Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday Fotos

🌻 As the temperatures slowly rise in preparation for Spring in the Southeast the dormant wildflowers have been making themselves known. First, we are decided to prepare the soil for planting a bag of Burpee wildflowers for Butterflies and Hummingbirds. 

🌻 The next day we took a drive through neighboring Wayne County.

🌻 A well groomed dirt road in Wayne County. I wish our County roads looked this good.

🌻 One of our harbingers of Spring is the Wild Mustard that grows along the dirt roads all over the Southeast.

🌻 What are they? I don't know. They are low growing and make the fields a lovely lilac hue when growing en masse.

🌻 An old barn near Screven, Georgia

🌻 Me standing next to one of our metal steeds. It was still chilly until after Noon. Then it became warm, balmy, and the air sweet.

🌻  Yesterday, we worked on removing one more old Pear tree. Two down, two to go! πŸ˜… Unfortunately, we didn't finish cutting or removing the old Pear yet. Steve's back gave out, bless his heart. He had to go rest. 

🌻 Meanwhile, Maggie had to "help" our outside activities by chasing away whatever was hiding under an old burned out stump. She's such a hoot.

🌻 That's it. I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend.  πŸ’ŒπŸ️


  1. Good morning from Central Florida, I was born in Savannah GA which makes me a Ga Peach, but my mother was morn here in Florida. I read yesterday all of you page about your dogs. we are very much alike. all of our dogs, 6 of them in 40 years, have been rescues, I fell in love with Maggie, and see her here today. thanks for you comments on my Madsnapper blog. I have a page about each dog on MadSnapper if you want to see ours. Your Jack Russells are beautiful, my friend had one, and my niece has one now, recently lost her two she had for 17 years.
    I can relate to all your pups.

  2. I loved your photos, Sparky! So sorry that Steve's back gave out on him, and I do hope he feels better soon. By the way, the last dog we had was named Maggie; I still miss her.

  3. It’s always enjoyable watching someone else do work. 🀣
    It’s been rainy this past week. We don’t have too much yard work to do but we are planning to redo our front yard this spring/summer. Last year was the backyard. We don’t have a big property so it’s manageable.
    It’s sure nice to have a helpful doggie! Mine also loves to be in the midst of activity.
    Enjoyed the photos.

  4. Love your photos! We have some light snow but quite chilly outside. I know as I have watch the pups. My grandson lives up the street and a few blocks away. He took a photo of a HUGE hawk so we have to watch this lil ones outside. I hope that hawk headed somewhere else. You keep so busy and I am so sorry Steve's back gave him a trouble. It is true that getting older is not for sissies! I feel my achy bones and joints everyday. Sigh.... Have a blessed weekend and take care.

  5. Beautiful! I'm sorry about Steve's back; please caution him not to overdo things. Maggie's such a hoot. They love to 'help', don't they?

  6. I am sorry about Steve's back too. I love your Jack Rusell's - we had a mix with Jack Rusell - we miss him! Getting older is hard! Enjoyed your photos.

  7. It's looking lovely in your area! You're giving me Spring fever.
    That's such a good verse - a great reminder every day!

  8. I am sorry to hear about Steve's poor back. I hope a bit of R&R has him back on his feet. Your Spring flowers are going to look so beautiful! I enjoyed all of your photos, Pam!! Happy weekend!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell