Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sanguine Saturday

The Ortho Doc released me on Friday. My Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed. He was amazed at how quickly that happened. That made me smile. I know why. Anyway, I'm so grateful to not have to go to a Doctor for awhile. God is good!

We were planning on running a couple of errands this morning but during my early morning prayer walk and devotional, I spied that this had fallen inches from our front gate and across the driveway! 

At this point the gate could not be opened without a great deal of effort and the fence must be repaired so Little Miss Escape Artist (Maggie the dog) couldn't get out. "Ok, Lord, I see we are to be delayed or perhaps remain at home," were my thoughts. We have opted to stay put, at least for now. He's either protecting us from something harmful or He wants us do be available for something. Whatever His plans are may this bring Him glory.

The fence is fixed (better than before too!) and the area cleaned up. Time for lunch coffee. Right now I'm watching old films on YouTube. It is nice to sit and relax.  

What are y'all doing this weekend? Other than Church tomorrow I 'suppose we'll be staying close to home unless God has other plans.
May the Lord bless and keep you. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. We plan to visit a new church tomorrow and Monday we’ll do what we always do on Memorial Day is attend services at the Northern California Veterans Cemetery. My parents are there - it’s where my husband and I will be ( our earthy remains at least) my father-in-law and some friends. A solemn mid morning reflection of the sacrifices our military paid. While none of the above died in wars, they did carry home scars that lived with them till the day they died.

    1. What a fantastic idea to attend a service that gives honor to our Vets. I hadn't considered that. I'll check to see if we have anything locally (as long as it's early - too hot/humid to be outside after 10am). Thanks for the idea. I don't want to forget what so many have sacrificed for all of us. Y'all have a wonderful day. πŸ’™

  2. Many times, when I've thought my plans were best, God shows up and tells me differently. May we all listen to His voice!
    No big plans for us, and that's okay with me. Have a restful Memorial Day weekend, Sparky!

  3. God's plans..yes...
    Pretty much staying home besides church. I really don't like to be out on the highways on holidays. Its gray and blah today..perfection for staying home, resting my back and working on eBay "stuff".

  4. Congratulations on having befuddled your Ortho doc! Yes, I believe there is a purpose for every hiccup or delay; I'm happy to see you feel the same. We were 'out' the last two evenings so I want nothing more than to stay home with the girls. Even in-person Church services tomorrow are on the 'possibilities' list. (I love being able to live-stream.)

    1. I see now, I think, why we were kept home today! God is kind to let me know: our good friend & neighbor Tommy that we're helping injured his shoulder terribly. Since he's nearly blind he can't drive, has no funds, and we're 30 good minutes from the nearest Hospital. Steve dropped everything and took him to the ER. We'll return to pick him up in a few hours unless he's kept overnight. We wouldn't have been home to help if we'd been away. I have thanked the Lord for letting us see His miracles at work.
      Church streaming will probably be in our future if our Church goes defunct. Our congregation keeps getting smaller and smaller. I find that so concerning but whaddya gonna do? πŸ’™

  5. Seeing the limb reminded me of backing out of the garage Sat at 5:50 am, in the dark to be at Walmart when it opens at 6. I saw nothing in the mirrors and backed out and felt the wheels go up over something and then the front wheels go over the same thing. I stopped and got out dreading to see i had run over the neighbors dog. i was elated to see the twin to your limb broken in half. I dragged each half out of the way and to deal with when i came home. I am so happy you were home to help Tommy..

  6. I am so happy to know that your finger has healed, smiles. We are not doing anything / going anywhere until the end of next week. smiles

  7. I love the way you looked at that downed branch and knew God had a plan. He always does, but sometimes I forget that!
    SO glad you finger is healed.
    It's a quiet weekend for us too. Church today. Bob's store is open tomorrow so he is working until 3. Our daughter is coming for a short time and wants to drive to the cemetery to pay respects to my Dad. Otherwise, quiet day.
    Have a blessed Lords Day!

  8. You hand and finger did heal fast! I'm glad you got your fence fixed better than it was before. Happy Memorial Day and we are just staying quiet too this weekend. Watched two churches on the tv. A little grocery run today.

  9. I'm so happy to see that your doctor has released you and your hand is healing quickly!! Have a blessed week ahead!! xo


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell