Sunday, July 19, 2009

You DON'T Say!?

Super Comments Award

Surprise, surprise, I won an award! This little number was bestowed upon yours truly yesterday by Valerie at It's A Wonderful Life. Thanks Val!

I'm suppose to pass it on to 5 fellow bloggers who leave nifty comments.


That's easy. To the people who's comments always make me smile and make my heart skip a beat with joy ... I pass this on to ... the envelope please ...

1. Carey of Carey's Corner

2. Dennis at Pappy's Balderdash

3. Iva the 'turtle mom' at The Horizontal Yo-Yo

4. Mildred at Nalley Valley

5. Marie at Voila! Vintage Postcards

Now y'all pass them on to your five, and so forth, and so on.

I have many, many more but am only 'allowed' 5 according to the rules.

Thanks y'all and enjoy your award. You deserve it. Have a wonderful Sunday! :o)


  1. Congratulations! By the way, I lurve your new background, very CHA CHA with all the jewels. :)

  2. Hi Sparky! Congrats to you and thank you from me! You are so kind and thoughtful. Hey, can you believe how much cooler the last two mornings have been? I can weed in the flower beds without passing out ha ha!

  3. Thank you Sparky, I hope you're feeling better today.

  4. Aww, how great! It's my first award for my new blog :)

    Thank you so much, Sparky. You're the bestest!

  5. Cha Cha Cha (tee hee) ~ The background does remind me of you and your good taste in colors, etc. I don't like cheeries to eat but they're pretty to look at.

    Mildred ~ Thank you and You're welcome. I know, I love this 'cooler' weather. Working outside is so much more pleasant.

    Carey ~ You're welcome! And I am feeling mucho better, thanks. Nothing like getting 8 hours of rest to feel all perky again.

    Iva ~ Thank you and Congrats to you too.

    Thanks y'all for stopping by. It's been a nice day here in Sparkyville. Hope yours has been good too. :o)

  6. Congrats Sparky on the award! I'm glad to find you feeling a little perkier than yesterday. Amazing what a little sleep can do for you.

  7. Sparky! You are the cat's meow girl!

  8. Don't pay the ransom, I escaped. Thanks. Glad you like my drivel. You and Steve would make my list if I had one. Pappy

  9. You are a great commenter, this is a well placed award for sure! And that Mildred, she is a sweetie that's for sure, an ace number one spirit lifter!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell