Showing posts with label georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label georgia. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Same 'Ol

Not much going on around My Thoughts Exactly this week. Just hangin' out, hangin' on, and hangin' around. Same 'ol, same 'ol.

The Zinnia's and Giant Sunflowers outside my office window are looking particularly delectable today.

I don't know why I thought of this Holy Scripture. I guess it's that God's Word always offers good advice. Wish I was better at not worrying. Sometimes I think if there was nothing to worry about, I'd make something up in case I forgot something. *grin* I know I'm a "work in progress".

Hope everyone is having a worry free day.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Tidbits

I've been so distraught over how our government has been given fallen into Marxist hands, plus a minor family "problem", that I decided to venture outside. Yard work solves everything .... right?! *grin* Well, it makes me feel better anyway. Or, will render me unconscious, which is pretty much the same thing.

Whilst puttering around Hubby very kindly repainted (to my specifications, of course) the formerly green squirrel proof feeder near Tranquility Base. After enduring several years of brutal Southeast Georgia heat, the feeder was looking quite ragged, rusty, dirty, yuck, pooey!
For those of you new to my blog, we live way, way out in the country on almost 7 acres. There's tons of room for gardening creativity, as long as whatever it is can endure the intermittent droughts and severe summer heat. In 2013 I landscaped a small area where our very old Blue Jack Oak lives. It's in the front of our country acreage that I dubbed thusly. It was thusly named since, when the weather and the gnats cooperate, I like to swing and read any of my cherished Agatha Christie or medieval history books. I went with bright, vibrant colors because they are so cheery.

I hope everyone is having a safe, secure and relaxing Saturday. I'm going to have a brewsky and watch the MotoGP race. It's still too hot to ride after 10am.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

... how does my garden grow? The vegetables all been harvested. The new ones are planted. The flower garden next to my office is doing splendidly! This is where the five trunk Oak was growing earlier this Spring.

16 May 2015

22 June 2015

It's difficult to see in such bright daylight but this once wooded area is an amazing profusion of color. The flowers are attracting butterflies, skippers, Hummingbirds, and other critters. It's nice having all this "free" entertainment right outside my window.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Musings

I awoke at the unholy hour of 6 am, on a Sunday no less. Since the afternoons have been blistering riding early was the name of the game. This morning was deceptively cool, no hint of the temperature cruelty to follow. I decided to join the inmates at our local watering hole for breakfast. The topic on everyone’s lips will undoubtedly be the weather.

I eased the metal steed onto the dirt road as the sun was peeping over the horizon. The well worn rubber kicked up small clouds of dust around the first curve but on approaching the second curve it was feather the clutch, lean back in the seat, give it the gas, and force the 467 pounds of uncooperative steel through the shifting sand. Then I could cruise to the end of the lane without the drama. It was a lovely morn. There was a light fog gently drifting on the neighbor’s cow field. A few clouds teased from high. “No rain for you,” they seem to taunt. “Tease”, I mumbled back through my helmet. But I could smell the damp. Rain would be God’s special blessing right now.

After I was happily sated by eggs, bacon, whole wheat toast and grits, it was back in the saddle. Time to head home before they’ll be frying the eggs on the sidewalk. It was a satisfying way to start the day.

What can I say. Life is good.

"This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 NKJV

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Copper Pig

I know, that sounds like the beginning of a ribald joke, doesn't it? I thought the same, but The Copper Pig is an actual restaurant located in the coastal town of Brunswick, Georgia.

Sparky and Vicki

Friday was my nearest and dearest friend's birthday. Vicki prefers this restaurant above all others, so, that's how we ended up there. We where also joined by her husband and son. They're all delightful, salt-of-the-earth people. I consider myself fortunate that they like me, Grumpy Guss that I am. *grin*

The first thing the Copper Pig hits a customer with are their homemade mouth-watering desserts.

There are quirky decorations on every possible wall, even in the bathrooms. If I hadn't planned an afternoon of shopping, I would have spent a few moments at the Moonshine Bar.

Who is that good lookin' guy winking at me at the end of the table? (Ok, I confess, it's only my sweet husband. Just because there's snow on the roof, doesn't mean there isn't a fire in the furnace.)

Vicki was a good sport and took a shot at riding the pig. The waitress said that those celebrating birthdays get a free ride. Otherwise, one must ask permission and pay $3. I don't think I'd try at any price.

Next is my birthday (the 20th). I'm not sure which restaurant we'll be gracing next.

So, if you're ever in Brunswick, come on by and enjoy one of there homemade desserts or chow down on a BBQ sandwich. There's also fresh butchered meat for sale if interested. I think next time I'll bring a cooler!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Just Some Fun On A Monday Afternoon

... and because I'm too lazy to write a proper post. Here's some purdy pictures (as we say here in the Sawth). :) Enjoy!

... with sincerest apologies to William Shakespeare.

... at least it's not monkey's (too messy). *lol*

... and lots of green money.

And on that happy note, I'll take my leaf ... uh, leave.

Have a pleasant evening folks!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Post

Pretty bird, isn't it. My husband said it's not a local species, so, I'm stumped as to what it is.

Anyway ...

right to left: zucchini, cucumbers, green beans,
ford hook lima beans, yellow crookneck squash,
bell peppers, and better boy tomatoes.
[click to enlarge]

We've been happily busy of late, completing a myriad of household fixes. The garden is growing in a spectacular fashion for the first time ever. I have learned a secret to the "success" for lush veggies on our property. I'll try to remember to share more in another post. Physical labor is why I haven't felt much like pondering life's questions this week. Or maybe it's an overall feeling of contentment that's put lead in my writing britches.

Irregardless of whatever lame excuse I can muster for the mental laziness, I do pray that everyone has a blessed Sunday.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Plume Grass And Such In Southeast Georgia

After a delightful evening repast of baked chicken thighs with 40 Garlic Gravy, well cooked Fordhook Limas lathered in Amish butter and a chilled glass of Sutter Home Zinfandel, we took a short jaunt in the neighborhood to capture some of the beauty of the season. The Fall colors are only starting here in Southeast Georgia. First the Plume Grass graces the countryside with their shimmering canes in the sunshine. We're anxiously awaiting the oranges and yellows will start in earnest. I'm sure there will be more photos to follow in the days to come.

Here's a preview:

I gathered up Jack (front) and Sam.
They "helped" us look for color in the countryside
from their safe position in the back seat.

Our first stop in the search for color where the
high power lines on Scenic Drive near our home.
After the neighbors cleared the planted pine,
the Plume Grass took over in Mill Creek.

Plume Grass
shimmering in the sunset.

I asked my husband to drive by the Aspinwall Cemetery
which was formerly called Old Mill Creek Church Cemetery.
I hadn't seen this old family burial site since the massive clearing.
Sadly it seems that this cemetery is going to disappear
from the lack of care.

Sometimes I almost forget how pretty it is here. The soft cool breezes, cloudless skies and tilted sun makes the days much more pleasant. I hope your day has been as good as ours.

Ride Safe,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Falling Into October

Greetings everyone! I'm still alive and kicking, much to some people's chagrin, I'm sure.

Early September we vacationed for the first time in Manasota Key, Florida. We stayed for almost a week in an old, but nice, Condo on the Gulf of Mexico, the stay graciously donated by my husband's father. Hubby's family all live in that area, so, I anticipated it would be fun to hang out at the beach together, going shopping, share meals, etc., like we usually do. I thought not staying in their incredibility small home would be less stressful for my dear sister-in-law. This trip, however, SIL was a Royal Pain In The Patoody. By the time we left for home (two days early, by the way), I was suffering from a colon spasm from holding in anger and swore I'd never speak to her as a friend or sister again. I know, perhaps I'm over-reacting. I hope that's the case. I was still grieving from the loss of my little dogs and she was having unusually bad back pain but right now I'm still in broil mode.

But sometimes time does heal all wounds. We'll see.

On to something happier. I decorated for Fall today. The photos are below.

Enjoy. And thank you for listening.

Front Door

Front Porch

Scarecrows by the gate.


Close up of gate decoration.

Down by the road and gate.
There was a Scarecrow here too but
Jack and Sam, the Jack Russell Terrorists,
lived up to their names and proceeded to shred it
to itsy bitsy pieces. Good thing they're cute. [lol]

Carport Door.

Ride Safe,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hay Fields And Pickerelweed

I am so bone weary from a sleepless night. Ever have nights like that? They're becoming a bit too frequent of late for my tastes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. There was no burden weighing on me. The storm that blasted through took it's liberties with our trees but other than a few limbs to pick up, everything seems just dandy. There was just an uneasiness I couldn't shake. A restlessness like I wanted to go out and howl at the moon. That merciful, life generating deep sleep was being an elusive, ethereal thing that one sometimes can not quite grasp.


I was going to go on a brief photo shoot today. So, Hubby very kindly snapped a few photos of our neighbors. My morning devotional from Two Minutes With The Bible (Berean Bible Society) by Pastor John Frederickson was about how we as Saints should be like Peppermint.
Among Paul’s praises of Philemon was that “the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee” (Phile. 7). This precious saint had chosen to be like a peppermint for all the believers with whom he came in contact. It’s wonderful to read about this kind of testimony and what made him so refreshing to others. He demonstrated a sense of “love and faith … toward all saints” (v. 5). When these characteristics are present and genuine, they manifest themselves in a warmth and interest in others that is unmistakable. It will also be obvious in the tone and content of every word that comes out of one’s mouth.
Boy, that hits home, doesn't it. Well, I hope this refreshes you too my friends. After lunch, I may crash again.

Lake Chapel Road
Appling County, Georgia

Lake Chapel Road
Appling County, Georgia

Pontederia (Pickerelweed)
Ride Safe,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mushrooms Are Such Fungi's

I think I enjoy nature as much as I enjoy riding.

Today, I found a few Cracked Bolete's growing in our woodsy yard. They're sprouting up everywhere! It must be all the rain and high humidity.

"You'd be a little 'cracked' too if you
had to be out in this humidity all the time!"

Bolete's are an interesting breed of fungi. Instead of gills they have spongey undersides. These are described as tubes in some books but they contain the reproductive bodies of the mushroom.

As I walk the woods in June, I can find lots of multi-color boletes. There are those that are bi-color, those that are red, blue, green, brown, etc. -- fungus come in all colors and in all seasons.  Personally, I call them Leopard Mushrooms, but that's just my title because I can't pronouce "Bolete".

If you want to learn about mushrooms please join a mushroom club. I also suggest a good field guide but DO NOT EAT wild mushrooms unless you are a trained professional or are with one. I understand that in the northern region of Georgia there is the Georgia Mushroom Club. It meets regularly and takes wonderful nature hikes. There are special interest groups for growing mushrooms, using mushrooms to dye fabric and to eat mushrooms. You can find them at

Then, further south, in Macon, Chris Matherley, at takes folks on walks to find all kinds of mushrooms. Probably every state in the union has a mushroom club which is a great way to discover these delights of the woods, the lawn, and the trees.

"Whatchya doin' Mommy?"

Jack had to "help", of course. *cough*

After a quick trip into The Big City, I plan to be back outside tomorrow in the heat, enjoying the woods, fields, and wild lands of my front yard. Mushrooms are such "fun guys", aren't they?

Ride Safe,