Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Deer!

Our feeder has been attracting some interesting nocturnal visitors. It's mostly been 'coons but we've had a few rabbits and possums.

"Maybe if I shake this thing
it'll give me more

During the day the squirrels have a free feast too. The woodland floor is littered with the little shaky tailed critters. However, finally, a few nights ago, deer have been approaching the feeder.

Take a load at this nice looking 6 point.

"Did you get my good side?"

There is also a 4 point and several does with yearlings. Of course, this is all just in time for the end of hunting season. [sigh] Oh well. We both just enjoy looking at our woodland critters anyway.

I would like to construct a tower stand near the feeder just for viewing. It could also double as our observation post for our amateur astronomy. Many of our neighbors have made it a point not to add to already too much light pollution in our country, so, our area stays wonderfully dark.

I sure appreciate living here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Don't Tread On Me Postcard

Don't Tread On Me

“In my weak judgment, a government is strong when it applies to the most important end of all governments – the rights and privileges of the people.”
-- Patrick Henry

These postcards are new and are available through an Internet company called Zazzle. They are also fighting for our 10th Amendment rights (States rights).

Rattle Snake

And kinda on the same subject, a real "don't tread on me" wandered into our country backyard a day or two ago. I was mowing and luckily missed the visitor with my multiple cutting blades. Being good stewards of the land, we didn't kill it, but shooed this little bad boy into the neighboring woods. Pretty, isn't he? He had just shed his skin and was all shiny.

Join us every Friday for Postcard Friendship Friday hosted as always by the lovely and gracious Marie at Viola! Vintage Postcards. Everyone, even snakes, are welcome.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sam And The Snake

Sam Jr. and Maxie

Our miniature Schnauzer, Sam Jr., doesn't know when to quit. He's really bad about pushing an issue with whatever animal life is in front of him. He's so contentious that he always has to be Boss Dog in every situation. He darn near got killed by a German Shepherd that lived next door to dad in North Carolina.

For the newbies at my blog, Sam was my father's dog until he died in 2006.

Today, Sam encountered his first snake.

Well, not really his first. The first one that I know of was a Coral Snake in the back yard. I caught him flipping it up in the air one day and put a stop to that! Coral snakes are poisonous. I picked it up and put it out into the woods.

Yeah, I like snakes. So, I saved the little guy's neck (if he has one).

But this time, before I could react, Sam approached the snake, it instinctively coiled and struck Sam right in the throat. Ouch! Now he has two bloody tooth marks on his throat. Rat snakes have very sharp, needle-like teeth.

Actually, this is a good thing. We were hoping that he would mess with a non-poisonous variety first. Southeast Georgia has multitude of Rattle Snakes and they are pretty deadly. Whenever I go strolling in the woods, I'm sure to wear my snake proof boots. They don't always rattle, you know.

So, now poor Sam is laying on the floor, trembling and licking his feet. I put an antiseptic salve on the wound and comforted him as best I could. He'll feel better by morning. But that'll larn 'em. He was lucky ... this time.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Fencing Project And More

The projects down by the gate are finally completed! Well, almost, that is. The only thing left is to do is hire those nice strong fence guys again and have them complete the black creosote fence all the way down the front of our property (about 100 feet, give or take).

But, for the most part, our work is done!

"YAY! Party! Party!" [lol]

So, here's a few photos of the project.

In the beginning, the fence guys arrived and put up the start of the creosote fence. I had them keep the field fencing behind the new fence to keep our doggies IN and neighbor doggies OUT.

Doesn't that look lovely now? Wait until the fence runs down the entire front of our country property. I'm just waiting for the checkbook to catch up with my gardening ambitions. [smile]

Here's Sweetie laying down the first landscaping timbers to hold the top soil and mulch in place. There will be two of planters, one for each side of the gate.

There ... now you see what I'm talkin' about! Now to just fill them with top soil, plants and mulch ... in that order.

And one for the other side ...

I told Sweetie, "Quick, take a picture, I'm working!" Now there's proof. :^P

Ta da! All done. This side has lavender Lantana and one Bottle Brush plant (red).

Looks better, doesn't it? This side has yellow Lantana with one Bottle Brush (red). These should offer dramatic visual effects when blooming.

One of the really important things I've learned in flower gardening is to cluster the same colors together for a more dramatic effect. It draws the eye to one area at a time. It makes more of an impression that way (if that's what one is aiming for).

Now to call the fencing company and order the remainder of that fence ... oh, dang ... WAIT ... it's Sunday. I'll have to wait a couple of days.

Did I just hear the checkbook heave a big sigh of relief ... ???

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Opportunity To Witness A Green Comet Monday

Comet Lulin

I enjoy astronomy.

Usually, I can't remember the stars or what galaxy is where but I do enjoy sitting out under the night sky with binoculars or our telescope and watching the heavens. Living so far out in the country we get many opportunities to do this. That's one of many reasons we don't have a yard light plus they contribute to the light pollution.

Tomorrow night (Monday 23rd) there is a very special event. Let's let the experts explain further ...

"WASHINGTON — An odd, greenish backward-flying comet is zipping by Earth this month, as it takes its only trip toward the sun from the farthest edges of the solar system.

The comet is called Lulin, and there's a chance it can be seen with the naked eye — far from city lights, astronomers say. But you'll most likely need a telescope, or at least binoculars, to spot it.

The best opportunity is just before dawn one-third of the way up the southern sky. It should be near Saturn and two bright stars, Spica and Regula.

On Monday at 10:43 p.m. EST, it will be 38 million miles from Earth, the closest it will ever get, according to Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near Earth Object program.

The story behind the comet is more intriguing than its appearance — the greenish tinge may be hard for many to discern. The color comes from a type of carbon and cyanogen, a poisonous gas.

Lulin was discovered by a Chinese teenager two years ago. It still has many of its original gases — gases that are usually stripped away as comets near the sun. Unlike most comets viewable from Earth, this one hasn't been this close to the sun before, Yeomans said.

While all the planets and most of the other objects in the solar system circle the sun counterclockwise, Lulin circles clockwise, said NASA astronomer Stephen Edberg.

Thanks to an optical illusion, from Earth it appears as if the comet's tail is in the front as the comet approaches Earth and the sun.

"It essentially is going backwards through the solar system," he said.

It came from the outskirts of the solar system, 18 trillion miles away. Once it's made the journey around the sun, Lulin will gain enough speed to escape the solar system, Edberg said.

"If you are interested in comets, make sure you see it," he said. "But it's not going to be a real great blast for the general public."

Source: FoxNews Article

I couldn't find the star "Regula" referred to above (I believe it's a typo) but I did find a Regulus.

So, let's watch the heavens tomorrow evening. Who knows what wonders we'll experience!?

♥ ∞