Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Call Me Money Bags

Can anyone explain this poster to me? I know, it's a military gentleman in his camo fatigues on a matching couch. But the "made of hidden and sleep" is beyond my comprehension. It's cute though, don't ya think?

That's what I need this afternoon, more sleep again. I set the alarm and arose at O'Dark Thirty to start surveying again at the Greenlawn Cemetery in nearby Waycross. This cemetery is so huge it's probably going to take me all summer to complete. What am I doing this for? Welllll ... I'm photographing all visible tombstones for genealogy research. I place all known information at a web site appropriately titled "Find A Grave". By the way, if any of y'all are ever researching family members in this little part of the world, me and several other unselfish contributors, are placing all this data on-line. Sweeeet.

On another subject. This week is turning out to be rather costly for us.

First the giant pine tree had to be removed on Monday. [$$cha-ching$$]

Then, the Hustler Zero Turning Radius mower needed three new blades in mid-season because we're not only cutting our grass but an invalid neighbors. It's also running our gasoline bill up. [sigh]

The car was due for it's 6 month oil change and my husband only uses the best grade available. He takes very good care of our chariots. No complaints there but add another [$$cha-ching$$] and a [heavier sigh].

Then, the self-same neighbor mentioned above had to be rushed to the hospital again and she asked me to take care of her five big smelly hounds. Of course, there was no food, soooo, that came out of our paycheck. [GROAN]

Can we please stop spending money NOW?! [lol]

Good news though, the stock market is up and gasoline prices are down. Also, hubby is cooking a very scrumptious smelling Boston Butt on the cooker. He's making 'pulled pork' (the odor is driving me NUTS with hunger!!). Oh, and I hear that there aren't enough votes to pass that fascist Cap and Trade bill. Wahoo!! It's not a done deal yet, but I'm feeling all "Wahoo" about it. [lol] Now if the Senate will just strike down the ObamaCare, we're cookin' with gas.

Well, I'm gonna pig out [giggle] on the pulled pork then I'm going to hide under the bed and turn off all the phones until Monday and hope nothing else needs fixing, repairing, removing or feeding.

Well, it's a thought anyway ... [lol]


  1. Good things happen to deserving people in bunches.

    Lets Make History.

  2. Sunny days are ahead for you and I have not idea what that caption means. If you did not point out there was a soldier on the couch I would not have noticed which I guess was the purpose. I better get new eyeglasses:) I hope you like my post too.

  3. I am sorry you had to shell out all that x-tra cash lately. When it rains it pours...

    But yes, on the sunny side...good food to eat, you are lucky enough to live in the country and have a big ol' pine tree to have to get rid of (wayyy jealous of that and hubby are stuck in town with no way to get out right now due to the housing mess...), Obama's ratings are down and the sheeple may be waking up. I agree..."WAHOO!!!"

  4. Hi Sparky, No idea on the poster. Boy, you two really have been hit hard in the money dept. - things have to get better! Your dinner sounds delicious. Hope you both enjoy the evening.

  5. Thanks y'all. Oh, everything's fine, I'm just grumblin'. I do feel VERY fortunate and blessed.

    BTW, the supper was out-of-this-world scrumptious!! I wish I could have saved a piece of that pork for everyone. Hubby cooks it to perfection (cuts all fat from it and cooks it slowly in aluminum foil off to the side of the coals). HEAVENLY!! [drool] :o)

  6. hiya Sparky, I clicked on your homepage link at Margaret's (Nanny Goats in Panties) and decided to come check out your blog as your comment over there made me laugh, and I love a good laugh! it's nice to meet you, and let me put you on my link list so I can drop back in. Hope you won't mind. I think your genealogy project is wonderful and I'm interested in tracing down some history myself.

  7. Howdy Bella! What a pretty name you have. :) Thank you for the kind words. I so enjoy Margaret's blog. I wish I had her way with humor and weaving a story. She's quite creative without resorting to vulgarities, isn't she? I enjoy such endeavors that take the high road. Anyway, good luck on your genealogy research. Let me know if you're ever huntin' down here in SE Georgia or thereabouts. I may not have the info but it never hurts to ask, does it. God bless ya! :o)


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell