Saturday, February 24, 2024

Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Fotos


Welcome to Friday Fotos. This will be a short post today. It's been a quiet week other than meeting with friends on Wednesday. (I know, I didn't snap any photos. My bad.) We've mostly been doing the usual grocery and shopping errands. When home we're cleaning and doing yardwork around the property. Once Summer sets in here I stay inside in the A/C. I can't take the severe heat nor humidity. 

Today must be Backward Day because I've posted the photos of events backwards and don't feel like fixing it. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Right now it's a rush to get everything in Apple Pie order before the heat sets in! πŸ₯΅ We managed to get another dying Pear tree down and chopped up. Because I had mowed for hours earlier my energy level gave out halfway through the cleanup. Steve decided it's best we both stop and leave the picking up and burning for another day. That's OK. The tree's not going anywhere. πŸ˜

Earlier, while Steve was out buying more supplies, I finished mulching leaves and pine straw that had collected all over the land. 

Afterwards I did one of my daily prayer circle walks around the perimeter. I'm always checking the fence and gates as I pray to make sure there's no openings, holes or collapses because Maggie (the little escape artist brat) will not get out and go exploring. She likes to help, of course, following along checking with me. πŸ‘€πŸ˜… Anyway, I spotted a new bird egg that was left in the debris pushed off to the side. It wasn't there earlier when I was mowing. Steve said it's an Eastern Screech Owl's egg. πŸ¦‰ I've been hearing them call early of the morning. Now I know where at least one pair are nesting! I love our wild birds. All the predatory birds nest earlier than the song birds or water fowl so that their young will have something to eat. Another one of God's ways of protecting all His creation. Super cool.

It's Friday! Whatchy'all got planned? I think I'm going to relax the rest of the day and weekend. Monday is soon enough for more of this hard work Tomfoolery. πŸ€ͺ Maybe I'll work on more of my genealogy mysteries. That's always fun. 'Supposed to rain anyway. It'll be a good day to "do nothing". 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is easy, uneventful, prosperous and super blessed that flows only from His Holy Throne. 

Sparky and The Brat (Maggie) relaxing.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024



🌞 Greetings from beautiful sunny Georgia! The weather lately has been picture perfect for which I'm very grateful. This year I'm weary of winter. ❄️Steve and I have been busy preparing the property for our Spring flower planting. 🌻 With all the overgrown trees, heavy leaf fall, and weeds everywhere it's quite an undertaking to clean up when there's over 6 acres involved. Thankfully, I'm not trying to clear all the acreage anymore. I'm letting most of it go feral these days, but there's enough still open to keep us in aches and pains for awhile. πŸ˜‚

🌞 Reading ... still reading "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. I'm a slow reader plus I want to savor every paragraph she's sharing. It's really good. When I want light reading I've started on "The Thirteen Problems" by Agatha Christie again. I have all her books and have read them all so often they're all dogeared and worn. She's one of my favorite Authors. 

🌞 Watching ... casting from the internet various snippets off YouTube. We stream everything. Cancelled that overpriced DirecTV ages ago. Streaming is the only way to fly. I wish I'd done that sooner. 

🌞 Thinking ... not about much. Too busy watching video's and playing computer games. My favorites are JigSaw PuzzlesMahjong and the card games Solitaire and Free Cell I had added to this laptop.

🌞 Feeling ... content for me and mine but concerned about a friend and sister in Christ. Our Pastor's wife is very ill. She is in hospital with pneumonia, again. πŸ’” Jackie is so special, very talented, fun to talk to, and so very loved. We're all concerned for her with extra prayers for her to be well. Thank you if you whispered one too. πŸ’“

🌞 Grateful ... for the love of Jesus Christ in my life, for all my wonderful friends and dear husband, that we are healthy, that I live some place where I feel safe, and, at the moment, nothing hurts. πŸ˜‰ That's a biggy at my age.

🌞 Looking forward to ... a luncheon date with our best friends Vicki & Lewis. Such great folks. Vicki is recovering from wrist, arm, elbow surgery. Bless her heart she's had a time with her health ever since getting the Fauci juice. It's been one thing after two others. Anyway, getting together with these good friends is always uplifting.

🌞 Giggling at ... 

🌞 On that note, I'll leave y'all to enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for stopping by. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon! 
❤️‍πŸ”₯πŸ˜‡ πŸ’“

Ride Safe, 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Music


 Stolen from PinInterest (Original here)

Name a song that ...

🎼 1. You enjoy, in another language.  "Eres Tu" by Mocedades

"Eres Tu" means "You Are". Below are the Lyrics in English: 

Like a promise, you are, you are...
like a summer morning.
Like a smile, you are, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are like my hope, you are, you are... [to me]
like a fresh rain in my hands.
Like a strong breeze, you are, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are the water of my fountain
You are the warmth in my home
You are ...
You are something like, ohhhh
Like the fire in my fireplace (something like the fire from my fireplace)
You are ...
(You are something like, ohhhh)
The wheat in my bread
My love, you are something like that
Like my poem, you are, you are [to me]
Like a guitar in the night,
you are all my horizon, you are [to me]
That's how, that's how, you are [that's how I perceive you]
You are the source of my water
You are the warmth in my home
You are (You are something like, ohhhh)
Like the fire in my fireplace (something like the fire from my fireplace)
You are (You are something like, ohhhh)
The wheat of my bread (my love, you are something like that).
You are...

🎼 2. Recently introduced you to a new singer.  There is no modern music I care for, that I can think of. They were playing some kind of crap music in Ace Hardware the other day. I had to leave it was so awful. 

🎼 3. You listen to to energize.  Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) or New World Symphony (Dvorak)

🎼 4. Is your favorite song from a musical.  "On The Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady. 

🎼 5. Reminds you of an old love.  "(They Long To Be) Close To You" by Karen Carpenter

🎼 6. Make you think of one of your children.  Never been blessed in that respect. πŸ˜Š

🎼 7. Makes you smile when you hear it.  "Moon River". It reminds me of when I tried to learn the guitar because it was one of the lessons I was given to learn. I didn't do well so gave up. My talents followed other paths. 

🎼 8. You love but is quite unknown.  "I Only Have Eyes For You" by Art Garfunkel. For me, his version is the absolute best. His voice is as sweet as honey.  

🎼 9. That annoys you.  "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Ugh. Can not stand that song.  😱

🎼 10. That your parents used to listen to.  My step-mom, Myra, liked listening to Polka, Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, Roy Clark (the best guitar player ever), those types of genre. I 'inherited' my love for good tunes from her. Myra's favorite song was "Last Dance" by Floyd Cramer. Every time I hear it now I tear up. I do miss her terribly. She's the only Mother I remember.  πŸ’Œ

🎼 11. From your early years of childhood. πŸ’“ (see #7 and #10)

🎼 12. That has a color in the title.  "Blue Clear Sky" by George Strait. 

🎼 13. That needs to be played loud.  "Drivin' My Life Away" by Eddie Rabbitt (1980). I still like his tunes. It's a shame he passed away so young. 

🎼 14. That is perfect for a road trip.  That depends on what mood I'm in: might be soft rock, or Classical, or Old Hymns or 70s-80s Country or Rock-A-Billy. If I'm with my husband there's no music because we talk. 

🎼 15. That reminds you of yourself.  "Sister Golden Hair" by America also "Running On Empty" by Jackson Browne. We're about the same age. Gotta go now because I wanna hop on my motorbike and pop some rooster tails down our old dirt road ... bet I still can.  πŸ˜„πŸ️

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your Sunday is lovely. πŸ’“

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Happy Caturday


How about a little giggle to get us kickstarted for the day.


Let's Ride! πŸ️πŸ’“

Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday Fotos

🌻 As the temperatures slowly rise in preparation for Spring in the Southeast the dormant wildflowers have been making themselves known. First, we are decided to prepare the soil for planting a bag of Burpee wildflowers for Butterflies and Hummingbirds. 

🌻 The next day we took a drive through neighboring Wayne County.

🌻 A well groomed dirt road in Wayne County. I wish our County roads looked this good.

🌻 One of our harbingers of Spring is the Wild Mustard that grows along the dirt roads all over the Southeast.

🌻 What are they? I don't know. They are low growing and make the fields a lovely lilac hue when growing en masse.

🌻 An old barn near Screven, Georgia

🌻 Me standing next to one of our metal steeds. It was still chilly until after Noon. Then it became warm, balmy, and the air sweet.

🌻  Yesterday, we worked on removing one more old Pear tree. Two down, two to go! πŸ˜… Unfortunately, we didn't finish cutting or removing the old Pear yet. Steve's back gave out, bless his heart. He had to go rest. 

🌻 Meanwhile, Maggie had to "help" our outside activities by chasing away whatever was hiding under an old burned out stump. She's such a hoot.

🌻 That's it. I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend.  πŸ’ŒπŸ️

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Real Love Story


The first real love story. Amen? Thank you Jesus for saving us from the "wrath to come". By His grace we are saved.

Right now I'm comfortably ensconced in my recliner with a belly full of New England Breakfast Blend coffee and the heater humming peacefully along because it's 33* outside. I am anxious to get out there to begin preparing for Spring planting. Yesterday, I spotted this design in a magazine. It's made from grape vines. One of our plans is to have as big a Butterfly garden as possible off one of our back decks. We live on a fairly good size amount of acreage surrounded by woods. Therefore there is an abundant supply of free muscadine grape vines trailing off the pines and scrub oaks. I plan (note 'plan', doesn't mean I will 'do') to chop some down and while the vine is green and pliable, make this design myself. I used to do things like that Way Back When. $30 to $40 for a premade one is just silly when there's ample free vines all around. With these plans in mind I have ordered a small string of solar fairy lights off Amazon to dress it up with. Stay tuned to see if I actually follow through. "The best made plans ..." etc. etc. πŸ˜…πŸ˜

"Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
  That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
  Was blind, but now I see."

I hope your day is blessed with the true love that flows from His throne to our hearts. πŸ’“