Monday, March 25, 2024

Monday Musings


Good morning good folks! 

I hope everyone had a delightful, easy weekend?! Mine was uneventful. We had a dear friend over on Friday evening to break bread together. Saturday was my day of rest. Then Sunday it was Sunday School and Church. 

Today, I have an appointment at the Urologist for the cystoscopy. I have to have one of these performed about every 10 years because if I don't I'll begin having urology difficulties. 🀣 No biggy just an owie for a little while. God always supplies the doctors or whatever I need when I need it. And since the procedure can be quite painful, especially at first, I always opt for the drugging before the procedure. Steve will have to drive me around today. He doesn't mind. I get another day of rest!

The Hummingbirds are here! First it was only the males to stake out their territory. Sunday a female has arrived. I love it when they are here. Hopefully the Great-crested Flycatchers will soon be nesting in the big gourd homes out front. Their songs fill the air all of Spring. Then they leave us to our Summer heat but it's nice while they are here. πŸ˜„

That's it for now. Gotta "go". I pray your day is sweet and full of the grace of God that flows from His Holy Throne. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday


Rejoice, rejoice 'o Christian! Our Saviour is here! 'Tis Christ the Lord.
If we didn't have Jesus, we wouldn't have anything.
HE wipes away all our sins forever. When HE went to the cross HE carried all our sins. Be wise. Let HIM transform your life. HE gives life! Make sure right now that your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev. 21:27) to spend eternity with God the Father. The stench is reaching HIS nostrils and time is running out for tribulation and judgement. Ask and trust HIM today. Trust and believe in HIM to be saved for all eternity. 
After all, it's all about HIM. To God be the glory. Hallelujah!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Monday Musings


Reality Check by Dave Whamond

I know, right?! My husband really struggles with those bags. 😡‍πŸ’« Bless his heart. Tomorrow is our day to forage for food but today Steve took an ailing neighbor to our local grocery store because he can't drive. He rides his bicycle nearly everywhere but the journey from Offerman to Blackshear, then back again on that busy Highway 84 is just too scary and lengthy for someone with dim vision. No way would we let him ride there when we can take an hour out of our day to help. Happy to do it. God always supplies what we all need when we need it. To Him be the glory. 

While Steve was performing said errand I noticed a HUGE limb had broke lose on the ancient Water Oak near the pump house. In my futile mind it was still dangling precariously when returned home. People get killed by those things every year! I informed him that I was going to get the old pickup with lots of rope to yank it down before it squished me or one of the dogs. He walked over and pulled on it one time ✨✨CRASH✨✨ went the limb! Nobody died but it did shake the ground a little bit. He kinda looked at me, like, "So, what's the problem?" πŸ˜ I laughed at my silliness because I am terrified of loose limbs or dead trees. Ok. Well, now that has to be chopped up and disposed of. 

Sunday after Church most of our Sunday School class met at El Vaquero's in Patterson for a noon repast. We had such a great time. What a lovely bunch of folks these are. ❣️ We've prayed together, cried together, rejoiced together, ate together, and learned together. Because of Jesus and His Holy Spirit I have come to love all these dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ more than anything. They are good for me and to me. I hope I am the same for them.

I finished "Breaking Free". Now I'm halfway through "All My Knotted Up Life" by Beth Moore. On page 2 when Ms. Moore says, "Several of these knots I've kept clenched in a sweaty fist all my life" I nearly dropped the book!! That's me! I was stuck on Age 10, cowering in the corner ready for any fight or defense from an abusive parent. I had realized this flaw in my character well over a year ago. God had revealed that. Thank you Lord! I was treating my dear Holy Father who truly loves me, like he was the earthly broken one I got stuck with. What an eye opener Ms. Moore's book is already proving to be. πŸ’•πŸ˜ I give Him permission to continue to reveal my flaws, sins, and errors that need correcting. May His will be done. 

The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have arrived! The males have started rolling in at our property yesterday. I'm so excited. Love it when they're in residence. That means that the Great-crested Flycatchers can't be far behind. One of the best things about Spring and Summer is all the birds that nest here. 

Well, I've got laundry to finish up, yardwork to do, limbs to cut up, flowers that should be watered, a house that needs attention and Maggie 🐢 is staring at me like I'm some oracle of wisdom. πŸ€” She must think I have food. Brat. That's life in the Country. 

Thanks for putting the kickstand down and staying awhile. Remember, Jesus loves you and wants you with Him forever. "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey." Keep witnessing to this lost and dying world and looking up. He'll be comin' to get His Bride soon! πŸ’’

❣️ 🏍️ Ride Safe πŸ️ ❣️

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge-Volume 542


Original post questions here if you'd like to join in.

πŸ€ 1. Thursday is National Pi Day...are you good at math? Pretty much. I can't do high finance but I get along pretty well. What was the last thing you had to calculate? Paying the bills, you know, juggling our what feels like $2 to stretch it to cover everything needed. Ok, I may have exaggerated a little bit ... it's more like $4. Before taxes. πŸ€£ Did you use your head or technology? Both. Last slice of pie you ate? About 5 years ago. We gave up most sugar and carb's about then. I feel much better not eating junk food anymore. 

πŸ€ 2. What makes a house a home?  Having Jesus reside in our hearts and that my sweet husband is still here. I so super grateful to God for us both being alive and together. I give Him the glory.  πŸ˜

πŸ€ 3. Your current favorite green thing?  The grass greening up after it being brown all winter, the lime green leaves on the Oaks, the pine needles swaying in the warm breezes. It's delightful.

πŸ€ 4. How do you define achievement? That's not something I think about. Don't know what to say.  How does your personal definition look similar to, or different than, society's definition? I'm sure my way of thinking is way different from the world! I hope so.  What's something you think is worth achieving in life?  Becoming a better cook in case I have to feed myself some day, memorizing God's Holy Word, and serving others as best I can. When we serve others we serve God.

πŸ€ 5. What song is a good soundtrack for your life right now?  "Running On Empty" by Jackson Browne. It feels that way sometimes. 

πŸ€ 6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Between all the yard work, the weekly keeping the house spit spot, running errands, helping a neighbor and everything else, I'm worn out. My own fault. Part of the feeling tired is an old urology issue that has raised it's ugly head and one other issue that I hadn't had a problem with for about 4 or 5 years. When it rains, it pours. πŸ˜‰ That's OK. Neither are life threatening. Just an annoying part of life. God's got this. I did manage to make an appointment for in 2 weeks time to address the urology issue. It's something that happens to me every 10 years or so. The other is OTC (over-the-counter) and should correct itself with the right care. It's just all the discomfort is making me sleep deprived on top of everything else. Hopefully, I'll stop being ratty and difficult to deal with by Sunday πŸ˜‚ since that's our 45th First Date Anniversary. I do want to go somewhere to celebrate. We might wanna celebrate on Saturday instead of Sunday because it will involve a little traveling. Just thinking out loud.  πŸ˜

Thanks for stopping by and your always welcome comments. Ride Safe dear ones.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Blessings

Tired again. I just couldn't get in the mood to answer so many questions. I only wanted to wish everyone a blessed Sunday. I've turned off the comments this time so we can all relax.

We're off to Church to spend time with dear friends and worship the One Who loves us best. Remember that Jesus LOVE YOU. I pray He will be removing us to His side soon and that "none shall perish". πŸ’ Have a glorious day friends. Oh, and I hope everyone remembered to adjust their clocks!

 πŸ’ Ride Safe πŸ’

Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday Fotos

🌻 It's a short post this week. We've been busy mowing, cutting and removing old trees, burning leaves, and planting the flowers purchased from County Farm Plants in Baxley. 

🌻 Steve noticed that Maggie photobombed the photo. I'm not surprised as she's almost always near at least one of us. 

🌻 The finished product. The trellis in the middle is the Solar Butterfly Lights I bought on Amazon. They don't look like much here but are lovely at night (short video at YouTube). 

🌻 Thanks for stopping by! I may not have time to post this weekend or I might do the Sunday Stealing. We'll see. Let me say hope the rest of your day and weekend are wonderful. Sending love and prayers. Catchya on the flip flop. πŸ˜Š

Ride Safe