Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday Musings: In A Relationship With An Air Conditioner

Who can relate? πŸ™‹πŸΌπŸ˜†

Gosh, it's been hot. 🌞 And it's dry as powdered toast. We need rain badly! The weekend was going along swimmingly, we were chillin' inside after Church, then late in the afternoon our big, beautiful, expensive Trane central air conditioning unit decided that 3 years was long enough to behave and it quit cooling. "WHAT??!!!"  πŸ˜’ was my first reaction. Not cool (literally). Ok. DON'T PANIC (I did). 🀦🏼 To keep me from whining Steve retrieved the 8,000 btu window unit from storage. Panic subsiding. We keep this one on hand ever since the last time the A/C quit. It doesn't cool like the big unit but it does alright.
Note to those living in Southern climes or other areas were heat is brutal: keep one of these bad boys on hand for just these kind of occasions. We can't afford one of our usual local A/C repair people anymore since they upped their call outs to $300, so, we've hired a fella from Church for repairs. This will be our first time using him. I pray he's a good one. 

Thus, I sit waiting for help to arrive. It's all good though. God is still in control and whatever happens may it bring Him glory. It's His Royal Way. Amen?!

To cheer me up, my dear blogging buddy at MadSnapper sent some pretty cool (there's that word again) graphics of the swirl she made on her blog recently. Mad is so talented! I tried to figure it out on my own with Corel PaintShop Pro but this is above my pay grade. Which one is best? I like 'em all. Thanks MadSnapper! 

We've had a couple of nibbles on selling the motorbikes. Thank you everyone for the prayers. There's nothing concrete yet, though. I think the economy may be suffering too much to sell anything other than necessities like food, medicine or gas right now. We can wait. I know everyone is trying to survive. All in God's time. 

Well, I'd better go. That laundry isn't going to finish itself. 

Thanks for stopping by. I pray your day is wonderful, joyful, healthy and very cool! πŸ˜


  1. Praying for you to get your AC fixed soon. Even with a window unit, we KNOW how hot it gets right now and it"ain't pretty". Praying the guy from church knows what he is doing and will fix it right for you with a reasonable charge. I know how that goes too. You say it is only 3 years old, are you sure it isn't under warranty? Usually they are under warranty for 10 years, I think. Not labor, but the rest of it should be? I hope so. Praying your bikes sell soon for the right price too. May God come through for you on all of the above! (((hugs))) And I love your swirly thing. Probably the one that has your name and your title...? MadSnapper is so cool!!

    1. We're up and running ... for now. These new A/C's have a built in fault *thanks to our all benevolent Government* [/sarc] which means all of them will fail sooner rather than later, so, be prepared. Anyway, thanks, the guy from Church was good. God is good. At least HE is always trustworthy.
      I tried my hand at the swirly things and it was so lame. *lol* I'm glad MadSnapper knows what she's doing. She's a great gal. πŸ’™

  2. Oh my goodness I KNOW it is hot and miserable. I hope that the man has come and your a/c has been fixed. And doing laundry! That is hot too.

    1. We're up and running! Thanks. It was hot doing laundry but I can't stand to let things to pile up. Part of my up-bringing. πŸ’™

  3. I’m sorry about your AC. My AC guy is coming out next week for a tuneup. That will be $60. We get another one for the heat in the Winter.
    Right now it’s a cool 76 degrees. Perfect! Won’t last long - 105 for Friday and Saturday.
    I like the first graphic. You did well.
    I hope the window AC will keep you cool enough and I hope the repair guy can fix your HVAC. I’d think after 3 years that you’re under warranty. I’d check because I know with ours we have to use an authorized repair person for the repairs. So far we’ve not had any repairs. We’re good at keeping the maintenance schedule.

    Stay cool - 😎

    1. We do have a 10 year warranty with 7 years left. It only covers the major fixes that cost an arm and a leg though. Thanks to our Government there's now a built in problem that all A/C's and they will fail sooner rather than later. At least that was only $90 as it is a replaceable part plus labor. πŸ’™

  4. What a blessing that you had that window A/C unit to use in just such an emergency, Sparky! That was great foresight on y'all's part, for sure. We do get ours serviced by a wonderful local business on a six-month schedule, and our tech will be coming out this Friday. If the air ever goes, we would have to go to a hotel!
    Stay as cool as possible, my friend!

    1. Thanks Martha. Very wise to get these things maintenanced. I need to do that as well. I did the hotel bit the first time but that costs too much now. The window unit is SO much cheaper and it's right here in case it's needed. πŸ’™

  5. Don't worry I will make you one with a white background and you will love it I'll make them until you love it. Isn't your air conditioner under warranty if it's only 3 years old ours was only 2 years old when we had to call and it was a simple little part that was paid for and it didn't cost anything. Also we do have a small $100 air conditioner a one room that's in the garage that's been there for like 15 or 20 years and over the years we've used it maybe four or five times because air conditioners always quit when it's really really hot. And then the year we had to wait 2 weeks to get a new air conditioner which was 20/20 we bought one of those that goes in the window with a hose you roll it around the house and now we have that in the closet so we're covered unless the power goes out. It's good to have a backup for sure if you live in the south prayers you get rain soon we got another 4 in last night in 45 minutes

    1. I would be a hot mess (literally) if I had to wait 2 weeks to get the A/C repaired. Yipes! Hope that never happens to y'all again. We've decided to keep the window unit in the window "just in case" this happens again in the middle of the night.
      Thanks for all the swirly graphics. You're so sweet to do that for me. Bless you!
      We should have rain, hopefully, by tomorrow or so. I pray that is so.πŸ’™

  6. I'm sorry about your AC! Good plan to have a backup one on hand. It's even hot here. It was 98 degrees when I got out of work today.
    I love the swirl!
    Hope you get some good bites on the bikes soon. You're right though - it's in God's hands and there is real comfort in that.

    1. 98*!!!?? Wow. That is hot for y'all. Hope this heat will 'break' soon and it will bring everyone rain and cooler temps. We need that so badly. Hope the rest of your day is lovely. πŸ’™

  7. It's nice that you have that spare AC unit for stand-by! I saw on Facebook that your fix was not too bad and not too expensive! Hooray! Hugs and blessings!!

    1. God is good, amen!? That little unit is now safely ensconced in the carport window for any future emergencies that may spring up. Blessing to you too my friend! πŸ’™

  8. What a great decision, having that 'spare' air conditioning unit at the ready. Panic? There's not a day that goes by I don't worry our HVAC is making a strange noise, or go running to the thermostat making sure the number isn't rising.
    Love the swirlies Sandra made for you. She sent me some, too, but I've not had a chance to use them. Hurray for good friends!

    1. I do that too about checking the A/C all Summer. I wish I was better had handling heat but my body's temp gauge is busted or something. I can't take too much heat!
      Sandra is so good with these things. I am totally clueless. πŸ’™

  9. Boy, I hope your AC problems are "cured" without going into debt(:0)
    I have to admit I am enjoying out little cooler spell before things heat up again. Right now its 79F. at noon and suppose to only get up to 88F. Delicious.

    1. Thankfully, the A/C fix was an easy one. It's something caused by the Fed Gov, of course. Be prepared as capacitor failures are coming to all A/C units in the future. 10% for the Big Guy! πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘
      79* is delicious! Enjoy that while it lasts. Our temp was 70* this morning. Very nice indeed, then it soared up to 88* now at 3:00 pm. It is so hot, windy and dry. Hope it rains soon. πŸ’™

  10. The swirls are so cute. I hope your AC is fixed soon and for a bargain price. With gas prices so high, $4.90 gallon in California, motorbikes may appeal to people. I live in a temperate climate area so don't have AC but it must be a blessing where you live.

  11. Bom dia, Sparky
    Passando por aqui para conhecer o seu blog, gostei muito. Γ‰ difΓ­cil quando o ar condicionado quebra, o calor estΓ‘ muito grande, mas graΓ§as a Deus vocΓͺ resolveu esse problema, um forte abraΓ§o.

  12. I love those swirls! Madsnapper is very talented indeed. I am not a tech wiz at all. Best of luck selling your bikes. I am always praying for you and Steve so pray they get sold. we have a/c and last summer when it was so hot our power went out 8 times, once for 7 hours. My girl in the middle who lives with us and her husband. She attends all the meeting at the town hall. There was a power co. liaison and they gave her the lady's number. I bet she was sorry to know our girl. haha but they had to put in a new transporter and of course it is located in our backyard. So far no problems this year but these hot days are unbearable outdoors. So when we are home, we are indoors. Hope all the a/c work out well. Have a wonderful new week.

  13. When we built a few years ago we did not put in an air conditioner. The neighbor said it never gets hit enough. I am glad we didn't, but it does indeed get hit enough a couple days a year .


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell