Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh Deer!

Our feeder has been attracting some interesting nocturnal visitors. It's mostly been 'coons but we've had a few rabbits and possums.

"Maybe if I shake this thing
it'll give me more

During the day the squirrels have a free feast too. The woodland floor is littered with the little shaky tailed critters. However, finally, a few nights ago, deer have been approaching the feeder.

Take a load at this nice looking 6 point.

"Did you get my good side?"

There is also a 4 point and several does with yearlings. Of course, this is all just in time for the end of hunting season. [sigh] Oh well. We both just enjoy looking at our woodland critters anyway.

I would like to construct a tower stand near the feeder just for viewing. It could also double as our observation post for our amateur astronomy. Many of our neighbors have made it a point not to add to already too much light pollution in our country, so, our area stays wonderfully dark.

I sure appreciate living here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Thermometer Says Winter But It's Dog Days Around Here

Sam is having such terrible skin and coat problems. He can no longer be sent to the groomers for this reason. After a grooming, it would sometimes take me a week to get his skin to look normal. He would turn beet red and just about scratch himself silly. The Vet suggested "Universal Medicated Shampoo" that he must be bathed in religiously. Plus he's on daily oral medication called "Catalyst" (soft chewables). All this seems to be working. At least I know how to groom miniature schnauzers but I had quit when my neck was in such bad shape. Fortunately, I no longer suffer from neck pain! So, using the nice new grooming table and area hubby made for me, I've been caring for the little guy myself. I'm afraid to clip any further back than his head, though, so now this is what Sam looks like.

Doesn't he look like a rat?

I've nicknamed him "Rat Boy". All he needs is a long hairless tail. Ewwww!

She needs a mirror so she can see
what a little bad dawg looks like?!

Maxie is still doing well. Except for the incident with the kidney stones, she's the healthiest little dog I've ever had. The kidney stones were caused by buying cheap Wal-Mart dog food. I'll never do that again!


Lucy is enjoying the sub-zero Antartic (just kidding) weather of late. It has been so cold here, I'm weary of barren trees and cold weather. I am so ready for this winter to be over. Anyway, I caught her laying on the leaward side of the big cedar tree in the sunshine. It was about 38 degrees and she was just a-soakin' up Ye 'Ol Sun. She's probably waiting for some hapless squirrel to come along. Such a funny dog. Our doggies have a pet door, with access to our fenced in and gated property, so, they can come and go as they please. Lately I've learned that she's spending most of the night outside too! She must be chasing rabbits again. I just hope she doesn't bring me a "gift" (dead animal) like she has done in the past.


Shhhh ... Secret Project

And, we have a Secret Project in the works. No, you have to wait to hear about it! The project is scheduled to start Monday. Wanna take a guess what it is? Dollars to donuts you'll never figure it out. [giggle]

Friendly Reminder: If you're looking for the politics, is over here now. God bless!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Shoutout ~ Please Welcome The Reluctant Patriot

I have decided to start another blog titled The Reluctant Patriot that is dedicated to keeping our American Judeo-Christian ideals and culture alive. As I've told many of my friends already, this blog (My Thoughts Exactly) will be my "foo foo fluffy" blog and mostly deal with my life in 'wiregrass' Georgia.

Why the title "Reluctant Patriot"? Because, for the most part, I'm really not very political at all. I would much rather be riding motorcycles, hunting, fishing, knitting booties, attending a real tea party or some other non-taxing event. You get the picture. Things that don't strain my blonde brain. But, thanks to REAL taxes and intrusion on our personal freedoms, many of us have been forced into fighting a war to protect these rights and God given freedoms. So, at The Reluctant Patriot I will report on almost strictly politics. No PC talk there (or here either)!

Well, I hope you'll join me!? And as my ancestors in the First American Revolution said, 'Victoria vel nex' (Victory Or Death)!

Thank you dear ones. Your wanting to read any of my blogs is so very appreciated. God bless! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

International Motorcycle Show, Greenville, SC

We have returned from our annual trip to the International Motorcycle Show. This is the second year it's been held in the lovely town of Greenville, South Carolina. Boy, was it cold this weekend! It's still cold out. Obviously, there were no demo rides at this event. That was a bit of a disappointment.

Ducati Multistrada 1200

Hubby thinks he was born to ride the Multristrada. I told him may have been born to ride one but he wasn't born to buy one. The Multristrada's price is $14,995 MSRP, adding the optional ABS systems will raise the cost to $16,495.

You again?!

Ducati is so classy. They were handing out free expresso for all event attendees. "Hey Sweetie, ya sure you just don't like lookin' at the pretty Ducati models??" [giggle] He kept going back for more coffee and I caught him in the act.

Triumph Bonneville T100

Now I was born to ride the Bonneville ... and it has to be in green and cream. I have yet to ride one though. We are going to try and attend the event in Daytona Beach, Florida this coming March. I'll probably regret riding the Bonneville because then I'll have to buy one. [sigh] The MSRP on the 2010 Bonneville is $8,799. Not bad. Wish we didn't have to replace the roof on the house ... maybe it can go another 3 or so years? Nahhh ....


Hey, Pappy, they even had a cop motorcycle if you should chose to return to active duty! I would suggest keeping it under 30 mph, though. [lol] This one was used at a mental hospital. Hmmm ....

Well, I'm still weary from the journey. That's enough for now. Thanks for stopping by! I hope y'all have a great day!

There Are More Photos To Enjoy Here

Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Piece Of The Puzzle: Rowe's Carbon Footprint

One of my favorite things is when the new Forbes Magazine arrives. I really recommend a subscription to the magazine for anyone wanting to keep up with Who Owns What And How Are "They" Going To Screw Us Next.

I worked for many years for Fortune 500 companies and many small businesses. I always "knew" that the Big Guys at the top where either evil or incompetent (sometimes both are true). I enjoyed my job, though, in spite of the ineptness at the top. I always gave 100% with a cheerful attitude and was thankful for a paycheck. That said, since I have started reading Forbes and watching Fox News, I now have had many of my fears confirmed about how bad these people really are! There’s so much dirt on these people you could grow potatoes on their souls.

Case in point.

An article in this week's Forbes titled "The Carbon Windfall" by Jonathan Fahey (Jan. 18, 2010, pages 70-74) makes yet another connection between a big business, Comrade Zero, and our pocketbooks.

John W. Rowe [friend, buddy, co-whore of Comrade Zero], 64, is the chairman and chief executive officer of Exelon Corporation, a utility holding company headquartered in Chicago ... oh. Chicago, yet again. [gulp] Another evil entity out of the Windy City.

You can see where this is leading, I guess.

Exelon Corporation is one of the big noises behind, wait for it, Cap And Trade! [ding, ding, ding] They are perched on the precipice to make literally BILLIONS if this bill is passed. Billions of OUR money, I must add (as if I had to). We’ll lose all our freedoms and money, while they laugh all the way to the bank.

Just sharing the wealth ... of knowledge.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Add One More To Zero's Freak Show

I wonder if Comrade Zero used to actually work for the Circus? With all his boring, meaninless speeches he would make a good Circus Barker.

There’s another freak to add to Comrade Zero’s Rouge Gallery: Amanda Simpson. This new misanthrope is suppose to be our new Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department. The fellow was a former test pilot at Raytheon Missile Systems for 20 years. I wonder what his real name is.

This should appease the extreme radical left. If those types can be appeased.

As Atlas Shrugs so aptly said in her article “Does Obama know anyone who isn't wacky, radical, militant, judeophobic, socialist, marxist, pedophilic?” I say “No.” It’s because Zero IS himself wacky, radical, militant, judeophobic, socialist, marxist, pedophilic. ... just to name a few. As my father would have said, you are your friends. Even someone who does not participate in said activities, if they sympathize with them, they are one.

Like shining a light on a nest of filthy cockroaches, I do pray that our blogs and tea parties are making a difference on the scum in our government. It's going to take awhile to clean out the Stables once this bunch are eradicated. The more we shine the light of Truth, the more Comrade Zero and minions scurry for the dark corners of their souls. Next election, we need to squash all these 'bugs' under our feet and flush them down the porcelain throne.

Read More:
Hope and Sex Change: Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department
President Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Y'all

Happy New Year folks!

I don't make New Year's Resolutions but if y'all do, I hope that yours can be fulfilled.

2010 is the Year Of The Tiger in the Chinese calendar. Does that mean we'll have to keep hearing about Tiger Woods?! [latest Mistress count here] Geez. Don't ya feel like saying "enough already"? [grin] I know, I know ... it's news. But is anybody else as tired of hearing about his escapades as I am? I never watch televised golf but I know it's very popular but I guess not as popular as watching someone's life flush down the toilet. It's only natural to want to gawk. But it's such a tragedy all around for his family. I feel especially sorry for his kids. They're gonna have to live with how skuzzy their dad was for the rest of their lives. Sad. Children always suffer for the sins of the father (or mother), don't they?!

I predict that 2010 is going to be another busy year, both personally and also politically.

The much anticipated Federal Census will be coming around in April. Here in the country, ours has always arrived through the mail. I'll have my list of questions for the Obamanation ready. [wink] We'll see how this pans out.

Congressional elections are in 2010. Hopefully, this year we'll replace *ALL* of the House. Top to bottom. I do pray that there will be a resurgence of citizens wanting to turn back to the Constitution. The Republicans have been weak kneed and the Demoncrats have been ... well, evil. Time to move on with new leadership, don't you think?

First planned vacation on our agenda is the much anticipated International Motorcycle Show in Greenville, SC. WE ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS (can you tell??). We both live, eat, breathe motorcycles. Pictures and much whining for a new model to follow. [giggle]

Next we're planning a nice long journey to south Texas in February. The main reason for the trip is to go migratory birdwatching at Padre Island National Seashore. We LOVE to bird watch! While there, we will be visiting with what have become some of our most treasured friends the Price's. Even though we've only known one another for a little while, it's seems like we've been freinds for years. [Pappy's Place] [Carey's Corner] They are such warm hearted, right thinking, fun loving people! We're really excited about this trip.

After that, the rest of the year is up for grabs. I would still like to travel to Maine soon to visit with another one of our new friends Kirk Rogers. We met Kirk on a bird watching expedition one winter in Savannah. He takes the most spectacular photos! That's one of his photos at the top of my blog which was taken from my front porch. Pretty, isn't it? But a trip to the nether regions will have to wait until warmer weather. I'm told they only have two seasons in New England: Winter and June, so, maybe we'll go in June!

Oh, and I may take a brief sabbatical from blogging. We'll see how the news progresses. I just need to recharge my battery's with a little down time.

So, what's on y'alls plates this year? Any interesting trips or special events?

Well, I'm sending prayers that only good things happen to all my blogging buddies. Keep the faith and stay vigilant!