Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning! 

Yesterday's Church service at the Rehab center went fairly well. There are still a few 'bugs' to work out but we're going to keep at it as long as the Lord wants us there. Between 20-30 of the residents and staff showed up off and on to participate in the songs and Amens. It really warmed all our hearts to see all those smiling faces rejoicing in His Word. I'm not showing the residents faces to protect their privacy because I didn't ask their permission. 

During the service (YouTube link) there was a lot of background noise, music over the loud speakers and other distractions. Plus Bro. Bob didn't have a microphone. It wasn't until this morning that we did at least one thing wrong. We forgot, I forgot, to begin in a group prayer! *face palm* I'm so forgetful sometimes. Anyway, I know this because during my morning devotional which was on John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don't let your heart be troubled or fearful." The lady that wrote today's devotional for Journey-Daily Devotionals For Women was distracted by noise as she was trying to worship, so, she became frustrated and angry. Then it dawned on her, she should have prayed instead of getting emotional. Hmmm ... that's my error. Lesson learned.

Right?! Keep sparkling! Because my earthly father was habitually cruel, critical, vulgar, full of anger, I tend to be terribly hard on myself when things "don't go right". Mistakes aren't the end of the world. They don't define me. They don't define you either, never forget that. Our Heavenly Father is loving, forgiving, kind, generous, gentle and knows we are only dust. Amen?! We learn, dust ourselves off, adjust our thoughts to Him, then keep moving forward. I am so thankful that I now have a real Father that loves me. I want to reflect Him more and me less. πŸ’™

In other news, our Nephew-in-love is out of Hospital. The final diagnosis, I believe I have this correctly, was 'only' double pneumonia, not that that isn't serious. The Doctor(s) put him in a very nice room for a couple of days on a slow antibiotic drip. Yesterday he was released into his wife's loving care about Noon. It's such a relief to have him home and on the mend. Thank you for praying dear Saints! 

My Dislocated Finger is healing rapidly for which I give God the glory. The stitches fell out last Friday. I haven't worn the brace since then except when sleeping. I've even quit wearing the brace since last night. The healing is so perfect it's almost like it didn't even happen except for the scar and some slight swelling over the wound. I see the Orthopedic Doctor tomorrow. I really expect him to release me. All that needs to be done is Physical Therapy which can be done at home. I have the list of finger exercises. The clutch on my motorbike is on the left side. When I can grip the clutch without pain or trouble I'm riding. Of the mornings it's not ultra-hot yet and our little dirt road is like a super highway after the last time it was graded. The Road Department actually did a great job.  

Have a wonderful day my friends. Thanks for stopping by. 


Ride Safe,


  1. God is so good! You'll be riding soon Sweetie.

  2. Most definitely, mistakes aren't the end of the world. What's that saying, "If Plan A doesn't work there are 25 more letters."
    LOL-ing at that meme. I'm all the time consulting "Dr. Google" for this or that.
    Wonderful news about your Nephew-in-love ... and I'm delighted to learn of your own healing!

  3. So happy to hear about your nephew's results...glad the meds are doing their job.
    Kudos for lessons learned while ministering at the rehab place. We are never perfect and you never know where the seeds were planted.
    I am happy your finger is healing so well..almost time to exercise that Clutch!

  4. I am certain the folks at the rehab center were delighted to have you there, even with a few glitches. They thrive on having some outside social/and spiritual connections. It means so much to them to know someone cares about them. Thank you for doing this. I know God was honored and blessed and glorified by your church group's service. So happy to hear your nephew in love is doing so much better and has gone home! Praise God! And also happy to hear that your finger is getting well so quickly! God has certainly been working hard on your behalf and also for your family and church family, etc. What a blessing to hear good things like this. Thank you for sharing GOOD NEWS!!

  5. We do have to sparkle no matter what - right? Even us with rough pasts have to work at it and I think you are have.
    Glad to hear your finger is getting well.
    Glad your nephew is doing well too.
    Love, sandie

  6. Glad your service went well. I know you've been praying about it and God knows your heart and excuses forgetfulness! :)
    Yes to sparkling!
    Glad your finger is doing so well!

  7. Your post is just full of good news!! I'm so glad your finger is healing so well!! I know the elderly residents were blessed by the service you all provided for them and each week will grow the interest!! Well done! xo

  8. I am so happy to hear the report on your nephew and your finger. wow on how quickly you healed. a nursing home is noisy and the person does need a microphone. most of them probably heard not a word that was said due to poor hearing. maybe someone will donate a porable microphone for you to use. the home might have one somewhere.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell