Friday, June 12, 2009

Dahlonega, Georgia Vintage Postcard

~ Dahlonega, Georgia ~
near the Dahlonega Gold Museum & Historic Site

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by Marie at Voila! Vintage Postcards.

Join in the fun! Everyone is welcome.


  1. One of my favorite places to visit! Happy weekend Sparky.

  2. So, is that where you went for the week? Hope your ride was a right good one. Hey, did I mention the news about Amberlee was good to hear, allergies are doable.

  3. We stopped in Dahlonega once on the way home from the Smokie Mountains. We toured the Cabbage Patch Hospital and watched the dolls being born. My daughter was young then.

    Happy PFF!

  4. My husband I and LOVE Dahlonega. He is really into gold panning so Dahlonega gets visits pretty regularly from us. Love the old post card from there. Doesn't look anything like that these days. :)

  5. Gold!!!! We went to a gold exhibit and the boys were all convinced that they were just rocks spray painted gold.. jeez.. kids aren't impressed by anything anymore! I was fascinated!

    Are you back or stil on the gooooooSparky girl? Happy PFF!

  6. I hope you had a great ride this past week! I was wonderin' where you went off to. Love the old road sign.

  7. cool. I'm not familiar with this place. Gold? In Georgia? who knew? Hope your vacation is/was great! Happy PFF!

  8. We have just returned from Dahlonega. Now I too know how beautiful the area is!! This was my first trip there, but it certainly won't be my last. What gorgeous roads they have there. Wow. It was lovely and cool in the mornings. Photos and such to follow when I'm not so fatigued.

    We are glad to be home but with we could have brought back that cool mountain air with us. Gosh, it's hot here this week.

    God bless y'all! Thanks for popping by my place. :o) xx

  9. Hi
    Wow this is so cool.
    Happy PFF .
    Thank you for sharing.
    Blessings of joy to you .
    Happy Trails

  10. I did not know about the Dahlonega museum, gold or the town. What a great sign post. I wonder if it's still there?

  11. Oh what a great postcard.
    I've never been to Dahlonega, but I do love the state of Goergia.
    Hope your weekend has been beautiful.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell