they're gone it's gonna feel like I've lost an arm or something. (I know, Drama Queen. 😏) I love motorbiking! It's my life. I'm really having to give this to God and pray for His peace and guidance. Thanks for joining me in this prayer. πŸ’“

Ok, good news, awhile back I mention that one of our Jack Russell Terriers, Jack, was ailing. His digestive tract has always been dodgy. The other two are healthy no matter what they eat, it seems. Well, Steve decided to start feeding all three dogs more home cooked plain meals (chicken gizzards, cheap hamburger, eggs, etc.). We've been doing just that for a few weeks now and Jack's health has improved! Praise the Lord. The little guy no longer has tummy pains, he's lost weight (he was continuously bloated), his breath smells better, and he's more energetic. Also, home cooked is much cheaper than any store bought dog food. Win-win!

That's it. Time to get out of the recliner and actually get some work done. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks for praying for me. I know you do because I pray for you too. Y'all are the best.


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Yesterday's Church services at the Rehab center went well. There were fewer residents than the last one but that's possibly due to people coming and going as they heal and other reasons. Whatever the future holds we plan to keep soldiering on until instructed to do otherwise. 
Steve is not unhappy. He was simply caught unawares. We had a good time listening to the Gospel, singing a couple of old hymns, then praying together. There were even fewer Church members that could show up but those of us who could tried to keep the joy going and move through the participants to pray individually with anyone who wanted comfort or had a need before leaving. These photos were snapped by our Pastor's wife. She was playing with my new little yellow camera. I told her the photos looked like a filming of a Batman episode. Ms. Jackie is always such fun. [below] Look at that impish grin.  πŸ˜  Hopefully her rehab will end soon too and she will be back home. 

This is Bro. Bob giving the sermon and sitting is our piano player Kathy. 

In other news we heard something good concerning our not-too-distant neighbor Mr. Tommy (the one the Church gave the A/C to on Monday). Yesterday, in a scheduled phone call with the Government, he received the welcome news that he will receive the partial SSI funding with medical insurance he requested almost a year ago. Now he can find an eye surgeon so he can get in line for the much needed cataract replacement surgery. He wants so desperately to rejoin the workforce and also move to a more desirable neighborhood. Possibly even be able to drive again some day. Yippee! My heart is singing to our Lord in praise for His infinite kindness. God answers prayer y'all. Thank you Lord! We're all so very excited for him. Thank you everyone else who has been praying about this too. 

Today, it's mundane things: laundry, light yardwork, clean the house and other housewifey things. My Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed but I still can't grasp a clutch for more than a few seconds. I'll keep working on strengthening my grip so I can ride again. I certainly do not want an automatic. Might was well buy a sports car if it comes to that .... 
Hmmm ... now that's a thought ... πŸ˜‰

Have a lovely day folks. Thanks for stopping by. 


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Monday Musings On A Tuesday

I'm a day late and dollar short on posting for yesterday. Sometimes I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice In Wonderland mumbling, "I'm late! I'm late!" πŸ˜‚

Steve is in the kitchen right now humming a lively tune as he is making Cucumber Sandwiches for later. I've been wanting to try one of these sandwiches since forever. I think it's easy enough to make them so that even someone who is Recipe Impaired as I can do pretty well. He said he will take the remainder of the cucumbers and make cucumber salad for tomorrow. That goes so good with grilled Rib Eyes and garlic bread. Yum!
On Sunday the Church kindly voted to pay for Mr. Tommy's A/C. I searched diligently for the best price with a warranty. Walmart had the best deal, so, yesterday we drove there to pick it up. Ordering it on-line then picking it up at the store I saved (well, the Church saved) $31.00. Every little bit helps. Steve installed it in his trailer yesterday afternoon. He said it felt like it was over 100* in there. Bless his heart. I'm so grateful to attend a Church with such wonderful, generous, loving, living the Christian life folks! We are small in number and pocket but big in heart.  πŸ’ž
By the way, the background image on the blog is a photo of some of our Palmetto's this year. They have bloomed like crazy because of all the rain. That means there will be lots of berries. Aren't they pretty?
I'll close for now. It's too hot out to do any work. Guess I'll spend the afternoon finishing up the "God's Smuggler" book by Brother Andrew. What an adventurous life he's lead! It's making me reexamine if I'm trusting in the Lord as much as I should too. I can see lots of mistakes I've been making about not believing in how big and great He truly is. 

Thanks for stopping by. Hope y'all have wonderful remainder of the day. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sanguine Saturday

The Ortho Doc released me on Friday. My Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed. He was amazed at how quickly that happened. That made me smile. I know why. Anyway, I'm so grateful to not have to go to a Doctor for awhile. God is good!

We were planning on running a couple of errands this morning but during my early morning prayer walk and devotional, I spied that this had fallen inches from our front gate and across the driveway! 

At this point the gate could not be opened without a great deal of effort and the fence must be repaired so Little Miss Escape Artist (Maggie the dog) couldn't get out. "Ok, Lord, I see we are to be delayed or perhaps remain at home," were my thoughts. We have opted to stay put, at least for now. He's either protecting us from something harmful or He wants us do be available for something. Whatever His plans are may this bring Him glory.

The fence is fixed (better than before too!) and the area cleaned up. Time for lunch coffee. Right now I'm watching old films on YouTube. It is nice to sit and relax.  

What are y'all doing this weekend? Other than Church tomorrow I 'suppose we'll be staying close to home unless God has other plans.
May the Lord bless and keep you. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning! 

Yesterday's Church service at the Rehab center went fairly well. There are still a few 'bugs' to work out but we're going to keep at it as long as the Lord wants us there. Between 20-30 of the residents and staff showed up off and on to participate in the songs and Amens. It really warmed all our hearts to see all those smiling faces rejoicing in His Word. I'm not showing the residents faces to protect their privacy because I didn't ask their permission. 

During the service (YouTube link) there was a lot of background noise, music over the loud speakers and other distractions. Plus Bro. Bob didn't have a microphone. It wasn't until this morning that we did at least one thing wrong. We forgot, I forgot, to begin in a group prayer! *face palm* I'm so forgetful sometimes. Anyway, I know this because during my morning devotional which was on John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don't let your heart be troubled or fearful." The lady that wrote today's devotional for Journey-Daily Devotionals For Women was distracted by noise as she was trying to worship, so, she became frustrated and angry. Then it dawned on her, she should have prayed instead of getting emotional. Hmmm ... that's my error. Lesson learned.

Right?! Keep sparkling! Because my earthly father was habitually cruel, critical, vulgar, full of anger, I tend to be terribly hard on myself when things "don't go right". Mistakes aren't the end of the world. They don't define me. They don't define you either, never forget that. Our Heavenly Father is loving, forgiving, kind, generous, gentle and knows we are only dust. Amen?! We learn, dust ourselves off, adjust our thoughts to Him, then keep moving forward. I am so thankful that I now have a real Father that loves me. I want to reflect Him more and me less. πŸ’™

In other news, our Nephew-in-love is out of Hospital. The final diagnosis, I believe I have this correctly, was 'only' double pneumonia, not that that isn't serious. The Doctor(s) put him in a very nice room for a couple of days on a slow antibiotic drip. Yesterday he was released into his wife's loving care about Noon. It's such a relief to have him home and on the mend. Thank you for praying dear Saints! 

My Dislocated Finger is healing rapidly for which I give God the glory. The stitches fell out last Friday. I haven't worn the brace since then except when sleeping. I've even quit wearing the brace since last night. The healing is so perfect it's almost like it didn't even happen except for the scar and some slight swelling over the wound. I see the Orthopedic Doctor tomorrow. I really expect him to release me. All that needs to be done is Physical Therapy which can be done at home. I have the list of finger exercises. The clutch on my motorbike is on the left side. When I can grip the clutch without pain or trouble I'm riding. Of the mornings it's not ultra-hot yet and our little dirt road is like a super highway after the last time it was graded. The Road Department actually did a great job.  

Have a wonderful day my friends. Thanks for stopping by. 


Ride Safe,

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits

Thank you for the birthday greetings and well wishes! Yesterday was really nice. First we stopped by our watering hole Southern Sippin' for a cuppa their specialty coffee. Then we took off shopping in Waycross for a couple of hours. I'd venture to say that I have hung at least 40 wind chimes all over the property, in the garden, on the porches, and inside the house. I've been wanting a new wind chime (like, I don't have enough all ready!). Steve understand my "addiction" and took me to Tractor Supply to pick out another one.
I had a really difficult time deciding which one to bring home! They all looked so pretty. This one the butterflies twirl in the middle and has the loveliest mellow jingle underneath. My dear friend Vicki gifted specialty coffee called "Jamacia Me Crazy" and a pair of 4th of July earrings. She's always so sweet.

Today it's back to normal operating procedures. I'm washing clothes, cleaning the house, watering the flowers, picking up limbs (gently) in the yard, and so forth. Oh, and posting here, of course. I want to mow but Steve said, "Um, that's a big negatory!" 😁 He's more worried about me reinjuring the finger than I am. 

Our Church's new ministry is scheduled to start tomorrow. Many of us had been praying for a more active participation in the community to lead the lost to Christ and edify our neighbors. God laid it on our Pastor's heart to show up at the Rehab Center where his wife is currently residing to sing Hymns, witness, break bread with, pray with and give comfort to those that possibly have no one to care or anyone local to visit. I do so worry that some may not feel needed or loved. That's a terrible emotional state to be in. So a few of us have agreed to meet there around 10 am for a couple of hours a week. It's quite a distance for some in the Church, so, I am praying we can all afford the fuel to get there and back. I feel confident, though, that the good Lord God of all will provide according to His will. He always does. May it bring Him glory and more crowns to cast at Jesus' feet on that Glorious Day.

I'll leave y'all with this. Let's pray for boldness to keep witnessing for Christ, being generous & kind, and looking up for Him, and that we may be removed out of the way soon of the wrath to come. The Age of Grace clock must be swiftly running out. This in His Holy Word came to me this morning during devotional. God bless y'all. Thanks for stopping by.  πŸ’“