Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What Dreams May Come

It was in the ethereal world of sensations, ideals and memories when I dreamed about her last night.

I was back in the town where I grew up. In the succession of confused, smokey images, I was running from yard to yard yelling her name, “Maxie! Maaaaxxxxiiiiiiieeeee!” Then mumbling in my snarky way, “Where are you you stupid little dog!” Hunting everywhere for my little girl. Getting more and more frantic. A sudden, overpowering fear. Alas, she was nowhere to be found! I lost her. I awoke teary eyed with the realization that she is gone. Never to return to this Earthly plane.

It’s been almost two years since she succumbed to the ravages of Cushings Disease. Why dream about her now? Perhaps it’s because the family is in turmoil. Or because we daily learn that blameless babies are being chopped up and body parts sold with a sanction by the government. Could be the ear infection I have right now. Or how the food prices keep going up, and our tiny annuity keeps going down. It seems to never end. In my heart I must be searching for that little security blanket wrapped in grey fur that would sit in my lap, to make that caused discomfiture go away. That’s what Maxie did. She had that gift. Whenever I felt unhappy, unloved, frightened, or unsettled, she would make the bad evaporate. Her joyful innocence for life brought contentment that would always affect my countenance positively. She was a ray of sunshine on four legs. I really miss fuzzy britches.

Well, because I know that life is important, I must soldier on.  This is not a single human incident embedded in a sea of souls with perfect lives. Everyone has their sack of rocks to carry. It’s time to pick up the pieces, build new memories with The Boys, and strive to be happy.

And just trust God.

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD,
all the earth; make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.”
Psalms 98:4

Monday, May 18, 2015

Pet Parade

How about a Jack Russell Terrierist up-date?

For those unfamiliar with the original story, The Boys are brothers and will be two years old by mid-July. Looking back in the photos, I had nearly forgotten how small they were on that first day we met.
Jack At The Breeder's

Sam The Third At The Breeder's

I had no idea what I was getting into.

At nearly 60 years old, I have owned numerous dogs through this journey called Life. All of them have had their own special personalities, endearments, quirks and problems. But nothing like these two! I don’t know if any of my readers have ever owned JRT’s, but that first 6 months I seriously considered killing them (not really) or giving them back (really). They have the energy level of a two year old on caffeine that’s had too much sleep.

Now that everything is relatively sane again, they’re really quite cute.
Jack looking thoughtful.

Jack is a bit neurotic. He’s standoffish but has a sweet nature, a moocher, growls lovingly at the foot of our bed in the morning, and waits to have a taste of Vaseline when I’m removing makeup.
Sammy in a rare moment when he's
not moving at 90 mph.

Sam The Third (or just Sammy, for short), is pure, unadulterated, unharnessed energy. He’s very alert. He loves these little orange hollow rubber balls I bought at Tractor Supply. The JRT's jaws are so strong I had to buy the ones that are Pit Bull proof. Honestly, the Jaws-Of-Life had to be modeled on a JRT’s jaw.

I still haven’t taught The Boys how to walk on a leash. It just hasn’t come up. Oh, I dread that task. I only hope my shoulders (and nerves) can take it.

At any rate, once we got past the rough patches, they are a treasure to own.

I guess we’ll keep ‘em.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Plume Grass And Such In Southeast Georgia

After a delightful evening repast of baked chicken thighs with 40 Garlic Gravy, well cooked Fordhook Limas lathered in Amish butter and a chilled glass of Sutter Home Zinfandel, we took a short jaunt in the neighborhood to capture some of the beauty of the season. The Fall colors are only starting here in Southeast Georgia. First the Plume Grass graces the countryside with their shimmering canes in the sunshine. We're anxiously awaiting the oranges and yellows will start in earnest. I'm sure there will be more photos to follow in the days to come.

Here's a preview:

I gathered up Jack (front) and Sam.
They "helped" us look for color in the countryside
from their safe position in the back seat.

Our first stop in the search for color where the
high power lines on Scenic Drive near our home.
After the neighbors cleared the planted pine,
the Plume Grass took over in Mill Creek.

Plume Grass
shimmering in the sunset.

I asked my husband to drive by the Aspinwall Cemetery
which was formerly called Old Mill Creek Church Cemetery.
I hadn't seen this old family burial site since the massive clearing.
Sadly it seems that this cemetery is going to disappear
from the lack of care.

Sometimes I almost forget how pretty it is here. The soft cool breezes, cloudless skies and tilted sun makes the days much more pleasant. I hope your day has been as good as ours.

Ride Safe,

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Precious Pets Linky

I learned from my good friend at Blackberry Lane this week, With A Grateful Prayer And A Thankful Heart, is hosting a linky party featuring our beloved pets. At first I thought I'd be too busy to participate (going through some minor home renovations) but now it seems I have the time to write at least a brief post.

I've had many cats and dogs through the years. My favorite companion is a dog.

When Maxie died, I felt like I'd died with her. I really didn't want any more pets for awhile. It hasn't even been a year, and I still miss her terribly. But, life goes on.

Newest to the menagerie is Sam and Jack. Or as we call them The Jack Russell Terrorists! I should have named them Destruct-o and Mauler as they are known to destroy any toy within their eye sight. *lol* Anyway, I think they're kinda cute, even if they don't have fuzzy schnauzer faces.

 Sam (left) and Jack destroying playing with a new toy.
"We're just two wild and crazy guys!"

Sam looks like he's saying, "Whatchya doin' Mommy?"

Lucy and Jack taking a nap.

Lucy, the 12 year old Boxer, was unsure of the new crew at first, but now she's warmed up to them and they are nearly inseparable. I think they bring her a lot of comfort in her old age. She's ailing a bit these days. Her hind legs are starting to atrophy terribly from her disability. Big dogs are such good fun but I think this will be our last one. It's going to really hurt when she's gone too.

Ride Safe,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mushrooms Are Such Fungi's

I think I enjoy nature as much as I enjoy riding.

Today, I found a few Cracked Bolete's growing in our woodsy yard. They're sprouting up everywhere! It must be all the rain and high humidity.

"You'd be a little 'cracked' too if you
had to be out in this humidity all the time!"

Bolete's are an interesting breed of fungi. Instead of gills they have spongey undersides. These are described as tubes in some books but they contain the reproductive bodies of the mushroom.

As I walk the woods in June, I can find lots of multi-color boletes. There are those that are bi-color, those that are red, blue, green, brown, etc. -- fungus come in all colors and in all seasons.  Personally, I call them Leopard Mushrooms, but that's just my title because I can't pronouce "Bolete".

If you want to learn about mushrooms please join a mushroom club. I also suggest a good field guide but DO NOT EAT wild mushrooms unless you are a trained professional or are with one. I understand that in the northern region of Georgia there is the Georgia Mushroom Club. It meets regularly and takes wonderful nature hikes. There are special interest groups for growing mushrooms, using mushrooms to dye fabric and to eat mushrooms. You can find them at

Then, further south, in Macon, Chris Matherley, at takes folks on walks to find all kinds of mushrooms. Probably every state in the union has a mushroom club which is a great way to discover these delights of the woods, the lawn, and the trees.

"Whatchya doin' Mommy?"

Jack had to "help", of course. *cough*

After a quick trip into The Big City, I plan to be back outside tomorrow in the heat, enjoying the woods, fields, and wild lands of my front yard. Mushrooms are such "fun guys", aren't they?

Ride Safe,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hydrangea Macrophylla And A Dog Day Morning

After years of fruitless growth, the Hydrangea macrophylla (commonly called Bigleaf hydrangea) next to my office is blooming!

I finally got serious about getting this plant to bloom and used the Hi-Yield Magnesium Sulfate available at our local Ace Hardware.

And Sam and Jack, aka The Jack Russell Terriorists (a well earned nickname!), where looking so deceptively cute whilst sunning themselves on the front stoop, I had to stop take a snap.

I hope this made you smile and everyone has a fun filled, sunny day!

Ride Safe,

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Grazin' In The Grass Is A Gas And Diggin' In The Soil Is A Toil

It's still a little chilly in SE Georgia for March almost April, but this is what we did today.

Started the vegetable garden!

Hubby planted Blue Lake Green Beans, Fordhook Lima Beans, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Straight Neck Yellow Squash and 6 Beef Stake Tomato plants. The garden should produce more this year because we spent more time preparing the soil with fertilizer and composed cow manure.

I also planted Giant Zinnia's next to the water hose, seeds left over from last year. So not only will there be food, there will be color.

Oh, and furry kids helped.

Sam (8 1/2 months)
"Throw it Mommy!? Huh? Would ya?!"

Jack (left) and Sam taking a breather from the
exhausting work of supervising a garden! *lol*

While Lucy, the one good dog, looks on ...

I'm also learning how to use my new Windows 8.1 HP Desktop computer. I finally gave up trying to "save" everything to an external hard drive. Starting over is just so much less drama.

I hope everyone had a lovely, happy Sunday. What did you do today?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Status Update

Jack and Sam
The Jack Russell Terrorist Brothers

I have been under-the-weather this week with a rip snortin' head cold. I haven't had one lay me this low since about 1993. I hope to be back and in snarky ... eh ... sparky form soon.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

~ Ride Safe ~

Friday, February 14, 2014

Funny Friday ~ Nothing Loves You Like A Dog

"Dogs  Welcome"

A man wrote a letter to a small  hotel in a Midwest 
town he planned to visit on his vacation.

He wrote: I would very much like  to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed and very well behaved. Would you be willing to permit me to keep him in my room with me at  night?"

An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who wrote:

"SIR: I've been operating this hotel for many years. 
In all that time, I've never had a dog steal towels, bedclothes, silverware or pictures off the walls or use them as a coloring book.   I've never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly. And I've never had a dog run out on a hotel bill.

Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at my hotel. 

And, if your dog will vouch for you, you're welcome to stay here, too."

~ Thank you for putting the kickstand down ~
~ Ride Safe ~

Friday, November 1, 2013

Random Thoughts And Doings

I have been so busy working outside this week. It's a little too warm for October, well, now November, but it's still nice enough to be in the yard. The pine trees are shedding Big Time. Their spent leaves are so pretty around plants. City people have to pay for this, we get it for free. 

With all this lovely free pine straw I added copious amounts to my "Tranquility Base". One of my favorite things when the weather permits is sitting on the swing, reading an Agatha Christie and listening to the windchimes. It helps take the sting out of daily life. ~smile~


Now that The Boys are old enough they've started wandering farther from the house. They've figured out they can slip through the field fence ~little boogers~ that encompasses our 6+ acres, so, Sweetie is installing chicken wire to keep them in. $$cha-ching$$ Maybe now we can go for a motorcycle ride and not have to worry about their whereabouts or lock them up in their portable kennel.

Jack (left), Sam (right) laying on Lucy's legs

Good thing they're worth it. All together now ... awwwww. ~lol~

Now they have this new thing of sleeping in their toy basket. My step-mom, Myra, wove the basket as a gift to me over 30 years ago. I'm sure she would approve of it's use since she enjoyed dogs too.

~ Ride Safe ~