Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Musings & Another Birthday

Good morning folks! What a weekend huh? 

First of all I want to thank everyone who prayed for me concerning my sour attitude. Things feel a whole lot brighter. I know it's because y'all are Prayer Warriors plus Church was really fulfilling yesterday. I felt lighter inside after the uplifting service. God answers prayer and I'm super blessed that there are others who pray too with loving hearts. God bless you!  
Now on to the sad news, there was an assignation attempt on President Donald J. Trump Saturday the 13th. Those of us who are keenly attuned to what is right and wrong according to God's Holy Word have been expecting an attempt what with all the hateful rants that spew from the hellish Leftist media and our Government. We're all aware that the ranting, raving, lies and threats was meant to enrage some looney tune to make such an attempt. Sadly, one innocent bystander was murdered, others wounded and many traumatized. Their lives are forever changed because of the evil hearts of those in 'power' and in the propaganda machine. But we know that God is bigger than all our silly doings. The Left mean it for evil but HE who is our God and King means it for good. [Genesis 5:20] I'm sure we're all praying for the victims families, for President Trump and his staff and family. My question is, how did the shooter get within 130 yards of our President on a rooftop and in plain view? Some in attendance even pointed the shooter out to authorities before the terrible event! Hmmm ... This kind of reminds me of how the CIA murdered President John F. Kennedy, his brother Bobby, and the men who did the dirty deed. I hope someone will follow the money trail on this one. 

On to something more pleasant.
Today, our two Jack Russell Terriers brothers, Sam (left) and Jack, are 11 years old.  Where did the time go? I remember those first few weeks after bringing them home. As puppies they were so rambunctious and destructive! I thought I was going to go completely crackers before they finally calmed down. I even threatened to take them back to the breeder at some point. Glad I didn't now. Now that we're feeding them "real" food from the table (cooked eggs, chicken gizzards, etc.) and not the store bought kind in a bag, their health has improved greatly. That's saving us major bucks too. It's so much cheaper to be healthy. 

Why does the font suddenly change here on Blogger like that? Strange ... πŸ€”

This week will be busy. There are the usual errands of groceries and the like but one very important errand will be Steve taking our friend Tommy to his first eye appointment on Wednesday to start the ball rolling on the cataracts removal. Poor man is nearly blind now but good news is his life is improving as each month progresses. Things are looking up for him and that makes us all so happy! Thanking the Lord for answered prayer. And thank YOU for praying for him. Maybe soon Tommy can return to work too. He's really excited about that, I can tell. 

Thank you for stopping by, your prayers, and kindly words. Remember you are prayed for too. I hope the rest of your day is happy and bright. Keep looking up! Jesus may be taking us out of the way of what is to come very soon. God bless.
~ Sparky ~


  1. After what happened Saturday, I couldn't stop crying, Sparky. All the memories of previous assassinations of candidates or presidents came flooding back to me as if they were happening all over again. I'm convinced more than ever that God's mighty hand turned President Trump's head just at the crucial moment. I pray, too, that this hateful rhetoric will stop, on both sides of the spectrum, and we can be unified as Americans first.
    God bless you and yours!

  2. I'm so grateful for your "load" being lifted. I feel it too. This weekend was horrible but it sure rallied some of us to pray with more intention. I really pray for those innocent bystanders too. that poor family of the man murdered.
    Praying angels will stand guard over Pres. Trump while he is at the convention.
    Your talk about the healthy food you feed your dogs now sounds like the commercial about dog food in the fridge..haha
    I'm finally feeling like getting back into life again. God is good and He holds our hands.

  3. I was just thinking about Tommy the other day and wondering how he was doing!
    Funny, your 'boys' birthday ... our girls will be 11 on the 28th. They were so naughty -- and mostly, they WEREN'T Caraleigh, my 'heart dog' that had passed 3 months previously. We got them for Tom who was going through chemo and super depressed, but my heart wasn't in it. I think it was 6 months before I reconciled myself to the fact they wouldn't be going away anytime soon. I really need to take a page from y'all on their daily diet.
    This assassination attempt stinks on so many levels. Thankfully, almost everyone at Bible study this morning was in agreement ... and the couple who didn't speak up had the grace to stay silent. Pray for the haters!

  4. Happy birthday to your two pups!! I'm glad I'm not alone in wondering why the fonts ALWAYS change when I post my blog. I always have to go back in and change things back. Drives me bonkers! Praying for this country daily.

  5. I'm so glad you are feeling better and thankful for answered prayers.
    I have that happen with my font too. Looks normal as I work on it, then it posts funny!
    Happy birthday to your boys.
    Yes, it was quite a weekend. Thankful that President Trump was protected, but so sad about the man that was killed. Yes, our country needs prayer! And praying for the election too!

  6. Happy Birthday 11th birthday to the pups! May they continue to be healthy and live long lives!

    I wasn’t surprised on Saturday, but then I was if that makes any sense. I’m heartbroken for the man who was killed and his family. Tragic.

  7. Happy Birthday to you adorable boys, all that puppy energy is why we adopt senior dogs.. My niece had 2, just like yours, Jack and Jill, and they lived to be 17 years old.. My friend Diane had Sammy who lived to 18.. Hope yours do also... you did good to stick with them.
    I am so happy to hear your cloud has lifted and that Tommy is having his cataracts removed. Going back to work! YAY! He has been blessed to have you and your church to help him. I fear our nation is headed for civil war

  8. I am glad that you and your husband sound better and he's having his contacts done.
    I agree with you about Trump - and it is wrong in oh so many ways. I pray for the country too. I just can't believe some people get on social media and say too bad they missed. :(
    I think your dogs are precious - we all grow older don't we?
    Have a good day!

  9. Happy Birthday kiddos! Glad you are feeling better. You will not regret giving your animals real food rather than the poison stuff from the orient. My daughter now feeds real food to her dogs along and they are tip top!
    Of course this Trump thing had to happen. The controllers are desperate to institute their one world dictatorship at this point. Never fear though, its been done before.. nimrod, Assyria, gypt, babylon, rome, britain and al of them went down the toilet . Nothing new under the sun and this too shall pass.

  10. Hey girl, I just stopped by to wish you well and say goodbye. I am transferring my blog and shutting down Blogger. I always loved your comments and you always made me smile. You're awesome!
    God bless and keep looking up!

  11. Blogger is blogger...I have noticed subtle changes. Wishing Jack and Sam a happy belated birthday, smiles. Wishing you a lovely weekend. smiles.


  12. As I read on another web-site this morning....We need to THANK GOD that the wound to Donald Trump’s ear was minor and that he did need any stitches or any or hospital treatment The bottom Line is that The Assassination Attempt Was Real

    And that If Trump hadn’t turned his head when he did he would be dead
    These Democratic Morons and the Idiots on “The View” and the two Creeps on the “Morning Joe” show make light of it, forgetting that an innocent person died., and two others are still lying in the Hospital.
    The Pathetic Democratic, Progressive Ghouls think it was staged. But the Sociopath Joe Biden is lying in his Safe Basement with “Covet” afraid to come out and face the growing line of Democrats who want him OUT

    1. Absolutely agree OandR. Well said. We need to remember to pray for President Trump, his family & staff and even our enemies every day (that they will give their hearts to Jesus, repent & be saved).
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. God bless and keep looking up. Jesus will be removing all who trust and believe in Him soon. Amen! πŸ’™

  13. The attempted murder of Trump was terrible. I believe it was a set up. They have no answers that make sense at all. Happy Birthday to Sam and Jack.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell