Friday, June 5, 2009

Don't Tread On Me Postcard

Don't Tread On Me

“In my weak judgment, a government is strong when it applies to the most important end of all governments – the rights and privileges of the people.”
-- Patrick Henry

These postcards are new and are available through an Internet company called Zazzle. They are also fighting for our 10th Amendment rights (States rights).

Rattle Snake

And kinda on the same subject, a real "don't tread on me" wandered into our country backyard a day or two ago. I was mowing and luckily missed the visitor with my multiple cutting blades. Being good stewards of the land, we didn't kill it, but shooed this little bad boy into the neighboring woods. Pretty, isn't he? He had just shed his skin and was all shiny.

Join us every Friday for Postcard Friendship Friday hosted as always by the lovely and gracious Marie at Viola! Vintage Postcards. Everyone, even snakes, are welcome.


  1. Hi
    Happy PFF
    WOW that was one exciting post.
    I am so glad I don't have this big guy in my yard.
    I am also glad you shooed it away.
    We have had an unusual amount of snakes in our yard this year.
    We live in town so it always suprises me to find country critters in the city.
    I do realize they were here first.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings of joy to you .

  2. This sounds a lot like the Garden of Eden story. A woman, a serpent,and a mower, No I'm sorry that was forbidden fruit wasn't it.
    I do like that postcard and would like to fly that flag in protest of our nations daily demise.

  3. Great story. I like your fun filled blog. Well done.

  4. Another great story. Always fun to visit.

  5. EEEEwww, Great story though - you mow your lawn? I'm allergic to grass, so this is doubly impressive. Your life in the wilds of Georgia is a little too exciting. I am seriously terrified of snakes! Happy PFF, Sparky!

  6. Great story .. neat card .. happy PFF!

  7. Oh, I'm glad I haven't seen a snake yet! Cute post and I hope you enjoy the weekend.

  8. Eeeek! I'm having snake flashbacks! I am so glad that you didn't kill this beautiful creature:! I think that I was very scared of the unknown when I was so freaked out by the snake that I saw in the forest! I bought a nature guide for this area so that I can identify the criiters! That should take away a hunk of my snake wimpiness:)

  9. Oh, not keen on snakes! Government is so different in the UK, but I understand what you are saying. :)

  10. Thanks for the info about that postcard. I think I'll check out that website.

    A rattlesnake? Yikes! Those aren't fun to come across in the yard!

  11. Interestng postcard, and wow! what an interesting bad boy visitor. Eeeeek! I'm glad they don't live around where I do.


  12. Happy PFF Everyone!

    Carey ~ I think I am going to purchase that flag and fly it down by the road. Or, maybe Steve will paint one for me. Hubby is a wonderful artist.

  13. What is with all the snakes coming out onto peoples patios this week? I have to check out the Zazzle site. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  14. I recognize that one! The diamondback rattlesnake, that is. Glad you didn't nick it or it may have bitten you. They have deadly poisonous venom, but don't usually attack unless provoked. Glad he got away!
    Happy PFF.

  15. Sparky didn't mention how cool she is around snakes. When this little guy appeared she came rushing to me excited saying "get the camera, two foot Diamondback in the back yard". I've watched her sweeping up at the shop and smiling as a 5' rat snake crawled slowly by at her feet. And there was the time she bare handed a coral snake and dropped it over the fence so one of our dogs wouldn't kill it. Yep, my sweetie likes snakes.

  16. I first read it saying you had shoo'd it into the neighbors yard - then realized you said neighboring woods. LOL


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell