Greetings everyone! I know, it's been months and months since my last blog post. There was a lot going on and I went MIA. Guess I shouldn't have done that because including y'all in our daily doin's is important to me. Thanks for sticking around. I sure do appreciate you all beyond measure. We're all fine.
Notice the new header, profile photo and info? Yep. Updated that too. I'll explain the sans the motorbike below.
Briefly what's happened since August:
❄️ Late August the Church ministry at the Waycross Rehab we had initiated and were part of fell apart because of our Pastor's wife's health issues. Poor girl, she really suffered. Jackie didn't get out of her own Rehab's until late this year. She is now better and back in fine fettle as my Kentucky step-mom would have said.
❄️ September our area was struck by Cat 4 Hurricane Helene. I know that other areas suffered far worse but it left our place very devastated. There were downed trees, debris, houses & buildings ruined, loss of power, missing dogs, etc. everywhere. We were without power for 10 days. Even growing up in Central Florida I don't think I've ever gone through anything that trying because of weather. It was very hard but, God is good, we survived.
❄️ October Steve shot three deer. After processing our freezer is full. He'll try for at least one more but only because we're sharing the extra's with an indigent neighbor. Which, by the way, he, Tommy, the fellow many of us neighbors are helping, is doing better. He had both cataract surgeries awhile ago and also received relief for his injured shoulder. Now Tommy only needs to have his rotting, missing teeth fixed and move out of the hovel he's renting. Everyone is trying to help with that. Maybe he can find a good rental (or maybe buy a cheap house?) that takes him and his dog soon. We're praying about it. Things are looking up, anyway.
❄️ October we sold both motorbikes. Yep, you heard right. After 50+ years of riding, we've both hung up our 'spurs', so to speak. Riding the steel steeds is lot like riding a horse only they don't bite and they don't have to be fed everyday. 😁 Funny thing, thus far, I don't miss it. Not yet. I feel kinda relieved. Selling them had to be done. Some hobbies get to be too consuming of finances and time. Plus, it was prudent to move on. Do something else less strenuous.
❄️ November President Trump & Vice President Vance were voted into office. Praise the Lord! What an answer to prayer! I've been praying that the criminals in our Government will be removed. We must protect the children. Disagreeing over politics is OK, it's healthy, but what the Left were/are doing is criminal especially to the youngest and weakest. All this must stop. We celebrated Thanksgiving with Niece Deborah and her lovely family in Jacksonville. We had a good time. I love these get-togethers.
❄️ November our Nephew Bobby turned 33! 33?! Where did the time go?? That can't be right. I remember when he was born. Such an adorable little child. Had the cutest smile and infectious laugh. He grew up and is now a fine young man. We're very proud of him. He, his sister, and his parents are trying to move here. That would be super cool if they can.
❄️ We celebrated Christmas a little early this year with our dear Niece Deborah in Jacksonville. Attended Westside Baptist Church the Sunday before with her, her mom and her family. We had a great time. There are sweet, loving people attending there. Then we dined at the Longhorn's on Roosevelt. I had my Wild West Shrimp and a Blue Moon. Steve had the Grilled Salmon. Yum! Oh, how I wish we all lived closer. I always miss being around her and her family.
❄️ No New Year's celebrations for us. We both fell asleep in our easy chairs by 9 pm.
Other than daily doin's I think that's about it for the highlights. I'll try to do better with visiting everyone's blogs and posting.
I hope your day is blessed in the light of God's love.
✨ Sparky ✨