Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Fotos


Welcome to Friday Fotos. This will be a short post today. It's been a quiet week other than meeting with friends on Wednesday. (I know, I didn't snap any photos. My bad.) We've mostly been doing the usual grocery and shopping errands. When home we're cleaning and doing yardwork around the property. Once Summer sets in here I stay inside in the A/C. I can't take the severe heat nor humidity. 

Today must be Backward Day because I've posted the photos of events backwards and don't feel like fixing it. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Right now it's a rush to get everything in Apple Pie order before the heat sets in! πŸ₯΅ We managed to get another dying Pear tree down and chopped up. Because I had mowed for hours earlier my energy level gave out halfway through the cleanup. Steve decided it's best we both stop and leave the picking up and burning for another day. That's OK. The tree's not going anywhere. πŸ˜

Earlier, while Steve was out buying more supplies, I finished mulching leaves and pine straw that had collected all over the land. 

Afterwards I did one of my daily prayer circle walks around the perimeter. I'm always checking the fence and gates as I pray to make sure there's no openings, holes or collapses because Maggie (the little escape artist brat) will not get out and go exploring. She likes to help, of course, following along checking with me. πŸ‘€πŸ˜… Anyway, I spotted a new bird egg that was left in the debris pushed off to the side. It wasn't there earlier when I was mowing. Steve said it's an Eastern Screech Owl's egg. πŸ¦‰ I've been hearing them call early of the morning. Now I know where at least one pair are nesting! I love our wild birds. All the predatory birds nest earlier than the song birds or water fowl so that their young will have something to eat. Another one of God's ways of protecting all His creation. Super cool.

It's Friday! Whatchy'all got planned? I think I'm going to relax the rest of the day and weekend. Monday is soon enough for more of this hard work Tomfoolery. πŸ€ͺ Maybe I'll work on more of my genealogy mysteries. That's always fun. 'Supposed to rain anyway. It'll be a good day to "do nothing". 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day is easy, uneventful, prosperous and super blessed that flows only from His Holy Throne. 

Sparky and The Brat (Maggie) relaxing.


  1. Sounds like you worked plenty hard and are due a little rest.
    So cool to see that egg. I hope more are laid and hatch.
    Maggie's a cute little helper.

    1. Oh, me too. I hope there's bunches more birds around.
      Maggie's the sweetest, smartest, most fun dog I've ever owned. God knew what I needed before I knew I needed her. What a blessing.

  2. Lots of work!! Yes, the tree will wait. I have some owls here in the forest on the back and front of me including a very big barn owl. He once sat on my porch and I was surprised how huge they are. I like to hear them late at night. I wish I could work in the yard.

    1. It's so wonderful to hear our owls hooting again. I love our wild birds. You'll be outside before much longer. Right now it's time to rest and enjoy that beautiful new bathroom! So lovely.

  3. Wowzer girl! I'm exhausted just hearing about your tasks' list. But agree, the heat and humidity aren't to be reckoned with. Those owls wouldn't mess with Maggie, would they? (I'm such an ignorant city slicker.)

    1. No, you're not ignorant. You're sweet. I'm learning cool things about God's creation all the time. The Barred Owl might could hurt 'em if the doggies were wee little. Screech Owls are little tiny guys. They're just cute.

  4. I enjoyed your post and seeing the progress you are making around your neck of the woods! How exciting to find a Screech Owl's egg! I hope it's okay where it is? Did it fall out of a nest? Or was that the nest? Anyway, I love owls and would love to have some nesting here, but we don't seem to have them here. We sometimes can hear Barred Owls in the distance, but not close enough to see. It's good to get out and do some yard work, etc., but it's also good to sit down and rest a spell and just enjoy the beauty around you. Thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed your post so much. Now I need to go back in time and check some that I may have missed. I am sorry for not keeping up better!

    1. Birds take the discarded eggs and dispose of them away from their nest(s) so other predators won't find their babies.
      I think it's not showing up in your timeline because you're not listed on the "Followers" area?
      Resting was a good plan today. I can't keep up this pace for long.
      Thanks for finding me again!! I missed you.

  5. you are blessed to have your oh so beautiful land and a sweet girl to follow you around and also to have the strength and health to do all that tomfoolery you are doing. I am with you on inside with AC as soon as the heat/humidity his us. about the cell getting full of photos. I don't leave the photos in the cell phone. I take them, and as soon as they hit the cloud I delete them and then delete them from the trash..


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell