Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mid-August Musing

The day started out cool and clear for mid-August Southeast Georgia. After the blessing of seasonal rains, it rendered the once terrifying one mile of sandy lane ride able. 

The road beckoned. 

Mindful of the approaching heat, I hurriedly donned summer riding gear. The sleeping motor roared to life, then I eased the purring “Vee” down the grassy driveway.

“I wonder what the peasants are doing today?”, I jest to myself. For I truly feel like Royalty sometimes, one of the fortunate few who love where they live and can still do what is enjoyable. I will try to always treasure that privilege as the daylight lasts so that when God calls me to the Big Garage in the sky, I can say again “Thank you”. Not only for the eternal salvation He so graciously offers to all mankind, but thank you for allowing me to be happy while still inhabiting this earthly cage.

God truly is good.


  1. Well...this peasant (giggles) is trying to change her password for her school account---and she is going to have to call the school help line to get help. LOLOL


  2. This post needs to be in your upcoming book! lol Glad you had a good ride. It is supposed to rain the rest of the week, so glad you got it in before it hits your area. Have a nice Tuesday.

  3. Amen!! Dodge the potholes and ride on!

  4. He made you free as the wind-- what a wonderful feeling when you ride.

  5. What wonderful sentiments, Sparky. Thank you. I admire you, and respect you, for riding a bike. Those machines frighten me.

    Thank you for commenting on my Blog.

    God bless you and yours.

  6. Thank you everyone! Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  7. You lift me up. ALways.
    Thank you.. Thank God.

  8. Well said and you look very happy there.

  9. Wow! Such beauty in your words. You need to write a book.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell