Saturday, July 25, 2009

Calling All Activists! ObamaCare May Pass The House

Since when did it become a "right" to have health care?! It is not a right, it is a priviledge.

I'm what the economists would call middle Middle Class (not upper, not lower). When I was younger, first one got an education. Those of us with ambition actually stuck out those miserable 12 years of Public School and received a cheaply printed diploma that stated as such. Then with said diploma in hand, I went out and secured the best paying job I could find with my limited skills that offered benefits. I worked my way up the corporate ladder, acquiring skills and connections along the way, through dedication and hard work. No one else did it for me. I never dreamed of asking for help from the government.

Now these evil leaders in Washington want to take more freedoms away from us. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claims to now have the votes to pass ObamaCare in House.

ObamaCare, or as I call it, ObamaSnare, is nothing more than another government run scam to take over our economy and rob us of any vestiges of freedom we have left. This is not reform either, it's a back door way to pay black reparations money and has NOTHING TO DO WITH REFORM!

Ok, you wonderful activists 'out there' whom I could just hug (I wish I could buy you all lunch, really, God bless you), it's again time to hit the e-mails, phone calls, letters, whatever to convince the 'blue dog' democrat's to vote against this bill. Please don't give up. Also, please pray extra urgently about this, as my husband and I have.

For more info on who to contact, please visit: Left Coast Rebel and/or Just a conservative girl.

Honestly, if I lived in California, I think I would go so far as to threaten these so called representatives with a "you have to come home sometime ..." [clearing throat] These ObamaSnare pushers are nothing less than traitors and should be hung for such.

And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you for your support! I will be so thankful when I can go back to not thinking about politics every day. If we keep after the evil with The Light Of Truth, then evil must run to the darkness. KEEP THOSE LIGHTS OF LIBERTY SHINING!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Call Me Money Bags

Can anyone explain this poster to me? I know, it's a military gentleman in his camo fatigues on a matching couch. But the "made of hidden and sleep" is beyond my comprehension. It's cute though, don't ya think?

That's what I need this afternoon, more sleep again. I set the alarm and arose at O'Dark Thirty to start surveying again at the Greenlawn Cemetery in nearby Waycross. This cemetery is so huge it's probably going to take me all summer to complete. What am I doing this for? Welllll ... I'm photographing all visible tombstones for genealogy research. I place all known information at a web site appropriately titled "Find A Grave". By the way, if any of y'all are ever researching family members in this little part of the world, me and several other unselfish contributors, are placing all this data on-line. Sweeeet.

On another subject. This week is turning out to be rather costly for us.

First the giant pine tree had to be removed on Monday. [$$cha-ching$$]

Then, the Hustler Zero Turning Radius mower needed three new blades in mid-season because we're not only cutting our grass but an invalid neighbors. It's also running our gasoline bill up. [sigh]

The car was due for it's 6 month oil change and my husband only uses the best grade available. He takes very good care of our chariots. No complaints there but add another [$$cha-ching$$] and a [heavier sigh].

Then, the self-same neighbor mentioned above had to be rushed to the hospital again and she asked me to take care of her five big smelly hounds. Of course, there was no food, soooo, that came out of our paycheck. [GROAN]

Can we please stop spending money NOW?! [lol]

Good news though, the stock market is up and gasoline prices are down. Also, hubby is cooking a very scrumptious smelling Boston Butt on the cooker. He's making 'pulled pork' (the odor is driving me NUTS with hunger!!). Oh, and I hear that there aren't enough votes to pass that fascist Cap and Trade bill. Wahoo!! It's not a done deal yet, but I'm feeling all "Wahoo" about it. [lol] Now if the Senate will just strike down the ObamaCare, we're cookin' with gas.

Well, I'm gonna pig out [giggle] on the pulled pork then I'm going to hide under the bed and turn off all the phones until Monday and hope nothing else needs fixing, repairing, removing or feeding.

Well, it's a thought anyway ... [lol]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Recommended Website ~ HawksCafe

Our nations illustrious leaders are involved in international organizations (ad hoc, not overtly recognized) which actively carry out criminal actions. Of course, the mainstream media, except for occasionally Fox News, is not reporting any of this. Glenn Beck is telling us as much as he has time for, but I can't think of anyone else on TV that is.

I hope the following may be useful to explain some aspects of what one can see at the following recommended website.

Two men run a small but very efficient Yahoo! Group where they post hard data about our politians and others nefarious activities. The two men began to work together when they worked to discover why & how the Able Danger group was stopped from pursuing Osama Bin-Laden before 9/11. Now I have your attention! Yep. The military stopped persuing said criminal under our government's orders.

Hawks Cafe began as a news source at a legitimate web based news site called Canadian Free Press. Hawks Cafe 'broke' the story of Able Danger, because they found it, entirely on their own. The rest of the 'net world gave it a yawn and went on with the usual political football game. The two men became collaborators, and dug deeper to discover much uglier background data on left wing elite. No doubt this very serious work is archived, disseminated and read carefully by countless people, around the world thanks to their hard work and risking their lives to tell the story.

Able Danger was a US Special Forces under Southern Command, in Florida, set up to 'search or 'data mine' the open internet, in order to find Osama Bin Laden, et al, before 911. Turns out that members of the Clinton administration were stopping them because of many well connected, wealthy individuals who had illegal business dealings with Bin Laden.

The two men who run the Hawks Cafe Yahoo! Group are highly respected. One is a former Schlumberger field & research engineer with credentials & education in physics which boggle the mind. The other is a straight-up retired military fighter jock & longtime airline pilot - some 52 years military & civilian airline.

I suggest that anyone interested in getting a handle on what sort of international criminals are actually running 'the show' we see, take a look at perhaps two dozen of the posted messages on Hawks Cafe. I had a hard time at first, but don't be discouraged by the jargon, and the density of what you see. You may scan many messages and find some which are more easily understood - allowing you to begin to see which of our more famous elite are involved with the darkest of law firms, unusual alliances and overt business enterprises (all of which carry out peculiar activities). The messages posted have of necessity run in an ever-wider pattern-like a spider web which grows geometrically, as the people, activities and connections expand-over a growing territory.

It's a lot like ACORN and their nefarious activies, which, I think the 'poo' is about to hit the fan on that. At least I'm hoping that's so and will believe it when it happens. There's a group of politicians (I forget whom) are bringing corruption charges against ACORN. Good show guys! We need to pray for them that the truth will be brought to light.

The retired military/airline fellow, Field McConnell, has removed himself from his substantial family ranch in the Dakotas, to Kazakhstan, and, after reading their work for several years, I can see why. No doubt he needed to be in a place where he could hire the sort of protection he required, and a place which would allow his security people to actually defend him. If things continue as they have, all of us who believe in freedom may be moving there soon too! Hawks Cafe has exposed the very highest corruption, and they have the most powerful govenment at their beck & call.

Among the things I have seen at Hawks Cafe Group is the incredible story on how a great deal of money is raised for villainous activities by bad people. For instance, the practice of buying huge numbers of life insurance policies on unsuspecting peasants and other folks in third world countries -- who are about to be killed in civil insurrections. A nice legal game, and innocent people die. Consider that the fellows at Hawks Cafe have explained that this is how the infamous George Soros began: by buying insurance on his fellow Jews, then betraying them to the Nazis.

Neat trick.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Day In Pictures

We lost another giant pine tree to lightning. So, I snapped a few photos of "our tree guy" taking care of the problem of a deadly monster on the driveway. One wouldn't think it to look at them, but dead trees can be deadly. We've personally known of too many instances where people were killed by falling trees, especially in heavy winds.

So ...

The tree had to go!

"'Bye, 'bye savings!" (me waving to the money I'd saved from not eating out for one month). Aw well.

At least the Stock Market has been up this past week, inspite of congress and the Magic Kenyan trying to wreck it.

Good Stock Market = Happy Face!

Here's some photos:

Tony Hudson, Tree Monkey

Topping the tree ... "Watch out below!!"

A neighbor stopped by to say hello and be nosy ... [wink]

Please tell me that's not my pretty driveway reflectors under there?!? [groan]

Hubby oiling the chain on his Triumph.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope y'alls day was cheaper than mine. [sigh]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

You DON'T Say!?

Super Comments Award

Surprise, surprise, I won an award! This little number was bestowed upon yours truly yesterday by Valerie at It's A Wonderful Life. Thanks Val!

I'm suppose to pass it on to 5 fellow bloggers who leave nifty comments.


That's easy. To the people who's comments always make me smile and make my heart skip a beat with joy ... I pass this on to ... the envelope please ...

1. Carey of Carey's Corner

2. Dennis at Pappy's Balderdash

3. Iva the 'turtle mom' at The Horizontal Yo-Yo

4. Mildred at Nalley Valley

5. Marie at Voila! Vintage Postcards

Now y'all pass them on to your five, and so forth, and so on.

I have many, many more but am only 'allowed' 5 according to the rules.

Thanks y'all and enjoy your award. You deserve it. Have a wonderful Sunday! :o)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's One Of Those Days


Did you ever have one of those days or weeks when you're not quite yourself?

I know, you're thinking, "Well, who are you then?" Ok, smartypants :o) I feel like our little multi-colored fellow here that appears half horse and half zebra: like I'm all upside down and backwards.

Oh, it's nothing serious ... I'm only extremely fatigued.

For some reason, I couldn't sleep last night. I had one of those evenings when I just could not power down, so, I ended up staying awake until 4 am. That's so unusual for me. Usually, I'm like a little kid and fall asleep in about 2 minutes and not wake up 'til morning (except for a bathroom break).

Boy, not last night.

So all day today my attitude has been grouchy and surly. Every little noise is driving me up the wall. Even the innocuous thing of hubby turning the pages in his new paperback book makes me want to slap a knot on his head. If I was a food, I wouldn't be fit for human consumption. [lol]

I'm so freaking tired.

And I guess I'm feeling a little bit of my own mortality this week. We lost yet another friend to mankinds age old enemy, death. That nasty dark fellow that follows all of us around waiting for that last breath. This recent loss is the 91 year old mother of a long time friend. I liked her mother, she was a really sweet Christian lady.

It's just getting tiresome, you know ... all these funerals. When we were young, we attended many a wedding and, for me, bridal shower. Those days are gone. Hubby and I have lost three friends in two months: Dr. Camberg, Kenneth Chancey and Mrs. Tison. Now, grant you, they were all elderly and infirm, but their loss is still felt all the same.

Our little world looks different ... and just a little sadder.


Recently the eye doctor bumped me up to tri-focals. My new eyeglasses are pretty (at least I think so) and corrected this way, I can see so much better.

So, that's a good thing.

But, today I'm feeling my age, and then some.

On a happier note, Hubby and I are "famous" this week too. He wrote an letter to Ride Texas Magazine and they printed it in this month's issue (Sept. 2009). We do so love riding in the Texas Hill Country.

We enjoyed the vacations out there so much that I've even been looking at land For Sale there. Who knows? We might get to move there one day. But, even if we don't, it's not a biggy. I do love our little slice of Georgia paradise. So I won't cry over split milk if it doesn't happen.

Well, supper's ready. We're having skinless, boneless chicken thighs, yellow saffron rice, and big green frozen peas. Yum, Yum! Maybe a good hearty meal will improve my spirits? It can't hurt, right?! [smile]

And I promise not to fuss at hubby too much. [giggle] He's such a sweet guy.

I hope your weekend is happy and fun. As we used to say on the C-B Radio, "Catchya on the flip-flop good buddy!"