Sunday, January 15, 2012

House Architecture Style Question

For all my wonderful followers out there, I have a quick question please. Does anyone recognize this diamond style? Most of the decoration had deteriorated and disappeared. It appears that it was used to decorate all around the house. Just curious as to what it's called.

The abandoned farm house is located in Bacon County, Georgia. Very unusual looking, I thought. It's quite old.

I hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

Thanks! :))

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Fellow Travelers

For Senior Travel

I also did not know this ...

When you drink vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure.
When you drink rum over ice, it can give you liver failure.
When you drink whiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems.
When you drink gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.

Apparently, ice is really bad for you.

Warn all your friends.


And one more from the blog Hope And Change Cartoons:

Oh, yeah, I'd love to stick that on a certain black bus too ...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day Doings

Hark! There's A Sparky In The Kitchen

This year we where suppose to be in south Florida staying with family but the trip was suddenly cancelled because Hubby is laid up with a bad back. Poor man! At least I did get to attend Christmas Eve service but without Hubby along it wasn't as much fun. This afternoon, thanks to so many prayers, bed rest, and proper medication he is now much improved.

It's been literally years since I've had to cook Christmas dinner. Usually Hubby does all the food preparations. I customarily decorate the cave and clean up any messes made. So Hubby very kindly gave specific directions as to how to prepare the chickens in the new electric smoker. This is my first time using the smoker but it was so easy. The chickens were cooked to perfection. I also cooked fresh spinach in Extra Virgin Olive Oil with melted Parmesan cheese on top. Oh, and I enjoyed my glass of Sutter Home White Zinfandel wine with the meal, of course. It was all wonderfully delicious and homey. Earlier in the day I prepared the desert: Sugar Free - Fat Free Jell-O Instant Chocolate Pudding. I use deluded Half & Half instead of milk. Makes it richer. After a good long chill, we put real whipped cream on top and it's so yummy. We'll have that later this evening when the hunger pains start again.

After the meal we opened the presents from friends [since we had earlier gifted each other], and lo and behold, looky what my good friend Marydon at Blushing Rose sent:

A drinking glass from Flying Dog Breweries. She knows how much I enjoy their beer. Way cool! Can't wait to have a beer in it Marydon. [drool] Thank you!

She also gave us a specially hand painted ornament for the tree. Isn't it the most loveliest thing you ever saw? I can tell it so delicate. I will rewrap it oh so very carefully and keep it in a special place to adorn our tree every year. What a sweet friend I have.

It has a cute little bee on it too. Thank you Marydon and family! You are so generous and kind! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know this lovely ornament will grace our tree for years to come.

Also, thank you everyone who sent cards and other well wishes. Believe me, I can feel the love. I appreciate y'alls friendship so very much. You are all always in my prayers.

I hope everyone had a very Merry CHRISTmas with loads of loving family, good friends and delectable food. Onward together we will fight for our freedoms in the New Year. May the Lord have mercy on us that good will prevail that our Nation be restored once more to it's former glory in His name.

God bless and,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Even though many of us are seperated by hundreds of miles, and sometimes cultures or ideals, I feel like we are all friends. I know I consider you my friend! Thank you for following my blog. I appreciate you all VERY much.

Here's hoping that you and yours have a very safe and happy holiday season.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace

Merry CHRISTmas Y'all!

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Brief Poll-aday Comment

I am SO happy to hear this:
Paul Moves Into Lead in Iowa Forecast

Every day I pray most fervently, "Please Lord Jesus ... may it please You that Dr. Ron Paul be our next President and other good people be elected to office too. We sure don't deserve Your mercy but our country needs help!" Dr. Paul is a true Libertarian. There have been a lot of lies and half-truths said about the man. Please take the time to learn all the facts. He professes the Lord Jesus Christ and practices good Constitutional values. He will help de-fund the EPA, the Fed, and other unconstitutional creations that are dragging our country into total devastation. He seems to be a very principled man.

Dr. Paul, with the help of (hopefully) RIGHT minded Congressmen and Senators, will help set this country back on the RIGHT path again.

I know everyone on this blog prays for our country daily too. That is such a comforting, uplifting thought. Thank you for that. :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa Baby

I mailed my letter to Santa and doggone if he didn't fill my stocking early! He took the Kawasaki KLX250SF (I dubed it "the peanut") and the old golf cart, then traded it for a 2012 Kawasaki 650 Mule. He was so kind that he even had a roof and windshield installed.

Santa is such a doll! :)

Sparky and the Mule

Can you tell I like it!? (Duh) Got any ideas what would be a good nickname for my new toy?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

The tree is up, it's decorated, everything is ordered on-line and I don't have to do another blasted thing. So, I'm ready!!

Whew. My work is done for the day. :)

In case y'all are wondering: I plan to be back to talking about politics again real soon. I'm only on a brief hiatus. So to the gummit I say, "keep honking, I'm reloading" ...