Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Yesterday's Church services at the Rehab center went well. There were fewer residents than the last one but that's possibly due to people coming and going as they heal and other reasons. Whatever the future holds we plan to keep soldiering on until instructed to do otherwise. 
Steve is not unhappy. He was simply caught unawares. We had a good time listening to the Gospel, singing a couple of old hymns, then praying together. There were even fewer Church members that could show up but those of us who could tried to keep the joy going and move through the participants to pray individually with anyone who wanted comfort or had a need before leaving. These photos were snapped by our Pastor's wife. She was playing with my new little yellow camera. I told her the photos looked like a filming of a Batman episode. Ms. Jackie is always such fun. [below] Look at that impish grin.  πŸ˜  Hopefully her rehab will end soon too and she will be back home. 

This is Bro. Bob giving the sermon and sitting is our piano player Kathy. 

In other news we heard something good concerning our not-too-distant neighbor Mr. Tommy (the one the Church gave the A/C to on Monday). Yesterday, in a scheduled phone call with the Government, he received the welcome news that he will receive the partial SSI funding with medical insurance he requested almost a year ago. Now he can find an eye surgeon so he can get in line for the much needed cataract replacement surgery. He wants so desperately to rejoin the workforce and also move to a more desirable neighborhood. Possibly even be able to drive again some day. Yippee! My heart is singing to our Lord in praise for His infinite kindness. God answers prayer y'all. Thank you Lord! We're all so very excited for him. Thank you everyone else who has been praying about this too. 

Today, it's mundane things: laundry, light yardwork, clean the house and other housewifey things. My Dislocated Finger is almost completely healed but I still can't grasp a clutch for more than a few seconds. I'll keep working on strengthening my grip so I can ride again. I certainly do not want an automatic. Might was well buy a sports car if it comes to that .... 
Hmmm ... now that's a thought ... πŸ˜‰

Have a lovely day folks. Thanks for stopping by. 



  1. looking at the photos, ha ha on batman comment, brought back a lot of memories of years of visiting nursing homes. glad you had a few to pray and sing. sorry about the clutch problem, I know you are ready to ride. have you checked the price of cars lately? more than I ever paid for a house.. we are driving 2004 and 2007 vehicles and praying they last as long as we do cause there is no way to buy one these days.

    1. You caught the Batman reference! *ha ha*
      We've priced the new cars and trucks. Yowza! My old 2010 Nissan Frontier SE has actually retained it's value. I could probably sell it for what we paid for it new, not that I plan to sell it, 'cause I don't. We can't afford a new vehicle. Probably never again. These Bidenomics is killin' the middle class but that's their evil plan ... please, Lord, come back soon.πŸ’™

  2. I think the Batman comment might elude some in the younger generation, but I got it right away; that was certainly a favorite show when I was young. So happy for Mr. Tommy, too. It's so wonderful to have good news in this crazy world.
    Blessings, Sparky!

    1. You're right about Batman! I should have referenced that it was the TV series with Adam West and Burt Ward. I'm so old. lol πŸ’™

  3. I'm so glad you are keeping on with the rehab ministry. Seeds are planted and God does the rest.
    Keep on working that finger so you can Clutch again.
    The price of cars...Yikes !!
    Can't afford anything now!

  4. I'm so happy for you all that you are able to do the ministry at the rehab center. I know those folks appreciate it so much. I don't think I got the Batman comment...I may be too old for that TV show although I remember it...just not the thing about the camera. So happy for your friend that hopefully he is getting the help he needs so much. That is great news. And wow! You drive a stick shift? I can't do that as I am left handed and uncoordinated and never could get the rhythm of it very well. If I can't drive automatic, I can't drive. And we never buy new cars. Only used. I hope our current vehicle stays running for a long time because we can't afford anything "newer". Glad your finger is healing. God is good.

    1. The old Batman TV series with Adam West would have the camera tilted with "sound effects" along with it when they were fighting the bad guys. It was silly like my comment. lol
      That's a shame not being able to drive a stick. Anything on wheels is kinda my thing. I can drive a stick, plus a double-clutch bucket truck, a tractor, and just about anything else except a semi. Haven't been trained in that. Yet.
      God is good! Amen! πŸ’™

  5. I'm so happy y'all are continuing your rehab outreach. Who knows whose heart may be waiting to hear Bro Bob's message ... as well as your words, your touch.
    Tommy's welcome news makes my heart positively sing. God is so good!

    PS - I can almost visualize you in that snappy convertible!

    1. I'm starting to visualize a convertible or something like it too because our traveling on two wheels may be drawing to a close. It hurts too much to stay in the saddle too long. πŸ’™

  6. You know it is a gift to go to a rehab center - nursing home. Those people love company. I am glad you went and I hope it keeps up.
    My car is a 2000 Honda CRV and I still love it.
    How nice he got some partial SSI - maybe he can move forward!!!

    1. I know! I'm so excited for Mr. Tommy that I was literally jumping up and down. It made me feel so good to see him happy. πŸ’™

  7. I love Ms Jackie's grin! I know you'all are a blessing to her and the others.
    Wonderful news on Tommy!
    I'm going to be praying for that finger to gain strength.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry... I said I am late getting here but am happy that your group still gathered for the service. I am sorry you are still having troubles with the finger and hope the PT helps get that resolved soon. You can't not ride that bike again!! Hugs!

  9. Such a great post, my friend. Thanks for the many smiles.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell