Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sparky's In The Louvre Too!?

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"Well, they'll just let anybody in here, won't they??!"
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Looky! Sparky is famous!
And it's not drawn on the bathroom walls this time!
That's me ... December 23, 1958 in Titusville, Florida.
I was about 2 1/2 years old trying to walk in my father's work boots.
♥ ∞

The nifty free feature above is found at Museumr.
Muse-Swings started this at her blog with her cute childhood photo.
Thought I'd be a Monkey See Monkey Do tonight. [tee hee]
♥ ∞
Also, my wonderful husband now has his own blog so he can quit kibitzing on mine!
He calls it Wiregrass Musings.
♥ ∞

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Little Coffee Shop Humor

So, here we are, having a nice specialized coffee and homemade muffin at the local coffee shop in Baxley. Lovely town, full of friendly, warm-hearted people.

Friendly ... sharp witted … oversexed … people, apparently.

Somehow the subject veered into taking The Blue Pill and the benefits thereof.

I can tell we’re all getting older. All we talk about now is medicine, who had what surgery, who died this week ... and the benefits of taking some ‘medicines’.

Anyway, “C”, the woman behind the counter, about my age, married, quick witted, was laughingly talking about an elderly gentleman friend of hers. He was joking with “C” about, you know, ‘doing it’ with her [how THEY got on that subject, I didn‘t ask. I figure ignorance is bliss in this situation.]. She states quite loudly, in front of God and everybody, right there in the restaurant, “I don’t think so, I don’t see any of that Fix A Flat in here”.

You couldn't heard a pin drop!

Then.. we were all guffawing so hard I almost peed in my pants! And the laughter lasted about 10 mintues, no lie!

The rest of the day was kinda anti-climatic after that.

Gosh, I love this place. But I guess you had to be there.

Have a good'en y'all!

♥ ∞

Superior Scribbler Award

A dear bloggy buddy Chachaneen bestowed this award on lil' 'ol me. Again, I am deeply touched and humbled beyond words. Thanks so much! You are more generous than I deserve.
♥ ∞
I get to chose 5 equally lucky people to pass this award to.

♥ ∞

Here are the rules:
1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Link me for giving it to you.
3. Link the originating post here.
4. Pass the award on to five more deserving people.
5. Post these rules for your recipients.
♥ ∞
Most of my bloggy friends already have this award, so, I'm scrambling to find five that don't have one yet. And my lucky recipients are ... envelope please ...
  1. A Little Birdie Told Me So
  2. All About Whatever
  3. Chicken Soup
  4. Cpaphil Vintage Postcards
  5. From A Southern Writer
Congratulations y'all! Enjoy!

♥ ∞

My First Motorcycle - 1979 Kawasaki KZ650

♥ ∞

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Premio Dardos Award

My blog has received yet another award!This one is called Premio Dardos. Why do all Latin based words sound sexual to me [did I say that!!??] ... anyway, the gracious giver is from my new bloggy pal, Tea Time With Melody. Thanks Melody!! You are a kind and generous person, as always.

This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing...that's the general idea.

The rules of this award are as follows: show the image of the award on your blog, link back to the blog that gave the award, and nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same.

So here are my 15 of my personal favorite blogs:
15. Voila! Vintage Postcards

They all make me think, sometimes cry and always bring a sparkle to my day.

If any of y'all already have this award or you're just not interested, then feel free to ignore this offer. Just wanted to let you know you're welcome to it and that I consider you all my BFF's (Bloggy Friends Forever). :o)

God blessings to you all and have fun!! Thanks again Melody. I am really touched. ♥ ∞

Tagged! 7 Weird Random Things About Sparky ♥ ∞

SoulBrush tagged me to write seven weird random facts about myself.

1. I have faith in Jesus Christ first, foremost and always. Faith in Him has helped keep me sane in an insane and often unfair world. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

2. I love my husband with all my heart. He is truly my split-apart and kindred spirit. We've had a wonderful life together and I pray that God will allow us many more. I am his first wife (tee hee - he always jokingly says that) and he is my second husband. Our 30th Anniversary is next August 11th. I think he has something in the works already ... ??

3. I'm pretty easy going, smile easily, try to be generous to those less fortunate and don't like meanness or bullies. But I don't suffer fools lightly and don't tolerate laziness. But I do try to be kind to others no matter their attitude towards me. "A gentle word turnth away wrath ...."

4. I *!*LOVE*!* motorcycling (I'm a motorcyclist, not a 'biker' - I'll explain the difference for anyone interested). I'm really good with mechanical things and am a good rider. One feels so free on two wheels. It's just like flying on the ground! Wahoo! "Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul." Amen!

5. My adopted mother died when I was 10. I was physically and mentally abused by my adopted father. The pain of his angry words still haunt me sometimes. The scars of his evil never leave and sometimes I revert to my old morbid self in self-defense (real or perceived) like a 10 year old child. I apologize for that. All I can add in my defense is that I am one of God's Projects Under Construction.

6. I enjoy my 1970's rock and classical music. It soothes me. "Music calms the savage beast." Although I can sing, I'm not truly musically inclined.

7. I'm really, really good at research and following a paper trail, whether it's following a person or an accounting trail. For me, genealogy and accounting go hand-in-hand. Following out something like that is similiar to a good Agatha Christie mystery. I've been granted special recognitions at some of the places I've worked for my talents. It's a gift.

Guess I'm kinda boring but I try to always be a nice person with a good sense of humor.

I am suppose to tag others but I think this madness will stop with me . [lol - just teasing SoulBrush] Just too tired this week. I'm just not 'in the zone' right now. I think I have Election Day Hangover from all the stress and turmoil, plus Maxie had me worried. It'll pass. I watched this video by Assemblies of God. This 10 minute speech cheered me up but I'm still tired.

Next time I'll tag others with glee. ♥ ∞

Monday, November 10, 2008

Redneck Picnic

Since I am freaking out that Maxie is under the knife this morning to have that lump removed from her chest, we decided to go garbage collecting on our dirt road. Sometimes I tire of picking up after the Pig People that live here but I hate looking at a trashy road.

Whilst being Good Bee's, we chanced upon the remains of a redneck picnic ...

... which consists of a case of Bud Light beer ...

... and yet another 'case' of empty Moon Pies!

We have such classy Pig People as neighbors.

For those of you uneducated in the ways of The South, a Moon Pie is really just a s'more wrapped and packaged for a quick buck. Moon pie's have been around forever and a day. Eating Moon Pie is a tradition here, like putting peanuts in our coke (the drink not the ... well, you know!). Anyway, not sure what a s'more is either? Doggone it y'all ... do I have to teach you everything!? [lol] A s'more is short for "Give me some more!". It's two graham crackers with a Hershey chocolate bar and marshmallow melted on a stick over an open fire, then squished into the middle. They are so yummy! We used to make s'more's while sitting around the campfire in Brownies and Girl Scouts. I also learned how to fry an egg on a used tin can over an open flame. Something I have never found useful in real life, but, there you are.

I was going to drill this little guy as to who the trashy perp's where but he wasn't making much sense. I guess I'll have to wait until he's sober for more questions.

So, we came home after all that hard work and had our dinner (lunch to you 'yankees') of fried baloney with melted cheese, macaroni and cheese, and speckled butter beans.

The only hard part was figuring out what wine goes with baloney. ♥ ∞