Thursday, July 28, 2011

Help Wanted

QUOTE OF THE DECADE: "The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." (especially when he is most undeniably a non-citizen)

~~ Author Unknown

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This Sums Up Our Current Condition Nicely

A small Michigan Newspaper Editorial Opinion.
[click to enlarge]

Brevity is the gift of Kings.

Ever get this awful feeling that the light at the end of the tunnel is a train ...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In Your Face(book)

It seems we've switched on something we can't switch off. The current of information is seemingly endless and sometimes overwhelming. I do enjoy some of the features of Social Networking but I think it's made some who share lazy with their manners. Proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure are nearly dead ... not that I've ever been any shining example there. Freedoms are being won and lost without firing a bullet. Everyone knows where we work, what we had to eat, who we sleep with, what we believe in. And we share it all willingly. The media bombards us with multichannel assaults on our time and attention, and the more it continues, the more desensitized to our Western Culture we become.

We have become gods in our own minds.

I had a friend post this recently:
TO ALL MY FELLOW NUTS - I just realized ... We sit and stare at a screen. We talk to ourselves. We have imaginary friends and farms, cities and fake animals. We cook imaginary food in imaginary bakeries. We poke people and think its okay. We even write on walls. Think about it ... Facebook is a mental hospital and we are all patients ...

That description certainly fits all Social Networking to a “t“! When I first signed up, it was amusing. Posting about our daily activities, playing the silly games [I enjoy Zombie Lane], commenting on or “like“-ing other‘s posts, keeping up with what new unconstitutional law the politicians where contemplating on passing. Then, Facebook became a burden. My husband really hated it! So Hubby and I notified all there and left. It was such a relaxing week. [giggle] Many friends contacted us, "Are you Ok?" "Anything wrong?" They thought we had lost our marbles, I guess. Well, I finally relented and reactivated my account. Hubby never did return. Smart man! I had become tired of the harshness of the network but I think it‘s because I wasn‘t being discerning with those desiring to be “friends“. I’m much more careful now.

In case you haven’t heard, "Defriending" and blocking someone is the new cruelty. I do try not to do that. But some “friends” have to be blocked because having a daily view into the innermost workings of their minds is undesirable, to be polite. Even though we may disagree on politics, religion or anything else, I do try to be nice about it but with some that's not always possible. I’ve had some try to verbally eviscerate me. If we had been in the room when they made their nasty remarks I might have given them a knuckle sandwich. Yeah, they got that nasty. But I think it’s the anonymity of the medium that allows such rudeness.

But that aside, Social Networking can be a wonderful opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. In a world otherwise being made numb by digital noise, how can we as Christians make the word of God relevant to the lost world again so that all may be saved? Heed my voice Americans: without asking God into our politics or our schools or our lives, our lovely Western Culture will be completely lost. And to be blunt, white men must start voting and being more politically active! Call it 'racist' all one wants, it is what it is. Look at our current government. If we hold a mirror up to the faces of the evil that lurks there in the White House, we can only see ourselves. They are only a reflection of what happens when belief in God is removed from a society.

Like I always say, people get the government they deserve.

Enough of the innermost workings of my mind. Now I really must go kill more Zombie's.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Eye On The Prize

Cataract removal with
lens replacement

Hubby is scheduled for his first cataract removal, lens replacement tomorrow at O'Dark Thirty. Apparently, the doctors prefer to only remove one cataract at a time. I would have preferred having them both removed at one sitting but "they" don't do it that way.

And the lucky dawg won't have to wear glasses anymore! NOT FAIR!! [ha ha]

Thanks to his ailment I've learned more about cataracts than I ever cared to know and I'll probably not retain a bit of the info. One thing I will remember is the cost.

But, we won't go there. [grin]

Aw well. It's just another adventure ...

Friday, July 8, 2011

What's Happenin'?!

Hubby and Sparky
Boerne, Texas
June 2011

These past few months I've been feeling listless, easily confused, unhappy and was generally uninterested in anything other than sitting. Anyone who knows me personally knows that this is very uncharacteristic. Hubby was always amazed at how much I would accomplish in a day. Well, that had come to a crashing halt this past Spring. The doctor I was using then seemed more interested in data-entry into her computer during my visit than listening to my ailments. That would not do! So, I decided to try another General Practitioner. Guess what, I like this guy. He's a bundle of energy AND he left his cotton-pickin' computer in his office! Everything is written down like in the old days. He actually listened to my concerns. First visit the nurse drew so much blood I thought I was visiting Dracula. :) After a series of tests, it showed that one of my ailments can be contributed to a B-12 deficiency. Since I'm Medically Challenged, I had not heard of such a condition. "Sounds like voodoo to me", I griped. Well, after hanging up the phone I checked the conditions on the Internet: "confusion, mild dementia, etc. etc." BINGO! That convinced me. I had the first shot over 3 weeks ago and, lo-and-behold, what a difference the right diagnosis makes! I'm now a bundle of energy and full of my usual quick quips.

I'm back!

And B-12 Rocks!

After I get control of this annoying joint and muscle pain, I think I'll be good to go again. Another doctor recently visited suggested X-rays and MRI. All that going back and to doctors produced the analysis of arthritis and bone spurs in the right hip. Now I'm scheduled for a "procedure" (they didn't bother to give me the technical name) next Wednesday to hopefully get rid of that pain. Get this, though, I have to be sedated and the shot injected accompanied by an X-ray machine to get to the exact spot! Yipes! I'm not looking forward to that. At least I'll be in La La Land during the procedure.

Anyway, stay tuned Sports Fans, Sparky is back!

[By the bye, for those of you who where following me at The Reluctant Patiot: that blog has been deleted. Y'all are just gonna have to put up with my political views here. Two blogs where just too much to keep up with. Thanks for understanding! God bless.]

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mum's The Word

My Three Mothers
Click To Enlarge
I've touched on this subject before so I won't bore my dear listeners again. All my Mother's are with Jesus. I will just add that we don't know the time nor the season when we shall be called Home. One day our loved ones may not be here to talk to anymore. Mine sure where gone in the blink of an eye.

With that said, I hope every mother out there in bloggyland has a wonderful day.

God bless. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

60th Annual National Day Of Prayer

Tomorrow, May 5th, is the 60th Annual National Day of Prayer.

One can search for a place to meet with other like-minded believers here. With all our very important requests and gracious "thank you's" to our Lord, please remember to pray for our nation and it's leaders. We have truly immoral, evil leadership. But as I think on this, I realize that our leaders are merely a reflection of our own immorality. Our nation is becoming like the fig tree that Jesus cursed and it withered. Perhaps our Lord Jesus will have mercy on us if we are of one mind and with one voice, have contrition and ask for forgiveness and His help.

Have a blessed day everyone.

"I will say to the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Psalm 91:2