Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

Good morning folks! Yesterday went from dull to interesting. We started out shopping. Dropped by a new business called Trackside Emporium on Central Avenue in Blackshear that sells antiques and odds and ends on consignment. Last week Steve had set up an account to sell some of his work. Below is the display the owner did for us. Nice huh? I hope they sell.

After stopping at Trackside we sped off to Waycross to keep an important doctor's appointment at the spine center. Steve's been experiencing sporadic debilitating back pain. Poor guy's been waiting since last week to go in to get help. Well, guess what?! The little receptionist lady in the office that made the appointment last week made it for the wrong office. What the ...!?! 😲 Apparently they have an office in Waycross and one in Baxley. She put us in Baxley! πŸ˜• Bummer. Now he has to start all over again. 😑 Well at least Steve said he's feeling somewhat improved by now, which I'm very grateful for. Thank you Lord for answered prayer! For now he wants to wait to see if it starts ailing badly again before trying to return. Maybe they'll get it right next time. πŸ˜’ Medical care in America is so messed up since the man who calls himself 0bama slithered into Office. 

Funny thing happened at the doctors. When we walked into the spine center, Steve made a beeline for the check in center, which is only right since he's the patient. Since we live in a small community the first thing I do is scan all the faces in the waiting room to see who's around. 'Lo and behold two very dear Facebook friends were sitting right there in the corner whom we had never met face-to-face! What fun! That made the visit much more pleasant and we finally got to meet properly. We ended up staying just to pass the time with them. When they got called back we moved on to other errands since Steve's appointment was a mistake. Kinda worked out OK anyway. I guess you know you're getting old when your social life revolves almost exclusively around doctors offices!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

Sam's excited ... can you tell? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

Must be the weather but I need a change. I've decided to get rid of the boring sofa and recliner covers and have something brighter. I ordered the one below last night. 

Can I have the dog too? No? πŸ‘€πŸ•

If my joint health was better I'd paint the walls or at least give them a good wash. My mind still thinks I'm 18 but every time I put my head back or lift my arms ... it's CRACK .. ouch! My body reminds me I'm almost 70. Then I have to run and get the heating pad to ease the ache. πŸ˜† Aging is not for sissies. I'm so grateful I won't keep this body for eternity but am being renewed in my Spirit by Jesus Christ. What a blessing.  πŸ’– 

Hope y'all have a great day. Go create lots of happy memories, share the Gospel while we can, and make someone's day with a smile or kind word, as we wait on our Saviour to make His appearance to us that we may be with Him forever.  πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ


  1. What a nice display; I'd really enjoy spending time at Trackside Emporium!
    Oh, I loathe the carelessness that seems to exist in doctors' offices today. (Don't ask me how I know, lol.) More than ever, it's critical to be our own advocates.

    PS - 'Slither' is right!

  2. Same thing happened yesterday with us. My husband had an out patient surgical procedure . We go to the place and they neglected to tell him it was at another place. Fortunately it was close by and it all worked out.
    Wow I hope your husband sells his pieces. That would be nice. You got that right that aging is not for sissies! I’ve never been bothered by the number of years I’ve been on this earth but 70 is really doing a “number” on me. I just can’t believe it and I won’t be 70 till March! I’m hoping by my birthday I’ll have processed it all out of me. I know crazy…
    Really enjoy your posts.

  3. I'm sorry Steve is dealing with that pain. I'm glad he's doing a little better now. How cool that you met some FB friends there.
    I like the new cover.
    I hear you on the getting older thing. :) Thankful for what we know is on the other side!

  4. Chronic pain is exhausting. I'm sorry you are both dealing with it and hope Steve's stays under control without seeing the doctor. How fun to meet a blogging friend in person! I can vouch for how great it isl (smiling!)!! Steve's photos are all lovely and I can't imagine that they won't sell quickly! Keep us posted!!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell